Power Management

All power-management functionality is handled by the TI power driver and are used by the peripheral drivers (e.g. UART, SPI, I2C, etc..). Applications can prevent, if they choose, the CC23xx from entering low power modes by setting a power constraint.

By default, all the examples in SimpleLink Low Power F3 SDK will put the CC23xx in standby mode if there is no task running. This is achieved by configuring the TI power driver and the kernel to do so, as shown in the following step.

  1. In the FreeRTOSConfig.h, set following define:

    Listing 4. FreeRTOS Kernel Power Management Configuration
    #define configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE         1

    This means we use a built-in FreeRTOS functionality to get the number of ticks until the next tasks need to be executed. Please refer to |FreeRTOS LOW POWER SUPPORT|. for more information.

  2. When there is no task running within 2 ticks from the future, then the vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep(TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime) will be called, which returns the number of ticks until next task occurs. The function can be found in {SDK_INSTALL_DIR}\kernel\freertos\dpl\PowerCCxxxx_freertos.c

  3. In vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep, we can see the tick is saved to a global variable and Power_idleFunc() gets called.

    Listing 5. PowerCCxxxx_freertos.c:: vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep
     1void vPortSuppressTicksAndSleep(TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime)
     3    /* Stash FreeRTOS' expected idle time */
     4    PowerCCxxxx_idleTimeOS = xExpectedIdleTime;
     6    /*
     7     * call Power-driver-specified idle function, to conditionally invoke the
     8     * Power policy
     9     */
    10    Power_idleFunc();
  4. Power_idleFunc takes in policyFxn and policyFxn is defined using SysConfig tool Figure 19.. By default, TI sets the PowerCCxxxx_standbyPolicy as policyFxn. Power_idleFunc is defined in {SDK_INSTALL_DIR}\source\ti\drivers\power\PowerCCxxxx.c and PowerCCxxxx_standbyPolicy can be found in {SDK_INSTALL_DIR}\kernel\freertos\dpl\PowerCCxxxx_freetos.c


    Figure 19. Configure Power Policy for Idle Function.

  5. In the Sysconfig generated files, you will find the following example in ti_drivers_config.c.

    Listing 6. ti_drivers.c
    1const PowerCCXXXX_Config PowerCCxxxx_config = {
    2      .policyInitFxn            = NULL,
    3      .policyFxn                = PowerCCxxxx_standbyPolicy,