SimpleLink Low Power F3 Core SDK Release Notes

Table of Contents


This is a GA release of the Core SDK for Low Power F3 devices.


Open the Documentation Overview file in the docs/ folder for a full list of documentation.

What’s New

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Host Support

See the SDK release notes for a description of which host operating systems are supported in this release.


See the SDK release notes for a description of which components and tools are required to work with this product.

Device Support

See the SDK release notes for a list of TI devices that are supported in this product.

Validation Information

The Core SDK was validated with the following components:

New Features

ID Summary
TIUTILS-121 Add symbol generation for tools to GenMap
TIUTILS-120 The tilogger terminal window sometimes reports an error when used with LogSinkUART
TIUTILS-118 Generate linker definitions file from Component contributions
TIUTILS-108 Add Log_MODULE_DEFINE_WEAK() macro to support weak Log module allocation
TIRTOS-2206 Package CRC Tool With LPF3 CoreSDK
TIDRIVERS-6544 Fix camel case naming and prescaler spelling for CAN driver
TIDRIVERS-6417 S2RRAM example should use portable attribute((section())) for all toolchains
TIDRIVERS-6377 Improve RNG driver doxygen to show the steps to use RNG with Radio Noise with example
TIDRIVERS-6357 Add HFXT amplitude compensation functionality to CC23X0 and CC27XX Power driver
TIDRIVERS-6352 Add support for CC2340R22
TIDRIVERS-6349 Remove include guards from ti_devices_config.c templates
TIDRIVERS-6339 Update Temperature driver documentation
TIDRIVERS-6333 Utilize GenMap to generate memory and NVS definitions for LPF3 devices
TIDRIVERS-6322 UML diagrams are not generated correctly
TIDRIVERS-6275 Add support for CC2340R53
TIDRIVERS-6234 Add DO_NOT_CONFIG macro to GPIO configuration options
TIDRIVERS-6183 Add Log statements to Power driver
TIDRIVERS-6118 Add support for 32-bit LGPT instances
TIDRIVERS-5397 Add support for EXTLF as LFCLK source
FREERTOS-25 Add Theia ROV support to display FreeRTOS objects
FREERTOS-13 Remove unused Thread Local Storage slot

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
TIPOSIX-34 Mtx_releaseLock fails due to wrongly passed parameter to xSemaphoreGive
TIPOSIX-32 Misra compliance: Remove the use of volatile in infinite loops
TIDRIVERS-6445 ULL-SVT synchronisation issues may cause spurious ClockP callbacks
TIDRIVERS-6442 LPF3 CCFG SysConfig module always zero-initializes the last 4 bytes of the user record
TIDRIVERS-6437 CCFG SysConfig: Generated code for Erase/Retain, Main Sectors is wrong
TIDRIVERS-6381 ClockP_stop() might corrupt other clocks if stopping a clock in the past
TIDRIVERS-6375 TI Clang TaskP object is 200+ bytes larger than intended
TIDRIVERS-6336 Increase RNG's minimum entropy raw noise words from 80 to 152 to add margin for CC23x0
TIDRIVERS-6320 Pregenerated FreeRTOSConfig.h not included in release

Known Issues

ID Summary
FREERTOS-8 Tasks view in ROV for FreeRTOS does not show if a task is blocked on a semaphore or mutex

Customer Support


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

Prior Release Changes

A summary of changes made in previous releases of this product can be found in the product Change Log.