Developing with SDK CC23xx¶
To develop a custom Bluetooth Low Energy Application with the CC23xx family of devices, a system designer must have a firm grasp on the general system architecture, application, and Bluetooth Low Energy stack framework. This section provides guidance on how to implement a custom application based on information presented in the previous sections (Introduction and BLE5-Stack) as well as knowledge of RTOS and CC23xx.
First, the user shoud decide what role and purpose the custom application should have. If an application is tied to a specific service or profile, start with that sample application. A project’s role can be essentially be placed in one of the five (5) categories as described by GAP Roles. Once the role has been selected, the user may need to alter the application code, the memory map, the building and linking options and more to turn their example project into a custom application.
Application Layer¶
In this section, we take as an example the basic_ble project and describe for you the application portion. This section includes the following topics:
Memory Management¶
All details about the memory layout and usage can be found in the section Memory Overview.
Compiler and Linker Options¶
The following section details the building and linking options for development with CCS.
Production Test Mode and Direct Test Mode¶
This section discusses how Production Test Mode and Direct Test Mode can be incorporated into a project to allow users to automatically test their products before they ship.
Bluetooth LE Network Processor¶
The BLE Network Processor section describes a configuration where most of the programming logic happens on a separate controller, which communicates with the CC23xx device over wired communication.