Radio Control Layer (RCL)
Connection Command Handler





The following tables list the events handled.

RCL Event (In) Description
RCL_EventSetup Setup has been performed
RCL_EventTimerStart Timer-based start signalled
RCL Event (Out) Description
RCL_EventCmdStarted Command handler has accepted and started executing
RCL_EventLastCmdDone The RCL is finished with the command
RCL_EventRxEntryAvail An RX entry has been made available
RCL_EventRxBufferFinished An RX multi-buffer is finished
RCL_EventTxBufferFinished A TX buffer is finished
LRF Event Description
LRF_EventOpDone The PBE operation has finished
LRF_EventOpError Something went wrong. Cause located in the PBE ENDCAUSE register
LRF_EventRxOk Packet received with CRC OK and not to be ignored by the MCU
LRF_EventRxNok Packet received with CRC error
LRF_EventRxIgnored Packet received, but may be ignored by MCU
LRF_EventRxEmpty Empty packet received
LRF_EventTxDone Packet transmitted. Note: In this handler, this also means the packet is ACK'd.