Instance: SCB
Component: SCB
Base address: 0xE000ECFC

TOP:SCB Register Summary

Register Name


Register Width (Bits)

Register Reset

Address Offset

Physical Address




0x411F D210

0x0000 0000

0xE000 ECFC



0x411F D210

0x0000 0004

0xE000 ED00



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0008

0xE000 ED04



0x411F D210

0x0000 000C

0xE000 ED08



0xFA05 0000

0x0000 0010

0xE000 ED0C



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0014

0xE000 ED10



0x0000 0201

0x0000 0018

0xE000 ED14



0x0000 0000

0x0000 001C

0xE000 ED18



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0020

0xE000 ED1C



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0024

0xE000 ED20



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0028

0xE000 ED24



0x0000 0000

0x0000 002C

0xE000 ED28



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0030

0xE000 ED2C



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0034

0xE000 ED30



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0038

0xE000 ED34



0x0000 0000

0x0000 003C

0xE000 ED38



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0040

0xE000 ED3C



0x0000 0030

0x0000 0044

0xE000 ED40



0x0000 0210

0x0000 0048

0xE000 ED44



0x0020 0000

0x0000 004C

0xE000 ED48



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0050

0xE000 ED4C



0x0010 1F40

0x0000 0054

0xE000 ED50



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0058

0xE000 ED54



0x0100 0000

0x0000 005C

0xE000 ED58



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0060

0xE000 ED5C



0x0114 1110

0x0000 0064

0xE000 ED60



0x0221 2000

0x0000 0068

0xE000 ED64



0x2023 2232

0x0000 006C

0xE000 ED68



0x0111 1131

0x0000 0070

0xE000 ED6C



0x0131 0132

0x0000 0074

0xE000 ED70



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0078

0xE000 ED74



0x0000 0000

0x0000 007C

0xE000 ED78



0x8000 C000

0x0000 0080

0xE000 ED7C



0x8000 C000

0x0000 0084

0xE000 ED80



0x8000 C000

0x0000 0088

0xE000 ED84



0x0000 0000

0x0000 008C

0xE000 ED88



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0090

0xE000 ED8C

TOP:SCB Register Descriptions


Address Offset 0x0000 0000
Physical Address 0xE000 ECFC Instance 0xE000 ECFC
Description Provides implementation-specific minor revision information
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 IMPLEMENTAION_DEFINED The contents of this field are IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED RO 0x411F D210


Address Offset 0x0000 0004
Physical Address 0xE000 ED00 Instance 0xE000 ED00
Description Provides identification information for the PE, including an implementer code for the device and a device ID number
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 Implementer This field must hold an implementer code that has been assigned by ARM RO 0x41
23:20 Variant IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED variant number. Typically, this field is used to distinguish between different product variants, or major revisions of a product RO 0x1
19:16 Architecture Defines the Architecture implemented by the PE RO 0xF
15:4 PartNo IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED primary part number for the device RO 0xD21
3:0 Revision IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED revision number for the device RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0008
Physical Address 0xE000 ED04 Instance 0xE000 ED04
Description Controls and provides status information for NMI, PendSV, SysTick and interrupts
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31 PENDNMISET Indicates whether the NMI exception is pending RO 0
30 PENDNMICLR Allows the NMI exception pend state to be cleared WO 0
29 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
28 PENDSVSET Indicates whether the PendSV `FTSSS exception is pending RO 0
27 PENDSVCLR Allows the PendSV exception pend state to be cleared `FTSSS WO 0
26 PENDSTSET Indicates whether the SysTick `FTSSS exception is pending RO 0
25 PENDSTCLR Allows the SysTick exception pend state to be cleared `FTSSS WO 0
24 STTNS Controls whether in a single SysTick implementation, the SysTick is Secure or Non-secure RW 0
23 ISRPREEMPT Indicates whether a pending exception will be serviced on exit from debug halt state RO 0
22 ISRPENDING Indicates whether an external interrupt, generated by the NVIC, is pending RO 0
21 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
20:12 VECTPENDING The exception number of the highest priority pending and enabled interrupt RO 0b0 0000 0000
11 RETTOBASE In Handler mode, indicates whether there is more than one active exception RO 0
10:9 RES0_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00
8:0 VECTACTIVE The exception number of the current executing exception RO 0b0 0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 000C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED08 Instance 0xE000 ED08
Description Indicates the offset of the vector table base address from memory address 0x00000000
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:7 TBLOFF Bits 31 down to 7 of the vector table base offset. RO 0b0 1000 0010 0011 1111 1010 0100
6:0 RES0 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b001 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0010
Physical Address 0xE000 ED0C Instance 0xE000 ED0C
Description This register is used to determine data endianness, clear all active state information for debug or to recover from a hard failure, execute a system reset, alter the priority grouping position (binary point).
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 VECTKEY Register key. Writing to this register (AIRCR) requires 0x05FA in VECTKEY. Otherwise the write value is ignored. Read always returns 0xFA05. RW 0xFA05
15 ENDIANESS Data endianness bit
0 Little-endian.
1 Big-endian.
RO 0
14 PRIS Prioritize Secure exceptions. The value of this bit defines whether Secure exception priority boosting is
RO 0
13 BFHFNMINS BusFault, HardFault, and NMI Non-secure enable. The value of this bit defines whether BusFault and NMI
exceptions are Non-secure, and whether exceptions target the Non-secure HardFault exception
0x0 BusFault, HardFault, and NMI are Secure.
0x1 BusFault and NMI are Non-secure and exceptions can target Non-secure HardFault.
RW 0
12:11 RESERVED11 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00
10:8 PRIGROUP Interrupt priority grouping field. This field determines the split of group priority from
RW 0b000
7:4 RES4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x0
3 SYSRESETREQS System reset request Secure only. The value of this bit defines whether the SYSRESETREQ bit is functional
for Non-secure use
RW 0
2 SYSRESETREQ System reset request. This bit allows software or a debugger to request a system reset:
0 Do not request a system reset.
1 Request a system reset.
This bit is not banked between Security states.
WO 0
1 VECTCLRACTIVE Reserved for Debug use. This bit reads as 0. When writing to the register you must write
0 to this bit, otherwise behavior is UNPREDICTABLE.
WO 0
1 RESERVED1 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0
0 RES0 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0014
Physical Address 0xE000 ED10 Instance 0xE000 ED10
Description This register is used for power-management functions, i.e., signaling to the system when the processor can enter a low power state, controlling how the processor enters and exits low power states.
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RESERVED5 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 SEVONPEND Send Event on Pending bit:
0 Only enabled interrupts or events can wakeup the processor, disabled interrupts are excluded.
1 Enabled events and all interrupts, including disabled interrupts, can wakeup the processor.
When an event or interrupt enters pending state, the event signal wakes up the processor from WFE. If the
processor is not waiting for an event, the event is registered and affects the next WFE.
The processor also wakes up on execution of an SEV instruction or an external event.
This bit is banked between Security states.
RW 0
3 SLEEPDEEPS Controls whether the SLEEPDEEP bit is only accessible from the Secure state:
0 The SLEEPDEEP bit accessible from both Security states.
1 The SLEEPDEEP bit behaves as RAZ/WI when accessed from the Non-secure state.
This bit in only accessible from the Secure state, and behaves as RAZ/WI when accessed from the Nonsecure
This bit is not banked between Security states.
RW 0
2 SLEEPDEEP Controls whether the processor uses sleep or deep sleep as its low power mode.
0 Sleep.
1 Deep sleep.
This bit is not banked between Security states.
RW 0
1 SLEEPONEXIT Indicates sleep-on-exit when returning from Handler mode to Thread mode:
0 Do not sleep when returning to Thread mode.
1 Enter sleep, or deep sleep, on return from an ISR.
Setting this bit to 1 enables an interrupt driven application to avoid returning to an empty main application.
This bit is banked between Security states.
RW 0
0 RESERVED0 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0018
Physical Address 0xE000 ED14 Instance 0xE000 ED14
Description Sets or returns configuration and control data
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:19 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000
18 BP Enables program flow prediction `FTSSS RO 0
17 IC This is a global enable bit for instruction caches in the selected Security state RO 0
16 DC Enables data caching of all data accesses to Normal memory `FTSSS RO 0
15:11 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b0 0000
10 STKOFHFNMIGN Controls the effect of a stack limit violation while executing at a requested priority less than 0 RW 0
9 RES1 Reserved, RES1 RO 1
8 BFHFNMIGN Determines the effect of precise BusFaults on handlers running at a requested priority less than 0 RW 0
7:5 RES0_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000
4 DIV_0_TRP Controls the generation of a DIVBYZERO UsageFault when attempting to perform integer division by zero RW 0
3 UNALIGN_TRP Controls the trapping of unaligned word or halfword accesses RW 0
2 RES0_3 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
1 USERSETMPEND Determines whether unprivileged accesses are permitted to pend interrupts via the STIR RW 0
0 RES1_1 Reserved, RES1 RO 1


Address Offset 0x0000 001C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED18 Instance 0xE000 ED18
Description Sets or returns priority for system handlers 4 - 7
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_7 Priority of system handler 7, SecureFault RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_6 Priority of system handler 6, UsageFault RW 0x00
15:8 PRI_5 Priority of system handler 5, BusFault RW 0x00
7:0 PRI_4 Priority of system handler 4, MemManage RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0020
Physical Address 0xE000 ED1C Instance 0xE000 ED1C
Description Sets or returns priority for system handlers 8 - 11
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_11 Priority of system handler 11, SVCall RW 0x00
23:0 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x00 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0024
Physical Address 0xE000 ED20 Instance 0xE000 ED20
Description Sets or returns priority for system handlers 12 - 15
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 PRI_15 Priority of system handler 15, SysTick RW 0x00
23:16 PRI_14 Priority of system handler 14, PendSV RW 0x00
15:0 RES0_0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0028
Physical Address 0xE000 ED24 Instance 0xE000 ED24
Description Provides access to the active and pending status of system exceptions
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:22 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00 0000 0000
21 HARDFAULTPENDED `IAAMO the pending state of the HardFault exception `CTTSSS RW 0
20 SECUREFAULTPENDED `IAAMO the pending state of the SecureFault exception RW 0
19 SECUREFAULTENA `DW the SecureFault exception is enabled RW 0
18 USGFAULTENA `DW the UsageFault exception is enabled `FTSSS RW 0
17 BUSFAULTENA `DW the BusFault exception is enabled RW 0
16 MEMFAULTENA `DW the MemManage exception is enabled `FTSSS RW 0
15 SVCALLPENDED `IAAMO the pending state of the SVCall exception `FTSSS RW 0
14 BUSFAULTPENDED `IAAMO the pending state of the BusFault exception RW 0
13 MEMFAULTPENDED `IAAMO the pending state of the MemManage exception `FTSSS RW 0
12 USGFAULTPENDED The UsageFault exception is banked between Security states, `IAAMO the pending state of the UsageFault exception `FTSSS RW 0
11 SYSTICKACT `IAAMO the active state of the SysTick exception `FTSSS RW 0
10 PENDSVACT `IAAMO the active state of the PendSV exception `FTSSS RW 0
9 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
8 MONITORACT `IAAMO the active state of the DebugMonitor exception RW 0
7 SVCALLACT `IAAMO the active state of the SVCall exception `FTSSS RW 0
6 RES0_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
5 NMIACT `IAAMO the active state of the NMI exception RW 0
4 SECUREFAULTACT `IAAMO the active state of the SecureFault exception RW 0
3 USGFAULTACT `IAAMO the active state of the UsageFault exception `FTSSS RW 0
2 HARDFAULTACT Indicates and allows limited modification of the active state of the HardFault exception `FTSSS RW 0
1 BUSFAULTACT `IAAMO the active state of the BusFault exception RW 0
0 MEMFAULTACT `IAAMO the active state of the MemManage exception `FTSSS RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 002C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED28 Instance 0xE000 ED28
Description Contains the three Configurable Fault Status Registers
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:26 RES0_3 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00 0000
25 DIVBYZERO Sticky flag indicating whether an integer division by zero error has occurred RW 0
24 UNALIGNED Sticky flag indicating whether an unaligned access error has occurred RW 0
23:21 RES0_1_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000
20 STKOF Sticky flag indicating whether a stack overflow error has occurred RW 0
19 NOCP Sticky flag indicating whether a coprocessor disabled or not present error has occurred RW 0
18 INVPC Sticky flag indicating whether an integrity check error has occurred RW 0
17 INVSTATE Sticky flag indicating whether an EPSR.T or EPSR.IT validity error has occurred RW 0
16 UNDEFINSTR Sticky flag indicating whether an undefined instruction error has occurred RW 0
15 BFARVALID Indicates validity of the contents of the BFAR register RW 0
14 RES0_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
13 LSPERR Records whether a BusFault occurred during FP lazy state preservation RW 0
12 STKERR Records whether a derived BusFault occurred during exception entry stacking RW 0
11 UNSTKERR Records whether a derived BusFault occurred during exception return unstacking RW 0
10 IMPRECISERR Records whether an imprecise data access error has occurred RW 0
9 PRECISERR Records whether a precise data access error has occurred RW 0
8 IBUSERR Records whether a BusFault on an instruction prefetch has occurred RW 0
7 MMARVALID Indicates validity of the MMFAR register RW 0
6 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
5 MLSPERR Records whether a MemManage fault occurred during FP lazy state preservation RW 0
4 MSTKERR Records whether a derived MemManage fault occurred during exception entry stacking RW 0
3 MUNSTKERR Records whether a derived MemManage fault occurred during exception return unstacking RW 0
2 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
1 DACCVIOL Records whether a data access violation has occurred RW 0
0 IACCVIOL Records whether an instruction related memory access violation has occurred RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0030
Physical Address 0xE000 ED2C Instance 0xE000 ED2C
Description Shows the cause of any HardFaults
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31 DEBUGEVT Indicates when a Debug event has occurred RW 0
30 FORCED Indicates that a fault with configurable priority has been escalated to a HardFault exception, because it could not be made active, because of priority, or because it was disabled RW 0
29:2 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x000 0000
1 VECTTBL Indicates when a fault has occurred because of a vector table read error on exception processing RW 0
0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0034
Physical Address 0xE000 ED30 Instance 0xE000 ED30
Description Shows which debug event occurred
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:5 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
4 EXTERNAL Sticky flag indicating whether an External debug request debug event has occurred RW 0
3 VCATCH Sticky flag indicating whether a Vector catch debug event has occurred RW 0
2 DWTTRAP Sticky flag indicating whether a Watchpoint debug event has occurred RW 0
1 BKPT Sticky flag indicating whether a Breakpoint debug event has occurred RW 0
0 HALTED Sticky flag indicating that a Halt request debug event or Step debug event has occurred RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0038
Physical Address 0xE000 ED34 Instance 0xE000 ED34
Description Shows the address of the memory location that caused an MPU fault
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ADDRESS This register is updated with the address of a location that produced a MemManage fault. The MMFSR shows the cause of the fault, and whether this field is valid. This field is valid only when MMFSR.MMARVALID is set, otherwise it is UNKNOWN RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 003C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED38 Instance 0xE000 ED38
Description Shows the address associated with a precise data access BusFault
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 ADDRESS This register is updated with the address of a location that produced a BusFault. The BFSR shows the reason for the fault. This field is valid only when BFSR.BFARVALID is set, otherwise it is UNKNOWN RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0040
Physical Address 0xE000 ED3C Instance 0xE000 ED3C
Description This register is used to determine additional system fault information to software. Single-cycle high level on an auxiliary faults is latched as one. The bit can only be cleared by writing a one to the corresponding bit. Auxiliary fault inputs to the CPU are tied to 0.
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:1 RESERVED1 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0 IMPDEF Implementation defined. The bits map directly onto the signal assignment to the auxiliary fault inputs. Tied to 0 RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0044
Physical Address 0xE000 ED40 Instance 0xE000 ED40
Description Gives top-level information about the instruction set supported by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:8 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x00 0000
7:4 State1 T32 instruction set support RO 0x3
3:0 State0 A32 instruction set support RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0048
Physical Address 0xE000 ED44 Instance 0xE000 ED44
Description Gives information about the programmers' model and Extensions support
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:12 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0 0000
11:8 MProgMod Identifies support for the M-Profile programmers' model support RO 0x2
7:4 Security Identifies whether the Security Extension is implemented RO 0x1
3:0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 004C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED48 Instance 0xE000 ED48
Description Provides top level information about the debug system
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x00
23:20 MProfDbg Indicates the supported M-profile debug architecture RO 0x2
19:0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0050
Physical Address 0xE000 ED4C Instance 0xE000 ED4C
Description Provides information about the IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED features of the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0054
Physical Address 0xE000 ED50 Instance 0xE000 ED50
Description Provides information about the implemented memory model and memory management support
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x00
23:20 AuxReg Indicates support for Auxiliary Control Registers RO 0x1
19:16 TCM Indicates support for tightly coupled memories (TCMs) RO 0x0
15:12 ShareLvl Indicates the number of shareability levels implemented RO 0x1
11:8 OuterShr Indicates the outermost shareability domain implemented RO 0xF
7:4 PMSA Indicates support for the protected memory system architecture (PMSA) RO 0x4
3:0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0058
Physical Address 0xE000 ED54 Instance 0xE000 ED54
Description Provides information about the implemented memory model and memory management support
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 005C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED58 Instance 0xE000 ED58
Description Provides information about the implemented memory model and memory management support
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
27:24 WFIStall Indicates the support for Wait For Interrupt (WFI) stalling RO 0x1
23:0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x00 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0060
Physical Address 0xE000 ED5C Instance 0xE000 ED5C
Description Provides information about the implemented memory model and memory management support
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:12 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0 0000
11:8 BPMaint Indicates the supported branch predictor maintenance RO 0x0
7:4 CMaintSW Indicates the supported cache maintenance operations by set/way RO 0x0
3:0 CMaintVA Indicates the supported cache maintenance operations by address RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0064
Physical Address 0xE000 ED60 Instance 0xE000 ED60
Description Provides information about the instruction set implemented by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
27:24 Divide Indicates the supported Divide instructions RO 0x1
23:20 Debug Indicates the implemented Debug instructions RO 0x1
19:16 Coproc Indicates the supported Coprocessor instructions RO 0x4
15:12 CmpBranch Indicates the supported combined Compare and Branch instructions RO 0x1
11:8 BitField Indicates the supported bit field instructions RO 0x1
7:4 BitCount Indicates the supported bit count instructions RO 0x1
3:0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0068
Physical Address 0xE000 ED64 Instance 0xE000 ED64
Description Provides information about the instruction set implemented by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
27:24 Interwork Indicates the implemented Interworking instructions RO 0x2
23:20 Immediate Indicates the implemented for data-processing instructions with long immediates RO 0x2
19:16 IfThen Indicates the implemented If-Then instructions RO 0x1
15:12 Extend Indicates the implemented Extend instructions RO 0x2
11:0 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x000


Address Offset 0x0000 006C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED68 Instance 0xE000 ED68
Description Provides information about the instruction set implemented by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 Reversal Indicates the implemented Reversal instructions RO 0x2
27:24 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
23:20 MultU Indicates the implemented advanced unsigned Multiply instructions RO 0x2
19:16 MultS Indicates the implemented advanced signed Multiply instructions RO 0x3
15:12 Mult Indicates the implemented additional Multiply instructions RO 0x2
11:8 MultiAccessInt Indicates the support for interruptible multi-access instructions RO 0x2
7:4 MemHint Indicates the implemented Memory Hint instructions RO 0x3
3:0 LoadStore Indicates the implemented additional load/store instructions RO 0x2


Address Offset 0x0000 0070
Physical Address 0xE000 ED6C Instance 0xE000 ED6C
Description Provides information about the instruction set implemented by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
27:24 TrueNOP Indicates the implemented true NOP instructions RO 0x1
23:20 T32Copy Indicates the support for T32 non flag-setting MOV instructions RO 0x1
19:16 TabBranch Indicates the implemented Table Branch instructions RO 0x1
15:12 SynchPrim Used in conjunction with ID_ISAR4.SynchPrim_frac to indicate the implemented Synchronization Primitive instructions RO 0x1
11:8 SVC Indicates the implemented SVC instructions RO 0x1
7:4 SIMD Indicates the implemented SIMD instructions RO 0x3
3:0 Saturate Indicates the implemented saturating instructions RO 0x1


Address Offset 0x0000 0074
Physical Address 0xE000 ED70 Instance 0xE000 ED70
Description Provides information about the instruction set implemented by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
27:24 PSR_M Indicates the implemented M profile instructions to modify the PSRs RO 0x1
23:20 SyncPrim_frac Used in conjunction with ID_ISAR3.SynchPrim to indicate the implemented Synchronization Primitive instructions RO 0x3
19:16 Barrier Indicates the implemented Barrier instructions RO 0x1
15:12 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
11:8 Writeback Indicates the support for writeback addressing modes RO 0x1
7:4 WithShifts Indicates the support for writeback addressing modes RO 0x3
3:0 Unpriv Indicates the implemented unprivileged instructions RO 0x2


Address Offset 0x0000 0078
Physical Address 0xE000 ED74 Instance 0xE000 ED74
Description Provides information about the instruction set implemented by the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 007C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED78 Instance 0xE000 ED78
Description Identifies the type of caches implemented and the level of coherency and unification
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:30 ICB This field indicates the boundary between inner and outer domain
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NA Not disclosed in this mechanism
0x1 L1 L1 cache is the highest inner level
0x2 L2 L2 cache is the highest inner level
0x3 L3 L3 cache is the highest inner level
RO 0b00
29:27 LoUU This field indicates the Level of Unification Uniprocessor for the cache
RO 0b000
26:24 LoC This field indicates the Level of Coherence for the cache hierarchy RO 0b000
23:21 LoUIS Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP0 RO 0b000
20:18 Ctype7 Cache type field 7. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 7.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000
17:15 Ctype6 Cache type field 6. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 6.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000
14:12 Ctype5 Cache type field 5. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 5.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000
11:9 Ctype4 Cache type field 4. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 4.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000
8:6 Ctype3 Cache type field 3. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 3.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000
5:3 Ctype2 Cache type field 2. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 2.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000
2:0 Ctype1 Cache type field 1. Indicates the type of cache implemented at level 1.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NO_CACHE No cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache only
0x2 DATA Data cache only
0x3 BOTH_SEP Separate instruction and data caches
0x4 BOTH_UNIFIED Unified cache
RO 0b000


Address Offset 0x0000 0080
Physical Address 0xE000 ED7C Instance 0xE000 ED7C
Description The CTR provides information about the architecture of the currently selected cache
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31 RES1 Reserved, RES1 RO 1
30:28 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000
27:24 CWG Log2 of the number of words of the maximum size of memory that can be overwritten as a result of the eviction of a cache entry that has had a memory location in it modified RO 0x0
23:20 ERG Log2 of the number of words of the maximum size of the reservation granule that has been implemented for the Load-Exclusive and Store-Exclusive instructions RO 0x0
19:16 DminLine Log2 of the number of words in the smallest cache line of all the data caches and unified caches that are controlled by the PE RO 0x0
15:14 RES1_1 Reserved, RES1 RO 0b11
13:4 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00 0000 0000
3:0 IminLine Log2 of the number of words in the smallest cache line of all the instruction caches that are controlled by the PE RO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0084
Physical Address 0xE000 ED80 Instance 0xE000 ED80
Description Provides information about the architecture of the caches. CCSIDR is RES0 if CLIDR is zero.
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31 WT Indicates whether the currently selected cache level supports Write-Through
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
0x1 Supported Supported
RO 1
30 WB Indicates whether the currently selected cache level supports Write-Back
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
0x1 Supported Supported
RO 0
29 RA Indicates whether the currently selected cache level supports read-allocation
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
0x1 Supported Supported
RO 0
28 WA Indicates whether the currently selected cache level supports write-allocation
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NOT_SUPPORTED Not supported
0x1 Supported Supported
RO 0
27:13 NumSets Indicates (Number of sets in the currently selected cache) - 1. Therefore, a value of 0
indicates that 1 is set in the cache. The number of sets does not have to be a power of 2
RO 0b000 0000 0000 0110
12:3 Associativity Indicates (Associativity of cache) - 1. A value of 0 indicates an associativity of 1. The
associativity does not have to be a power of 2
RO 0b00 0000 0000
2:0 LineSize Indicates (Log2(Number of words per line in the currently selected cache)) - 2. RO 0b000


Address Offset 0x0000 0088
Physical Address 0xE000 ED84 Instance 0xE000 ED84
Description Selects the current Cache Size ID Register, CCSIDR, by specifying the required cache level and the cache
type (either instruction or data cache)
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 Res0 Reserved,Res0 RO 0x800 0C00
3:1 Level Selects which cache level is to be identified. Permitted values are from 0b000, indicating Level
1 cache, to 0b110 indicating Level 7 cache
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 L1 Level 1 cache
0x1 L2 Level 2 cache
0x2 L3 Level 3 cache
0x3 L4 Level 4 cache
0x4 L5 Level 5 cache
0x5 L6 Level 6 cache
0x6 L7 Level 7 cache
RO 0b000
0 InD Selects whether the instruction or the data cache is to be identified
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DATA Data or unified cache
0x1 INSTR Instruction cache
RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 008C
Physical Address 0xE000 ED88 Instance 0xE000 ED88
Description Specifies the access privileges for coprocessors and the FP Extension
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x00
23:22 CP11 The value in this field is ignored. If the implementation does not include the FP Extension, this field is RAZ/WI. If the value of this bit is not programmed to the same value as the CP10 field, then the value is UNKNOWN RW 0b00
21:20 CP10 Defines the access rights for the floating-point functionality RW 0b00
19:16 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
15:14 CP7 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 7 RW 0b00
13:12 CP6 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 6 RW 0b00
11:10 CP5 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 5 RW 0b00
9:8 CP4 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 4 RW 0b00
7:6 CP3 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 3 RW 0b00
5:4 CP2 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 2 RW 0b00
3:2 CP1 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 1 RW 0b00
1:0 CP0 Controls access privileges for coprocessor 0 RW 0b00


Address Offset 0x0000 0090
Physical Address 0xE000 ED8C Instance 0xE000 ED8C
Description Defines the Non-secure access permissions for both the FP Extension and coprocessors CP0 to CP7
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:12 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0 0000
11 CP11 Enables Non-secure access to the Floating-point Extension RW 0
10 CP10 Enables Non-secure access to the Floating-point Extension RW 0
9:8 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00
7 CP7 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP7 RW 0
6 CP6 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP6 RW 0
5 CP5 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP5 RW 0
4 CP4 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP4 RW 0
3 CP3 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP3 RW 0
2 CP2 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP2 RW 0
1 CP1 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP1 RW 0
0 CP0 Enables Non-secure access to coprocessor CP0 RW 0