Instance: I2S
Component: I2S
Base address: 0x400C1000

I2S Audio DMA module supporting formats I2S, LJF, RJF and DSP

TOP:I2S Register Summary

Register Name


Register Width (Bits)

Register Reset

Address Offset

Physical Address




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0000

0x400C 1000




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0004

0x400C 1004




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0008

0x400C 1008




0x0000 0170

0x0000 000C

0x400C 100C




0x0000 0003

0x0000 0010

0x400C 1010




0x0000 0003

0x0000 0014

0x400C 1014




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0020

0x400C 1020




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0024

0x400C 1024




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0028

0x400C 1028




0x0000 0000

0x0000 002C

0x400C 102C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0034

0x400C 1034




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0038

0x400C 1038




0x0000 0000

0x0000 003C

0x400C 103C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0040

0x400C 1040




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0044

0x400C 1044




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0048

0x400C 1048




0x0000 0000

0x0000 004C

0x400C 104C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0050

0x400C 1050




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0054

0x400C 1054




0x0000 FFFF

0x0000 0058

0x400C 1058




0x0000 0000

0x0000 005C

0x400C 105C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0060

0x400C 1060




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0070

0x400C 1070




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0074

0x400C 1074



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0078

0x400C 1078




0x0000 0000

0x0000 007C

0x400C 107C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0080

0x400C 1080




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0084

0x400C 1084




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0088

0x400C 1088




0x0000 0000

0x0000 008C

0x400C 108C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0090

0x400C 1090

TOP:I2S Register Descriptions


Address Offset 0x0000 0000
Physical Address 0x400C 1000 Instance 0x400C 1000
Description WCLK Source Selection
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:3 RESERVED3 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
2 WCLK_INV Inverts WCLK source (pad or internal) when set.

0: Not inverted
1: Inverted
RW 0
1:0 WCLK_BCLK_SRC Selects WCLK/BCLK source for AIF.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NONE None ('0')
0x1 EXT External WCLK / BCLK generator, from pad
0x2 INT Internal WCLK / BCLK generator, from internal clock generator module
0x3 RESERVED Not supported. Will give same WCLK as 'NONE' ('00')
RW 0b00


Address Offset 0x0000 0004
Physical Address 0x400C 1004 Instance 0x400C 1004
Description DMA Buffer Size Configuration
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:8 RESERVED8 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x00 0000
7:0 END_FRAME_IDX Defines the length of the DMA buffer. Writing a non-zero value to this register field enables and initializes AIF. Note that before doing so, all other configuration must have been done, and AIFINPTRNEXT/AIFOUTPTRNEXT must have been loaded. RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0008
Physical Address 0x400C 1008 Instance 0x400C 1008
Description Pin Direction
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:6 RESERVED6 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
5:4 AD1 Configures the AD1 audio data pin usage:

0x3: Reserved
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Not in use (disabled)
0x1 IN Input mode
0x2 OUT Output mode
RW 0b00
3:2 RESERVED2 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0b00
1:0 AD0 Configures the AD0 audio data pin usage:

0x3: Reserved
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 DIS Not in use (disabled)
0x1 IN Input mode
0x2 OUT Output mode
RW 0b00


Address Offset 0x0000 000C
Physical Address 0x400C 100C Instance 0x400C 100C
Description Serial Interface Format Configuration
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:8 DATA_DELAY The number of BCLK periods between a WCLK edge and MSB of the first word in a phase:

0x00: LJF and DSP format
0x01: I2S and DSP format
0x02: RJF format
0xFF: RJF format

Note: When 0, MSB of the next word will be output in the idle period between LSB of the previous word and the start of the next word. Otherwise logical 0 will be output until the data delay has expired.
RW 0x01
7 MEM_LEN_32 The size of each word stored to or loaded from memory:
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 _16BIT 16-bit (one 16 bit access per sample)
0x1 _32BIT 32-bit(one 32-bit access per sample)
RW 0
6 SMPL_EDGE On the serial audio interface, data (and wclk) is sampled and clocked out on opposite edges of BCLK.
Value ENUM Name Description
0x0 NEG Data is sampled on the negative edge and clocked out on the positive edge.
0x1 POS Data is sampled on the positive edge and clocked out on the negative edge.
RW 1
5 DUAL_PHASE Selects dual- or single-phase format.

0: Single-phase: DSP format
1: Dual-phase: I2S, LJF and RJF formats
RW 1
4:0 WORD_LEN Number of bits per word (8-24):
In single-phase format, this is the exact number of bits per word.
In dual-phase format, this is the maximum number of bits per word.

Values below 8 and above 24 give undefined behavior. Data written to memory is always aligned to 16 or 24 bits as defined by MEM_LEN_24. Bit widths that differ from this alignment will either be truncated or zero padded.
RW 0b1 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0010
Physical Address 0x400C 1010 Instance 0x400C 1010
Description Word Selection Bit Mask for Pin 0
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:8 RESERVED8 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x00 0000
7:0 MASK Bit-mask indicating valid channels in a frame on AD0.

In single-phase mode, each bit represents one channel, starting with LSB for the first word in the frame. A frame can contain up to 8 channels. Channels that are not included in the mask will not be sampled and stored in memory, and clocked out as '0'.

In dual-phase mode, only the two LSBs are considered. For a stereo configuration, set both bits. For a mono configuration, set bit 0 only. In mono mode, only channel 0 will be sampled and stored to memory, and channel 0 will be repeated when clocked out.

In mono mode, only channel 0 will be sampled and stored to memory, and channel 0 will be repeated in the second phase when clocked out.

If all bits are zero, no input words will be stored to memory, and the output data lines will be constant '0'. This can be utilized when PWM debug output is desired without any actively used output pins.
RW 0x03


Address Offset 0x0000 0014
Physical Address 0x400C 1014 Instance 0x400C 1014
Description Word Selection Bit Mask for Pin 1
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:8 RESERVED8 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x00 0000
7:0 MASK Bit-mask indicating valid channels in a frame on AD1.

In single-phase mode, each bit represents one channel, starting with LSB for the first word in the frame. A frame can contain up to 8 channels. Channels that are not included in the mask will not be sampled and stored in memory, and clocked out as '0'.

In dual-phase mode, only the two LSBs are considered. For a stereo configuration, set both bits. For a mono configuration, set bit 0 only. In mono mode, only channel 0 will be sampled and stored to memory, and channel 0 will be repeated when clocked out.

In mono mode, only channel 0 will be sampled and stored to memory, and channel 0 will be repeated in the second phase when clocked out.

If all bits are zero, no input words will be stored to memory, and the output data lines will be constant '0'. This can be utilized when PWM debug output is desired without any actively used output pins.
RW 0x03


Address Offset 0x0000 0020
Physical Address 0x400C 1020 Instance 0x400C 1020
Description DMA Input Buffer Next Pointer
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 PTR Pointer to the first byte in the next DMA input buffer.

The read value equals the last written value until the currently used DMA input buffer is completed, and then becomes null when the last written value is transferred to the DMA controller to start on the next buffer. This event is signalized by [IRQFLAGS-AIF_DMA_IN].

At startup, the value must be written once before and once after configuring the DMA buffer size in AIFDMACFG.

The next pointer must be written to this register while the DMA function uses the previously written pointer. If not written in time, IRQFLAGS.PTR_ERR will be raised and all input pins will be disabled.
RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0024
Physical Address 0x400C 1024 Instance 0x400C 1024
Description DMA Input Buffer Current Pointer
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 PTR Value of the DMA input buffer pointer currently used by the DMA controller. Incremented by 1 (byte) or 2 (word) for each AHB access. RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0028
Physical Address 0x400C 1028 Instance 0x400C 1028
Description DMA Output Buffer Next Pointer
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 PTR Pointer to the first byte in the next DMA output buffer.

The read value equals the last written value until the currently used DMA output buffer is completed, and then becomes null when the last written value is transferred to the DMA controller to start on the next buffer. This event is signalized by IRQFLAGS.AIF_DMA_OUT.

At startup, the value must be written once before and once after configuring the DMA buffer size in AIFDMACFG. At this time, the first two samples will be fetched from memory.

The next pointer must be written to this register while the DMA function uses the previously written pointer. If not written in time, IRQFLAGS.PTR_ERR will be raised and all output pins will be disabled.
RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 002C
Physical Address 0x400C 102C Instance 0x400C 102C
Description DMA Output Buffer Current Pointer
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 PTR Value of the DMA output buffer pointer currently used by the DMA controller Incremented by 1 (byte) or 2 (word) for each AHB access. RO 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0034
Physical Address 0x400C 1034 Instance 0x400C 1034
Description Samplestamp Generator Control Register
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:3 RESERVED3 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
2 OUT_RDY Low until the output pins are ready to be started by the samplestamp generator. When started (that is STMPOUTTRIG equals the WCLK counter) the bit goes back low. RO 0
1 IN_RDY Low until the input pins are ready to be started by the samplestamp generator. When started (that is STMPINTRIG equals the WCLK counter) the bit goes back low. RO 0
0 STMP_EN Enables the samplestamp generator. The samplestamp generator must only be enabled after it has been properly configured.
When cleared, all samplestamp generator counters and capture values are cleared.
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0038
Physical Address 0x400C 1038 Instance 0x400C 1038
Description Captured XOSC Counter Value, Capture Channel 0
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 CAPT_VALUE The value of the samplestamp XOSC counter (STMPXCNT.CURR_VALUE) last time an event was pulsed (event source selected in [EVENT.I2SSTMPSEL0.EV] for channel 0). This number corresponds to the number of 24 MHz clock cycles since the last positive edge of the selected WCLK.
The value is cleared when STMPCTL.STMP_EN = 0.
Note: Due to buffering and synchronization, WCLK is delayed by a small number of BCLK periods and clk periods.
Note: When calculating the fractional part of the sample stamp, STMPXPER may be less than this bit field.
RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 003C
Physical Address 0x400C 103C Instance 0x400C 103C
Description XOSC Period Value
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 VALUE The number of 24 MHz clock cycles in the previous WCLK period (that is - the next value of the XOSC counter at the positive WCLK edge, had it not been reset to 0).
The value is cleared when STMPCTL.STMP_EN = 0.
RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0040
Physical Address 0x400C 1040 Instance 0x400C 1040
Description Captured WCLK Counter Value, Capture Channel 0
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 CAPT_VALUE The value of the samplestamp WCLK counter (STMPWCNT.CURR_VALUE) last time an event was pulsed (event source selected in EVENT:I2SSTMPSEL0.EV for channel 0). This number corresponds to the number of positive WCLK edges since the samplestamp generator was enabled (not taking modification through STMPWADD/STMPWSET into account).
The value is cleared when STMPCTL.STMP_EN = 0.
RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0044
Physical Address 0x400C 1044 Instance 0x400C 1044
Description WCLK Counter Period Value
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 VALUE Used to define when STMPWCNT is to be reset so number of WCLK edges are found for the size of the sample buffer. This is thus a modulo value for the WCLK counter. This number must correspond to the size of the sample buffer used by the system (that is the index of the last sample plus 1). RW 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0048
Physical Address 0x400C 1048 Instance 0x400C 1048
Description WCLK Counter Trigger Value for Input Pins
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 IN_START_WCNT Compare value used to start the incoming audio streams.
This bit field shall equal the WCLK counter value during the WCLK period in which the first input word(s) are sampled and stored to memory (that is the sample at the start of the very first DMA input buffer).

The value of this register takes effect when the following conditions are met:
- One or more pins are configured as inputs in AIFDIRCFG.
- AIFDMACFG has been configured for the correct buffer size, and at least 32 BCLK cycle ticks have happened.

Note: To avoid false triggers, this bit field should be set higher than STMPWPER.VALUE.
RW 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 004C
Physical Address 0x400C 104C Instance 0x400C 104C
Description WCLK Counter Trigger Value for Output Pins
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 OUT_START_WCNT Compare value used to start the outgoing audio streams.

This bit field must equal the WCLK counter value during the WCLK period in which the first output word(s) read from memory are clocked out (that is the sample at the start of the very first DMA output buffer).

The value of this register takes effect when the following conditions are met:
- One or more pins are configured as outputs in AIFDIRCFG.
- AIFDMACFG has been configured for the correct buffer size, and 32 BCLK cycle ticks have happened.
- 2 samples have been preloaded from memory (examine the AIFOUTPTR register if necessary).
Note: The memory read access is only performed when required, that is channels 0/1 must be selected in AIFWMASK0/AIFWMASK1.

Note: To avoid false triggers, this bit field should be set higher than STMPWPER.VALUE.
RW 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0050
Physical Address 0x400C 1050 Instance 0x400C 1050
Description WCLK Counter Set Operation
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 VALUE WCLK counter modification: Sets the running WCLK counter equal to the written value. WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0054
Physical Address 0x400C 1054 Instance 0x400C 1054
Description WCLK Counter Add Operation
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 VALUE_INC WCLK counter modification: Adds the written value to the running WCLK counter. If a positive edge of WCLK occurs at the same time as the operation, this will be taken into account.
To add a negative value, write "STMPWPER.VALUE - value".
WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0058
Physical Address 0x400C 1058 Instance 0x400C 1058
Description XOSC Minimum Period Value
Minimum Value of STMPXPER
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 VALUE Each time STMPXPER is updated, the value is also loaded into this register, provided that the value is smaller than the current value in this register.
When written, the register is reset to 0xFFFF (65535), regardless of the value written.
The minimum value can be used to detect extra WCLK pulses (this registers value will be significantly smaller than STMPXPER.VALUE).


Address Offset 0x0000 005C
Physical Address 0x400C 105C Instance 0x400C 105C
Description Current Value of WCNT
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 CURR_VALUE Current value of the WCLK counter RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0060
Physical Address 0x400C 1060 Instance 0x400C 1060
Description Current Value of XCNT
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 CURR_VALUE Current value of the XOSC counter, latched when reading STMPWCNT. RO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0070
Physical Address 0x400C 1070 Instance 0x400C 1070
Description Interrupt Mask Register

Selects mask states of the flags in IRQFLAGS that contribute to the I2S_IRQ event.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:7 RESERVED7 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0
2 BUS_ERR IRQFLAGS.BUS_ERR interrupt mask

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0
0 PTR_ERR IRQFLAGS.PTR_ERR interrupt mask.

0: Disable
1: Enable
RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0074
Physical Address 0x400C 1074 Instance 0x400C 1074
Description Raw Interrupt Status Register
Type RO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:7 RESERVED7 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
6 XCNT_CAPTURE Will be set when MCUCLK counter is captured based upon events.
Can only be cleared by software.
RO 0
5 AIF_DMA_IN Set when condition for this bit field event occurs (auto cleared when input pointer is updated - AIFINPTRNEXT), see description of AIFINPTRNEXT register for details. RO 0
4 AIF_DMA_OUT Set when condition for this bit field event occurs (auto cleared when output pointer is updated - AIFOUTPTRNEXT), see description of AIFOUTPTRNEXT register for details RO 0
3 WCLK_TIMEOUT Set when the sample stamp generator does not detect a positive WCLK edge for 65535 clk periods. This signalizes that the internal or external BCLK and WCLK generator source has been disabled.

The bit is sticky and may only be cleared by software (by writing '1' to IRQCLR.WCLK_TIMEOUT).
RO 0
2 BUS_ERR Set when a DMA operation is not completed in time (that is audio output buffer underflow, or audio input buffer overflow).
This error requires a complete restart since word synchronization has been lost. The bit is sticky and may only be cleared by software (by writing '1' to IRQCLR.BUS_ERR).

Note that DMA initiated transactions to illegal addresses will not trigger an interrupt. The response to such transactions is undefined.
RO 0
1 WCLK_ERR Set when:
- An unexpected WCLK edge occurs during the data delay period of a phase. Note unexpected WCLK edges during the word and idle periods of the phase are not detected.
- In dual-phase mode, when two WCLK edges are less than 4 BCLK cycles apart.
- In single-phase mode, when a WCLK pulse occurs before the last channel.
This error requires a complete restart since word synchronization has been lost. The bit is sticky and may only be cleared by software (by writing '1' to IRQCLR.WCLK_ERR).
RO 0
0 PTR_ERR Set when AIFINPTRNEXT or AIFOUTPTRNEXT has not been loaded with the next block address in time.
This error requires a complete restart since word synchronization has been lost. The bit is sticky and may only be cleared by software (by writing '1' to IRQCLR.PTR_ERR).
RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0078
Physical Address 0x400C 1078 Instance 0x400C 1078
Description Interrupt Set Register
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:7 RESERVED7 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
6 XCNT_CAPTURE 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.XCNT_CAPTURE (unless a auto clear criteria was given at the same time, in which the set will be ignored) WO 0
5 AIF_DMA_IN 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.AIF_DMA_IN (unless a auto clear criteria was given at the same time, in which the set will be ignored) WO 0
4 AIF_DMA_OUT 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.AIF_DMA_OUT (unless a auto clear criteria was given at the same time, in which the set will be ignored) WO 0
3 WCLK_TIMEOUT 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.WCLK_TIMEOUT WO 0
2 BUS_ERR 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.BUS_ERR WO 0
1 WCLK_ERR 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.WCLK_ERR WO 0
0 PTR_ERR 1: Sets the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.PTR_ERR WO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 007C
Physical Address 0x400C 107C Instance 0x400C 107C
Description Interrupt Clear Register
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:7 RESERVED7 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
6 XCNT_CAPTURE 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.XCNT_CAPTURE (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0
5 AIF_DMA_IN 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.AIF_DMA_IN (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0
4 AIF_DMA_OUT 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.AIF_DMA_OUT (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0
3 WCLK_TIMEOUT 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.WCLK_TIMEOUT (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0
2 BUS_ERR 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.BUS_ERR (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0
1 WCLK_ERR 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.WCLK_ERR (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0
0 PTR_ERR 1: Clears the interrupt of IRQFLAGS.PTR_ERR (unless a set criteria was given at the same time in which the clear will be ignored) WO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0080
Physical Address 0x400C 1080 Instance 0x400C 1080
Description MCLK Division Ratio
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:10 RESERVED10 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
9:0 MDIV An unsigned factor of the division ratio used to generate MCLK [2-1024]:
A value of 0 is interpreted as 1024.
A value of 1 is invalid.
If MDIV is odd the low phase of the clock is one MCUCLK period longer than the high phase.
RW 0b00 0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0084
Physical Address 0x400C 1084 Instance 0x400C 1084
Description BCLK Division Ratio
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:10 RESERVED10 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
9:0 BDIV An unsigned factor of the division ratio used to generate BCLK [2-1024]:
BCLK = MCUCLK/BDIV[Hz] MCUCLK can be upto 96MHz.
A value of 0 is interpreted as 1024.
A value of 1 is invalid.
If BDIV is odd and [AIFCLKCTL.SMPL_ON_POSEDGE.*] = 0, the low phase of the clock is one MCUCLK period longer than the high phase.
If BDIV is odd and [AIFCLKCTL.SMPL_ON_POSEDGE.*] = 1 , the high phase of the clock is one MCUCLK period longer than the low phase.
RW 0b00 0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0088
Physical Address 0x400C 1088 Instance 0x400C 1088
Description WCLK Division Ratio
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 RESERVED16 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x0000
15:0 WDIV If [AIFCLKCTL.WCLK_PHASE.*] = 0, Single phase. WCLK is high one BCLK period and low WDIV[9:0] (unsigned, [1-1023]) BCLK periods.
WCLK = MCUCLK / BDIV*(WDIV[9:0] + 1) [Hz] MCUCLK upto 96MHz.
If [AIFCLKCTL.WCLK_PHASE.*] = 1, Dual phase. Each phase on WCLK (50% duty cycle) is WDIV[9:0] (unsigned, [1-1023]) BCLK periods.
**WCLK **= **MCUCLK **/ BDIV*(2*WDIV[9:0]) [Hz]
If [AIFCLKCTL.WCLK_PHASE.*] = 2, User defined. WCLK is high WDIV[7:0] (unsigned, [1-255]) BCLK periods and low WDIV[15:8] (unsigned, [1-255]) BCLK periods.
WCLK = **MCUCLK **/ (BDIV*(WDIV[7:0] + WDIV[15:8]) [Hz]
RW 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 008C
Physical Address 0x400C 108C Instance 0x400C 108C
Description Internal Audio Clock Control
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0x000 0000
3 M_EN 0: MCLK internal geneartion disabled, 1: MCLK internal generation enabled RW 0
2:1 WCLK_PHASE Decides how the WCLK division ratio is calculated and used to generate different duty cycles (See [AIFWCLKDIV.WDIV.*]). RW 0b00
0 WB_EN 0: WCLK/BCLK internal geneartion disabled, 1: WCLK/BCLK internal generation enabled RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0090
Physical Address 0x400C 1090 Instance 0x400C 1090
Description Digital test bus control register. This register can be used to bring out IP internal signals to the pads for observation. 16 signals can be observed per select value.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:2 RESERVED2 Reads to this field return zero, writes to this field are ignored. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
1:0 SEL 0: DTB output will be zero
1: Word clock edge counter's current value
2: Current value of MCUCLK clock counter.
3: DTB[0] => Input format control is enabled
DTB[1] => output format control is enabled
DTB[2] => Word loaded into serializer from DMA
DTB[3] => Word sampled into DMA buffer from deserializer
DTB[15:4] => All zero
RW 0b00