Instance: DCB
Component: DCB
Base address: 0xE000EDF0

TOP:DCB Register Summary

Register Name


Register Width (Bits)

Register Reset

Address Offset

Physical Address



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0010

0xE000 EE00



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0014

0xE000 EE04



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0018

0xE000 EE08



0x0000 0000

0x0000 001C

0xE000 EE0C



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0024

0xE000 EE14



0x0000 0000

0x0000 0028

0xE000 EE18

TOP:DCB Register Descriptions


Address Offset 0x0000 0010
Physical Address 0xE000 EE00 Instance 0xE000 EE00
Description Controls halting debug
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:27 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b0 0000
26 S_RESTART_ST Indicates the PE has processed a request to clear DHCSR.C_HALT to 0. That is, either a write to DHCSR that clears DHCSR.C_HALT from 1 to 0, or an External Restart Request RO 0
25 S_RESET_ST Indicates whether the PE has been reset since the last read of the DHCSR RO 0
24 S_RETIRE_ST Set to 1 every time the PE retires one of more instructions RO 0
23:21 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000
20 S_SDE Indicates whether Secure invasive debug is allowed RO 0
19 S_LOCKUP Indicates whether the PE is in Lockup state RO 0
18 S_SLEEP Indicates whether the PE is sleeping RO 0
17 S_HALT Indicates whether the PE is in Debug state RO 0
31:16 DBGKEY A debugger must write 0xA05F to this field to enable write access to the remaining bits, otherwise the PE ignores the write access WO 0x0000
16 S_REGRDY Handshake flag to transfers through the DCRDR RO 0
15:6 RES0_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00 0000 0000
5 C_SNAPSTALL Allow imprecise entry to Debug state RW 0
4 RES0_3 Reserved, RES0 RO 0
3 C_MASKINTS When debug is enabled, the debugger can write to this bit to mask PendSV, SysTick and external configurable interrupts RW 0
2 C_STEP Enable single instruction step RW 0
1 C_HALT PE enter Debug state halt request RW 0
0 C_DEBUGEN Enable Halting debug RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0014
Physical Address 0xE000 EE04 Instance 0xE000 EE04
Description With the DCRDR, provides debug access to the general-purpose registers, special-purpose registers, and the FP extension registers. A write to the DCRSR specifies the register to transfer, whether the transfer is a read or write, and starts the transfer
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:17 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000 0000 0000 0000
16 REGWnR Specifies the access type for the transfer WO 0
15:7 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b0 0000 0000
6:0 REGSEL Specifies the general-purpose register, special-purpose register, or FP register to transfer WO 0b000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0018
Physical Address 0xE000 EE08 Instance 0xE000 EE08
Description With the DCRSR, provides debug access to the general-purpose registers, special-purpose registers, and the FP Extension registers. If the Main Extension is implemented, it can also be used for message passing between an external debugger and a debug agent running on the PE
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:0 DBGTMP Provides debug access for reading and writing the general-purpose registers, special-purpose registers, and Floating-point Extension registers RW 0x0000 0000


Address Offset 0x0000 001C
Physical Address 0xE000 EE0C Instance 0xE000 EE0C
Description Manages vector catch behavior and DebugMonitor handling when debugging
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:25 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000 0000
24 TRCENA Global enable for all DWT and ITM features RW 0
23:21 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000
20 SDME Indicates whether the DebugMonitor targets the Secure or the Non-secure state and whether debug events are allowed in Secure state RO 0
19 MON_REQ DebugMonitor semaphore bit RW 0
18 MON_STEP Enable DebugMonitor stepping RW 0
17 MON_PEND Sets or clears the pending state of the DebugMonitor exception RW 0
16 MON_EN Enable the DebugMonitor exception RW 0
15:12 RES0_2 Reserved, RES0 RO 0x0
11 VC_SFERR SecureFault exception halting debug vector catch enable RW 0
10 VC_HARDERR HardFault exception halting debug vector catch enable RW 0
9 VC_INTERR Enable halting debug vector catch for faults during exception entry and return RW 0
8 VC_BUSERR BusFault exception halting debug vector catch enable RW 0
7 VC_STATERR Enable halting debug trap on a UsageFault exception caused by a state information error, for example an Undefined Instruction exception RW 0
6 VC_CHKERR Enable halting debug trap on a UsageFault exception caused by a checking error, for example an alignment check error RW 0
5 VC_NOCPERR Enable halting debug trap on a UsageFault caused by an access to a coprocessor RW 0
4 VC_MMERR Enable halting debug trap on a MemManage exception RW 0
3:1 RES0_3 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b000
0 VC_CORERESET Enable Reset Vector Catch. This causes a warm reset to halt a running system RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0024
Physical Address 0xE000 EE14 Instance 0xE000 EE14
Description This register allows the external authentication interface to be overridden from software.
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:4 RESERVED4 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RO 0x000 0000
3 INTSPNIDEN Internal Secure non-invasive debug enable. Overrides the external Secure non-invasive debug authentication interface RW 0
2 SPNIDENSEL Secure non-invasive debug enable select. Selects between DAUTHCTRL and the external authentication interface for control of Secure non-invasive debug RW 0
1 INTSPIDEN Internal Secure invasive debug enable. Overrides the external Secure invasive debug authentication Interfaces. RW 0
0 SPIDENSEL Secure invasive debug enable select. Selects between DAUTHCTRL and the external authentication interface for control of Secure invasive debug. RW 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0028
Physical Address 0xE000 EE18 Instance 0xE000 EE18
Description Provides control and status information for Secure debug
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:18 RES0 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000
17 CDSKEY Writes to the CDS bit are ignored unless CDSKEY is concurrently written to zero RW 0
16 CDS This field indicates the current Security state of the processor RW 0
15:2 RES0_1 Reserved, RES0 RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000
1 SBRSEL If SBRSELEN is 1 this bit selects whether the Non-secure or the Secure version of the memory-mapped Banked registers are accessible to the debugger RW 0
0 SBRSELEN Controls whether the SBRSEL field or the current Security state of the processor selects which version of the memory-mapped Banked registers are accessed to the debugger RW 0