BLE5-Stack SysConfig Features


SysConfig integration for BLE5-Stack examples is not yet complete. As such, certain configurations settings may be generated by SysConfig, but not used by the application. Please modify the application file sources directly as needed to work around this.

Checking if SysConfig is used for BLE

Projects that are using SysConfig to configure BLE will have a green check mark next to BLE as shown in the green rectangle.


Figure 136. Check for SysConfig enabled example applications


Get started with SysConfig provides an overview of what Sysconfig is and how to get started with it. Please take a look at this if you have not already.

Get started with SysConfig enabled BLE5-Stack projects

After importing a SysConfig enabled BLE5-Stack project into CCS, by double clicking on the *.syscfg file, a GUI will appear where the project can be configured more easily. A number of BLE5-Stack configurable features are included in this GUI. Figure 137. shows what this looks like when importing the basic_ble example.


Figure 137. After Import

Figure 137. Also shows many different configurable parameters for the project. The first few configurable options inside the Software -> BLE panel are as shown below. The generated file name for the BLE5-Stack feature is ti_build_config.opt.


Figure 138. Stack Feature

The Device Role configurable is an example of a drop down list where you can select the specific Device Role you wish to use. Device Role refers to the GAP Roles that the project operates as. This can be seen in Figure 139. There are many different options with different input methods available.


Figure 139. Device Role

When you first open a SysConfig project all of the settings for that project will be at their default values that are known to work with that example. Providing this amount of quick and easy configuration for a project is powerful. However, as we know, with great power comes great responsibility. Any one specific example is not guaranteed to function properly with any and all permutations of the available configurable options. More specifically, BLE5-Stack projects are written to implement one (or more) specific Generic Access Profile (GAP) Role Combinations, so one should not switch this unless you know what you’re doing. As long as the files that are generated from your input compile, the project will build. Whether or not it performs to the same degree depends on what you changed the options to.

Furthermore, the options that are available to modify will depend on the GAP Roles that have been selected. Changing the Device Role may add or remove options below it. If changing the Device Role option is required, it is suggested to change this first so that you do not lose any work you have already done below.

Open the SysConfig output (see Viewing SysConfig Output). After selecting a file you will be able, in real-time, to identify how the changes in the GUI effect the generated files. This will help you review the relationship between the GUI and the code.


Figure 140. Code Review


Changes will appear as a diff in the code view. Changes will be applied when the project is rebuilt.

Additional Configuration Categories


Remember that the following Configuration Categories will depend on the Role Combination (GAP Roles) you’ve chosen. Change Role Combination before changing any of the below options.

General Configurations


Figure 141. General Configurations

Bond Manager

These settings control all the bond manager parameters and generate the function setBondManagerParameters() in ti_ble_config.c file. This function sets all the bond manager parameters as configured by SysConfig, and should be called from the main application.


Figure 142. Bond Manager Configurations


Currently, there is a limitation when using SysConfig to configure the number of bonds. SysConfig will only successfully configure up to 10 bonds. If the user configures more than 10 bonds in SysConfig, the first 10 connections will bond and pair successfully while the remaining connections will pair successfully, but fail bonding. Please refer to GAPBondMgr and NV for information on how to configure more than 10 bonds.

Advanced Settings

In this category you will find settings that configure the application such as Power Management. You can also configure whether to use RCOSC and/or PTM mode. You will also find ICall options. More information:

  1. Power Management

  2. HAL Assert Handling

  3. Extended Stack Settings, see Link Layer (LL)

  4. GAPBondMgr and NV

  5. Production and Direct Test Mode (PTM, DTM)

  6. ICall, see: Creating Additional ICall Enabled Tasks

Central Configuration


Figure 143. Central Configurations

Observer Configuration


Figure 144. Observer Configurations

Peripheral Configuration


Figure 145. Peripheral Configurations

Broadcaster Configuration

  1. GAP Roles

  2. Advertisements

    For each advertisement set, the advertisement parameters (Advertisment Type, Channels, TX Power…), the advertisement data and the scan response can be set. The TX Power parameter will not affect Legacy Advertisement sets.


Figure 146. Broadcaster Configurations

Device Configuration

The Device Configuration pannel located in the Software -> BLE panel is as shown below. This pannel let you choose the LF Clock Source between LF XOSC or LF RCOSC.

Voltage regulator DC-DC or GLDO can also be selected.
