Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2023, Texas Instruments Incorporated
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7  * are met:
8  *
9  * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11  *
12  * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14  * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
15  *
16  * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
17  * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
18  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
19  *
31  */
32 /*!*****************************************************************************
33  * @file MCAN_reg.h
34  * @brief M_CAN controller v3.2.1 register definitions
35  *******************************************************************************
36  */
38 #ifndef third_party_mcan_mcan_reg__include
39 #define third_party_mcan_mcan_reg__include
41 //*****************************************************************************
42 //
43 // This section defines the register offsets for the MCAN controller
44 //
45 //*****************************************************************************
46 // MCAN Core Release Register
47 #define MCAN_CREL 0x00000000U
49 // MCAN Endian Register
50 #define MCAN_ENDN 0x00000004U
52 // MCAN Data Bit Timing and Prescaler Register
53 #define MCAN_DBTP 0x0000000CU
55 // MCAN Test Register
56 #define MCAN_TEST 0x00000010U
58 // MCAN RAM Watchdog
59 #define MCAN_RWD 0x00000014U
61 // MCAN CC Control Register
62 #define MCAN_CCCR 0x00000018U
64 // MCAN Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler Register
65 #define MCAN_NBTP 0x0000001CU
67 // MCAN Timestamp Counter Configuration
68 #define MCAN_TSCC 0x00000020U
70 // MCAN Timestamp Counter Value
71 #define MCAN_TSCV 0x00000024U
73 // MCAN Timeout Counter Configuration
74 #define MCAN_TOCC 0x00000028U
76 // MCAN Timeout Counter Value
77 #define MCAN_TOCV 0x0000002CU
79 // MCAN Error Counter Register
80 #define MCAN_ECR 0x00000040U
82 // MCAN Protocol Status Register
83 #define MCAN_PSR 0x00000044U
85 // MCAN Transmitter Delay Compensation Register
86 #define MCAN_TDCR 0x00000048U
88 // MCAN Interrupt Register
89 #define MCAN_IR 0x00000050U
91 // MCAN Interrupt Enable
92 #define MCAN_IE 0x00000054U
94 // MCAN Interrupt Line Select
95 #define MCAN_ILS 0x00000058U
97 // MCAN Interrupt Line Enable
98 #define MCAN_ILE 0x0000005CU
100 // MCAN Global Filter Configuration
101 #define MCAN_GFC 0x00000080U
103 // MCAN Standard ID Filter Configuration
104 #define MCAN_SIDFC 0x00000084U
106 // MCAN Extended ID Filter Configuration
107 #define MCAN_XIDFC 0x00000088U
109 // MCAN Extended ID and Mask
110 #define MCAN_XIDAM 0x00000090U
112 // MCAN High Priority Message Status
113 #define MCAN_HPMS 0x00000094U
115 // MCAN New Data 1
116 #define MCAN_NDAT1 0x00000098U
118 // MCAN New Data 2
119 #define MCAN_NDAT2 0x0000009CU
121 // MCAN Rx FIFO 0 Configuration
122 #define MCAN_RXF0C 0x000000A0U
124 // MCAN Rx FIFO 0 Status
125 #define MCAN_RXF0S 0x000000A4U
127 // MCAN Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge
128 #define MCAN_RXF0A 0x000000A8U
130 // MCAN Rx Buffer Configuration
131 #define MCAN_RXBC 0x000000ACU
133 // MCAN Rx FIFO 1 Configuration
134 #define MCAN_RXF1C 0x000000B0U
136 // MCAN Rx FIFO 1 Status
137 #define MCAN_RXF1S 0x000000B4U
139 // MCAN Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge
140 #define MCAN_RXF1A 0x000000B8U
142 // MCAN Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration
143 #define MCAN_RXESC 0x000000BCU
145 // MCAN Tx Buffer Configuration
146 #define MCAN_TXBC 0x000000C0U
148 // MCAN Tx FIFO / Queue Status
149 #define MCAN_TXFQS 0x000000C4U
151 // MCAN Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration
152 #define MCAN_TXESC 0x000000C8U
154 // MCAN Tx Buffer Request Pending
155 #define MCAN_TXBRP 0x000000CCU
157 // MCAN Tx Buffer Add Request
158 #define MCAN_TXBAR 0x000000D0U
160 // MCAN Tx Buffer Cancellation Request
161 #define MCAN_TXBCR 0x000000D4U
163 // MCAN Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred
164 #define MCAN_TXBTO 0x000000D8U
166 // MCAN Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished
167 #define MCAN_TXBCF 0x000000DCU
169 // MCAN Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable
170 #define MCAN_TXBTIE 0x000000E0U
172 // MCAN Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable
173 #define MCAN_TXBCIE 0x000000E4U
175 // MCAN Tx Event FIFO Configuration
176 #define MCAN_TXEFC 0x000000F0U
178 // MCAN Tx Event FIFO Status
179 #define MCAN_TXEFS 0x000000F4U
181 // MCAN Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge
182 #define MCAN_TXEFA 0x000000F8U
184 //*****************************************************************************
185 //
186 // Register: MCAN_CREL
187 //
188 //*****************************************************************************
189 // Field: [31:28] REL
190 //
191 // Core Release. One digit, BCD-coded.
192 #define MCAN_CREL_REL_WIDTH 4U
193 #define MCAN_CREL_REL_MASK 0xF0000000U
194 #define MCAN_CREL_REL_SHIFT 28U
196 // Field: [27:24] STEP
197 //
198 // Step of Core Release. One digit, BCD-coded.
200 #define MCAN_CREL_STEP_MASK 0x0F000000U
201 #define MCAN_CREL_STEP_SHIFT 24U
203 // Field: [23:20] SUBSTEP
204 //
205 // Sub-Step of Core Release. One digit, BCD-coded.
207 #define MCAN_CREL_SUBSTEP_MASK 0x00F00000U
210 // Field: [19:16] YEAR
211 //
212 // Time Stamp Year. One digit, BCD-coded.
214 #define MCAN_CREL_YEAR_MASK 0x000F0000U
215 #define MCAN_CREL_YEAR_SHIFT 16U
217 // Field: [15:8] MON
218 //
219 // Time Stamp Month. Two digits, BCD-coded.
220 #define MCAN_CREL_MON_WIDTH 8U
221 #define MCAN_CREL_MON_MASK 0x0000FF00U
222 #define MCAN_CREL_MON_SHIFT 8U
224 // Field: [7:0] DAY
225 //
226 // Time Stamp Day. Two digits, BCD-coded.
227 #define MCAN_CREL_DAY_WIDTH 8U
228 #define MCAN_CREL_DAY_MASK 0x000000FFU
229 #define MCAN_CREL_DAY_SHIFT 0U
231 //*****************************************************************************
232 //
233 // Register: MCAN_ENDN
234 //
235 //*****************************************************************************
236 // Field: [31:0] ETV
237 //
238 // Endianess Test Value. Reading the constant value maintained in this register
239 // allows software to determine the endianess of the host CPU.
240 #define MCAN_ENDN_ETV_WIDTH 32U
242 #define MCAN_ENDN_ETV_SHIFT 0U
244 #define MCAN_ENDN_ETV_VALUE 0x87654321U
246 //*****************************************************************************
247 //
248 // Register: MCAN_DBTP
249 //
250 //*****************************************************************************
251 // Field: [23] TDC
252 //
253 // Transmitter Delay Compensation
254 // 0 Transmitter Delay Compensation disabled
255 // 1 Transmitter Delay Compensation enabled
256 //
257 // +I107
258 #define MCAN_DBTP_TDC 0x00800000U
259 #define MCAN_DBTP_TDC_MASK 0x00800000U
260 #define MCAN_DBTP_TDC_SHIFT 23U
262 // Field: [20:16] DBRP
263 //
264 // Data Bit Rate Prescaler. The value by which the oscillator frequency is
265 // divided for generating the bit time quanta. The bit time is built up from a
266 // multiple of this quanta. Valid values for the Bit Rate Prescaler are 0 to
267 // 31. The actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one
268 // more than the value programmed here is used.
269 //
270 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
272 #define MCAN_DBTP_DBRP_MASK 0x001F0000U
273 #define MCAN_DBTP_DBRP_SHIFT 16U
275 // Field: [12:8] DTSEG1
276 //
277 // Data Time Segment Before Sample Point. Valid values are 0 to 31. The actual
278 // interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the
279 // programmed value is used.
280 //
281 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
283 #define MCAN_DBTP_DTSEG1_MASK 0x00001F00U
286 // Field: [7:4] DTSEG2
287 //
288 // Data Time Segment After Sample Point. Valid values are 0 to 15. The actual
289 // interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the
290 // programmed value is used.
291 //
292 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
294 #define MCAN_DBTP_DTSEG2_MASK 0x000000F0U
297 // Field: [3:0] DSJW
298 //
299 // Data Resynchronization Jump Width. Valid values are 0 to 15. The actual
300 // interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more than the
301 // value programmed here is used.
302 //
303 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
305 #define MCAN_DBTP_DSJW_MASK 0x0000000FU
308 //*****************************************************************************
309 //
310 // Register: MCAN_TEST
311 //
312 //*****************************************************************************
313 // Field: [7] RX
314 //
315 // Receive Pin. Monitors the actual value of the CAN receive pin.
316 // 0 The CAN bus is dominant (CAN RX pin = '0')
317 // 1 The CAN bus is recessive (CAN RX pin = '1')
318 #define MCAN_TEST_RX 0x00000080U
319 #define MCAN_TEST_RX_MASK 0x00000080U
320 #define MCAN_TEST_RX_SHIFT 7U
322 // Field: [6:5] TX
323 //
324 // Control of Transmit Pin
325 // 00 CAN TX pin controlled by the CAN Core, updated at the end of the CAN
326 // bit time
327 // 01 Sample Point can be monitored at CAN TX pin
328 // 10 Dominant ('0') level at CAN TX pin
329 // 11 Recessive ('1') at CAN TX pin
330 //
331 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
332 #define MCAN_TEST_TX_WIDTH 2U
333 #define MCAN_TEST_TX_MASK 0x00000060U
334 #define MCAN_TEST_TX_SHIFT 5U
336 // Field: [4] LBCK
337 //
338 // Loop Back Mode
339 // 0 Reset value, Loop Back Mode is disabled
340 // 1 Loop Back Mode is enabled
341 //
342 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
343 #define MCAN_TEST_LBCK 0x00000010U
344 #define MCAN_TEST_LBCK_MASK 0x00000010U
347 //*****************************************************************************
348 //
349 // Register: MCAN_RWD
350 //
351 //*****************************************************************************
352 // Field: [15:8] WDV
353 //
354 // Watchdog Value. Acutal Message RAM Watchdog Counter Value.
355 //
356 // The RAM Watchdog monitors the READY output of the Message RAM. A Message RAM
357 // access via the MCAN's Generic Master Interface starts the Message RAM
358 // Watchdog Counter with the value configured by the WDC field. The counter is
359 // reloaded with WDC when the Message RAM signals successful completion by
360 // activating its READY output. In case there is no response from the Message
361 // RAM until the counter has counted down to zero, the counter stops and
362 // interrupt flag MCAN_IR.WDI is set. The RAM Watchdog Counter is clocked by
363 // the host (system) clock.
364 #define MCAN_RWD_WDV_WIDTH 8U
365 #define MCAN_RWD_WDV_MASK 0x0000FF00U
366 #define MCAN_RWD_WDV_SHIFT 8U
368 // Field: [7:0] WDC
369 //
370 // Watchdog Configuration. Start value of the Message RAM Watchdog Counter.
371 // With the reset value of "00" the counter is disabled.
372 //
373 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
374 #define MCAN_RWD_WDC_WIDTH 8U
375 #define MCAN_RWD_WDC_MASK 0x000000FFU
376 #define MCAN_RWD_WDC_SHIFT 0U
378 //*****************************************************************************
379 //
380 // Register: MCAN_CCCR
381 //
382 //*****************************************************************************
383 // Field: [15] NISO
384 //
385 // Non ISO Operation. If this bit is set, the MCAN uses the CAN FD frame format
386 // as specified by the Bosch CAN FD Specification V1.0.
387 // 0 CAN FD frame format according to ISO 11898-1:2015
388 // 1 CAN FD frame format according to Bosch CAN FD Specification V1.0
389 #define MCAN_CCCR_NISO 0x00008000U
390 #define MCAN_CCCR_NISO_MASK 0x00008000U
391 #define MCAN_CCCR_NISO_SHIFT 15U
393 // Field: [14] TXP
394 //
395 // Transmit Pause. If this bit is set, the MCAN pauses for two CAN bit times
396 // before starting the next transmission after itself has successfully
397 // transmitted a frame.
398 // 0 Transmit pause disabled
399 // 1 Transmit pause enabled
400 //
401 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
402 #define MCAN_CCCR_TXP 0x00004000U
403 #define MCAN_CCCR_TXP_MASK 0x00004000U
404 #define MCAN_CCCR_TXP_SHIFT 14U
406 // Field: [13] EFBI
407 //
408 // Edge Filtering during Bus Integration
409 // 0 Edge filtering disabled
410 // 1 Two consecutive dominant tq required to detect an edge for hard
411 // synchronization
412 //
413 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
414 #define MCAN_CCCR_EFBI 0x00002000U
415 #define MCAN_CCCR_EFBI_MASK 0x00002000U
416 #define MCAN_CCCR_EFBI_SHIFT 13U
418 // Field: [12] PXHD
419 //
420 // Protocol Exception Handling Disable
421 // 0 Protocol exception handling enabled
422 // 1 Protocol exception handling disabled
423 // Note: When protocol exception handling is disabled, the MCAN will transmit
424 // an error frame when it detects a protocol exception condition.
425 //
426 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
427 #define MCAN_CCCR_PXHD 0x00001000U
428 #define MCAN_CCCR_PXHD_MASK 0x00001000U
429 #define MCAN_CCCR_PXHD_SHIFT 12U
431 // Field: [9] BRSE
432 //
433 // Bit Rate Switch Enable
434 // 0 Bit rate switching for transmissions disabled
435 // 1 Bit rate switching for transmissions enabled
436 // Note: When CAN FD operation is disabled FDOE = '0', BRSE is not evaluated.
437 //
438 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
439 #define MCAN_CCCR_BRSE 0x00000200U
440 #define MCAN_CCCR_BRSE_MASK 0x00000200U
443 // Field: [8] FDOE
444 //
445 // Flexible Datarate Operation Enable
446 // 0 FD operation disabled
447 // 1 FD operation enabled
448 //
449 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
450 #define MCAN_CCCR_FDOE 0x00000100U
451 #define MCAN_CCCR_FDOE_MASK 0x00000100U
454 // Field: [7] TEST
455 //
456 // Test Mode Enable
457 // 0 Normal operation, register TEST holds reset values
458 // 1 Test Mode, write access to register TEST enabled
459 //
460 // Qualified Write 1 to Set is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and
461 // CCCR.INIT='1'.
462 #define MCAN_CCCR_TEST 0x00000080U
463 #define MCAN_CCCR_TEST_MASK 0x00000080U
466 // Field: [6] DAR
467 //
468 // Disable Automatic Retransmission
469 // 0 Automatic retransmission of messages not transmitted successfully
470 // enabled
471 // 1 Automatic retransmission disabled
472 //
473 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
474 #define MCAN_CCCR_DAR 0x00000040U
475 #define MCAN_CCCR_DAR_MASK 0x00000040U
476 #define MCAN_CCCR_DAR_SHIFT 6U
478 // Field: [5] MON
479 //
480 // Bus Monitoring Mode. Bit MON can only be set by SW when both CCE and INIT
481 // are set to '1'. The bit can be reset by SW at any time.
482 // 0 Bus Monitoring Mode is disabled
483 // 1 Bus Monitoring Mode is enabled
484 //
485 // Qualified Write 1 to Set is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and
486 // CCCR.INIT='1'.
487 #define MCAN_CCCR_MON 0x00000020U
488 #define MCAN_CCCR_MON_MASK 0x00000020U
489 #define MCAN_CCCR_MON_SHIFT 5U
491 // Field: [4] CSR
492 //
493 // Clock Stop Request
494 // 0 No clock stop is requested
495 // 1 Clock stop requested. When clock stop is requested, first INIT and then
496 // CSA will be set after all pending transfer requests have been completed and
497 // the CAN bus reached idle.
498 #define MCAN_CCCR_CSR 0x00000010U
499 #define MCAN_CCCR_CSR_MASK 0x00000010U
500 #define MCAN_CCCR_CSR_SHIFT 4U
502 // Field: [3] CSA
503 //
504 // Clock Stop Acknowledge
505 // 0 No clock stop acknowledged
506 // 1 MCAN may be set in power down by stopping the Host and CAN clocks
507 #define MCAN_CCCR_CSA 0x00000008U
508 #define MCAN_CCCR_CSA_MASK 0x00000008U
509 #define MCAN_CCCR_CSA_SHIFT 3U
511 // Field: [2] ASM
512 //
513 // Restricted Operation Mode. Bit ASM can only be set by SW when both CCE and
514 // INIT are set to '1'. The bit can be reset by SW at any time.
515 // 0 Normal CAN operation
516 // 1 Restricted Operation Mode active
517 //
518 // Qualified Write 1 to Set is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and
519 // CCCR.INIT='1'.
520 #define MCAN_CCCR_ASM 0x00000004U
521 #define MCAN_CCCR_ASM_MASK 0x00000004U
522 #define MCAN_CCCR_ASM_SHIFT 2U
524 // Field: [1] CCE
525 //
526 // Configuration Change Enable
527 // 0 The CPU has no write access to the protected configuration registers
528 // 1 The CPU has write access to the protected configuration registers
529 // (while CCCR.INIT = '1')
530 //
531 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
532 #define MCAN_CCCR_CCE 0x00000002U
533 #define MCAN_CCCR_CCE_MASK 0x00000002U
534 #define MCAN_CCCR_CCE_SHIFT 1U
536 // Field: [0] INIT
537 //
538 // Initialization
539 // 0 Normal Operation
540 // 1 Initialization is started
541 // Note: Due to the synchronization mechanism between the two clock domains,
542 // there may be a delay until the value written to INIT can be read back.
543 // Therefore the programmer has to assure that the previous value written to
544 // INIT has been accepted by reading INIT before setting INIT to a new value.
545 #define MCAN_CCCR_INIT 0x00000001U
546 #define MCAN_CCCR_INIT_MASK 0x00000001U
549 //*****************************************************************************
550 //
551 // Register: MCAN_NBTP
552 //
553 //*****************************************************************************
554 // Field: [31:25] NSJW
555 //
556 // Nominal (Re)Synchronization Jump Width. Valid values are 0 to 127. The
557 // actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more
558 // than the value programmed here is used.
559 //
560 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
562 #define MCAN_NBTP_NSJW_MASK 0xFE000000U
563 #define MCAN_NBTP_NSJW_SHIFT 25U
565 // Field: [24:16] NBRP
566 //
567 // Nominal Bit Rate Prescaler. The value by which the oscillator frequency is
568 // divided for generating the bit time quanta. The bit time is built up from a
569 // multiple of this quanta. Valid values for the Bit Rate Prescaler are 0 to
570 // 511. The actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that
571 // one more than the value programmed here is used.
572 //
573 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
575 #define MCAN_NBTP_NBRP_MASK 0x01FF0000U
576 #define MCAN_NBTP_NBRP_SHIFT 16U
578 // Field: [15:8] NTSEG1
579 //
580 // Nominal Time Segment Before Sample Point. Valid values are 1 to 255. The
581 // actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more
582 // than the programmed value is used.
583 //
584 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
586 #define MCAN_NBTP_NTSEG1_MASK 0x0000FF00U
589 // Field: [6:0] NTSEG2
590 //
591 // Nominal Time Segment After Sample Point. Valid values are 1 to 127. The
592 // actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more
593 // than the programmed value is used.
594 //
595 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
597 #define MCAN_NBTP_NTSEG2_MASK 0x0000007FU
600 //*****************************************************************************
601 //
602 // Register: MCAN_TSCC
603 //
604 //*****************************************************************************
605 // Field: [19:16] TCP
606 //
607 // Timestamp Counter Prescaler. Configures the timestamp and timeout counters
608 // time unit in multiples of CAN bit times. Valid values are 0 to 15. The
609 // actual interpretation by the hardware of this value is such that one more
610 // than the value programmed here is used.
611 //
612 // Note: With CAN FD an external counter is required for timestamp generation
613 // (TSS = "10").
614 //
615 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
616 #define MCAN_TSCC_TCP_WIDTH 4U
617 #define MCAN_TSCC_TCP_MASK 0x000F0000U
618 #define MCAN_TSCC_TCP_SHIFT 16U
620 // Field: [1:0] TSS
621 //
622 // Timestamp Select
623 // 00 Timestamp counter value always 0x0000
624 // 01 Timestamp counter value incremented according to TCP
625 // 10 External timestamp counter value used
626 // 11 Same as "00"
627 //
628 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
629 #define MCAN_TSCC_TSS_WIDTH 2U
630 #define MCAN_TSCC_TSS_MASK 0x00000003U
631 #define MCAN_TSCC_TSS_SHIFT 0U
633 //*****************************************************************************
634 //
635 // Register: MCAN_TSCV
636 //
637 //*****************************************************************************
638 // Field: [15:0] TSC
639 //
640 // Timestamp Counter. The internal/external Timestamp Counter value is captured
641 // on start of frame (both Rx and Tx). When TSCC.TSS = "01", the Timestamp
642 // Counter is incremented in multiples of CAN bit times, (1...16), depending on
643 // the configuration of TSCC.TCP. A wrap around sets interrupt flag IR.TSW.
644 // Write access resets the counter to zero. When TSCC.TSS = "10", TSC reflects
645 // the External Timestamp Counter value, and a write access has no impact.
646 //
647 // Note: A "wrap around" is a change of the Timestamp Counter value from
648 // non-zero to zero not
649 // caused by write access to MCAN_TSCV.
650 #define MCAN_TSCV_TSC_WIDTH 16U
651 #define MCAN_TSCV_TSC_MASK 0x0000FFFFU
652 #define MCAN_TSCV_TSC_SHIFT 0U
654 //*****************************************************************************
655 //
656 // Register: MCAN_TOCC
657 //
658 //*****************************************************************************
659 // Field: [31:16] TOP
660 //
661 // Timeout Period. Start value of the Timeout Counter (down-counter).
662 // Configures the Timeout Period.
663 //
664 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
665 #define MCAN_TOCC_TOP_WIDTH 16U
666 #define MCAN_TOCC_TOP_MASK 0xFFFF0000U
667 #define MCAN_TOCC_TOP_SHIFT 16U
669 // Field: [2:1] TOS
670 //
671 // Timeout Select. When operating in Continuous mode, a write to TOCV presets
672 // the counter to the value configured by TOCC.TOP and continues down-counting.
673 // When the Timeout Counter is controlled by one of the FIFOs, an empty FIFO
674 // presets the counter to the value configured by TOCC.TOP. Down-counting is
675 // started when the first FIFO element is stored.
676 // 00 Continuous operation
677 // 01 Timeout controlled by Tx Event FIFO
678 // 10 Timeout controlled by Rx FIFO 0
679 // 11 Timeout controlled by Rx FIFO 1
680 //
681 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
682 #define MCAN_TOCC_TOS_WIDTH 2U
683 #define MCAN_TOCC_TOS_MASK 0x00000006U
684 #define MCAN_TOCC_TOS_SHIFT 1U
686 // Field: [0] ETOC
687 //
688 // Enable Timeout Counter
689 // 0 Timeout Counter disabled
690 // 1 Timeout Counter enabled
691 //
692 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
693 #define MCAN_TOCC_ETOC 0x00000001U
694 #define MCAN_TOCC_ETOC_MASK 0x00000001U
697 //*****************************************************************************
698 //
699 // Register: MCAN_TOCV
700 //
701 //*****************************************************************************
702 // Field: [15:0] TOC
703 //
704 // Timeout Counter. The Timeout Counter is decremented in multiples of CAN bit
705 // times, (1...16), depending on the configuration of TSCC.TCP. When
706 // decremented to zero, interrupt flag IR.TOO is set and the Timeout Counter is
707 // stopped. Start and reset/restart conditions are configured via TOCC.TOS.
708 #define MCAN_TOCV_TOC_WIDTH 16U
709 #define MCAN_TOCV_TOC_MASK 0x0000FFFFU
710 #define MCAN_TOCV_TOC_SHIFT 0U
712 //*****************************************************************************
713 //
714 // Register: MCAN_ECR
715 //
716 //*****************************************************************************
717 // Field: [23:16] CEL
718 //
719 // CAN Error Logging. The counter is incremented each time when a CAN protocol
720 // error causes the Transmit Error Counter or the Receive Error Counter to be
721 // incremented. It is reset by read access to CEL. The counter stops at 0xFF;
722 // the next increment of TEC or REC sets interrupt flag IR.ELO.
723 //
724 // Note: When CCCR.ASM is set, the CAN protocol controller does not increment
725 // TEC and REC when a CAN protocol error is detected, but CEL is still
726 // incremented.
727 #define MCAN_ECR_CEL_WIDTH 8U
728 #define MCAN_ECR_CEL_MASK 0x00FF0000U
729 #define MCAN_ECR_CEL_SHIFT 16U
731 // Field: [15] RP
732 //
733 // Receive Error Passive
734 // 0 The Receive Error Counter is below the error passive level of 128
735 // 1 The Receive Error Counter has reached the error passive level of 128
736 #define MCAN_ECR_RP 0x00008000U
737 #define MCAN_ECR_RP_MASK 0x00008000U
738 #define MCAN_ECR_RP_SHIFT 15U
740 // Field: [14:8] REC
741 //
742 // Receive Error Counter. Actual state of the Receive Error Counter, values
743 // between 0 and 127.
744 //
745 // Note: When CCCR.ASM is set, the CAN protocol controller does not increment
746 // TEC and REC when a CAN protocol error is detected, but CEL is still
747 // incremented.
748 #define MCAN_ECR_REC_WIDTH 7U
749 #define MCAN_ECR_REC_MASK 0x00007F00U
750 #define MCAN_ECR_REC_SHIFT 8U
752 // Field: [7:0] TEC
753 //
754 // Transmit Error Counter. Actual state of the Transmit Error Counter, values
755 // between 0 and 255.
756 //
757 // Note: When CCCR.ASM is set, the CAN protocol controller does not increment
758 // TEC and REC when a CAN protocol error is detected, but CEL is still
759 // incremented.
760 #define MCAN_ECR_TEC_WIDTH 8U
761 #define MCAN_ECR_TEC_MASK 0x000000FFU
762 #define MCAN_ECR_TEC_SHIFT 0U
764 //*****************************************************************************
765 //
766 // Register: MCAN_PSR
767 //
768 //*****************************************************************************
769 // Field: [22:16] TDCV
770 //
771 // Transmitter Delay Compensation Value. Position of the secondary sample
772 // point, defined by the sum of the measured delay from the internal CAN TX
773 // signal to the internal CAN RX signal and TDCR.TDCO. The SSP position is, in
774 // the data phase, the number of mtq between the start of the transmitted bit
775 // and the secondary sample point. Valid values are 0 to 127 mtq.
776 #define MCAN_PSR_TDCV_WIDTH 7U
777 #define MCAN_PSR_TDCV_MASK 0x007F0000U
778 #define MCAN_PSR_TDCV_SHIFT 16U
780 // Field: [14] PXE
781 //
782 // Protocol Exception Event
783 // 0 No protocol exception event occurred since last read access
784 // 1 Protocol exception event occurred
785 #define MCAN_PSR_PXE 0x00004000U
786 #define MCAN_PSR_PXE_MASK 0x00004000U
787 #define MCAN_PSR_PXE_SHIFT 14U
789 // Field: [13] RFDF
790 //
791 // Received a CAN FD Message. This bit is set independent of acceptance
792 // filtering.
793 // 0 Since this bit was reset by the CPU, no CAN FD message has been
794 // received
795 // 1 Message in CAN FD format with FDF flag set has been received
796 #define MCAN_PSR_RFDF 0x00002000U
797 #define MCAN_PSR_RFDF_MASK 0x00002000U
798 #define MCAN_PSR_RFDF_SHIFT 13U
800 // Field: [12] RBRS
801 //
802 // BRS Flag of Last Received CAN FD Message. This bit is set together with
803 // RFDF, independent of acceptance filtering.
804 // 0 Last received CAN FD message did not have its BRS flag set
805 // 1 Last received CAN FD message had its BRS flag set
806 #define MCAN_PSR_RBRS 0x00001000U
807 #define MCAN_PSR_RBRS_MASK 0x00001000U
808 #define MCAN_PSR_RBRS_SHIFT 12U
810 // Field: [11] RESI
811 //
812 // ESI Flag of Last Received CAN FD Message. This bit is set together with
813 // RFDF, independent of acceptance filtering.
814 // 0 Last received CAN FD message did not have its ESI flag set
815 // 1 Last received CAN FD message had its ESI flag set
816 #define MCAN_PSR_RESI 0x00000800U
817 #define MCAN_PSR_RESI_MASK 0x00000800U
818 #define MCAN_PSR_RESI_SHIFT 11U
820 // Field: [10:8] DLEC
821 //
822 // Data Phase Last Error Code. Type of last error that occurred in the data
823 // phase of a CAN FD format frame with its BRS flag set. Coding is the same as
824 // for LEC. This field will be cleared to zero when a CAN FD format frame with
825 // its BRS flag set has been transferred (reception or transmission) without
826 // error.
827 #define MCAN_PSR_DLEC_WIDTH 3U
828 #define MCAN_PSR_DLEC_MASK 0x00000700U
829 #define MCAN_PSR_DLEC_SHIFT 8U
831 // Field: [7] BO
832 //
833 // Bus_Off Status
834 // 0 The M_CAN is not Bus_Off
835 // 1 The M_CAN is in Bus_Off state
836 #define MCAN_PSR_BO 0x00000080U
837 #define MCAN_PSR_BO_MASK 0x00000080U
838 #define MCAN_PSR_BO_SHIFT 7U
840 // Field: [6] EW
841 //
842 // Warning Status
843 // 0 Both error counters are below the Error_Warning limit of 96
844 // 1 At least one of error counter has reached the Error_Warning limit of 96
845 #define MCAN_PSR_EW 0x00000040U
846 #define MCAN_PSR_EW_MASK 0x00000040U
847 #define MCAN_PSR_EW_SHIFT 6U
849 // Field: [5] EP
850 //
851 // Error Passive
852 // 0 The M_CAN is in the Error_Active state. It normally takes part in bus
853 // communication and sends an active error flag when an error has been detected
854 // 1 The M_CAN is in the Error_Passive state
855 #define MCAN_PSR_EP 0x00000020U
856 #define MCAN_PSR_EP_MASK 0x00000020U
857 #define MCAN_PSR_EP_SHIFT 5U
859 // Field: [4:3] ACT
860 //
861 // Node Activity. Monitors the module's CAN communication state.
862 // 00 Synchronizing - node is synchronizing on CAN communication
863 // 01 Idle - node is neither receiver nor transmitter
864 // 10 Receiver - node is operating as receiver
865 // 11 Transmitter - node is operating as transmitter
866 //
867 // Note: ACT is set to "00" by a Protocol Exception Event.
868 #define MCAN_PSR_ACT_WIDTH 2U
869 #define MCAN_PSR_ACT_MASK 0x00000018U
870 #define MCAN_PSR_ACT_SHIFT 3U
872 // Field: [2:0] LEC
873 //
874 // Last Error Code. The LEC indicates the type of the last error to occur on
875 // the CAN bus. This field will be cleared to '0' when a message has been
876 // transferred (reception or transmission) without error.
877 // 0 No Error: No error occurred since LEC has been reset by successful
878 // reception or transmission.
879 // 1 Stuff Error: More than 5 equal bits in a sequence have occurred in a
880 // part of a received message where this is not allowed.
881 // 2 Form Error: A fixed format part of a received frame has the wrong
882 // format.
883 // 3 AckError: The message transmitted by the MCAN was not acknowledged by
884 // another node.
885 // 4 Bit1Error: During the transmission of a message (with the exception of
886 // the arbitration field), the device wanted to send a recessive level (bit of
887 // logical value '1'), but the monitored bus value was dominant.
888 // 5 Bit0Error: During the transmission of a message (or acknowledge bit, or
889 // active error flag, or overload flag), the device wanted to send a dominant
890 // level (data or identifier bit logical value '0'), but the monitored bus
891 // value was recessive. During Bus_Off recovery this status is set each time a
892 // sequence of 11 recessive bits has been monitored. This enables the CPU to
893 // monitor the proceeding of the Bus_Off recovery sequence (indicating the bus
894 // is not stuck at dominant or continuously disturbed).
895 // 6 CRCError: The CRC check sum of a received message was incorrect. The
896 // CRC of an incoming message does not match with the CRC calculated from the
897 // received data.
898 // 7 NoChange: Any read access to the Protocol Status Register
899 // re-initializes the LEC to '7'. When the LEC shows the value '7', no CAN bus
900 // event was detected since the last CPU read access to the Protocol Status
901 // Register.
902 //
903 // Note: When a frame in CAN FD format has reached the data phase with BRS flag
904 // set, the next CAN event (error or valid frame) will be shown in DLEC instead
905 // of LEC. An error in a fixed stuff bit of a CAN FD CRC sequence will be shown
906 // as a Form Error, not Stuff Error. Note: The Bus_Off recovery sequence (see
907 // ISO 11898-1:2015) cannot be shortened by setting or resetting CCCR.INIT. If
908 // the device goes Bus_Off, it will set CCCR.INIT of its own accord, stopping
909 // all bus activities. Once CCCR.INIT has been cleared by the CPU, the device
910 // will then wait for 129 occurrences of Bus Idle (129 * 11 consecutive
911 // recessive bits) before resuming normal operation. At the end of the Bus_Off
912 // recovery sequence, the Error Management Counters will be reset. During the
913 // waiting time after the resetting of CCCR.INIT, each time a sequence of 11
914 // recessive bits has been monitored, a Bit0Error code is written to PSR.LEC,
915 // enabling the CPU to readily check up whether the CAN bus is stuck at
916 // dominant or continuously disturbed and to monitor the Bus_Off recovery
917 // sequence. ECR.REC is used to count these sequences.
918 #define MCAN_PSR_LEC_WIDTH 3U
919 #define MCAN_PSR_LEC_MASK 0x00000007U
920 #define MCAN_PSR_LEC_SHIFT 0U
922 //*****************************************************************************
923 //
924 // Register: MCAN_TDCR
925 //
926 //*****************************************************************************
927 // Field: [14:8] TDCO
928 //
929 // Transmitter Delay Compensation Offset. Offset value defining the distance
930 // between the measured delay from the internal CAN TX signal to the internal
931 // CAN RX signal and the secondary sample point. Valid values are 0 to 127 mtq.
932 //
933 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
935 #define MCAN_TDCR_TDCO_MASK 0x00007F00U
938 // Field: [6:0] TDCF
939 //
940 // Transmitter Delay Compensation Filter Window Length. Defines the minimum
941 // value for the SSP position, dominant edges on the internal CAN RX signal
942 // that would result in an earlier SSP position are ignored for transmitter
943 // delay measurement. The feature is enabled when TDCF is configured to a value
944 // greater than TDCO. Valid values are 0 to 127 mtq.
945 //
946 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
948 #define MCAN_TDCR_TDCF_MASK 0x0000007FU
951 //*****************************************************************************
952 //
953 // Register: MCAN_IR
954 //
955 //*****************************************************************************
956 // Field: [29] ARA
957 //
958 // Access to Reserved Address
959 // 0 No access to reserved address occurred
960 // 1 Access to reserved address occurred
961 #define MCAN_IR_ARA 0x20000000U
962 #define MCAN_IR_ARA_MASK 0x20000000U
963 #define MCAN_IR_ARA_SHIFT 29U
965 // Field: [28] PED
966 //
967 // Protocol Error in Data Phase (Data Bit Time is used)
968 // 0 No protocol error in data phase
969 // 1 Protocol error in data phase detected (PSR.DLEC ? 0,7)
970 #define MCAN_IR_PED 0x10000000U
971 #define MCAN_IR_PED_MASK 0x10000000U
972 #define MCAN_IR_PED_SHIFT 28U
974 // Field: [27] PEA
975 //
976 // Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase (Nominal Bit Time is used)
977 // 0 No protocol error in arbitration phase
978 // 1 Protocol error in arbitration phase detected (PSR.LEC ? 0,7)
979 #define MCAN_IR_PEA 0x08000000U
980 #define MCAN_IR_PEA_MASK 0x08000000U
981 #define MCAN_IR_PEA_SHIFT 27U
983 // Field: [26] WDI
984 //
985 // Watchdog Interrupt
986 // 0 No Message RAM Watchdog event occurred
987 // 1 Message RAM Watchdog event due to missing READY
988 #define MCAN_IR_WDI 0x04000000U
989 #define MCAN_IR_WDI_MASK 0x04000000U
990 #define MCAN_IR_WDI_SHIFT 26U
992 // Field: [25] BO
993 //
994 // Bus_Off Status
995 // 0 Bus_Off status unchanged
996 // 1 Bus_Off status changed
997 #define MCAN_IR_BO 0x02000000U
998 #define MCAN_IR_BO_MASK 0x02000000U
999 #define MCAN_IR_BO_SHIFT 25U
1001 // Field: [24] EW
1002 //
1003 // Warning Status
1004 // 0 Error_Warning status unchanged
1005 // 1 Error_Warning status changed
1006 #define MCAN_IR_EW 0x01000000U
1007 #define MCAN_IR_EW_MASK 0x01000000U
1008 #define MCAN_IR_EW_SHIFT 24U
1010 // Field: [23] EP
1011 //
1012 // Error Passive
1013 // 0 Error_Passive status unchanged
1014 // 1 Error_Passive status changed
1015 #define MCAN_IR_EP 0x00800000U
1016 #define MCAN_IR_EP_MASK 0x00800000U
1017 #define MCAN_IR_EP_SHIFT 23U
1019 // Field: [22] ELO
1020 //
1021 // Error Logging Overflow
1022 // 0 CAN Error Logging Counter did not overflow
1023 // 1 Overflow of CAN Error Logging Counter occurred
1024 #define MCAN_IR_ELO 0x00400000U
1025 #define MCAN_IR_ELO_MASK 0x00400000U
1026 #define MCAN_IR_ELO_SHIFT 22U
1028 // Field: [21] BEU
1029 //
1030 // Bit Error Uncorrected. Message RAM bit error detected, uncorrected. This bit
1031 // is set when a double bit error is detected by the ECC aggregator attached to
1032 // the Message RAM. An uncorrected Message RAM bit error sets CCCR.INIT to '1'.
1033 // This is done to avoid transmission of corrupted data.
1034 // 0 No bit error detected when reading from Message RAM
1035 // 1 Bit error detected, uncorrected (e.g. parity logic)
1036 #define MCAN_IR_BEU 0x00200000U
1037 #define MCAN_IR_BEU_MASK 0x00200000U
1038 #define MCAN_IR_BEU_SHIFT 21U
1040 // Field: [20] BEC
1041 //
1042 // Warning: This bit is reserved on CC27x0 and must not be written.
1043 //
1044 // Bit Error Corrected. Message RAM bit error detected and corrected.
1045 // 0 No bit error detected when reading from Message RAM
1046 // 1 Bit error detected and corrected (e.g. parity logic)
1047 #define MCAN_IR_BEC 0x00100000U
1048 #define MCAN_IR_BEC_MASK 0x00100000U
1049 #define MCAN_IR_BEC_SHIFT 20U
1051 // Field: [19] DRX
1052 //
1053 // Message Stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer. The flag is set whenever a received
1054 // message has been stored into a dedicated Rx Buffer.
1055 // 0 No Rx Buffer updated
1056 // 1 At least one received message stored into an Rx Buffer
1057 #define MCAN_IR_DRX 0x00080000U
1058 #define MCAN_IR_DRX_MASK 0x00080000U
1059 #define MCAN_IR_DRX_SHIFT 19U
1061 // Field: [18] TOO
1062 //
1063 // Timeout Occurred
1064 // 0 No timeout
1065 // 1 Timeout reached
1066 #define MCAN_IR_TOO 0x00040000U
1067 #define MCAN_IR_TOO_MASK 0x00040000U
1068 #define MCAN_IR_TOO_SHIFT 18U
1070 // Field: [17] MRAF
1071 //
1072 // Message RAM Access Failure. The flag is set, when the Rx Handler:
1073 // - has not completed acceptance filtering or storage of an accepted message
1074 // until the arbitration field of the following message has been received. In
1075 // this case acceptance filtering or message storage is aborted and the Rx
1076 // Handler starts processing of the following message.
1077 // - was not able to write a message to the Message RAM. In this case message
1078 // storage is aborted.
1079 //
1080 // In both cases the FIFO put index is not updated resp. the New Data flag for
1081 // a dedicated Rx Buffer is not set, a partly stored message is overwritten
1082 // when the next message is stored to this location.
1083 //
1084 // The flag is also set when the Tx Handler was not able to read a message from
1085 // the Message RAM in time. In this case message transmission is aborted. In
1086 // case of a Tx Handler access failure the MCAN is switched into Restricted
1087 // Operation Mode. To leave Restricted Operation Mode, the Host CPU has to
1088 // reset CCCR.ASM.
1089 // 0 No Message RAM access failure occurred
1090 // 1 Message RAM access failure occurred
1091 #define MCAN_IR_MRAF 0x00020000U
1092 #define MCAN_IR_MRAF_MASK 0x00020000U
1093 #define MCAN_IR_MRAF_SHIFT 17U
1095 // Field: [16] TSW
1096 //
1097 // Timestamp Wraparound
1098 // 0 No timestamp counter wrap-around
1099 // 1 Timestamp counter wrapped around
1100 #define MCAN_IR_TSW 0x00010000U
1101 #define MCAN_IR_TSW_MASK 0x00010000U
1102 #define MCAN_IR_TSW_SHIFT 16U
1104 // Field: [15] TEFL
1105 //
1106 // Tx Event FIFO Element Lost
1107 // 0 No Tx Event FIFO element lost
1108 // 1 Tx Event FIFO element lost, also set after write attempt to Tx Event
1109 // FIFO of size zero
1110 #define MCAN_IR_TEFL 0x00008000U
1111 #define MCAN_IR_TEFL_MASK 0x00008000U
1112 #define MCAN_IR_TEFL_SHIFT 15U
1114 // Field: [14] TEFF
1115 //
1116 // Tx Event FIFO Full
1117 // 0 Tx Event FIFO not full
1118 // 1 Tx Event FIFO full
1119 #define MCAN_IR_TEFF 0x00004000U
1120 #define MCAN_IR_TEFF_MASK 0x00004000U
1121 #define MCAN_IR_TEFF_SHIFT 14U
1123 // Field: [13] TEFW
1124 //
1125 // Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached
1126 // 0 Tx Event FIFO fill level below watermark
1127 // 1 Tx Event FIFO fill level reached watermark
1128 #define MCAN_IR_TEFW 0x00002000U
1129 #define MCAN_IR_TEFW_MASK 0x00002000U
1130 #define MCAN_IR_TEFW_SHIFT 13U
1132 // Field: [12] TEFN
1133 //
1134 // Tx Event FIFO New Entry
1135 // 0 Tx Event FIFO unchanged
1136 // 1 Tx Handler wrote Tx Event FIFO element
1137 #define MCAN_IR_TEFN 0x00001000U
1138 #define MCAN_IR_TEFN_MASK 0x00001000U
1139 #define MCAN_IR_TEFN_SHIFT 12U
1141 // Field: [11] TFE
1142 //
1143 // Tx FIFO Empty
1144 // 0 Tx FIFO non-empty
1145 // 1 Tx FIFO empty
1146 #define MCAN_IR_TFE 0x00000800U
1147 #define MCAN_IR_TFE_MASK 0x00000800U
1148 #define MCAN_IR_TFE_SHIFT 11U
1150 // Field: [10] TCF
1151 //
1152 // Transmission Cancellation Finished
1153 // 0 No transmission cancellation finished
1154 // 1 Transmission cancellation finished
1155 #define MCAN_IR_TCF 0x00000400U
1156 #define MCAN_IR_TCF_MASK 0x00000400U
1157 #define MCAN_IR_TCF_SHIFT 10U
1159 // Field: [9] TC
1160 //
1161 // Transmission Completed
1162 // 0 No transmission completed
1163 // 1 Transmission completed
1164 #define MCAN_IR_TC 0x00000200U
1165 #define MCAN_IR_TC_MASK 0x00000200U
1166 #define MCAN_IR_TC_SHIFT 9U
1168 // Field: [8] HPM
1169 //
1170 // High Priority Message
1171 // 0 No high priority message received
1172 // 1 High priority message received
1173 #define MCAN_IR_HPM 0x00000100U
1174 #define MCAN_IR_HPM_MASK 0x00000100U
1175 #define MCAN_IR_HPM_SHIFT 8U
1177 // Field: [7] RF1L
1178 //
1179 // Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost
1180 // 0 No Rx FIFO 1 message lost
1181 // 1 Rx FIFO 1 message lost, also set after write attempt to Rx FIFO 1 of
1182 // size zero
1183 #define MCAN_IR_RF1L 0x00000080U
1184 #define MCAN_IR_RF1L_MASK 0x00000080U
1185 #define MCAN_IR_RF1L_SHIFT 7U
1187 // Field: [6] RF1F
1188 //
1189 // Rx FIFO 1 Full
1190 // 0 Rx FIFO 1 not full
1191 // 1 Rx FIFO 1 full
1192 #define MCAN_IR_RF1F 0x00000040U
1193 #define MCAN_IR_RF1F_MASK 0x00000040U
1194 #define MCAN_IR_RF1F_SHIFT 6U
1196 // Field: [5] RF1W
1197 //
1198 // Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached
1199 // 0 Rx FIFO 1 fill level below watermark
1200 // 1 Rx FIFO 1 fill level reached watermark
1201 #define MCAN_IR_RF1W 0x00000020U
1202 #define MCAN_IR_RF1W_MASK 0x00000020U
1203 #define MCAN_IR_RF1W_SHIFT 5U
1205 // Field: [4] RF1N
1206 //
1207 // Rx FIFO 1 New Message
1208 // 0 No new message written to Rx FIFO 1
1209 // 1 New message written to Rx FIFO 1
1210 #define MCAN_IR_RF1N 0x00000010U
1211 #define MCAN_IR_RF1N_MASK 0x00000010U
1212 #define MCAN_IR_RF1N_SHIFT 4U
1214 // Field: [3] RF0L
1215 //
1216 // Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost
1217 // 0 No Rx FIFO 0 message lost
1218 // 1 Rx FIFO 0 message lost, also set after write attempt to Rx FIFO 0 of
1219 // size zero
1220 #define MCAN_IR_RF0L 0x00000008U
1221 #define MCAN_IR_RF0L_MASK 0x00000008U
1222 #define MCAN_IR_RF0L_SHIFT 3U
1224 // Field: [2] RF0F
1225 //
1226 // Rx FIFO 0 Full
1227 // 0 Rx FIFO 0 not full
1228 // 1 Rx FIFO 0 full
1229 #define MCAN_IR_RF0F 0x00000004U
1230 #define MCAN_IR_RF0F_MASK 0x00000004U
1231 #define MCAN_IR_RF0F_SHIFT 2U
1233 // Field: [1] RF0W
1234 //
1235 // Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached
1236 // 0 Rx FIFO 0 fill level below watermark
1237 // 1 Rx FIFO 0 fill level reached watermark
1238 #define MCAN_IR_RF0W 0x00000002U
1239 #define MCAN_IR_RF0W_MASK 0x00000002U
1240 #define MCAN_IR_RF0W_SHIFT 1U
1242 // Field: [0] RF0N
1243 //
1244 // Rx FIFO 0 New Message
1245 // 0 No new message written to Rx FIFO 0
1246 // 1 New message written to Rx FIFO 0
1247 #define MCAN_IR_RF0N 0x00000001U
1248 #define MCAN_IR_RF0N_MASK 0x00000001U
1249 #define MCAN_IR_RF0N_SHIFT 0U
1251 //*****************************************************************************
1252 //
1253 // Register: MCAN_IE
1254 //
1255 //*****************************************************************************
1256 // Field: [29] ARAE
1257 //
1258 // Access to Reserved Address Enable
1259 #define MCAN_IE_ARAE 0x20000000U
1260 #define MCAN_IE_ARAE_MASK 0x20000000U
1261 #define MCAN_IE_ARAE_SHIFT 29U
1263 // Field: [28] PEDE
1264 //
1265 // Protocol Error in Data Phase Enable
1266 #define MCAN_IE_PEDE 0x10000000U
1267 #define MCAN_IE_PEDE_MASK 0x10000000U
1268 #define MCAN_IE_PEDE_SHIFT 28U
1270 // Field: [27] PEAE
1271 //
1272 // Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase Enable
1273 #define MCAN_IE_PEAE 0x08000000U
1274 #define MCAN_IE_PEAE_MASK 0x08000000U
1275 #define MCAN_IE_PEAE_SHIFT 27U
1277 // Field: [26] WDIE
1278 //
1279 // Watchdog Interrupt Enable
1280 #define MCAN_IE_WDIE 0x04000000U
1281 #define MCAN_IE_WDIE_MASK 0x04000000U
1282 #define MCAN_IE_WDIE_SHIFT 26U
1284 // Field: [25] BOE
1285 //
1286 // Bus_Off Status Enable
1287 #define MCAN_IE_BOE 0x02000000U
1288 #define MCAN_IE_BOE_MASK 0x02000000U
1289 #define MCAN_IE_BOE_SHIFT 25U
1291 // Field: [24] EWE
1292 //
1293 // Warning Status Enable
1294 #define MCAN_IE_EWE 0x01000000U
1295 #define MCAN_IE_EWE_MASK 0x01000000U
1296 #define MCAN_IE_EWE_SHIFT 24U
1298 // Field: [23] EPE
1299 //
1300 // Error Passive Enable
1301 #define MCAN_IE_EPE 0x00800000U
1302 #define MCAN_IE_EPE_MASK 0x00800000U
1303 #define MCAN_IE_EPE_SHIFT 23U
1305 // Field: [22] ELOE
1306 //
1307 // Error Logging Overflow Enable
1308 #define MCAN_IE_ELOE 0x00400000U
1309 #define MCAN_IE_ELOE_MASK 0x00400000U
1310 #define MCAN_IE_ELOE_SHIFT 22U
1312 // Field: [21] BEUE
1313 //
1314 // Bit Error Uncorrected Enable
1315 #define MCAN_IE_BEUE 0x00200000U
1316 #define MCAN_IE_BEUE_MASK 0x00200000U
1317 #define MCAN_IE_BEUE_SHIFT 21U
1319 // Field: [20] BECE
1320 //
1321 // Bit Error Corrected Enable
1322 //
1323 // A separate interrupt line reserved for corrected bit errors is provided via
1324 // the MCAN_ERROR_REGS. It advised for the user to use these registers and
1325 // leave this bit cleared to '0'.
1326 #define MCAN_IE_BECE 0x00100000U
1327 #define MCAN_IE_BECE_MASK 0x00100000U
1328 #define MCAN_IE_BECE_SHIFT 20U
1330 // Field: [19] DRXE
1331 //
1332 // Message Stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer Enable
1333 #define MCAN_IE_DRXE 0x00080000U
1334 #define MCAN_IE_DRXE_MASK 0x00080000U
1335 #define MCAN_IE_DRXE_SHIFT 19U
1337 // Field: [18] TOOE
1338 //
1339 // Timeout Occurred Enable
1340 #define MCAN_IE_TOOE 0x00040000U
1341 #define MCAN_IE_TOOE_MASK 0x00040000U
1342 #define MCAN_IE_TOOE_SHIFT 18U
1344 // Field: [17] MRAFE
1345 //
1346 // Message RAM Access Failure Enable
1347 #define MCAN_IE_MRAFE 0x00020000U
1348 #define MCAN_IE_MRAFE_MASK 0x00020000U
1349 #define MCAN_IE_MRAFE_SHIFT 17U
1351 // Field: [16] TSWE
1352 //
1353 // Timestamp Wraparound Enable
1354 #define MCAN_IE_TSWE 0x00010000U
1355 #define MCAN_IE_TSWE_MASK 0x00010000U
1356 #define MCAN_IE_TSWE_SHIFT 16U
1358 // Field: [15] TEFLE
1359 //
1360 // Tx Event FIFO Element Lost Enable
1361 #define MCAN_IE_TEFLE 0x00008000U
1362 #define MCAN_IE_TEFLE_MASK 0x00008000U
1363 #define MCAN_IE_TEFLE_SHIFT 15U
1365 // Field: [14] TEFFE
1366 //
1367 // Tx Event FIFO Full Enable
1368 #define MCAN_IE_TEFFE 0x00004000U
1369 #define MCAN_IE_TEFFE_MASK 0x00004000U
1370 #define MCAN_IE_TEFFE_SHIFT 14U
1372 // Field: [13] TEFWE
1373 //
1374 // Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached Enable
1375 #define MCAN_IE_TEFWE 0x00002000U
1376 #define MCAN_IE_TEFWE_MASK 0x00002000U
1377 #define MCAN_IE_TEFWE_SHIFT 13U
1379 // Field: [12] TEFNE
1380 //
1381 // Tx Event FIFO New Entry Enable
1382 #define MCAN_IE_TEFNE 0x00001000U
1383 #define MCAN_IE_TEFNE_MASK 0x00001000U
1384 #define MCAN_IE_TEFNE_SHIFT 12U
1386 // Field: [11] TFEE
1387 //
1388 // Tx FIFO Empty Enable
1389 #define MCAN_IE_TFEE 0x00000800U
1390 #define MCAN_IE_TFEE_MASK 0x00000800U
1391 #define MCAN_IE_TFEE_SHIFT 11U
1393 // Field: [10] TCFE
1394 //
1395 // Transmission Cancellation Finished Enable
1396 #define MCAN_IE_TCFE 0x00000400U
1397 #define MCAN_IE_TCFE_MASK 0x00000400U
1398 #define MCAN_IE_TCFE_SHIFT 10U
1400 // Field: [9] TCE
1401 //
1402 // Transmission Completed Enable
1403 #define MCAN_IE_TCE 0x00000200U
1404 #define MCAN_IE_TCE_MASK 0x00000200U
1405 #define MCAN_IE_TCE_SHIFT 9U
1407 // Field: [8] HPME
1408 //
1409 // High Priority Message Enable
1410 #define MCAN_IE_HPME 0x00000100U
1411 #define MCAN_IE_HPME_MASK 0x00000100U
1412 #define MCAN_IE_HPME_SHIFT 8U
1414 // Field: [7] RF1LE
1415 //
1416 // Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost Enable
1417 #define MCAN_IE_RF1LE 0x00000080U
1418 #define MCAN_IE_RF1LE_MASK 0x00000080U
1419 #define MCAN_IE_RF1LE_SHIFT 7U
1421 // Field: [6] RF1FE
1422 //
1423 // Rx FIFO 1 Full Enable
1424 #define MCAN_IE_RF1FE 0x00000040U
1425 #define MCAN_IE_RF1FE_MASK 0x00000040U
1426 #define MCAN_IE_RF1FE_SHIFT 6U
1428 // Field: [5] RF1WE
1429 //
1430 // Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached Enable
1431 #define MCAN_IE_RF1WE 0x00000020U
1432 #define MCAN_IE_RF1WE_MASK 0x00000020U
1433 #define MCAN_IE_RF1WE_SHIFT 5U
1435 // Field: [4] RF1NE
1436 //
1437 // Rx FIFO 1 New Message Enable
1438 #define MCAN_IE_RF1NE 0x00000010U
1439 #define MCAN_IE_RF1NE_MASK 0x00000010U
1440 #define MCAN_IE_RF1NE_SHIFT 4U
1442 // Field: [3] RF0LE
1443 //
1444 // Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost Enable
1445 #define MCAN_IE_RF0LE 0x00000008U
1446 #define MCAN_IE_RF0LE_MASK 0x00000008U
1447 #define MCAN_IE_RF0LE_SHIFT 3U
1449 // Field: [2] RF0FE
1450 //
1451 // Rx FIFO 0 Full Enable
1452 #define MCAN_IE_RF0FE 0x00000004U
1453 #define MCAN_IE_RF0FE_MASK 0x00000004U
1454 #define MCAN_IE_RF0FE_SHIFT 2U
1456 // Field: [1] RF0WE
1457 //
1458 // Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached Enable
1459 #define MCAN_IE_RF0WE 0x00000002U
1460 #define MCAN_IE_RF0WE_MASK 0x00000002U
1461 #define MCAN_IE_RF0WE_SHIFT 1U
1463 // Field: [0] RF0NE
1464 //
1465 // Rx FIFO 0 New Message Enable
1466 #define MCAN_IE_RF0NE 0x00000001U
1467 #define MCAN_IE_RF0NE_MASK 0x00000001U
1468 #define MCAN_IE_RF0NE_SHIFT 0U
1470 //*****************************************************************************
1471 //
1472 // Register: MCAN_ILS
1473 //
1474 //*****************************************************************************
1475 // Field: [29] ARAL
1476 //
1477 // Access to Reserved Address Line
1478 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1479 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1480 #define MCAN_ILS_ARAL 0x20000000U
1481 #define MCAN_ILS_ARAL_MASK 0x20000000U
1482 #define MCAN_ILS_ARAL_SHIFT 29U
1484 // Field: [28] PEDL
1485 //
1486 // Protocol Error in Data Phase Line
1487 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1488 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1489 #define MCAN_ILS_PEDL 0x10000000U
1490 #define MCAN_ILS_PEDL_MASK 0x10000000U
1491 #define MCAN_ILS_PEDL_SHIFT 28U
1493 // Field: [27] PEAL
1494 //
1495 // Protocol Error in Arbitration Phase Line
1496 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1497 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1498 #define MCAN_ILS_PEAL 0x08000000U
1499 #define MCAN_ILS_PEAL_MASK 0x08000000U
1500 #define MCAN_ILS_PEAL_SHIFT 27U
1502 // Field: [26] WDIL
1503 //
1504 // Watchdog Interrupt Line
1505 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1506 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1507 #define MCAN_ILS_WDIL 0x04000000U
1508 #define MCAN_ILS_WDIL_MASK 0x04000000U
1509 #define MCAN_ILS_WDIL_SHIFT 26U
1511 // Field: [25] BOL
1512 //
1513 // Bus_Off Status Line
1514 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1515 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1516 #define MCAN_ILS_BOL 0x02000000U
1517 #define MCAN_ILS_BOL_MASK 0x02000000U
1518 #define MCAN_ILS_BOL_SHIFT 25U
1520 // Field: [24] EWL
1521 //
1522 // Warning Status Line
1523 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1524 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1525 #define MCAN_ILS_EWL 0x01000000U
1526 #define MCAN_ILS_EWL_MASK 0x01000000U
1527 #define MCAN_ILS_EWL_SHIFT 24U
1529 // Field: [23] EPL
1530 //
1531 // Error Passive Line
1532 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1533 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1534 #define MCAN_ILS_EPL 0x00800000U
1535 #define MCAN_ILS_EPL_MASK 0x00800000U
1536 #define MCAN_ILS_EPL_SHIFT 23U
1538 // Field: [22] ELOL
1539 //
1540 // Error Logging Overflow Line
1541 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1542 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1543 #define MCAN_ILS_ELOL 0x00400000U
1544 #define MCAN_ILS_ELOL_MASK 0x00400000U
1545 #define MCAN_ILS_ELOL_SHIFT 22U
1547 // Field: [21] BEUL
1548 //
1549 // Bit Error Uncorrected Line
1550 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1551 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1552 #define MCAN_ILS_BEUL 0x00200000U
1553 #define MCAN_ILS_BEUL_MASK 0x00200000U
1554 #define MCAN_ILS_BEUL_SHIFT 21U
1556 // Field: [20] BECL
1557 //
1558 // Bit Error Corrected Line
1559 //
1560 // A separate interrupt line reserved for corrected bit errors is provided via
1561 // the MCAN_ERROR_REGS. It advised for the user to use these registers and
1562 // leave the MCAN_IE.BECE bit cleared to '0' (disabled), thereby relegating
1563 // this bit to not applicable.
1564 #define MCAN_ILS_BECL 0x00100000U
1565 #define MCAN_ILS_BECL_MASK 0x00100000U
1566 #define MCAN_ILS_BECL_SHIFT 20U
1568 // Field: [19] DRXL
1569 //
1570 // Message Stored to Dedicated Rx Buffer Line
1571 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1572 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1573 #define MCAN_ILS_DRXL 0x00080000U
1574 #define MCAN_ILS_DRXL_MASK 0x00080000U
1575 #define MCAN_ILS_DRXL_SHIFT 19U
1577 // Field: [18] TOOL
1578 //
1579 // Timeout Occurred Line
1580 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1581 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1582 #define MCAN_ILS_TOOL 0x00040000U
1583 #define MCAN_ILS_TOOL_MASK 0x00040000U
1584 #define MCAN_ILS_TOOL_SHIFT 18U
1586 // Field: [17] MRAFL
1587 //
1588 // Message RAM Access Failure Line
1589 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1590 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1591 #define MCAN_ILS_MRAFL 0x00020000U
1592 #define MCAN_ILS_MRAFL_MASK 0x00020000U
1593 #define MCAN_ILS_MRAFL_SHIFT 17U
1595 // Field: [16] TSWL
1596 //
1597 // Timestamp Wraparound Line
1598 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1599 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1600 #define MCAN_ILS_TSWL 0x00010000U
1601 #define MCAN_ILS_TSWL_MASK 0x00010000U
1602 #define MCAN_ILS_TSWL_SHIFT 16U
1604 // Field: [15] TEFLL
1605 //
1606 // Tx Event FIFO Element Lost Line
1607 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1608 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1609 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFLL 0x00008000U
1610 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFLL_MASK 0x00008000U
1611 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFLL_SHIFT 15U
1613 // Field: [14] TEFFL
1614 //
1615 // Tx Event FIFO Full Line
1616 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1617 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1618 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFFL 0x00004000U
1619 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFFL_MASK 0x00004000U
1620 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFFL_SHIFT 14U
1622 // Field: [13] TEFWL
1623 //
1624 // Tx Event FIFO Watermark Reached Line
1625 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1626 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1627 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFWL 0x00002000U
1628 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFWL_MASK 0x00002000U
1629 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFWL_SHIFT 13U
1631 // Field: [12] TEFNL
1632 //
1633 // Tx Event FIFO New Entry Line
1634 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1635 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1636 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFNL 0x00001000U
1637 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFNL_MASK 0x00001000U
1638 #define MCAN_ILS_TEFNL_SHIFT 12U
1640 // Field: [11] TFEL
1641 //
1642 // Tx FIFO Empty Line
1643 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1644 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1645 #define MCAN_ILS_TFEL 0x00000800U
1646 #define MCAN_ILS_TFEL_MASK 0x00000800U
1647 #define MCAN_ILS_TFEL_SHIFT 11U
1649 // Field: [10] TCFL
1650 //
1651 // Transmission Cancellation Finished Line
1652 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1653 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1654 #define MCAN_ILS_TCFL 0x00000400U
1655 #define MCAN_ILS_TCFL_MASK 0x00000400U
1656 #define MCAN_ILS_TCFL_SHIFT 10U
1658 // Field: [9] TCL
1659 //
1660 // Transmission Completed Line
1661 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1662 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1663 #define MCAN_ILS_TCL 0x00000200U
1664 #define MCAN_ILS_TCL_MASK 0x00000200U
1665 #define MCAN_ILS_TCL_SHIFT 9U
1667 // Field: [8] HPML
1668 //
1669 // High Priority Message Line
1670 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1671 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1672 #define MCAN_ILS_HPML 0x00000100U
1673 #define MCAN_ILS_HPML_MASK 0x00000100U
1674 #define MCAN_ILS_HPML_SHIFT 8U
1676 // Field: [7] RF1LL
1677 //
1678 // Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost Line
1679 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1680 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1681 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1LL 0x00000080U
1682 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1LL_MASK 0x00000080U
1683 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1LL_SHIFT 7U
1685 // Field: [6] RF1FL
1686 //
1687 // Rx FIFO 1 Full Line
1688 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1689 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1690 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1FL 0x00000040U
1691 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1FL_MASK 0x00000040U
1692 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1FL_SHIFT 6U
1694 // Field: [5] RF1WL
1695 //
1696 // Rx FIFO 1 Watermark Reached Line
1697 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1698 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1699 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1WL 0x00000020U
1700 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1WL_MASK 0x00000020U
1701 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1WL_SHIFT 5U
1703 // Field: [4] RF1NL
1704 //
1705 // Rx FIFO 1 New Message Line
1706 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1707 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1708 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1NL 0x00000010U
1709 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1NL_MASK 0x00000010U
1710 #define MCAN_ILS_RF1NL_SHIFT 4U
1712 // Field: [3] RF0LL
1713 //
1714 // Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost Line
1715 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1716 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1717 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0LL 0x00000008U
1718 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0LL_MASK 0x00000008U
1719 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0LL_SHIFT 3U
1721 // Field: [2] RF0FL
1722 //
1723 // Rx FIFO 0 Full Line
1724 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1725 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1726 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0FL 0x00000004U
1727 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0FL_MASK 0x00000004U
1728 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0FL_SHIFT 2U
1730 // Field: [1] RF0WL
1731 //
1732 // Rx FIFO 0 Watermark Reached Line
1733 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1734 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1735 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0WL 0x00000002U
1736 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0WL_MASK 0x00000002U
1737 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0WL_SHIFT 1U
1739 // Field: [0] RF0NL
1740 //
1741 // Rx FIFO 0 New Message Line
1742 // 0 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 0
1743 // 1 Interrupt source is assigned to Interrupt Line 1
1744 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0NL 0x00000001U
1745 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0NL_MASK 0x00000001U
1746 #define MCAN_ILS_RF0NL_SHIFT 0U
1748 //*****************************************************************************
1749 //
1750 // Register: MCAN_ILE
1751 //
1752 //*****************************************************************************
1753 // Field: [1] EINT1
1754 //
1755 // Enable Interrupt Line 1
1756 // 0 Interrupt Line 1 is disabled
1757 // 1 Interrupt Line 1 is enabled
1758 #define MCAN_ILE_EINT1 0x00000002U
1759 #define MCAN_ILE_EINT1_MASK 0x00000002U
1760 #define MCAN_ILE_EINT1_SHIFT 1U
1762 // Field: [0] EINT0
1763 //
1764 // Enable Interrupt Line 0
1765 // 0 Interrupt Line 0 is disabled
1766 // 1 Interrupt Line 0 is enabled
1767 #define MCAN_ILE_EINT0 0x00000001U
1768 #define MCAN_ILE_EINT0_MASK 0x00000001U
1769 #define MCAN_ILE_EINT0_SHIFT 0U
1771 //*****************************************************************************
1772 //
1773 // Register: MCAN_GFC
1774 //
1775 //*****************************************************************************
1776 // Field: [5:4] ANFS
1777 //
1778 // Accept Non-matching Frames Standard. Defines how received messages with
1779 // 11-bit IDs that do not match any element of the filter list are treated.
1780 // 00 Accept in Rx FIFO 0
1781 // 01 Accept in Rx FIFO 1
1782 // 10 Reject
1783 // 11 Reject
1784 //
1785 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1786 #define MCAN_GFC_ANFS_WIDTH 2U
1787 #define MCAN_GFC_ANFS_MASK 0x00000030U
1788 #define MCAN_GFC_ANFS_SHIFT 4U
1790 // Field: [3:2] ANFE
1791 //
1792 // Accept Non-matching Frames Extended. Defines how received messages with
1793 // 29-bit IDs that do not match any element of the filter list are treated.
1794 // 00 Accept in Rx FIFO 0
1795 // 01 Accept in Rx FIFO 1
1796 // 10 Reject
1797 // 11 Reject
1798 //
1799 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1800 #define MCAN_GFC_ANFE_WIDTH 2U
1801 #define MCAN_GFC_ANFE_MASK 0x0000000CU
1802 #define MCAN_GFC_ANFE_SHIFT 2U
1804 // Field: [1] RRFS
1805 //
1806 // Reject Remote Frames Standard
1807 // 0 Filter remote frames with 11-bit standard IDs
1808 // 1 Reject all remote frames with 11-bit standard IDs
1809 //
1810 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1811 #define MCAN_GFC_RRFS 0x00000002U
1812 #define MCAN_GFC_RRFS_MASK 0x00000002U
1813 #define MCAN_GFC_RRFS_SHIFT 1U
1815 // Field: [0] RRFE
1816 //
1817 // Reject Remote Frames Extended
1818 // 0 Filter remote frames with 29-bit extended IDs
1819 // 1 Reject all remote frames with 29-bit extended IDs
1820 //
1821 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1822 #define MCAN_GFC_RRFE 0x00000001U
1823 #define MCAN_GFC_RRFE_MASK 0x00000001U
1824 #define MCAN_GFC_RRFE_SHIFT 0U
1826 //*****************************************************************************
1827 //
1828 // Register: MCAN_SIDFC
1829 //
1830 //*****************************************************************************
1831 // Field: [23:16] LSS
1832 //
1833 // List Size Standard
1834 // 0 No standard Message ID filter
1835 // 1-128 Number of standard Message ID filter elements
1836 // >128 Values greater than 128 are interpreted as 128
1837 #define MCAN_SIDFC_LSS_WIDTH 8U
1838 #define MCAN_SIDFC_LSS_MASK 0x00FF0000U
1839 #define MCAN_SIDFC_LSS_SHIFT 16U
1841 // Field: [15:2] FLSSA
1842 //
1843 // Filter List Standard Start Address. Start address of standard Message ID
1844 // filter list (32-bit word address).
1846 #define MCAN_SIDFC_FLSSA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
1849 //*****************************************************************************
1850 //
1851 // Register: MCAN_XIDFC
1852 //
1853 //*****************************************************************************
1854 // Field: [22:16] LSE
1855 //
1856 // Filter List Extended Start Address. Start address of extended Message ID
1857 // filter list (32-bit word address).
1858 //
1859 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1860 #define MCAN_XIDFC_LSE_WIDTH 7U
1861 #define MCAN_XIDFC_LSE_MASK 0x007F0000U
1862 #define MCAN_XIDFC_LSE_SHIFT 16U
1864 // Field: [15:2] FLESA
1865 //
1866 // List Size Extended
1867 // 0 No extended Message ID filter
1868 // 1-64 Number of extended Message ID filter elements
1869 // >64 Values greater than 64 are interpreted as 64
1870 //
1871 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1873 #define MCAN_XIDFC_FLESA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
1876 //*****************************************************************************
1877 //
1878 // Register: MCAN_XIDAM
1879 //
1880 //*****************************************************************************
1881 // Field: [28:0] EIDM
1882 //
1883 // Extended ID Mask. For acceptance filtering of extended frames the Extended
1884 // ID AND Mask is ANDed with the Message ID of a received frame. Intended for
1885 // masking of 29-bit IDs in SAE J1939. With the reset value of all bits set to
1886 // one the mask is not active.
1887 //
1888 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
1889 #define MCAN_XIDAM_EIDM_WIDTH 29U
1893 //*****************************************************************************
1894 //
1895 // Register: MCAN_HPMS
1896 //
1897 //*****************************************************************************
1898 // Field: [15] FLST
1899 //
1900 // Filter List. Indicates the filter list of the matching filter element.
1901 // 0 Standard Filter List
1902 // 1 Extended Filter List
1903 #define MCAN_HPMS_FLST 0x00008000U
1904 #define MCAN_HPMS_FLST_MASK 0x00008000U
1905 #define MCAN_HPMS_FLST_SHIFT 15U
1907 // Field: [14:8] FIDX
1908 //
1909 // Filter Index. Index of matching filter element. Range is 0 to SIDFC.LSS - 1
1910 // resp. XIDFC.LSE - 1.
1911 #define MCAN_HPMS_FIDX_WIDTH 7U
1912 #define MCAN_HPMS_FIDX_MASK 0x00007F00U
1913 #define MCAN_HPMS_FIDX_SHIFT 8U
1915 // Field: [7:6] MSI
1916 //
1917 // Message Storage Indicator
1918 // 00 No FIFO selected
1919 // 01 FIFO message lost
1920 // 10 Message stored in FIFO 0
1921 // 11 Message stored in FIFO 1
1922 #define MCAN_HPMS_MSI_WIDTH 2U
1923 #define MCAN_HPMS_MSI_MASK 0x000000C0U
1924 #define MCAN_HPMS_MSI_SHIFT 6U
1926 // Field: [5:0] BIDX
1927 //
1928 // Buffer Index. Index of Rx FIFO element to which the message was stored. Only
1929 // valid when MSI(1) = '1'.
1930 #define MCAN_HPMS_BIDX_WIDTH 6U
1931 #define MCAN_HPMS_BIDX_MASK 0x0000003FU
1932 #define MCAN_HPMS_BIDX_SHIFT 0U
1934 //*****************************************************************************
1935 //
1936 // Register: MCAN_NDAT1
1937 //
1938 //*****************************************************************************
1939 // Field: [31] ND31
1940 //
1941 // New Data RX Buffer 31
1942 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1943 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1944 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND31 0x80000000U
1945 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND31_MASK 0x80000000U
1946 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND31_SHIFT 31U
1948 // Field: [30] ND30
1949 //
1950 // New Data RX Buffer 30
1951 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1952 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1953 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND30 0x40000000U
1954 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND30_MASK 0x40000000U
1955 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND30_SHIFT 30U
1957 // Field: [29] ND29
1958 //
1959 // New Data RX Buffer 29
1960 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1961 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1962 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND29 0x20000000U
1963 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND29_MASK 0x20000000U
1964 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND29_SHIFT 29U
1966 // Field: [28] ND28
1967 //
1968 // New Data RX Buffer 28
1969 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1970 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1971 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND28 0x10000000U
1972 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND28_MASK 0x10000000U
1973 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND28_SHIFT 28U
1975 // Field: [27] ND27
1976 //
1977 // New Data RX Buffer 27
1978 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1979 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1980 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND27 0x08000000U
1981 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND27_MASK 0x08000000U
1982 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND27_SHIFT 27U
1984 // Field: [26] ND26
1985 //
1986 // New Data RX Buffer 26
1987 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1988 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1989 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND26 0x04000000U
1990 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND26_MASK 0x04000000U
1991 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND26_SHIFT 26U
1993 // Field: [25] ND25
1994 //
1995 // New Data RX Buffer 25
1996 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
1997 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
1998 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND25 0x02000000U
1999 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND25_MASK 0x02000000U
2000 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND25_SHIFT 25U
2002 // Field: [24] ND24
2003 //
2004 // New Data RX Buffer 24
2005 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2006 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2007 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND24 0x01000000U
2008 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND24_MASK 0x01000000U
2009 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND24_SHIFT 24U
2011 // Field: [23] ND23
2012 //
2013 // New Data RX Buffer 23
2014 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2015 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2016 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND23 0x00800000U
2017 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND23_MASK 0x00800000U
2018 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND23_SHIFT 23U
2020 // Field: [22] ND22
2021 //
2022 // New Data RX Buffer 22
2023 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2024 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2025 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND22 0x00400000U
2026 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND22_MASK 0x00400000U
2027 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND22_SHIFT 22U
2029 // Field: [21] ND21
2030 //
2031 // New Data RX Buffer 21
2032 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2033 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2034 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND21 0x00200000U
2035 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND21_MASK 0x00200000U
2036 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND21_SHIFT 21U
2038 // Field: [20] ND20
2039 //
2040 // New Data RX Buffer 20
2041 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2042 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2043 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND20 0x00100000U
2044 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND20_MASK 0x00100000U
2045 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND20_SHIFT 20U
2047 // Field: [19] ND19
2048 //
2049 // New Data RX Buffer 19
2050 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2051 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2052 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND19 0x00080000U
2053 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND19_MASK 0x00080000U
2054 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND19_SHIFT 19U
2056 // Field: [18] ND18
2057 //
2058 // New Data RX Buffer 18
2059 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2060 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2061 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND18 0x00040000U
2062 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND18_MASK 0x00040000U
2063 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND18_SHIFT 18U
2065 // Field: [17] ND17
2066 //
2067 // New Data RX Buffer 17
2068 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2069 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2070 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND17 0x00020000U
2071 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND17_MASK 0x00020000U
2072 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND17_SHIFT 17U
2074 // Field: [16] ND16
2075 //
2076 // New Data RX Buffer 16
2077 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2078 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2079 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND16 0x00010000U
2080 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND16_MASK 0x00010000U
2081 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND16_SHIFT 16U
2083 // Field: [15] ND15
2084 //
2085 // New Data RX Buffer 15
2086 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2087 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2088 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND15 0x00008000U
2089 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND15_MASK 0x00008000U
2090 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND15_SHIFT 15U
2092 // Field: [14] ND14
2093 //
2094 // New Data RX Buffer 14
2095 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2096 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2097 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND14 0x00004000U
2098 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND14_MASK 0x00004000U
2099 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND14_SHIFT 14U
2101 // Field: [13] ND13
2102 //
2103 // New Data RX Buffer 13
2104 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2105 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2106 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND13 0x00002000U
2107 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND13_MASK 0x00002000U
2108 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND13_SHIFT 13U
2110 // Field: [12] ND12
2111 //
2112 // New Data RX Buffer 12
2113 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2114 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2115 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND12 0x00001000U
2116 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND12_MASK 0x00001000U
2117 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND12_SHIFT 12U
2119 // Field: [11] ND11
2120 //
2121 // New Data RX Buffer 11
2122 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2123 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2124 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND11 0x00000800U
2125 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND11_MASK 0x00000800U
2126 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND11_SHIFT 11U
2128 // Field: [10] ND10
2129 //
2130 // New Data RX Buffer 10
2131 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2132 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2133 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND10 0x00000400U
2134 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND10_MASK 0x00000400U
2135 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND10_SHIFT 10U
2137 // Field: [9] ND9
2138 //
2139 // New Data RX Buffer 9
2140 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2141 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2142 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND9 0x00000200U
2143 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND9_MASK 0x00000200U
2144 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND9_SHIFT 9U
2146 // Field: [8] ND8
2147 //
2148 // New Data RX Buffer 8
2149 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2150 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2151 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND8 0x00000100U
2152 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND8_MASK 0x00000100U
2153 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND8_SHIFT 8U
2155 // Field: [7] ND7
2156 //
2157 // New Data RX Buffer 7
2158 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2159 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2160 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND7 0x00000080U
2161 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND7_MASK 0x00000080U
2162 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND7_SHIFT 7U
2164 // Field: [6] ND6
2165 //
2166 // New Data RX Buffer 6
2167 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2168 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2169 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND6 0x00000040U
2170 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND6_MASK 0x00000040U
2171 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND6_SHIFT 6U
2173 // Field: [5] ND5
2174 //
2175 // New Data RX Buffer 5
2176 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2177 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2178 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND5 0x00000020U
2179 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND5_MASK 0x00000020U
2180 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND5_SHIFT 5U
2182 // Field: [4] ND4
2183 //
2184 // New Data RX Buffer 4
2185 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2186 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2187 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND4 0x00000010U
2188 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND4_MASK 0x00000010U
2189 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND4_SHIFT 4U
2191 // Field: [3] ND3
2192 //
2193 // New Data RX Buffer 3
2194 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2195 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2196 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND3 0x00000008U
2197 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND3_MASK 0x00000008U
2198 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND3_SHIFT 3U
2200 // Field: [2] ND2
2201 //
2202 // New Data RX Buffer 2
2203 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2204 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2205 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND2 0x00000004U
2206 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND2_MASK 0x00000004U
2207 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND2_SHIFT 2U
2209 // Field: [1] ND1
2210 //
2211 // New Data RX Buffer 1
2212 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2213 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2214 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND1 0x00000002U
2215 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND1_MASK 0x00000002U
2216 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND1_SHIFT 1U
2218 // Field: [0] ND0
2219 //
2220 // New Data RX Buffer 0
2221 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2222 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2223 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND0 0x00000001U
2224 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND0_MASK 0x00000001U
2225 #define MCAN_NDAT1_ND0_SHIFT 0U
2227 //*****************************************************************************
2228 //
2229 // Register: MCAN_NDAT2
2230 //
2231 //*****************************************************************************
2232 // Field: [31] ND63
2233 //
2234 // New Data RX Buffer 63
2235 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2236 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2237 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND63 0x80000000U
2238 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND63_MASK 0x80000000U
2239 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND63_SHIFT 31U
2241 // Field: [30] ND62
2242 //
2243 // New Data RX Buffer 62
2244 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2245 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2246 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND62 0x40000000U
2247 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND62_MASK 0x40000000U
2248 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND62_SHIFT 30U
2250 // Field: [29] ND61
2251 //
2252 // New Data RX Buffer 61
2253 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2254 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2255 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND61 0x20000000U
2256 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND61_MASK 0x20000000U
2257 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND61_SHIFT 29U
2259 // Field: [28] ND60
2260 //
2261 // New Data RX Buffer 60
2262 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2263 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2264 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND60 0x10000000U
2265 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND60_MASK 0x10000000U
2266 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND60_SHIFT 28U
2268 // Field: [27] ND59
2269 //
2270 // New Data RX Buffer 59
2271 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2272 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2273 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND59 0x08000000U
2274 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND59_MASK 0x08000000U
2275 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND59_SHIFT 27U
2277 // Field: [26] ND58
2278 //
2279 // New Data RX Buffer 58
2280 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2281 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2282 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND58 0x04000000U
2283 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND58_MASK 0x04000000U
2284 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND58_SHIFT 26U
2286 // Field: [25] ND57
2287 //
2288 // New Data RX Buffer 57
2289 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2290 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2291 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND57 0x02000000U
2292 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND57_MASK 0x02000000U
2293 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND57_SHIFT 25U
2295 // Field: [24] ND56
2296 //
2297 // New Data RX Buffer 56
2298 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2299 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2300 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND56 0x01000000U
2301 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND56_MASK 0x01000000U
2302 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND56_SHIFT 24U
2304 // Field: [23] ND55
2305 //
2306 // New Data RX Buffer 55
2307 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2308 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2309 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND55 0x00800000U
2310 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND55_MASK 0x00800000U
2311 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND55_SHIFT 23U
2313 // Field: [22] ND54
2314 //
2315 // New Data RX Buffer 54
2316 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2317 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2318 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND54 0x00400000U
2319 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND54_MASK 0x00400000U
2320 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND54_SHIFT 22U
2322 // Field: [21] ND53
2323 //
2324 // New Data RX Buffer 53
2325 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2326 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2327 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND53 0x00200000U
2328 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND53_MASK 0x00200000U
2329 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND53_SHIFT 21U
2331 // Field: [20] ND52
2332 //
2333 // New Data RX Buffer 52
2334 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2335 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2336 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND52 0x00100000U
2337 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND52_MASK 0x00100000U
2338 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND52_SHIFT 20U
2340 // Field: [19] ND51
2341 //
2342 // New Data RX Buffer 51
2343 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2344 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2345 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND51 0x00080000U
2346 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND51_MASK 0x00080000U
2347 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND51_SHIFT 19U
2349 // Field: [18] ND50
2350 //
2351 // New Data RX Buffer 50
2352 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2353 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2354 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND50 0x00040000U
2355 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND50_MASK 0x00040000U
2356 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND50_SHIFT 18U
2358 // Field: [17] ND49
2359 //
2360 // New Data RX Buffer 49
2361 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2362 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2363 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND49 0x00020000U
2364 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND49_MASK 0x00020000U
2365 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND49_SHIFT 17U
2367 // Field: [16] ND48
2368 //
2369 // New Data RX Buffer 48
2370 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2371 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2372 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND48 0x00010000U
2373 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND48_MASK 0x00010000U
2374 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND48_SHIFT 16U
2376 // Field: [15] ND47
2377 //
2378 // New Data RX Buffer 47
2379 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2380 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2381 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND47 0x00008000U
2382 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND47_MASK 0x00008000U
2383 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND47_SHIFT 15U
2385 // Field: [14] ND46
2386 //
2387 // New Data RX Buffer 46
2388 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2389 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2390 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND46 0x00004000U
2391 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND46_MASK 0x00004000U
2392 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND46_SHIFT 14U
2394 // Field: [13] ND45
2395 //
2396 // New Data RX Buffer 45
2397 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2398 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2399 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND45 0x00002000U
2400 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND45_MASK 0x00002000U
2401 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND45_SHIFT 13U
2403 // Field: [12] ND44
2404 //
2405 // New Data RX Buffer 44
2406 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2407 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2408 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND44 0x00001000U
2409 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND44_MASK 0x00001000U
2410 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND44_SHIFT 12U
2412 // Field: [11] ND43
2413 //
2414 // New Data RX Buffer 43
2415 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2416 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2417 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND43 0x00000800U
2418 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND43_MASK 0x00000800U
2419 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND43_SHIFT 11U
2421 // Field: [10] ND42
2422 //
2423 // New Data RX Buffer 42
2424 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2425 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2426 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND42 0x00000400U
2427 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND42_MASK 0x00000400U
2428 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND42_SHIFT 10U
2430 // Field: [9] ND41
2431 //
2432 // New Data RX Buffer 41
2433 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2434 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2435 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND41 0x00000200U
2436 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND41_MASK 0x00000200U
2437 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND41_SHIFT 9U
2439 // Field: [8] ND40
2440 //
2441 // New Data RX Buffer 40
2442 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2443 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2444 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND40 0x00000100U
2445 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND40_MASK 0x00000100U
2446 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND40_SHIFT 8U
2448 // Field: [7] ND39
2449 //
2450 // New Data RX Buffer 39
2451 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2452 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2453 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND39 0x00000080U
2454 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND39_MASK 0x00000080U
2455 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND39_SHIFT 7U
2457 // Field: [6] ND38
2458 //
2459 // New Data RX Buffer 38
2460 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2461 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2462 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND38 0x00000040U
2463 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND38_MASK 0x00000040U
2464 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND38_SHIFT 6U
2466 // Field: [5] ND37
2467 //
2468 // New Data RX Buffer 37
2469 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2470 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2471 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND37 0x00000020U
2472 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND37_MASK 0x00000020U
2473 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND37_SHIFT 5U
2475 // Field: [4] ND36
2476 //
2477 // New Data RX Buffer 36
2478 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2479 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2480 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND36 0x00000010U
2481 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND36_MASK 0x00000010U
2482 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND36_SHIFT 4U
2484 // Field: [3] ND35
2485 //
2486 // New Data RX Buffer 35
2487 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2488 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2489 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND35 0x00000008U
2490 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND35_MASK 0x00000008U
2491 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND35_SHIFT 3U
2493 // Field: [2] ND34
2494 //
2495 // New Data RX Buffer 34
2496 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2497 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2498 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND34 0x00000004U
2499 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND34_MASK 0x00000004U
2500 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND34_SHIFT 2U
2502 // Field: [1] ND33
2503 //
2504 // New Data RX Buffer 33
2505 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2506 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2507 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND33 0x00000002U
2508 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND33_MASK 0x00000002U
2509 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND33_SHIFT 1U
2511 // Field: [0] ND32
2512 //
2513 // New Data RX Buffer 32
2514 // 0 Rx Buffer not updated
2515 // 1 Rx Buffer updated from new message
2516 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND32 0x00000001U
2517 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND32_MASK 0x00000001U
2518 #define MCAN_NDAT2_ND32_SHIFT 0U
2520 //*****************************************************************************
2521 //
2522 // Register: MCAN_RXF0C
2523 //
2524 //*****************************************************************************
2525 // Field: [31] F0OM
2526 //
2527 // FIFO 0 Operation Mode. FIFO 0 can be operated in blocking or in overwrite
2528 // mode.
2529 // 0 FIFO 0 blocking mode
2530 // 1 FIFO 0 overwrite mode
2531 //
2532 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2533 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0OM 0x80000000U
2534 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0OM_MASK 0x80000000U
2535 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0OM_SHIFT 31U
2537 // Field: [30:24] F0WM
2538 //
2539 // Rx FIFO 0 Watermark
2540 // 0 Watermark interrupt disabled
2541 // 1-64 Level for Rx FIFO 0 watermark interrupt (IR.RF0W)
2542 // >64 Watermark interrupt disabled
2543 //
2544 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2545 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0WM_WIDTH 7U
2546 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0WM_MASK 0x7F000000U
2547 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0WM_SHIFT 24U
2549 // Field: [22:16] F0S
2550 //
2551 // Rx FIFO 0 Size. The Rx FIFO 0 elements are indexed from 0 to F0S-1.
2552 // 0 No Rx FIFO 0
2553 // 1-64 Number of Rx FIFO 0 elements
2554 // >64 Values greater than 64 are interpreted as 64
2555 //
2556 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2557 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0S_WIDTH 7U
2558 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0S_MASK 0x007F0000U
2559 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0S_SHIFT 16U
2561 // Field: [15:2] F0SA
2562 //
2563 // Rx FIFO 0 Start Address. Start address of Rx FIFO 0 in Message RAM (32-bit
2564 // word address).
2565 //
2566 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2567 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0SA_WIDTH 14U
2568 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0SA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
2569 #define MCAN_RXF0C_F0SA_SHIFT 2U
2571 //*****************************************************************************
2572 //
2573 // Register: MCAN_RXF0S
2574 //
2575 //*****************************************************************************
2576 // Field: [25] RF0L
2577 //
2578 // Rx FIFO 0 Message Lost. This bit is a copy of interrupt flag IR.RF0L. When
2579 // IR.RF0L is reset, this bit is also reset.
2580 // 0 No Rx FIFO 0 message lost
2581 // 1 Rx FIFO 0 message lost, also set after write attempt to Rx FIFO 0 of
2582 // size zero
2583 //
2584 // Note: Overwriting the oldest message when RXF0C.F0OM = '1' will not set this
2585 // flag.
2586 #define MCAN_RXF0S_RF0L 0x02000000U
2587 #define MCAN_RXF0S_RF0L_MASK 0x02000000U
2588 #define MCAN_RXF0S_RF0L_SHIFT 25U
2590 // Field: [24] F0F
2591 //
2592 // Rx FIFO 0 Full
2593 // 0 Rx FIFO 0 not full
2594 // 1 Rx FIFO 0 full
2595 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0F 0x01000000U
2596 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0F_MASK 0x01000000U
2597 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0F_SHIFT 24U
2599 // Field: [21:16] F0PI
2600 //
2601 // Rx FIFO 0 Put Index. Rx FIFO 0 write index pointer, range 0 to 63.
2602 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0PI_WIDTH 6U
2603 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0PI_MASK 0x003F0000U
2604 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0PI_SHIFT 16U
2606 // Field: [13:8] F0GI
2607 //
2608 // Rx FIFO 0 Get Index. Rx FIFO 0 read index pointer, range 0 to 63.
2609 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0GI_WIDTH 6U
2610 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0GI_MASK 0x00003F00U
2611 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0GI_SHIFT 8U
2613 // Field: [6:0] F0FL
2614 //
2615 // Rx FIFO 0 Fill Level. Number of elements stored in Rx FIFO 0, range 0 to 64.
2616 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0FL_WIDTH 7U
2617 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0FL_MASK 0x0000007FU
2618 #define MCAN_RXF0S_F0FL_SHIFT 0U
2620 //*****************************************************************************
2621 //
2622 // Register: MCAN_RXF0A
2623 //
2624 //*****************************************************************************
2625 // Field: [5:0] F0AI
2626 //
2627 // Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge Index. After the Host has read a message or a sequence
2628 // of messages from Rx FIFO 0 it has to write the buffer index of the last
2629 // element read from Rx FIFO 0 to F0AI. This will set the Rx FIFO 0 Get Index
2630 // RXF0S.F0GI to F0AI + 1 and update the FIFO 0 Fill Level RXF0S.F0FL.
2631 #define MCAN_RXF0A_F0AI_WIDTH 6U
2632 #define MCAN_RXF0A_F0AI_MASK 0x0000003FU
2633 #define MCAN_RXF0A_F0AI_SHIFT 0U
2635 //*****************************************************************************
2636 //
2637 // Register: MCAN_RXBC
2638 //
2639 //*****************************************************************************
2640 // Field: [15:2] RBSA
2641 //
2642 // Rx Buffer Start Address. Configures the start address of the Rx Buffers
2643 // section in the Message RAM (32-bit word address).
2644 //
2645 // +I466
2646 #define MCAN_RXBC_RBSA_WIDTH 14U
2647 #define MCAN_RXBC_RBSA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
2648 #define MCAN_RXBC_RBSA_SHIFT 2U
2650 //*****************************************************************************
2651 //
2652 // Register: MCAN_RXF1C
2653 //
2654 //*****************************************************************************
2655 // Field: [31] F1OM
2656 //
2657 // FIFO 1 Operation Mode. FIFO 1 can be operated in blocking or in overwrite
2658 // mode.
2659 // 0 FIFO 1 blocking mode
2660 // 1 FIFO 1 overwrite mode
2661 //
2662 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2663 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1OM 0x80000000U
2664 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1OM_MASK 0x80000000U
2665 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1OM_SHIFT 31U
2667 // Field: [30:24] F1WM
2668 //
2669 // Rx FIFO 1 Watermark
2670 // 0 Watermark interrupt disabled
2671 // 1-64 Level for Rx FIFO 1 watermark interrupt (IR.RF1W)
2672 // >64 Watermark interrupt disabled
2673 //
2674 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2675 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1WM_WIDTH 7U
2676 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1WM_MASK 0x7F000000U
2677 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1WM_SHIFT 24U
2679 // Field: [22:16] F1S
2680 //
2681 // Rx FIFO 1 Size. The Rx FIFO 1 elements are indexed from 0 to F1S - 1.
2682 // 0 No Rx FIFO 1
2683 // 1-64 Number of Rx FIFO 1 elements
2684 // >64 Values greater than 64 are interpreted as 64
2685 //
2686 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2687 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1S_WIDTH 7U
2688 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1S_MASK 0x007F0000U
2689 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1S_SHIFT 16U
2691 // Field: [15:2] F1SA
2692 //
2693 // Rx FIFO 1 Start Address Start address of Rx FIFO 1 in Message RAM (32-bit
2694 // word address).
2695 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1SA_WIDTH 14U
2696 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1SA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
2697 #define MCAN_RXF1C_F1SA_SHIFT 2U
2699 //*****************************************************************************
2700 //
2701 // Register: MCAN_RXF1S
2702 //
2703 //*****************************************************************************
2704 // Field: [31:30] DMS
2705 //
2706 // Debug Message Status
2707 // 00 Idle state, wait for reception of debug messages, DMA request is
2708 // cleared
2709 // 01 Debug message A received
2710 // 10 Debug messages A, B received
2711 // 11 Debug messages A, B, C received, DMA request is set
2712 #define MCAN_RXF1S_DMS_WIDTH 2U
2713 #define MCAN_RXF1S_DMS_MASK 0xC0000000U
2714 #define MCAN_RXF1S_DMS_SHIFT 30U
2716 // Field: [25] RF1L
2717 //
2718 // Rx FIFO 1 Message Lost. This bit is a copy of interrupt flag IR.RF1L. When
2719 // IR.RF1L is reset, this bit is also reset.
2720 // 0 No Rx FIFO 1 message lost
2721 // 1 Rx FIFO 1 message lost, also set after write attempt to Rx FIFO 1 of
2722 // size zero
2723 //
2724 // Note: Overwriting the oldest message when RXF1C.F1OM = '1' will not set this
2725 // flag.
2726 #define MCAN_RXF1S_RF1L 0x02000000U
2727 #define MCAN_RXF1S_RF1L_MASK 0x02000000U
2728 #define MCAN_RXF1S_RF1L_SHIFT 25U
2730 // Field: [24] F1F
2731 //
2732 // Rx FIFO 1 Full
2733 // 0 Rx FIFO 1 not full
2734 // 1 Rx FIFO 1 full
2735 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1F 0x01000000U
2736 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1F_MASK 0x01000000U
2737 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1F_SHIFT 24U
2739 // Field: [21:16] F1PI
2740 //
2741 // Rx FIFO 1 Put Index. Rx FIFO 1 write index pointer, range 0 to 63.
2742 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1PI_WIDTH 6U
2743 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1PI_MASK 0x003F0000U
2744 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1PI_SHIFT 16U
2746 // Field: [13:8] F1GI
2747 //
2748 // Rx FIFO 1 Get Index. Rx FIFO 1 read index pointer, range 0 to 63.
2749 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1GI_WIDTH 6U
2750 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1GI_MASK 0x00003F00U
2751 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1GI_SHIFT 8U
2753 // Field: [6:0] F1FL
2754 //
2755 // Rx FIFO 1 Fill Level. Number of elements stored in Rx FIFO 1, range 0 to 64.
2756 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1FL_WIDTH 7U
2757 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1FL_MASK 0x0000007FU
2758 #define MCAN_RXF1S_F1FL_SHIFT 0U
2760 //*****************************************************************************
2761 //
2762 // Register: MCAN_RXF1A
2763 //
2764 //*****************************************************************************
2765 // Field: [5:0] F1AI
2766 //
2767 // Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge Index. After the Host has read a message or a sequence
2768 // of messages from Rx FIFO 1 it has to write the buffer index of the last
2769 // element read from Rx FIFO 1 to F1AI. This will set the Rx FIFO 1 Get Index
2770 // RXF1S.F1GI to F1AI + 1 and update the FIFO 1 Fill Level RXF1S.F1FL.
2771 #define MCAN_RXF1A_F1AI_WIDTH 6U
2772 #define MCAN_RXF1A_F1AI_MASK 0x0000003FU
2773 #define MCAN_RXF1A_F1AI_SHIFT 0U
2775 //*****************************************************************************
2776 //
2777 // Register: MCAN_RXESC
2778 //
2779 //*****************************************************************************
2780 // Field: [10:8] RBDS
2781 //
2782 // Rx Buffer Data Field Size
2783 // 000 8 byte data field
2784 // 001 12 byte data field
2785 // 010 16 byte data field
2786 // 011 20 byte data field
2787 // 100 24 byte data field
2788 // 101 32 byte data field
2789 // 110 48 byte data field
2790 // 111 64 byte data field
2791 //
2792 // Note: In case the data field size of an accepted CAN frame exceeds the data
2793 // field size configured for the matching Rx Buffer or Rx FIFO, only the number
2794 // of bytes as configured by RXESC are stored to the Rx Buffer resp. Rx FIFO
2795 // element. The rest of the frame's data field is ignored.
2796 //
2797 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2799 #define MCAN_RXESC_RBDS_MASK 0x00000700U
2802 // Field: [6:4] F1DS
2803 //
2804 // Rx FIFO 1 Data Field Size
2805 // 000 8 byte data field
2806 // 001 12 byte data field
2807 // 010 16 byte data field
2808 // 011 20 byte data field
2809 // 100 24 byte data field
2810 // 101 32 byte data field
2811 // 110 48 byte data field
2812 // 111 64 byte data field
2813 //
2814 // Note: In case the data field size of an accepted CAN frame exceeds the data
2815 // field size configured for the matching Rx Buffer or Rx FIFO, only the number
2816 // of bytes as configured by RXESC are stored to the Rx Buffer resp. Rx FIFO
2817 // element. The rest of the frame's data field is ignored.
2818 //
2819 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2820 #define MCAN_RXESC_F1DS_WIDTH 3U
2821 #define MCAN_RXESC_F1DS_MASK 0x00000070U
2822 #define MCAN_RXESC_F1DS_SHIFT 4U
2824 // Field: [2:0] F0DS
2825 //
2826 // Rx FIFO 0 Data Field Size
2827 // 000 8 byte data field
2828 // 001 12 byte data field
2829 // 010 16 byte data field
2830 // 011 20 byte data field
2831 // 100 24 byte data field
2832 // 101 32 byte data field
2833 // 110 48 byte data field
2834 // 111 64 byte data field
2835 //
2836 // Note: In case the data field size of an accepted CAN frame exceeds the data
2837 // field size configured for the matching Rx Buffer or Rx FIFO, only the number
2838 // of bytes as configured by RXESC are stored to the Rx Buffer resp. Rx FIFO
2839 // element. The rest of the frame's data field is ignored.
2840 //
2841 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2842 #define MCAN_RXESC_F0DS_WIDTH 3U
2843 #define MCAN_RXESC_F0DS_MASK 0x00000007U
2844 #define MCAN_RXESC_F0DS_SHIFT 0U
2846 //*****************************************************************************
2847 //
2848 // Register: MCAN_TXBC
2849 //
2850 //*****************************************************************************
2851 // Field: [30] TFQM
2852 //
2853 // Tx FIFO/Queue Mode
2854 // 0 Tx FIFO operation
2855 // 1 Tx Queue operation
2856 //
2857 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2858 #define MCAN_TXBC_TFQM 0x40000000U
2859 #define MCAN_TXBC_TFQM_MASK 0x40000000U
2860 #define MCAN_TXBC_TFQM_SHIFT 30U
2862 // Field: [29:24] TFQS
2863 //
2864 // Transmit FIFO/Queue Size
2865 // 0 No Tx FIFO/Queue
2866 // 1-32 Number of Tx Buffers used for Tx FIFO/Queue
2867 // >32 Values greater than 32 are interpreted as 32
2868 //
2869 // Note: Be aware that the sum of TFQS and NDTB may be not greater than 32.
2870 // There is no check
2871 // for erroneous configurations. The Tx Buffers section in the Message RAM
2872 // starts with the
2873 // dedicated Tx Buffers.
2874 //
2875 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2876 #define MCAN_TXBC_TFQS_WIDTH 6U
2877 #define MCAN_TXBC_TFQS_MASK 0x3F000000U
2878 #define MCAN_TXBC_TFQS_SHIFT 24U
2880 // Field: [21:16] NDTB
2881 //
2882 // Number of Dedicated Transmit Buffers
2883 // 0 No Dedicated Tx Buffers
2884 // 1-32 Number of Dedicated Tx Buffers
2885 // >32 Values greater than 32 are interpreted as 32
2886 //
2887 // Note: Be aware that the sum of TFQS and NDTB may be not greater than 32.
2888 // There is no check
2889 // for erroneous configurations. The Tx Buffers section in the Message RAM
2890 // starts with the
2891 // dedicated Tx Buffers.
2892 //
2893 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2894 #define MCAN_TXBC_NDTB_WIDTH 6U
2895 #define MCAN_TXBC_NDTB_MASK 0x003F0000U
2896 #define MCAN_TXBC_NDTB_SHIFT 16U
2898 // Field: [15:2] TBSA
2899 //
2900 // Tx Buffers Start Address. Start address of Tx Buffers section in Message RAM
2901 // (32-bit word address).
2902 //
2903 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2904 #define MCAN_TXBC_TBSA_WIDTH 14U
2905 #define MCAN_TXBC_TBSA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
2906 #define MCAN_TXBC_TBSA_SHIFT 2U
2908 //*****************************************************************************
2909 //
2910 // Register: MCAN_TXFQS
2911 //
2912 //*****************************************************************************
2913 // Field: [21] TFQF
2914 //
2915 // Tx FIFO/Queue Full
2916 // 0 Tx FIFO/Queue not full
2917 // 1 Tx FIFO/Queue full
2918 #define MCAN_TXFQS_TFQF 0x00200000U
2919 #define MCAN_TXFQS_TFQF_MASK 0x00200000U
2920 #define MCAN_TXFQS_TFQF_SHIFT 21U
2922 // Field: [20:16] TFQPI
2923 //
2924 // Tx FIFO/Queue Put Index. Tx FIFO/Queue write index pointer, range 0 to 31.
2925 //
2926 // Note: In case of mixed configurations where dedicated Tx Buffers are
2927 // combined with a Tx FIFO or a Tx Queue, the Put and Get Indices indicate the
2928 // number of the Tx Buffer starting with the first dedicated Tx Buffers.
2929 // Example: For a configuration of 12 dedicated Tx Buffers and a Tx FIFO of 20
2930 // Buffers a Put Index of 15 points to the fourth buffer of the Tx FIFO.
2932 #define MCAN_TXFQS_TFQPI_MASK 0x001F0000U
2935 // Field: [12:8] TFGI
2936 //
2937 // Tx FIFO Get Index. Tx FIFO read index pointer, range 0 to 31. Read as zero
2938 // when Tx Queue operation is configured (TXBC.TFQM = '1').
2939 //
2940 // Note: In case of mixed configurations where dedicated Tx Buffers are
2941 // combined with a Tx FIFO or a Tx Queue, the Put and Get Indices indicate the
2942 // number of the Tx Buffer starting with the first dedicated Tx Buffers.
2943 // Example: For a configuration of 12 dedicated Tx Buffers and a Tx FIFO of 20
2944 // Buffers a Put Index of 15 points to the fourth buffer of the Tx FIFO.
2946 #define MCAN_TXFQS_TFGI_MASK 0x00001F00U
2949 // Field: [5:0] TFFL
2950 //
2951 // Tx FIFO Free Level. Number of consecutive free Tx FIFO elements starting
2952 // from TFGI, range 0 to 32. Read as zero when Tx Queue operation is configured
2953 // (TXBC.TFQM = '1').
2955 #define MCAN_TXFQS_TFFL_MASK 0x0000003FU
2958 //*****************************************************************************
2959 //
2960 // Register: MCAN_TXESC
2961 //
2962 //*****************************************************************************
2963 // Field: [2:0] TBDS
2964 //
2965 // Tx Buffer Data Field Size
2966 // 000 8 byte data field
2967 // 001 12 byte data field
2968 // 010 16 byte data field
2969 // 011 20 byte data field
2970 // 100 24 byte data field
2971 // 101 32 byte data field
2972 // 110 48 byte data field
2973 // 111 64 byte data field
2974 //
2975 // Note: In case the data length code DLC of a Tx Buffer element is configured
2976 // to a value higher than the Tx Buffer data field size TXESC.TBDS, the bytes
2977 // not defined by the Tx Buffer are transmitted as "0xCC" (padding bytes).
2978 //
2979 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='1' and CCCR.INIT='1'.
2981 #define MCAN_TXESC_TBDS_MASK 0x00000007U
2984 //*****************************************************************************
2985 //
2986 // Register: MCAN_TXBRP
2987 //
2988 //*****************************************************************************
2989 // Field: [31] TRP31
2990 //
2991 // Transmission Request Pending 31. See description for bit 0.
2992 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP31 0x80000000U
2993 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP31_MASK 0x80000000U
2994 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP31_SHIFT 31U
2996 // Field: [30] TRP30
2997 //
2998 // Transmission Request Pending 30. See description for bit 0.
2999 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP30 0x40000000U
3000 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP30_MASK 0x40000000U
3001 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP30_SHIFT 30U
3003 // Field: [29] TRP29
3004 //
3005 // Transmission Request Pending 29. See description for bit 0.
3006 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP29 0x20000000U
3007 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP29_MASK 0x20000000U
3008 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP29_SHIFT 29U
3010 // Field: [28] TRP28
3011 //
3012 // Transmission Request Pending 28. See description for bit 0.
3013 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP28 0x10000000U
3014 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP28_MASK 0x10000000U
3015 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP28_SHIFT 28U
3017 // Field: [27] TRP27
3018 //
3019 // Transmission Request Pending 27. See description for bit 0.
3020 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP27 0x08000000U
3021 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP27_MASK 0x08000000U
3022 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP27_SHIFT 27U
3024 // Field: [26] TRP26
3025 //
3026 // Transmission Request Pending 26. See description for bit 0.
3027 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP26 0x04000000U
3028 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP26_MASK 0x04000000U
3029 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP26_SHIFT 26U
3031 // Field: [25] TRP25
3032 //
3033 // Transmission Request Pending 25. See description for bit 0.
3034 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP25 0x02000000U
3035 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP25_MASK 0x02000000U
3036 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP25_SHIFT 25U
3038 // Field: [24] TRP24
3039 //
3040 // Transmission Request Pending 24. See description for bit 0.
3041 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP24 0x01000000U
3042 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP24_MASK 0x01000000U
3043 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP24_SHIFT 24U
3045 // Field: [23] TRP23
3046 //
3047 // Transmission Request Pending 23. See description for bit 0.
3048 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP23 0x00800000U
3049 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP23_MASK 0x00800000U
3050 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP23_SHIFT 23U
3052 // Field: [22] TRP22
3053 //
3054 // Transmission Request Pending 22. See description for bit 0.
3055 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP22 0x00400000U
3056 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP22_MASK 0x00400000U
3057 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP22_SHIFT 22U
3059 // Field: [21] TRP21
3060 //
3061 // Transmission Request Pending 21. See description for bit 0.
3062 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP21 0x00200000U
3063 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP21_MASK 0x00200000U
3064 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP21_SHIFT 21U
3066 // Field: [20] TRP20
3067 //
3068 // Transmission Request Pending 20. See description for bit 0.
3069 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP20 0x00100000U
3070 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP20_MASK 0x00100000U
3071 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP20_SHIFT 20U
3073 // Field: [19] TRP19
3074 //
3075 // Transmission Request Pending 19. See description for bit 0.
3076 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP19 0x00080000U
3077 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP19_MASK 0x00080000U
3078 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP19_SHIFT 19U
3080 // Field: [18] TRP18
3081 //
3082 // Transmission Request Pending 18. See description for bit 0.
3083 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP18 0x00040000U
3084 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP18_MASK 0x00040000U
3085 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP18_SHIFT 18U
3087 // Field: [17] TRP17
3088 //
3089 // Transmission Request Pending 17. See description for bit 0.
3090 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP17 0x00020000U
3091 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP17_MASK 0x00020000U
3092 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP17_SHIFT 17U
3094 // Field: [16] TRP16
3095 //
3096 // Transmission Request Pending 16. See description for bit 0.
3097 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP16 0x00010000U
3098 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP16_MASK 0x00010000U
3099 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP16_SHIFT 16U
3101 // Field: [15] TRP15
3102 //
3103 // Transmission Request Pending 15. See description for bit 0.
3104 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP15 0x00008000U
3105 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP15_MASK 0x00008000U
3106 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP15_SHIFT 15U
3108 // Field: [14] TRP14
3109 //
3110 // Transmission Request Pending 14. See description for bit 0.
3111 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP14 0x00004000U
3112 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP14_MASK 0x00004000U
3113 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP14_SHIFT 14U
3115 // Field: [13] TRP13
3116 //
3117 // Transmission Request Pending 13. See description for bit 0.
3118 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP13 0x00002000U
3119 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP13_MASK 0x00002000U
3120 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP13_SHIFT 13U
3122 // Field: [12] TRP12
3123 //
3124 // Transmission Request Pending 12. See description for bit 0.
3125 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP12 0x00001000U
3126 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP12_MASK 0x00001000U
3127 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP12_SHIFT 12U
3129 // Field: [11] TRP11
3130 //
3131 // Transmission Request Pending 11. See description for bit 0.
3132 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP11 0x00000800U
3133 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP11_MASK 0x00000800U
3134 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP11_SHIFT 11U
3136 // Field: [10] TRP10
3137 //
3138 // Transmission Request Pending 10. See description for bit 0.
3139 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP10 0x00000400U
3140 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP10_MASK 0x00000400U
3141 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP10_SHIFT 10U
3143 // Field: [9] TRP9
3144 //
3145 // Transmission Request Pending 9. See description for bit 0.
3146 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP9 0x00000200U
3147 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP9_MASK 0x00000200U
3148 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP9_SHIFT 9U
3150 // Field: [8] TRP8
3151 //
3152 // Transmission Request Pending 8. See description for bit 0.
3153 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP8 0x00000100U
3154 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP8_MASK 0x00000100U
3155 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP8_SHIFT 8U
3157 // Field: [7] TRP7
3158 //
3159 // Transmission Request Pending 7. See description for bit 0.
3160 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP7 0x00000080U
3161 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP7_MASK 0x00000080U
3162 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP7_SHIFT 7U
3164 // Field: [6] TRP6
3165 //
3166 // Transmission Request Pending 6. See description for bit 0.
3167 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP6 0x00000040U
3168 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP6_MASK 0x00000040U
3169 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP6_SHIFT 6U
3171 // Field: [5] TRP5
3172 //
3173 // Transmission Request Pending 5. See description for bit 0.
3174 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP5 0x00000020U
3175 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP5_MASK 0x00000020U
3176 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP5_SHIFT 5U
3178 // Field: [4] TRP4
3179 //
3180 // Transmission Request Pending 4. See description for bit 0.
3181 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP4 0x00000010U
3182 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP4_MASK 0x00000010U
3183 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP4_SHIFT 4U
3185 // Field: [3] TRP3
3186 //
3187 // Transmission Request Pending 3. See description for bit 0.
3188 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP3 0x00000008U
3189 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP3_MASK 0x00000008U
3190 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP3_SHIFT 3U
3192 // Field: [2] TRP2
3193 //
3194 // Transmission Request Pending 2. See description for bit 0.
3195 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP2 0x00000004U
3196 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP2_MASK 0x00000004U
3197 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP2_SHIFT 2U
3199 // Field: [1] TRP1
3200 //
3201 // Transmission Request Pending 1. See description for bit 0.
3202 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP1 0x00000002U
3203 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP1_MASK 0x00000002U
3204 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP1_SHIFT 1U
3206 // Field: [0] TRP0
3207 //
3208 // Transmission Request Pending 0.
3209 //
3210 // Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission Request Pending bit. The bits are
3211 // set via register TXBAR. The bits are reset after a requested transmission
3212 // has completed or has been cancelled via register TXBCR.
3213 //
3214 // TXBRP bits are set only for those Tx Buffers configured via TXBC. After a
3215 // TXBRP bit has been set, a Tx scan is started to check for the pending Tx
3216 // request with the highest priority (Tx Buffer with lowest Message ID).
3217 //
3218 // A cancellation request resets the corresponding transmission request pending
3219 // bit of register TXBRP. In case a transmission has already been started when
3220 // a cancellation is requested, this is done at the end of the transmission,
3221 // regardless whether the transmission was successful or not. The cancellation
3222 // request bits are reset directly after the corresponding TXBRP bit has been
3223 // reset.
3224 //
3225 // After a cancellation has been requested, a finished cancellation is
3226 // signalled via TXBCF
3227 // - after successful transmission together with the corresponding TXBTO bit
3228 // - when the transmission has not yet been started at the point of
3229 // cancellation
3230 // - when the transmission has been aborted due to lost arbitration
3231 // - when an error occurred during frame transmission
3232 //
3233 // In DAR mode all transmissions are automatically cancelled if they are not
3234 // successful. The corresponding TXBCF bit is set for all unsuccessful
3235 // transmissions.
3236 // 0 No transmission request pending
3237 // 1 Transmission request pending
3238 //
3239 // Note: TXBRP bits which are set while a Tx scan is in progress are not
3240 // considered during this particular Tx scan. In case a cancellation is
3241 // requested for such a Tx Buffer, this Add Request is cancelled immediately,
3242 // the corresponding TXBRP bit is reset.
3243 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP0 0x00000001U
3244 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP0_MASK 0x00000001U
3245 #define MCAN_TXBRP_TRP0_SHIFT 0U
3247 //*****************************************************************************
3248 //
3249 // Register: MCAN_TXBAR
3250 //
3251 //*****************************************************************************
3252 // Field: [31] AR31
3253 //
3254 // Add Request 31. See description for bit 0.
3255 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR31 0x80000000U
3256 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR31_MASK 0x80000000U
3257 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR31_SHIFT 31U
3259 // Field: [30] AR30
3260 //
3261 // Add Request 30. See description for bit 0.
3262 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR30 0x40000000U
3263 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR30_MASK 0x40000000U
3264 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR30_SHIFT 30U
3266 // Field: [29] AR29
3267 //
3268 // Add Request 29. See description for bit 0.
3269 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR29 0x20000000U
3270 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR29_MASK 0x20000000U
3271 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR29_SHIFT 29U
3273 // Field: [28] AR28
3274 //
3275 // Add Request 28. See description for bit 0.
3276 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR28 0x10000000U
3277 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR28_MASK 0x10000000U
3278 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR28_SHIFT 28U
3280 // Field: [27] AR27
3281 //
3282 // Add Request 27. See description for bit 0.
3283 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR27 0x08000000U
3284 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR27_MASK 0x08000000U
3285 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR27_SHIFT 27U
3287 // Field: [26] AR26
3288 //
3289 // Add Request 26. See description for bit 0.
3290 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR26 0x04000000U
3291 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR26_MASK 0x04000000U
3292 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR26_SHIFT 26U
3294 // Field: [25] AR25
3295 //
3296 // Add Request 25. See description for bit 0.
3297 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR25 0x02000000U
3298 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR25_MASK 0x02000000U
3299 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR25_SHIFT 25U
3301 // Field: [24] AR24
3302 //
3303 // Add Request 24. See description for bit 0.
3304 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR24 0x01000000U
3305 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR24_MASK 0x01000000U
3306 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR24_SHIFT 24U
3308 // Field: [23] AR23
3309 //
3310 // Add Request 23. See description for bit 0.
3311 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR23 0x00800000U
3312 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR23_MASK 0x00800000U
3313 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR23_SHIFT 23U
3315 // Field: [22] AR22
3316 //
3317 // Add Request 22. See description for bit 0.
3318 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR22 0x00400000U
3319 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR22_MASK 0x00400000U
3320 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR22_SHIFT 22U
3322 // Field: [21] AR21
3323 //
3324 // Add Request 21. See description for bit 0.
3325 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR21 0x00200000U
3326 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR21_MASK 0x00200000U
3327 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR21_SHIFT 21U
3329 // Field: [20] AR20
3330 //
3331 // Add Request 20. See description for bit 0.
3332 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR20 0x00100000U
3333 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR20_MASK 0x00100000U
3334 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR20_SHIFT 20U
3336 // Field: [19] AR19
3337 //
3338 // Add Request 19. See description for bit 0.
3339 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR19 0x00080000U
3340 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR19_MASK 0x00080000U
3341 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR19_SHIFT 19U
3343 // Field: [18] AR18
3344 //
3345 // Add Request 18. See description for bit 0.
3346 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR18 0x00040000U
3347 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR18_MASK 0x00040000U
3348 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR18_SHIFT 18U
3350 // Field: [17] AR17
3351 //
3352 // Add Request 17. See description for bit 0.
3353 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR17 0x00020000U
3354 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR17_MASK 0x00020000U
3355 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR17_SHIFT 17U
3357 // Field: [16] AR16
3358 //
3359 // Add Request 16. See description for bit 0.
3360 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR16 0x00010000U
3361 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR16_MASK 0x00010000U
3362 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR16_SHIFT 16U
3364 // Field: [15] AR15
3365 //
3366 // Add Request 15. See description for bit 0.
3367 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR15 0x00008000U
3368 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR15_MASK 0x00008000U
3369 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR15_SHIFT 15U
3371 // Field: [14] AR14
3372 //
3373 // Add Request 14. See description for bit 0.
3374 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR14 0x00004000U
3375 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR14_MASK 0x00004000U
3376 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR14_SHIFT 14U
3378 // Field: [13] AR13
3379 //
3380 // Add Request 13. See description for bit 0.
3381 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR13 0x00002000U
3382 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR13_MASK 0x00002000U
3383 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR13_SHIFT 13U
3385 // Field: [12] AR12
3386 //
3387 // Add Request 12. See description for bit 0.
3388 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR12 0x00001000U
3389 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR12_MASK 0x00001000U
3390 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR12_SHIFT 12U
3392 // Field: [11] AR11
3393 //
3394 // Add Request 11. See description for bit 0.
3395 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR11 0x00000800U
3396 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR11_MASK 0x00000800U
3397 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR11_SHIFT 11U
3399 // Field: [10] AR10
3400 //
3401 // Add Request 10. See description for bit 0.
3402 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR10 0x00000400U
3403 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR10_MASK 0x00000400U
3404 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR10_SHIFT 10U
3406 // Field: [9] AR9
3407 //
3408 // Add Request 9. See description for bit 0.
3409 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR9 0x00000200U
3410 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR9_MASK 0x00000200U
3411 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR9_SHIFT 9U
3413 // Field: [8] AR8
3414 //
3415 // Add Request 8. See description for bit 0.
3416 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR8 0x00000100U
3417 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR8_MASK 0x00000100U
3418 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR8_SHIFT 8U
3420 // Field: [7] AR7
3421 //
3422 // Add Request 7. See description for bit 0.
3423 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR7 0x00000080U
3424 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR7_MASK 0x00000080U
3425 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR7_SHIFT 7U
3427 // Field: [6] AR6
3428 //
3429 // Add Request 6. See description for bit 0.
3430 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR6 0x00000040U
3431 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR6_MASK 0x00000040U
3432 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR6_SHIFT 6U
3434 // Field: [5] AR5
3435 //
3436 // Add Request 5. See description for bit 0.
3437 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR5 0x00000020U
3438 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR5_MASK 0x00000020U
3439 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR5_SHIFT 5U
3441 // Field: [4] AR4
3442 //
3443 // Add Request 4. See description for bit 0.
3444 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR4 0x00000010U
3445 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR4_MASK 0x00000010U
3446 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR4_SHIFT 4U
3448 // Field: [3] AR3
3449 //
3450 // Add Request 3. See description for bit 0.
3451 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR3 0x00000008U
3452 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR3_MASK 0x00000008U
3453 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR3_SHIFT 3U
3455 // Field: [2] AR2
3456 //
3457 // Add Request 2. See description for bit 0.
3458 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR2 0x00000004U
3459 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR2_MASK 0x00000004U
3460 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR2_SHIFT 2U
3462 // Field: [1] AR1
3463 //
3464 // Add Request 1. See description for bit 0.
3465 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR1 0x00000002U
3466 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR1_MASK 0x00000002U
3467 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR1_SHIFT 1U
3469 // Field: [0] AR0
3470 //
3471 // Add Request 0.
3472 //
3473 // Each Tx Buffer has its own Add Request bit. Writing a '1' will set the
3474 // corresponding Add Request bit; writing a '0' has no impact. This enables the
3475 // Host to set transmission requests for multiple Tx Buffers with one write to
3476 // TXBAR. TXBAR bits are set only for those Tx Buffers configured via TXBC.
3477 // When no Tx scan is running, the bits are reset immediately, else the bits
3478 // remain set until the Tx scan process has completed.
3479 // 0 No transmission request added
3480 // 1 Transmission requested added
3481 //
3482 // Note: If an add request is applied for a Tx Buffer with pending transmission
3483 // request (corresponding TXBRP bit already set), this add request is ignored.
3484 //
3485 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='0'
3486 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR0 0x00000001U
3487 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR0_MASK 0x00000001U
3488 #define MCAN_TXBAR_AR0_SHIFT 0U
3490 //*****************************************************************************
3491 //
3492 // Register: MCAN_TXBCR
3493 //
3494 //*****************************************************************************
3495 // Field: [31] CR31
3496 //
3497 // Cancellation Request 31. See description for bit 0.
3498 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR31 0x80000000U
3499 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR31_MASK 0x80000000U
3500 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR31_SHIFT 31U
3502 // Field: [30] CR30
3503 //
3504 // Cancellation Request 30. See description for bit 0.
3505 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR30 0x40000000U
3506 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR30_MASK 0x40000000U
3507 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR30_SHIFT 30U
3509 // Field: [29] CR29
3510 //
3511 // Cancellation Request 29. See description for bit 0.
3512 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR29 0x20000000U
3513 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR29_MASK 0x20000000U
3514 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR29_SHIFT 29U
3516 // Field: [28] CR28
3517 //
3518 // Cancellation Request 28. See description for bit 0.
3519 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR28 0x10000000U
3520 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR28_MASK 0x10000000U
3521 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR28_SHIFT 28U
3523 // Field: [27] CR27
3524 //
3525 // Cancellation Request 27. See description for bit 0.
3526 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR27 0x08000000U
3527 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR27_MASK 0x08000000U
3528 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR27_SHIFT 27U
3530 // Field: [26] CR26
3531 //
3532 // Cancellation Request 26. See description for bit 0.
3533 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR26 0x04000000U
3534 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR26_MASK 0x04000000U
3535 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR26_SHIFT 26U
3537 // Field: [25] CR25
3538 //
3539 // Cancellation Request 25. See description for bit 0.
3540 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR25 0x02000000U
3541 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR25_MASK 0x02000000U
3542 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR25_SHIFT 25U
3544 // Field: [24] CR24
3545 //
3546 // Cancellation Request 24. See description for bit 0.
3547 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR24 0x01000000U
3548 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR24_MASK 0x01000000U
3549 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR24_SHIFT 24U
3551 // Field: [23] CR23
3552 //
3553 // Cancellation Request 23. See description for bit 0.
3554 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR23 0x00800000U
3555 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR23_MASK 0x00800000U
3556 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR23_SHIFT 23U
3558 // Field: [22] CR22
3559 //
3560 // Cancellation Request 22. See description for bit 0.
3561 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR22 0x00400000U
3562 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR22_MASK 0x00400000U
3563 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR22_SHIFT 22U
3565 // Field: [21] CR21
3566 //
3567 // Cancellation Request 21. See description for bit 0.
3568 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR21 0x00200000U
3569 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR21_MASK 0x00200000U
3570 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR21_SHIFT 21U
3572 // Field: [20] CR20
3573 //
3574 // Cancellation Request 20. See description for bit 0.
3575 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR20 0x00100000U
3576 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR20_MASK 0x00100000U
3577 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR20_SHIFT 20U
3579 // Field: [19] CR19
3580 //
3581 // Cancellation Request 19. See description for bit 0.
3582 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR19 0x00080000U
3583 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR19_MASK 0x00080000U
3584 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR19_SHIFT 19U
3586 // Field: [18] CR18
3587 //
3588 // Cancellation Request 18. See description for bit 0.
3589 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR18 0x00040000U
3590 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR18_MASK 0x00040000U
3591 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR18_SHIFT 18U
3593 // Field: [17] CR17
3594 //
3595 // Cancellation Request 17. See description for bit 0.
3596 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR17 0x00020000U
3597 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR17_MASK 0x00020000U
3598 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR17_SHIFT 17U
3600 // Field: [16] CR16
3601 //
3602 // Cancellation Request 16. See description for bit 0.
3603 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR16 0x00010000U
3604 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR16_MASK 0x00010000U
3605 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR16_SHIFT 16U
3607 // Field: [15] CR15
3608 //
3609 // Cancellation Request 15. See description for bit 0.
3610 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR15 0x00008000U
3611 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR15_MASK 0x00008000U
3612 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR15_SHIFT 15U
3614 // Field: [14] CR14
3615 //
3616 // Cancellation Request 14. See description for bit 0.
3617 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR14 0x00004000U
3618 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR14_MASK 0x00004000U
3619 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR14_SHIFT 14U
3621 // Field: [13] CR13
3622 //
3623 // Cancellation Request 13. See description for bit 0.
3624 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR13 0x00002000U
3625 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR13_MASK 0x00002000U
3626 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR13_SHIFT 13U
3628 // Field: [12] CR12
3629 //
3630 // Cancellation Request 12. See description for bit 0.
3631 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR12 0x00001000U
3632 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR12_MASK 0x00001000U
3633 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR12_SHIFT 12U
3635 // Field: [11] CR11
3636 //
3637 // Cancellation Request 11. See description for bit 0.
3638 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR11 0x00000800U
3639 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR11_MASK 0x00000800U
3640 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR11_SHIFT 11U
3642 // Field: [10] CR10
3643 //
3644 // Cancellation Request 10. See description for bit 0.
3645 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR10 0x00000400U
3646 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR10_MASK 0x00000400U
3647 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR10_SHIFT 10U
3649 // Field: [9] CR9
3650 //
3651 // Cancellation Request 9. See description for bit 0.
3652 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR9 0x00000200U
3653 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR9_MASK 0x00000200U
3654 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR9_SHIFT 9U
3656 // Field: [8] CR8
3657 //
3658 // Cancellation Request 8. See description for bit 0.
3659 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR8 0x00000100U
3660 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR8_MASK 0x00000100U
3661 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR8_SHIFT 8U
3663 // Field: [7] CR7
3664 //
3665 // Cancellation Request 7. See description for bit 0.
3666 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR7 0x00000080U
3667 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR7_MASK 0x00000080U
3668 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR7_SHIFT 7U
3670 // Field: [6] CR6
3671 //
3672 // Cancellation Request 6. See description for bit 0.
3673 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR6 0x00000040U
3674 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR6_MASK 0x00000040U
3675 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR6_SHIFT 6U
3677 // Field: [5] CR5
3678 //
3679 // Cancellation Request 5. See description for bit 0.
3680 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR5 0x00000020U
3681 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR5_MASK 0x00000020U
3682 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR5_SHIFT 5U
3684 // Field: [4] CR4
3685 //
3686 // Cancellation Request 4. See description for bit 0.
3687 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR4 0x00000010U
3688 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR4_MASK 0x00000010U
3689 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR4_SHIFT 4U
3691 // Field: [3] CR3
3692 //
3693 // Cancellation Request 3. See description for bit 0.
3694 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR3 0x00000008U
3695 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR3_MASK 0x00000008U
3696 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR3_SHIFT 3U
3698 // Field: [2] CR2
3699 //
3700 // Cancellation Request 2. See description for bit 0.
3701 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR2 0x00000004U
3702 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR2_MASK 0x00000004U
3703 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR2_SHIFT 2U
3705 // Field: [1] CR1
3706 //
3707 // Cancellation Request 1. See description for bit 0.
3708 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR1 0x00000002U
3709 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR1_MASK 0x00000002U
3710 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR1_SHIFT 1U
3712 // Field: [0] CR0
3713 //
3714 // Cancellation Request 0.
3715 //
3716 // Each Tx Buffer has its own Cancellation Request bit. Writing a '1' will set
3717 // the corresponding Cancellation Request bit; writing a '0' has no impact.
3718 // This enables the Host to set cancellation requests for multiple Tx Buffers
3719 // with one write to TXBCR. TXBCR bits are set only for those Tx Buffers
3720 // configured via TXBC. The bits remain set until the corresponding bit of
3721 // TXBRP is reset.
3722 // 0 No cancellation pending
3723 // 1 Cancellation pending
3724 //
3725 // Qualified Write is possible only with CCCR.CCE='0'
3726 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR0 0x00000001U
3727 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR0_MASK 0x00000001U
3728 #define MCAN_TXBCR_CR0_SHIFT 0U
3730 //*****************************************************************************
3731 //
3732 // Register: MCAN_TXBTO
3733 //
3734 //*****************************************************************************
3735 // Field: [31] TO31
3736 //
3737 // Transmission Occurred 31. See description for bit 0.
3738 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO31 0x80000000U
3739 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO31_MASK 0x80000000U
3740 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO31_SHIFT 31U
3742 // Field: [30] TO30
3743 //
3744 // Transmission Occurred 30. See description for bit 0.
3745 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO30 0x40000000U
3746 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO30_MASK 0x40000000U
3747 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO30_SHIFT 30U
3749 // Field: [29] TO29
3750 //
3751 // Transmission Occurred 29. See description for bit 0.
3752 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO29 0x20000000U
3753 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO29_MASK 0x20000000U
3754 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO29_SHIFT 29U
3756 // Field: [28] TO28
3757 //
3758 // Transmission Occurred 28. See description for bit 0.
3759 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO28 0x10000000U
3760 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO28_MASK 0x10000000U
3761 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO28_SHIFT 28U
3763 // Field: [27] TO27
3764 //
3765 // Transmission Occurred 27. See description for bit 0.
3766 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO27 0x08000000U
3767 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO27_MASK 0x08000000U
3768 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO27_SHIFT 27U
3770 // Field: [26] TO26
3771 //
3772 // Transmission Occurred 26. See description for bit 0.
3773 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO26 0x04000000U
3774 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO26_MASK 0x04000000U
3775 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO26_SHIFT 26U
3777 // Field: [25] TO25
3778 //
3779 // Transmission Occurred 25. See description for bit 0.
3780 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO25 0x02000000U
3781 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO25_MASK 0x02000000U
3782 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO25_SHIFT 25U
3784 // Field: [24] TO24
3785 //
3786 // Transmission Occurred 24. See description for bit 0.
3787 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO24 0x01000000U
3788 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO24_MASK 0x01000000U
3789 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO24_SHIFT 24U
3791 // Field: [23] TO23
3792 //
3793 // Transmission Occurred 23. See description for bit 0.
3794 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO23 0x00800000U
3795 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO23_MASK 0x00800000U
3796 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO23_SHIFT 23U
3798 // Field: [22] TO22
3799 //
3800 // Transmission Occurred 22. See description for bit 0.
3801 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO22 0x00400000U
3802 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO22_MASK 0x00400000U
3803 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO22_SHIFT 22U
3805 // Field: [21] TO21
3806 //
3807 // Transmission Occurred 21. See description for bit 0.
3808 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO21 0x00200000U
3809 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO21_MASK 0x00200000U
3810 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO21_SHIFT 21U
3812 // Field: [20] TO20
3813 //
3814 // Transmission Occurred 20. See description for bit 0.
3815 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO20 0x00100000U
3816 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO20_MASK 0x00100000U
3817 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO20_SHIFT 20U
3819 // Field: [19] TO19
3820 //
3821 // Transmission Occurred 19. See description for bit 0.
3822 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO19 0x00080000U
3823 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO19_MASK 0x00080000U
3824 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO19_SHIFT 19U
3826 // Field: [18] TO18
3827 //
3828 // Transmission Occurred 18. See description for bit 0.
3829 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO18 0x00040000U
3830 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO18_MASK 0x00040000U
3831 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO18_SHIFT 18U
3833 // Field: [17] TO17
3834 //
3835 // Transmission Occurred 17. See description for bit 0.
3836 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO17 0x00020000U
3837 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO17_MASK 0x00020000U
3838 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO17_SHIFT 17U
3840 // Field: [16] TO16
3841 //
3842 // Transmission Occurred 16. See description for bit 0.
3843 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO16 0x00010000U
3844 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO16_MASK 0x00010000U
3845 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO16_SHIFT 16U
3847 // Field: [15] TO15
3848 //
3849 // Transmission Occurred 15. See description for bit 0.
3850 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO15 0x00008000U
3851 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO15_MASK 0x00008000U
3852 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO15_SHIFT 15U
3854 // Field: [14] TO14
3855 //
3856 // Transmission Occurred 14. See description for bit 0.
3857 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO14 0x00004000U
3858 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO14_MASK 0x00004000U
3859 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO14_SHIFT 14U
3861 // Field: [13] TO13
3862 //
3863 // Transmission Occurred 13. See description for bit 0.
3864 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO13 0x00002000U
3865 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO13_MASK 0x00002000U
3866 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO13_SHIFT 13U
3868 // Field: [12] TO12
3869 //
3870 // Transmission Occurred 12. See description for bit 0.
3871 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO12 0x00001000U
3872 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO12_MASK 0x00001000U
3873 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO12_SHIFT 12U
3875 // Field: [11] TO11
3876 //
3877 // Transmission Occurred 11. See description for bit 0.
3878 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO11 0x00000800U
3879 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO11_MASK 0x00000800U
3880 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO11_SHIFT 11U
3882 // Field: [10] TO10
3883 //
3884 // Transmission Occurred 10. See description for bit 0.
3885 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO10 0x00000400U
3886 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO10_MASK 0x00000400U
3887 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO10_SHIFT 10U
3889 // Field: [9] TO9
3890 //
3891 // Transmission Occurred 9. See description for bit 0.
3892 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO9 0x00000200U
3893 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO9_MASK 0x00000200U
3894 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO9_SHIFT 9U
3896 // Field: [8] TO8
3897 //
3898 // Transmission Occurred 8. See description for bit 0.
3899 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO8 0x00000100U
3900 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO8_MASK 0x00000100U
3901 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO8_SHIFT 8U
3903 // Field: [7] TO7
3904 //
3905 // Transmission Occurred 7. See description for bit 0.
3906 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO7 0x00000080U
3907 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO7_MASK 0x00000080U
3908 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO7_SHIFT 7U
3910 // Field: [6] TO6
3911 //
3912 // Transmission Occurred 6. See description for bit 0.
3913 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO6 0x00000040U
3914 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO6_MASK 0x00000040U
3915 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO6_SHIFT 6U
3917 // Field: [5] TO5
3918 //
3919 // Transmission Occurred 5. See description for bit 0.
3920 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO5 0x00000020U
3921 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO5_MASK 0x00000020U
3922 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO5_SHIFT 5U
3924 // Field: [4] TO4
3925 //
3926 // Transmission Occurred 4. See description for bit 0.
3927 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO4 0x00000010U
3928 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO4_MASK 0x00000010U
3929 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO4_SHIFT 4U
3931 // Field: [3] TO3
3932 //
3933 // Transmission Occurred 3. See description for bit 0.
3934 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO3 0x00000008U
3935 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO3_MASK 0x00000008U
3936 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO3_SHIFT 3U
3938 // Field: [2] TO2
3939 //
3940 // Transmission Occurred 2. See description for bit 0.
3941 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO2 0x00000004U
3942 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO2_MASK 0x00000004U
3943 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO2_SHIFT 2U
3945 // Field: [1] TO1
3946 //
3947 // Transmission Occurred 1. See description for bit 0.
3948 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO1 0x00000002U
3949 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO1_MASK 0x00000002U
3950 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO1_SHIFT 1U
3952 // Field: [0] TO0
3953 //
3954 // Transmission Occurred 0.
3955 //
3956 // Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission Occurred bit. The bits are set when
3957 // the corresponding TXBRP bit is cleared after a successful transmission. The
3958 // bits are reset when a new transmission is requested by writing a '1' to the
3959 // corresponding bit of register TXBAR.
3960 // 0 No transmission occurred
3961 // 1 Transmission occurred
3962 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO0 0x00000001U
3963 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO0_MASK 0x00000001U
3964 #define MCAN_TXBTO_TO0_SHIFT 0U
3966 //*****************************************************************************
3967 //
3968 // Register: MCAN_TXBCF
3969 //
3970 //*****************************************************************************
3971 // Field: [31] CF31
3972 //
3973 // Cancellation Finished 31. See description for bit 0.
3974 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF31 0x80000000U
3975 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF31_MASK 0x80000000U
3976 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF31_SHIFT 31U
3978 // Field: [30] CF30
3979 //
3980 // Cancellation Finished 30. See description for bit 0.
3981 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF30 0x40000000U
3982 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF30_MASK 0x40000000U
3983 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF30_SHIFT 30U
3985 // Field: [29] CF29
3986 //
3987 // Cancellation Finished 29. See description for bit 0.
3988 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF29 0x20000000U
3989 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF29_MASK 0x20000000U
3990 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF29_SHIFT 29U
3992 // Field: [28] CF28
3993 //
3994 // Cancellation Finished 28. See description for bit 0.
3995 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF28 0x10000000U
3996 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF28_MASK 0x10000000U
3997 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF28_SHIFT 28U
3999 // Field: [27] CF27
4000 //
4001 // Cancellation Finished 27. See description for bit 0.
4002 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF27 0x08000000U
4003 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF27_MASK 0x08000000U
4004 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF27_SHIFT 27U
4006 // Field: [26] CF26
4007 //
4008 // Cancellation Finished 26. See description for bit 0.
4009 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF26 0x04000000U
4010 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF26_MASK 0x04000000U
4011 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF26_SHIFT 26U
4013 // Field: [25] CF25
4014 //
4015 // Cancellation Finished 25. See description for bit 0.
4016 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF25 0x02000000U
4017 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF25_MASK 0x02000000U
4018 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF25_SHIFT 25U
4020 // Field: [24] CF24
4021 //
4022 // Cancellation Finished 24. See description for bit 0.
4023 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF24 0x01000000U
4024 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF24_MASK 0x01000000U
4025 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF24_SHIFT 24U
4027 // Field: [23] CF23
4028 //
4029 // Cancellation Finished 23. See description for bit 0.
4030 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF23 0x00800000U
4031 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF23_MASK 0x00800000U
4032 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF23_SHIFT 23U
4034 // Field: [22] CF22
4035 //
4036 // Cancellation Finished 22. See description for bit 0.
4037 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF22 0x00400000U
4038 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF22_MASK 0x00400000U
4039 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF22_SHIFT 22U
4041 // Field: [21] CF21
4042 //
4043 // Cancellation Finished 21. See description for bit 0.
4044 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF21 0x00200000U
4045 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF21_MASK 0x00200000U
4046 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF21_SHIFT 21U
4048 // Field: [20] CF20
4049 //
4050 // Cancellation Finished 20. See description for bit 0.
4051 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF20 0x00100000U
4052 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF20_MASK 0x00100000U
4053 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF20_SHIFT 20U
4055 // Field: [19] CF19
4056 //
4057 // Cancellation Finished 19. See description for bit 0.
4058 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF19 0x00080000U
4059 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF19_MASK 0x00080000U
4060 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF19_SHIFT 19U
4062 // Field: [18] CF18
4063 //
4064 // Cancellation Finished 18. See description for bit 0.
4065 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF18 0x00040000U
4066 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF18_MASK 0x00040000U
4067 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF18_SHIFT 18U
4069 // Field: [17] CF17
4070 //
4071 // Cancellation Finished 17. See description for bit 0.
4072 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF17 0x00020000U
4073 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF17_MASK 0x00020000U
4074 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF17_SHIFT 17U
4076 // Field: [16] CF16
4077 //
4078 // Cancellation Finished 16. See description for bit 0.
4079 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF16 0x00010000U
4080 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF16_MASK 0x00010000U
4081 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF16_SHIFT 16U
4083 // Field: [15] CF15
4084 //
4085 // Cancellation Finished 15. See description for bit 0.
4086 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF15 0x00008000U
4087 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF15_MASK 0x00008000U
4088 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF15_SHIFT 15U
4090 // Field: [14] CF14
4091 //
4092 // Cancellation Finished 14. See description for bit 0.
4093 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF14 0x00004000U
4094 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF14_MASK 0x00004000U
4095 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF14_SHIFT 14U
4097 // Field: [13] CF13
4098 //
4099 // Cancellation Finished 13. See description for bit 0.
4100 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF13 0x00002000U
4101 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF13_MASK 0x00002000U
4102 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF13_SHIFT 13U
4104 // Field: [12] CF12
4105 //
4106 // Cancellation Finished 12. See description for bit 0.
4107 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF12 0x00001000U
4108 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF12_MASK 0x00001000U
4109 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF12_SHIFT 12U
4111 // Field: [11] CF11
4112 //
4113 // Cancellation Finished 11. See description for bit 0.
4114 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF11 0x00000800U
4115 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF11_MASK 0x00000800U
4116 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF11_SHIFT 11U
4118 // Field: [10] CF10
4119 //
4120 // Cancellation Finished 10. See description for bit 0.
4121 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF10 0x00000400U
4122 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF10_MASK 0x00000400U
4123 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF10_SHIFT 10U
4125 // Field: [9] CF9
4126 //
4127 // Cancellation Finished 9. See description for bit 0.
4128 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF9 0x00000200U
4129 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF9_MASK 0x00000200U
4130 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF9_SHIFT 9U
4132 // Field: [8] CF8
4133 //
4134 // Cancellation Finished 8. See description for bit 0.
4135 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF8 0x00000100U
4136 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF8_MASK 0x00000100U
4137 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF8_SHIFT 8U
4139 // Field: [7] CF7
4140 //
4141 // Cancellation Finished 7. See description for bit 0.
4142 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF7 0x00000080U
4143 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF7_MASK 0x00000080U
4144 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF7_SHIFT 7U
4146 // Field: [6] CF6
4147 //
4148 // Cancellation Finished 6. See description for bit 0.
4149 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF6 0x00000040U
4150 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF6_MASK 0x00000040U
4151 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF6_SHIFT 6U
4153 // Field: [5] CF5
4154 //
4155 // Cancellation Finished 5. See description for bit 0.
4156 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF5 0x00000020U
4157 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF5_MASK 0x00000020U
4158 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF5_SHIFT 5U
4160 // Field: [4] CF4
4161 //
4162 // Cancellation Finished 4. See description for bit 0.
4163 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF4 0x00000010U
4164 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF4_MASK 0x00000010U
4165 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF4_SHIFT 4U
4167 // Field: [3] CF3
4168 //
4169 // Cancellation Finished 3. See description for bit 0.
4170 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF3 0x00000008U
4171 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF3_MASK 0x00000008U
4172 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF3_SHIFT 3U
4174 // Field: [2] CF2
4175 //
4176 // Cancellation Finished 2. See description for bit 0.
4177 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF2 0x00000004U
4178 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF2_MASK 0x00000004U
4179 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF2_SHIFT 2U
4181 // Field: [1] CF1
4182 //
4183 // Cancellation Finished 1. See description for bit 0.
4184 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF1 0x00000002U
4185 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF1_MASK 0x00000002U
4186 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF1_SHIFT 1U
4188 // Field: [0] CF0
4189 //
4190 // Cancellation Finished 0.
4191 //
4192 // Each Tx Buffer has its own Cancellation Finished bit. The bits are set when
4193 // the corresponding TXBRP bit is cleared after a cancellation was requested
4194 // via TXBCR. In case the corresponding TXBRP bit was not set at the point of
4195 // cancellation, CF is set immediately. The bits are reset when a new
4196 // transmission is requested by writing a '1' to the corresponding bit of
4197 // register TXBAR.
4198 // 0 No transmit buffer cancellation
4199 // 1 Transmit buffer cancellation finished
4200 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF0 0x00000001U
4201 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF0_MASK 0x00000001U
4202 #define MCAN_TXBCF_CF0_SHIFT 0U
4204 //*****************************************************************************
4205 //
4206 // Register: MCAN_TXBTIE
4207 //
4208 //*****************************************************************************
4209 // Field: [31] TIE31
4210 //
4211 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 31. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4212 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4213 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4214 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4215 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE31 0x80000000U
4216 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE31_MASK 0x80000000U
4217 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE31_SHIFT 31U
4219 // Field: [30] TIE30
4220 //
4221 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 30. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4222 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4223 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4224 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4225 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE30 0x40000000U
4226 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE30_MASK 0x40000000U
4227 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE30_SHIFT 30U
4229 // Field: [29] TIE29
4230 //
4231 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 29. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4232 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4233 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4234 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4235 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE29 0x20000000U
4236 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE29_MASK 0x20000000U
4237 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE29_SHIFT 29U
4239 // Field: [28] TIE28
4240 //
4241 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 28. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4242 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4243 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4244 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4245 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE28 0x10000000U
4246 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE28_MASK 0x10000000U
4247 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE28_SHIFT 28U
4249 // Field: [27] TIE27
4250 //
4251 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 27. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4252 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4253 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4254 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4255 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE27 0x08000000U
4256 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE27_MASK 0x08000000U
4257 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE27_SHIFT 27U
4259 // Field: [26] TIE26
4260 //
4261 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 26. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4262 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4263 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4264 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4265 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE26 0x04000000U
4266 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE26_MASK 0x04000000U
4267 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE26_SHIFT 26U
4269 // Field: [25] TIE25
4270 //
4271 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 25. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4272 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4273 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4274 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4275 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE25 0x02000000U
4276 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE25_MASK 0x02000000U
4277 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE25_SHIFT 25U
4279 // Field: [24] TIE24
4280 //
4281 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 24. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4282 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4283 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4284 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4285 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE24 0x01000000U
4286 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE24_MASK 0x01000000U
4287 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE24_SHIFT 24U
4289 // Field: [23] TIE23
4290 //
4291 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 23. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4292 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4293 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4294 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4295 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE23 0x00800000U
4296 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE23_MASK 0x00800000U
4297 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE23_SHIFT 23U
4299 // Field: [22] TIE22
4300 //
4301 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 22. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4302 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4303 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4304 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4305 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE22 0x00400000U
4306 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE22_MASK 0x00400000U
4307 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE22_SHIFT 22U
4309 // Field: [21] TIE21
4310 //
4311 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 21. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4312 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4313 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4314 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4315 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE21 0x00200000U
4316 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE21_MASK 0x00200000U
4317 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE21_SHIFT 21U
4319 // Field: [20] TIE20
4320 //
4321 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 20. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4322 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4323 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4324 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4325 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE20 0x00100000U
4326 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE20_MASK 0x00100000U
4327 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE20_SHIFT 20U
4329 // Field: [19] TIE19
4330 //
4331 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 19. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4332 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4333 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4334 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4335 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE19 0x00080000U
4336 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE19_MASK 0x00080000U
4337 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE19_SHIFT 19U
4339 // Field: [18] TIE18
4340 //
4341 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 18. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4342 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4343 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4344 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4345 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE18 0x00040000U
4346 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE18_MASK 0x00040000U
4347 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE18_SHIFT 18U
4349 // Field: [17] TIE17
4350 //
4351 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 17. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4352 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4353 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4354 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4355 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE17 0x00020000U
4356 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE17_MASK 0x00020000U
4357 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE17_SHIFT 17U
4359 // Field: [16] TIE16
4360 //
4361 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 16. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4362 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4363 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4364 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4365 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE16 0x00010000U
4366 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE16_MASK 0x00010000U
4367 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE16_SHIFT 16U
4369 // Field: [15] TIE15
4370 //
4371 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 15. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4372 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4373 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4374 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4375 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE15 0x00008000U
4376 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE15_MASK 0x00008000U
4377 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE15_SHIFT 15U
4379 // Field: [14] TIE14
4380 //
4381 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 14. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4382 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4383 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4384 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4385 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE14 0x00004000U
4386 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE14_MASK 0x00004000U
4387 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE14_SHIFT 14U
4389 // Field: [13] TIE13
4390 //
4391 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 13. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4392 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4393 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4394 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4395 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE13 0x00002000U
4396 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE13_MASK 0x00002000U
4397 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE13_SHIFT 13U
4399 // Field: [12] TIE12
4400 //
4401 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 12. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4402 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4403 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4404 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4405 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE12 0x00001000U
4406 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE12_MASK 0x00001000U
4407 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE12_SHIFT 12U
4409 // Field: [11] TIE11
4410 //
4411 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 11. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4412 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4413 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4414 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4415 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE11 0x00000800U
4416 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE11_MASK 0x00000800U
4417 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE11_SHIFT 11U
4419 // Field: [10] TIE10
4420 //
4421 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 10. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4422 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4423 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4424 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4425 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE10 0x00000400U
4426 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE10_MASK 0x00000400U
4427 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE10_SHIFT 10U
4429 // Field: [9] TIE9
4430 //
4431 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 9. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4432 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4433 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4434 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4435 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE9 0x00000200U
4436 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE9_MASK 0x00000200U
4437 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE9_SHIFT 9U
4439 // Field: [8] TIE8
4440 //
4441 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 8. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4442 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4443 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4444 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4445 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE8 0x00000100U
4446 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE8_MASK 0x00000100U
4447 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE8_SHIFT 8U
4449 // Field: [7] TIE7
4450 //
4451 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 7. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4452 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4453 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4454 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4455 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE7 0x00000080U
4456 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE7_MASK 0x00000080U
4457 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE7_SHIFT 7U
4459 // Field: [6] TIE6
4460 //
4461 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 6. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4462 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4463 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4464 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4465 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE6 0x00000040U
4466 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE6_MASK 0x00000040U
4467 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE6_SHIFT 6U
4469 // Field: [5] TIE5
4470 //
4471 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 5. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4472 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4473 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4474 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4475 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE5 0x00000020U
4476 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE5_MASK 0x00000020U
4477 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE5_SHIFT 5U
4479 // Field: [4] TIE4
4480 //
4481 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 4. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4482 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4483 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4484 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4485 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE4 0x00000010U
4486 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE4_MASK 0x00000010U
4487 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE4_SHIFT 4U
4489 // Field: [3] TIE3
4490 //
4491 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 3. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4492 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4493 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4494 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4495 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE3 0x00000008U
4496 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE3_MASK 0x00000008U
4497 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE3_SHIFT 3U
4499 // Field: [2] TIE2
4500 //
4501 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 2. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4502 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4503 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4504 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4505 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE2 0x00000004U
4506 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE2_MASK 0x00000004U
4507 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE2_SHIFT 2U
4509 // Field: [1] TIE1
4510 //
4511 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 1. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4512 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4513 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4514 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4515 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE1 0x00000002U
4516 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE1_MASK 0x00000002U
4517 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE1_SHIFT 1U
4519 // Field: [0] TIE0
4520 //
4521 // Transmission Interrupt Enable 0. Each Tx Buffer has its own Transmission
4522 // Interrupt Enable bit.
4523 // 0 Transmission interrupt disabled
4524 // 1 Transmission interrupt enable
4525 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE0 0x00000001U
4526 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE0_MASK 0x00000001U
4527 #define MCAN_TXBTIE_TIE0_SHIFT 0U
4529 //*****************************************************************************
4530 //
4531 // Register: MCAN_TXBCIE
4532 //
4533 //*****************************************************************************
4534 // Field: [31] CFIE31
4535 //
4536 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 31. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4537 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4538 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4539 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4540 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE31 0x80000000U
4541 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE31_MASK 0x80000000U
4542 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE31_SHIFT 31U
4544 // Field: [30] CFIE30
4545 //
4546 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 30. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4547 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4548 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4549 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4550 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE30 0x40000000U
4551 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE30_MASK 0x40000000U
4552 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE30_SHIFT 30U
4554 // Field: [29] CFIE29
4555 //
4556 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 29. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4557 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4558 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4559 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4560 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE29 0x20000000U
4561 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE29_MASK 0x20000000U
4562 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE29_SHIFT 29U
4564 // Field: [28] CFIE28
4565 //
4566 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 28. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4567 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4568 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4569 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4570 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE28 0x10000000U
4571 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE28_MASK 0x10000000U
4572 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE28_SHIFT 28U
4574 // Field: [27] CFIE27
4575 //
4576 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 27. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4577 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4578 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4579 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4580 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE27 0x08000000U
4581 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE27_MASK 0x08000000U
4582 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE27_SHIFT 27U
4584 // Field: [26] CFIE26
4585 //
4586 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 26. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4587 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4588 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4589 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4590 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE26 0x04000000U
4591 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE26_MASK 0x04000000U
4592 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE26_SHIFT 26U
4594 // Field: [25] CFIE25
4595 //
4596 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 25. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4597 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4598 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4599 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4600 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE25 0x02000000U
4601 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE25_MASK 0x02000000U
4602 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE25_SHIFT 25U
4604 // Field: [24] CFIE24
4605 //
4606 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 24. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4607 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4608 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4609 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4610 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE24 0x01000000U
4611 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE24_MASK 0x01000000U
4612 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE24_SHIFT 24U
4614 // Field: [23] CFIE23
4615 //
4616 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 23. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4617 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4618 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4619 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4620 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE23 0x00800000U
4621 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE23_MASK 0x00800000U
4622 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE23_SHIFT 23U
4624 // Field: [22] CFIE22
4625 //
4626 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 22. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4627 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4628 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4629 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4630 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE22 0x00400000U
4631 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE22_MASK 0x00400000U
4632 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE22_SHIFT 22U
4634 // Field: [21] CFIE21
4635 //
4636 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 21. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4637 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4638 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4639 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4640 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE21 0x00200000U
4641 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE21_MASK 0x00200000U
4642 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE21_SHIFT 21U
4644 // Field: [20] CFIE20
4645 //
4646 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 20. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4647 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4648 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4649 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4650 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE20 0x00100000U
4651 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE20_MASK 0x00100000U
4652 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE20_SHIFT 20U
4654 // Field: [19] CFIE19
4655 //
4656 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 19. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4657 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4658 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4659 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4660 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE19 0x00080000U
4661 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE19_MASK 0x00080000U
4662 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE19_SHIFT 19U
4664 // Field: [18] CFIE18
4665 //
4666 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 18. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4667 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4668 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4669 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4670 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE18 0x00040000U
4671 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE18_MASK 0x00040000U
4672 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE18_SHIFT 18U
4674 // Field: [17] CFIE17
4675 //
4676 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 17. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4677 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4678 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4679 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4680 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE17 0x00020000U
4681 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE17_MASK 0x00020000U
4682 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE17_SHIFT 17U
4684 // Field: [16] CFIE16
4685 //
4686 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 16. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4687 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4688 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4689 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4690 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE16 0x00010000U
4691 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE16_MASK 0x00010000U
4692 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE16_SHIFT 16U
4694 // Field: [15] CFIE15
4695 //
4696 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 15. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4697 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4698 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4699 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4700 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE15 0x00008000U
4701 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE15_MASK 0x00008000U
4702 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE15_SHIFT 15U
4704 // Field: [14] CFIE14
4705 //
4706 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 14. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4707 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4708 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4709 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4710 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE14 0x00004000U
4711 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE14_MASK 0x00004000U
4712 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE14_SHIFT 14U
4714 // Field: [13] CFIE13
4715 //
4716 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 13. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4717 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4718 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4719 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4720 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE13 0x00002000U
4721 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE13_MASK 0x00002000U
4722 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE13_SHIFT 13U
4724 // Field: [12] CFIE12
4725 //
4726 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 12. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4727 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4728 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4729 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4730 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE12 0x00001000U
4731 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE12_MASK 0x00001000U
4732 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE12_SHIFT 12U
4734 // Field: [11] CFIE11
4735 //
4736 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 11. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4737 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4738 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4739 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4740 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE11 0x00000800U
4741 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE11_MASK 0x00000800U
4742 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE11_SHIFT 11U
4744 // Field: [10] CFIE10
4745 //
4746 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 10. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4747 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4748 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4749 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4750 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE10 0x00000400U
4751 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE10_MASK 0x00000400U
4752 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE10_SHIFT 10U
4754 // Field: [9] CFIE9
4755 //
4756 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 9. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4757 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4758 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4759 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4760 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE9 0x00000200U
4761 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE9_MASK 0x00000200U
4764 // Field: [8] CFIE8
4765 //
4766 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 8. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4767 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4768 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4769 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4770 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE8 0x00000100U
4771 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE8_MASK 0x00000100U
4774 // Field: [7] CFIE7
4775 //
4776 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 7. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4777 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4778 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4779 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4780 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE7 0x00000080U
4781 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE7_MASK 0x00000080U
4784 // Field: [6] CFIE6
4785 //
4786 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 6. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4787 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4788 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4789 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4790 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE6 0x00000040U
4791 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE6_MASK 0x00000040U
4794 // Field: [5] CFIE5
4795 //
4796 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 5. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4797 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4798 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4799 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4800 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE5 0x00000020U
4801 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE5_MASK 0x00000020U
4804 // Field: [4] CFIE4
4805 //
4806 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 4. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4807 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4808 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4809 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4810 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE4 0x00000010U
4811 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE4_MASK 0x00000010U
4814 // Field: [3] CFIE3
4815 //
4816 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 3. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4817 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4818 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4819 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4820 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE3 0x00000008U
4821 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE3_MASK 0x00000008U
4824 // Field: [2] CFIE2
4825 //
4826 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 2. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4827 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4828 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4829 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4830 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE2 0x00000004U
4831 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE2_MASK 0x00000004U
4834 // Field: [1] CFIE1
4835 //
4836 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 1. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4837 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4838 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4839 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4840 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE1 0x00000002U
4841 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE1_MASK 0x00000002U
4844 // Field: [0] CFIE0
4845 //
4846 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable 0. Each Tx Buffer has its own
4847 // Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable bit.
4848 // 0 Cancellation finished interrupt disabled
4849 // 1 Cancellation finished interrupt enabled
4850 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE0 0x00000001U
4851 #define MCAN_TXBCIE_CFIE0_MASK 0x00000001U
4854 //*****************************************************************************
4855 //
4856 // Register: MCAN_TXEFC
4857 //
4858 //*****************************************************************************
4859 // Field: [29:24] EFWM
4860 //
4861 // Event FIFO Watermark
4862 // 0 Watermark interrupt disabled
4863 // 1-32 Level for Tx Event FIFO watermark interrupt (IR.TEFW)
4864 // >32 Watermark interrupt disabled
4866 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFWM_MASK 0x3F000000U
4867 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFWM_SHIFT 24U
4869 // Field: [21:16] EFS
4870 //
4871 // Event FIFO Size. The Tx Event FIFO elements are indexed from 0 to EFS - 1.
4872 // 0 Tx Event FIFO disabled
4873 // 1-32 Number of Tx Event FIFO elements
4874 // >32 Values greater than 32 are interpreted as 32
4875 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFS_WIDTH 6U
4876 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFS_MASK 0x003F0000U
4877 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFS_SHIFT 16U
4879 // Field: [15:2] EFSA
4880 //
4881 // Event FIFO Start Address. Start address of Tx Event FIFO in Message RAM
4882 // (32-bit word address).
4883 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFSA_WIDTH 14U
4884 #define MCAN_TXEFC_EFSA_MASK 0x0000FFFCU
4887 //*****************************************************************************
4888 //
4889 // Register: MCAN_TXEFS
4890 //
4891 //*****************************************************************************
4892 // Field: [25] TEFL
4893 //
4894 // Tx Event FIFO Element Lost. This bit is a copy of interrupt flag IR.TEFL.
4895 // When IR.TEFL is reset, this bit is also reset.
4896 // 0 No Tx Event FIFO element lost
4897 // 1 Tx Event FIFO element lost, also set after write attempt to Tx Event
4898 // FIFO of size zero.
4899 #define MCAN_TXEFS_TEFL 0x02000000U
4900 #define MCAN_TXEFS_TEFL_MASK 0x02000000U
4901 #define MCAN_TXEFS_TEFL_SHIFT 25U
4903 // Field: [24] EFF
4904 //
4905 // Event FIFO Full
4906 // 0 Tx Event FIFO not full
4907 // 1 Tx Event FIFO full
4908 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFF 0x01000000U
4909 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFF_MASK 0x01000000U
4910 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFF_SHIFT 24U
4912 // Field: [20:16] EFPI
4913 //
4914 // Event FIFO Put Index.Tx Event FIFO write index pointer, range 0 to 31.
4916 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFPI_MASK 0x001F0000U
4917 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFPI_SHIFT 16U
4919 // Field: [12:8] EFGI
4920 //
4921 // Event FIFO Get Index. Tx Event FIFO read index pointer, range 0 to 31.
4923 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFGI_MASK 0x00001F00U
4926 // Field: [5:0] EFFL
4927 //
4928 // Event FIFO Fill Level. Number of elements stored in Tx Event FIFO, range 0
4929 // to 32.
4931 #define MCAN_TXEFS_EFFL_MASK 0x0000003FU
4934 //*****************************************************************************
4935 //
4936 // Register: MCAN_TXEFA
4937 //
4938 //*****************************************************************************
4939 // Field: [4:0] EFAI
4940 //
4941 // Event FIFO Acknowledge Index. After the Host has read an element or a
4942 // sequence of elements from the Tx Event FIFO it has to write the index of the
4943 // last element read from Tx Event FIFO to EFAI. This will set the Tx Event
4944 // FIFO Get Index TXEFS.EFGI to EFAI + 1 and update the Event FIFO Fill Level
4945 // TXEFS.EFFL.
4947 #define MCAN_TXEFA_EFAI_MASK 0x0000001FU
4950 #endif /* third_party_mcan_mcan_reg__include */
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