Running Software Examples on CC2640R2L¶
The CC2640R2F LaunchPad development board can be used for evaluation and software development for the CC2640R2L device. The CC2640R2L is pin compatible with the CC2640R2F device.
The CC2640R2L is functionally identical to the CC2640R2F except the following hardware peripherals are not included in the CC2640R2L:
Sensor Controller Engine
Constant Current Source
Because the Sensor Controller is not available on the CC2640R2L, the AUX RAM can be used freely by the application. This provides an additional 2KB of memory available to the application. For more information on how to configure the AUX RAM for use by the application, see Using the AUX RAM as RAM.
Porting Software Examples for CC2640R2L¶
You can run CC2640R2F software examples that do not utilize the Sensor Controller on the CC2640R2L without making any changes.
For applications that do utilize the Sensor Controller to control peripherals, such as the ADC for example, please utilize TI drivers to interface with the peripherals and implement control logic in the application. For more information on utilizing TI Drivers, review TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide and TI Drivers API Reference.