Software Architecture

The TI royalty-free Bluetooth Low Energy software development kit (SDK) is a complete software platform for developing single-mode Bluetooth Low Energy applications. This kit is based on the SimpleLink CC2640R2, complete System-on-Chip (SoC) Bluetooth Low Energy solution. The CC2640R2 combines a 2.4-GHz RF transceiver, 128-KB in-system programmable memory, 20KB of SRAM, and a full range of peripherals. The device is centered on an Arm® Cortex®-M3 series processor that handles the application layer and Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack and an autonomous radio core centered on an Arm Cortex®-M0 processor that handles all the low-level radio control and processing associated with the physical layer and parts of the link layer. The Sensor Controller block provides additional flexibility by allowing autonomous data acquisition and control independent of the Cortex-M3 processor, further extending the low-power capabilities of the CC2640R2. For more information about the CC2640R2, see the CC13x0 CC26x0 SimpleLink Wireless MCU Technical Reference Manual.


The Sensor Controller is not available on the CC2640R2L.

BLE-Stack Protocol Stack and Application Configurations

Above the RF driver is the TI Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack, which is implemented in library code.

The application developer interfaces with the protocol stack through a set of APIs (ICall) to implement a Bluetooth Low Energy application. The rest of this document intends to document application development on the CC2640R2 using the Bluetooth Low Energy stack.

Figure 6. shows the platform that supports two different protocol stack and application configurations.

  • Single device: The controller, host, profiles, and application are all implemented on the CC2640R2 as a true single-chip solution. This configuration is the simplest and most common when using the CC2640R2. This configuration is used by most of TI’s sample projects. This configuration is the most cost-effective technique and provides the lowest-power performance.

  • Simple network processor: The Simple Network Processor (SNP) implements the controller and host layers of the BLE-Stack. Additionally, the SNP exposes an interface for scheduling communication between the stack and an external MCU. This accelerates dual MCU designs because the application processor (AP) is only responsible for managing custom profiles and application code. Stack-related functionality, such as security, is implemented on the SNP. The SNP currently supports the peripheral and broadcaster GAP roles. Communication with the SNP is carried out through the SNP API. The SNP API is built on the Unified Network Processor Interface (UNPI), which supports UART and SPI transport layers. For more information, reference the Unified NPI. TI also provides the SAP library, which implements a UNPI master and the SNP API. The SAP library can be ported to any TI-RTOS-capable processor, or used as a reference for developing a custom dual MCU solution. For a description of the SNP, see the README.html page within the simple_np folder, advanced users can read the SNP API Reference for a summary of the supported commands.


Figure 6. Single-Device Processor and Simple Network Processor Configurations

Solution Platform

This section describes the various components that are installed with BLE-Stack and the directory structure of the protocol stack and any tools required for development. Figure 7. shows the BLE-Stack development system.


Figure 7. Bluetooth Low Energy Stack Development System

The solution platform includes the following components:

  • TI’s Real-Time Operating System (TI-RTOS) with the TI-RTOS kernel, optimized power management support, and peripheral drivers (SPI, UART, and so forth)

  • CC26xxware DriverLib provides a register abstraction layer and is used by software and drivers to control the CC2640R2 SoC.

  • The Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack is provided in library form with parts of the protocol stack in the CC2640R2 ROM.

  • Sample applications and profiles make starting development using both proprietary and generic solutions easier.

The following integrated development environments (IDEs) are supported:

  • IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm

  • Code Composer Studio™ (CCS)

Refer to the SDK release notes for the specific IDE versions supported by this release.

BLE Software Architecture

The CC2640R2 Bluetooth Low Energy software environment consists of the following parts:

  • An application image with the TI-RTOS kernel, drivers and Bluetooth profile

  • A stack image or library that implements Bluetooth Low Energy protocol

TI-RTOS is a real-time, pre-emptive, multithreaded operating system that runs the software solution with task synchronization. Both the application and Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack exist as separate tasks within the RTOS. The Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack has the highest priority. A messaging framework called indirect call (ICall) is used for thread-safe synchronization between the application and stack. Figure 8. shows the architecture.


Figure 8. Example Software Architecture

  • The stack image includes the lower layers of the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack from the LL up to and including the GAP and GATT layers. Most of the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack code is provided as a library.

  • The application image includes the RTOS, profiles, application code, drivers, and the ICall module.

Protocol Stack Build Configurations

The BLE-Stack applications have different options for configuring the protocol stack to maximize system implementations. These options are described below along with the relevant advantages and limitations.


This section aims to explain the two supported protocol stack build configurations. Additionally, the protocol stack itself may be configured to conditionally pull in different library builds based on the features needed. Configuring the protocol stack is covered in Stack Configurations

Stack Library Configuration (_stack_library)

In BLE-Stack, stack can be built as a library that can be statically linked to the application. Projects with build with this new configuration can be identified by project build configurations with _stack_library in its configuration name. Using this build configuration will yield additional flash footprint optimizations by the linker since the application and stack can share contiguous flash pages. The gained footprint savings will however prevent split-image application. See Available CCS project build configurations and Available IAR project build configurations for the available project build configurations. Stack library projects have the following properties

  • Stack project generates a static library (.lib)

  • Application project will now link the stack in as a library

  • There is no explicit app/stack boundary. The application’s link step decides the memory locations of the code within the stack_library. There are some exceptions to this such as SNV.

  • This architecture saves flash by allowing the linker work more efficiently.

  • These projects used the improved ICall architecture

Covert Library Build to Split Image

To covert the Stack_library build projects into split image, please visit Task 2-Add OAD to Multi Role in BLE Enhanced OAD section in SimpleLink Academy

Split Image Configuration

As with previous BLE-Stack releases, application and stack images are built as two separate projects that generate two separate images. These images occupy separate, non-overlapping flash memory pages. The split image configuration is useful in purposes such as OAD where it could be advantageous to perform independent application or stack downloads. Split image projects have the following properties:

  • Fixed stack entry point

  • Stack project generates a separate executable (.hex, .out, .bin)

  • Explicit Flash/RAM boundaries between app and stack

  • Independent update of stack/app (API compatibility must be ensured by the user)

Project Build Configurations

Sample applications within the BLE-Stack portion of the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK support multiple build configurations to enable using the protocol stack build types discussed above. Other build configurations may have been created to support features such as RCOSC or OAD out of the box. The table below gives a summary of the build configurations found within BLE-Stack and their compatibility with one another.

Table 2. Available project build configurations.

Project type

Project’s build configuration




Application image build configuration. Requires companion Stack FlashROM (split image configuration)


Application build configuration linked to Stack library (fully executable)


Application build configuration linked to Stack library for 32-kHz crystal-less device configuration


OAD off-chip application FlashROM configuration



Stack library build configuration


Stack image using protocol stack in ROM configuration


Some of the build configurations above may be located in a separate project for CCS, for example simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_app_oad_offchip. However the principles of the table above can still be applied. Always consult the README.html file of the specific sample application for more information on it’s supported build configurations. Additionally, refer to Available CCS project build configurations

Standard Project Task Hierarchy

Considering the simple_peripheral project as an example, these tasks are listed by priority. A higher task number corresponds to a higher priority task:

  • Priority 5: Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack task (must be highest priority)

  • Priority 1: Application task (simple_peripheral)

TI-RTOS (RTOS Kernel) Overview introduces TI-RTOS tasks. Overview describes interfacing with the Bluetooth low energy protocol stack. Main initialization describes the application task.

Directory Structure

The default install location is: C:\ti\simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_x_xx_xx_xx.

The SDK installs to this location by default. For the purposes of this document, consider the above path to the BLE-Stack root directory; it will be omitted. All paths will be relative to the BLE-Stack root directory. Opening up the root install directory shows the new parent folders within the SDK, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. SDK root folders

BLE-Stack folders



The docs directory now contains all relevant documents included with the CC2640R2 SDK. Refer to the Documentation Overview master page.


The CC2640R2 SDK includes ble examples as well as TI-RTOS kernel and TI-RTOS driver examples.


The TI-RTOS kernel is now included with the CC2640R2 SDK.


The source\ directory include source for BLE-Stack, TI-RTOS kernel and drivers, and various middleware modules.


Tools such as BTool

Examples Folder

The examples\ folder contains example source files for the BLE-Stack, TI-RTOS kernel, and TI-RTOS drivers. All the source code supporting the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK examples can be found at *examples\rtos\CC2640R2_LAUNCHXL\. Examples for each product can be found within their respective folders and are accessible via various means as shown in Examples available for the CC2640R2 platform.

Table 4. Examples available for the CC2640R2 platform

Type of examples

Example subdirectory

How to open the examples



Imported via TI Resource Explorer
Opened as existing IAR projects

TI-RTOS Kernel


Imported via TI Resource Explorer
See the Quick Start Guide

TI-RTOS Drivers


Imported via TI Resource Explorer
See the Quick Start Guide

For TI-RTOS Kernel and TI-RTOS driver examples, see the linked documentation. To help select a specific BLE example, see BLE examples available for the CC2640R2 platform. As with previous BLE-Stack releases, each example contains a toolchain subdirectory for CCS and IAR.

IAR examples are available as .eww projects whereas CCS project are imported.

See Table 1. for a list of examples supported by the SDK.

Source Folder

The source\ti\ folder contains libraries and source files for the BLE-Stack, TI-RTOS drivers, and various shared modules. They can be found within their respective folders as shown in CC2640R2 SDK’s source\ti\ directory.

Table 5. CC2640R2 SDK’s source\ti\ directory





Root source directory for the BLE-Stack


Prebuilt BLE stack libraries


Sample board files for use with the BLE stacks


Linker, RTOS config, and middleware used by the stack


Symbol files for various stack builds and configurations


Header files for the BLE controller layer


Hardware abstraction layer files for Stack


Heap Manager


Header files for the BLE host layers


Source files for the ICall module


Header files used to interface with BLE-Stack


Source files for the both NPI modules


Source support files used by the BLE-Stack


Sample BLE profile implementations


BLE-Stack ROM symbol files


Miscellaneous support files


ROM patch support files


Board gateway folder


Support files from driverlib


Display module


TI-RTOS drivers source and libraries


Graphics library


Other middleware modules dependent on TI-RTOS drivers

Working With Hex and Binary Files

BLE-Stack projects have project build configurations in which the application and stack projects produce an Intel®-extended hex file in their respective output folders. These hex files lack overlapping memory regions and can be programmed individually with a flash programming tool, such as SmartRF Flash Programmer 2. To simplify the flash programming process, you can combine the application and stack hex files into a super hex file manually or using freely available tools. Information on the Intel Hex standard.

One example for creating the super hex file is with the IntelHex python script, available at IntelHex launchpad. To merge the hex files, install Python® 2.7.x and add it to your system path environment variables.


Note that when using any python script, you must use a compatible version of Python. Refer to the tool documentation or contact the developer to verify compatibility.

The following is an example usage to create a merged simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp.hex file consisting of the individual application and stack hex files:

1C:\Python27\Scripts>python \
2    -o .\simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_merged.hex \
3    -r 0000:1FFFF
4    simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_app.hex:0000:1FFFF
5    simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_stack.hex
6    --overlap=error

If conversion of the super hex to binary is desired, this can be accomplished with the “” or similar tools that support the hex standard.

1C:\Python27\Scripts>python \
2    simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_merged.hex \
3    simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_merged.bin