BLE-Stack 3.01.01 (SDK 1.50) to BLE-Stack 3.02.00 (SDK 2.20)

This section will describe a way to migrate a project from BLE-Stack 3.01.01 to a BLE-Stack 3.02.00.

For this migration guide, simple_peripheral from BLE-Stack 3.01.01 will be ported over to BLE-Stack 3.02.00. Because the directory structure is nearly identical between the two releases, the recommended approach is to start with a BLE-Stack 3.02.00 project that contains the same base functionality as the porting target project and merge in any custom functionality.

If you choose to not start with an example project from BLE-Stack 3.02.00 and instead wish to port your project by going to Properties>General>Products and selecting the new version of the CC2640R2 SDK that you wish to point to, be careful to examine what files are linked and what files are copied into your workspace from the SDK and adjust your project accordingly. For example, if you are migrating code based on the Project Zero for the CC2640R2, be sure to reference the new ble_user_config.c, ble_user_config.h and board files from the target SDK.

  1. Choose a BLE-Stack 3.02.00 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality.

    For reference, see available sample projects that start with simple_peripheral

    In this example, we’re going to use simple_peripheral as the starting BLE-Stack 3.02.00 sample project.

  2. Transfer all modified application files from BLE-Stack 3.01.01 into the BLE-Stack 3.02.00 example project.

    In this example, the following files from BLE-Stack 3.01.01 were moved into simple_peripheral BLE-Stack 3.02.00 example:

    • simple_peripheral.c

    • simple_peripheral.h

    • simple_gatt_profile.c

    • simple_gatt_profile.h

  3. Update function name from SimplePeripheral_createTask to SimpleBLEPeripheral_createTask in main.c. Please keep in mind that all the functions in this example were updated and BLE keyword was removed. This also applies to all of the blestack SDK examples.

  4. A new way of processing connection events was implemented. In order to take advantage of this new functionality do the following in simple_peripheral.c:

    Define an new event SBP_CONN_EVT such that the SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB function can enqueue a message for the application task to handle:

    #define SBP_CONN_EVT                          0x0010

    Add the following macros:

    // Set the register cause to the registration bit-mask
    #define CONNECTION_EVENT_REGISTER_BIT_SET(RegisterCause) (connectionEventRegisterCauseBitMap |= RegisterCause )
    // Remove the register cause from the registration bit-mask
    #define CONNECTION_EVENT_REGISTER_BIT_REMOVE(RegisterCause) (connectionEventRegisterCauseBitMap &= (~RegisterCause) )
    // Gets whether the current App is registered to the receive connection events
    #define CONNECTION_EVENT_IS_REGISTERED (connectionEventRegisterCauseBitMap > 0)
    // Gets whether the RegisterCause was registered to recieve connection event
    #define CONNECTION_EVENT_REGISTRATION_CAUSE(RegisterCause) (connectionEventRegisterCauseBitMap & RegisterCause )

    Add the following function prototypes:

    static void SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB(Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *pReport);
    static void SimplePeripheral_processConnEvt(Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *pReport);

    And the functions definition add it at the end of the file. The callback function will push this event to application task so that the BLE-Stack API call can happen in the application context:

     * @fn      SimplePeripheral_processConnEvt
     * @brief   Process connection event.
     * @param pReport pointer to connection event report
    static void SimplePeripheral_processConnEvt(Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *pReport)
        // The GATT server might have returned a blePending as it was trying
        // to process an ATT Response. Now that we finished with this
        // connection event, let's try sending any remaining ATT Responses
        // on the next connection event.
        // Try to retransmit pending ATT Response (if any)
     * @fn      SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB
     * @brief   Connection event callback.
     * @param pReport pointer to connection event report
    static void SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB(Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *pReport)
      // Enqueue the event for processing in the app context.
      if( SimplePeripheral_enqueueMsg(SBP_CONN_EVT, 0 ,(uint8_t *) pReport) == FALSE)

    Add the following enum connectionEventRegisterCause_u to handle the registration of connection events. At the same time define connectionEventRegisterCauseBitMap:

    typedef enum
       NOT_REGISTER       = 0,
       FOR_AOA_SCAN       = 1,
       FOR_ATT_RSP        = 2,
       FOR_AOA_SEND       = 4,
       FOR_TOF_SEND       = 8
    // Handle the registration and un-registration for the connection event, since only one can be registered.
    uint32_t       connectionEventRegisterCauseBitMap = NOT_REGISTER; //see connectionEventRegisterCause_u

    Two new connectionEvent functions were created, also these functions can be added at the end of the file.

     * @fn      SimplePeripheral_RegistertToAllConnectionEvent()
     * @brief   register to receive connection events for all the connection
     * @param connectionEventRegisterCause represents the reason for registration
     * @return @ref SUCCESS
    bStatus_t SimplePeripheral_RegistertToAllConnectionEvent (connectionEventRegisterCause_u connectionEventRegisterCause)
      bStatus_t status = SUCCESS;
      // in case  there is no registration for the connection event, make the registration
        status = GAP_RegisterConnEventCb(SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB, GAP_CB_REGISTER, LINKDB_CONNHANDLE_ALL);
      if(status == SUCCESS)
        //add the reason bit to the bitamap.
     * @fn      SimplePeripheral_UnRegistertToAllConnectionEvent()
     * @brief   Unregister connection events
     * @param connectionEventRegisterCause represents the reason for registration
     * @return @ref SUCCESS
    bStatus_t SimplePeripheral_UnRegistertToAllConnectionEvent (connectionEventRegisterCause_u connectionEventRegisterCause)
      bStatus_t status = SUCCESS;
      // in case  there is no more registration for the connection event than unregister
        GAP_RegisterConnEventCb(SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB, GAP_CB_UNREGISTER, LINKDB_CONNHANDLE_ALL);

    In the function SimpleBLEPeripheral_taskFxn update the following code:

    // Check for BLE stack events first
    if (pEvt->signature == 0xffff)
      // The GATT server might have returned a blePending as it was trying
      // to process an ATT Response. Now that we finished with this
      // connection event, let's try sending any remaining ATT Responses
      // on the next connection event.
      if (pEvt->event_flag & SBP_HCI_CONN_EVT_END_EVT)
        // Try to retransmit pending ATT Response (if any)
      // Process inter-task message
      safeToDealloc = SimpleBLEPeripheral_processStackMsg((ICall_Hdr *)pMsg);

    with this one:

    if (pEvt->signature != 0xffff)
      // Process inter-task message
      safeToDealloc = SimplePeripheral_processStackMsg((ICall_Hdr *)pMsg);

    In the function SimplePeripheral_processGATTMsg update the following code:

    if (HCI_EXT_ConnEventNoticeCmd(pMsg->connHandle, selfEntity,
                                SBP_HCI_CONN_EVT_END_EVT) == SUCCESS)

    with this one:

    if( SimplePeripheral_RegistertToAllConnectionEvent(FOR_ATT_RSP) == SUCCESS)

    Lastly, to process the connection event SBP_CONN_EVT in SimpleBLEPeripheral_processAppMsg add this new case:

    case SBP_CONN_EVT:
       SimplePeripheral_processConnEvt((Gap_ConnEventRpt_t *)(pMsg->pData));
  5. If necessary, update the project to use the newer TI-RTOS drivers that are supplied with the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

    The following drivers have changed from BLE-Stack 3.01.01. Please see the changes to these drivers by comparing the supplied headers between those in simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_1_50_00_58 and those in the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

    • ECDH

    • AESCCM

    • RF

    • NVS

    • SD


    The display folder should in BLE-Stack 3.02.00 be included with the path <ti/display/Display.h>, not <ti/mw/display/Display.h>.

    #include <ti/display/Display.h>
  6. Refer to the Core SDK release notes for additional information and the TI-RTOS examples included with SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

    For additional information on how BLE-Stack 3.02.00 uses TI-RTOS see TI-RTOS (RTOS Kernel) Overview

    For any utilized TI Drivers, review TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide and TI Drivers API Reference.