TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth API Documentation
Modules | Files | Functions

This module implements the Indirect Call Layer For a detailed usage section describing how to send these commands and receive events, see the ICall Section of the Software Developer's Guide. More...


 ICall Constants
 ICall Data Structures


file  icall.h
 ICall layer interface.


ICall_Errno ICall_abort (void)
 Aborts. More...
void * ICall_allocMsg (size_t size)
 Allocates memory block for a message. More...
void ICall_createRemoteTasks (void)
 Create remote tasks. More...
void ICall_createRemoteTasksAtRuntime (ICall_RemoteTask_t *remoteTaskTable, uint8_t nb_elems)
 Create remote tasks with parameters define at runtime. More...
ICall_Semaphore ICall_createSemaphore (uint_fast8_t mode, int initcount)
 Creates a semaphore. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_createTask (void(*entryfn)(size_t arg), uint_fast8_t priority, uint_fast16_t stacksize, size_t arg)
 Creates a new RTOS task. More...
uint32_t icall_directAPI (uint8_t service, icall_lite_id_t id,...)
 generic variadic function to translate API id to a functional call in the stack context, More...
ICall_Errno ICall_disableInt (int intnum)
 Disables interrupt. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_disableMInt (void)
 Disables master interrupt and context switching. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_enableInt (int intnum)
 Enables interrupt. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_enableMInt (void)
 Enables master interrupt and context switching. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_enrollService (ICall_ServiceEnum service, ICall_ServiceFunc fn, ICall_EntityID *entity, ICall_SyncHandle *msgSyncHdl)
 Registers a service entity. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_entityId2ServiceId (ICall_EntityID entityId, ICall_ServiceEnum *servId)
 Transforms and entityId into a serviceId. Note that this function is useful in case an application waits for messages from both a server and another application, in which case, the application can only use ICall_fetchMsg , not ICall_fetchServiceMsg because the latter will return ICALL_ERRNO_CORRUPT_MSG when a message sent by the other application is about to be fetched.
This function, then, is useful to retrieve service id matching the source entity id in case the source entity id is not that of the other application. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_fetchMsg (ICall_EntityID *src, ICall_EntityID *dest, void **msg)
 Retrieves a message, queued to receive queue of the calling thread. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_fetchServiceMsg (ICall_ServiceEnum *src, ICall_EntityID *dest, void **msg)
 Retrieves a message received at the message queue associated with the calling thread. More...
void ICall_free (void *msg)
 Frees an allocated memory block. More...
void ICall_freeMsg (void *msg)
 Frees the memory block allocated for a message. More...
ICall_EntityID ICall_getEntityId (void)
 Retrieves an entity ID of (arbitrary) one of the entities registered from the calling thread. More...
void ICall_getHeapMgrGetMetrics (uint32_t *pBlkMax, uint32_t *pBlkCnt, uint32_t *pBlkFree, uint32_t *pMemAlo, uint32_t *pMemMax, uint32_t *pMemUB)
 the function retrieve information about the osal heap. Note :ICall_getHeapMgrGetMetrics will not work when using heapMem and HeapTrack More...
void ICall_getHeapStats (ICall_heapStats_t *stats)
 Get Statistic on Heap. More...
uint_fast8_t ICall_getLocalMsgEntityId (ICall_ServiceEnum service, ICall_EntityID entity)
 Retrieves an internal ID understood only by a service entity, corresponding to an ICall entity ID. More...
uint_fast32_t ICall_getMaxMSecs (void)
 Gets the maximum timeout period supported by ICall_setTimerMSecs function. More...
uint_fast32_t ICall_getTickPeriod (void)
 Gets the tick period. More...
uint_fast32_t ICall_getTicks (void)
 Gets the current tick counter value. More...
void ICall_init (void)
 Initializes the dispatcher implementation. More...
void * ICall_malloc (uint_least16_t size)
 Allocates a memory block. More...
void * ICall_mallocLimited (uint_least16_t size)
ICall_Errno ICall_postSemaphore (ICall_Semaphore sem)
 Post on a semaphore. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_pwrConfigACAction (ICall_PwrBitmap_t bitmap)
 Configures power constraint/dependency set/release actions upon activity counter change. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_pwrDispense (ICall_PwrBitmap_t bitmap)
 Releases power constraints and dependencies. More...
uint_fast8_t ICall_pwrGetTransitionState (void)
 Retrieves power transition state. More...
uint32_t ICall_pwrGetXOSCStartupTime (uint_fast32_t timeUntilWakeupInMs)
bool ICall_pwrIsStableXOSCHF (void)
 Checks whether HF XOSC is stable. This function must be called after HF XOSC is turned on (through power dependency). More...
ICall_Errno ICall_pwrRegisterNotify (ICall_PwrNotifyFn fn, ICall_PwrNotifyData *obj)
 Registers a power state transition notify function. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_pwrRequire (ICall_PwrBitmap_t bitmap)
 Sets power constraints and dependencies. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_pwrSwitchXOSCHF (void)
 Switch clock source to HF XOSC. This function must be called after HF XOSC is stable. More...
bool ICall_pwrUpdActivityCounter (bool incFlag)
 Increments or decrements power activity counter. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_registerApp (ICall_EntityID *entity, ICall_SyncHandle *msgSyncHdl)
 Registers an application. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_registerISR (int intnum, void(*isrfunc)(void))
 Registers an interrupt service routine. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_registerISR_Ext (int intnum, void(*isrfunc)(void), int intPriority)
 ICall Register ISR.
ICall_EntityID ICall_searchServiceEntity (ICall_ServiceEnum service)
 Search for a service entity entry. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_send (ICall_EntityID src, ICall_EntityID dest, ICall_MSGFormat format, void *msg)
 Sends a message to an entity. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_sendServiceComplete (ICall_EntityID src, ICall_EntityID dest, ICall_MSGFormat format, void *msg)
 function to indicate that servicing an direct API call is done More...
ICall_Errno ICall_sendServiceMsg (ICall_EntityID src, ICall_ServiceEnum dest, ICall_MSGFormat format, void *msg)
 Sends a message to a registered server. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_setTimer (uint_fast32_t ticks, ICall_TimerCback cback, void *arg, ICall_TimerID *id)
 Set up or restart a timer. Note that the timer setup initially by this function may be restarted using ICall_setTimerMSecs function as well. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_setTimerMSecs (uint_fast32_t msecs, ICall_TimerCback cback, void *arg, ICall_TimerID *id)
 Set up or restart a timer. Note that the timer setup initially by this function may be restarted using ICall_setTimer function as well. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_signal (ICall_SyncHandle msgSyncHdl)
 Signals a semaphore. More...
void ICall_stopTimer (ICall_TimerID id)
 Stops a timer. More...
uint_fast8_t ICall_threadServes (ICall_ServiceEnum service)
 Checks whether the calling thread provides the designated service. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_wait (uint_fast32_t milliseconds)
 Waits for a signal to the semaphore associated with the calling thread. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_waitMatch (uint_least32_t milliseconds, ICall_MsgMatchFn matchFn, ICall_ServiceEnum *src, ICall_EntityID *dest, void **msg)
 Waits for and retrieves a message received at the message queue associated with the calling thread, which matches a certain condition. More...
ICall_Errno ICall_waitSemaphore (ICall_Semaphore sem, uint_fast32_t milliseconds)
 Waits on a semaphore. More...

Detailed Description

This module implements the Indirect Call Layer For a detailed usage section describing how to send these commands and receive events, see the ICall Section of the Software Developer's Guide.

Function Documentation

§ ICall_abort()

ICall_Errno ICall_abort ( void  )


This is preferred over C runtime abort function, in an external image since the C runtime abort is only guaranteed in a root image which contains the C runtime entry function that is executed upon startup.


§ ICall_allocMsg()

void* ICall_allocMsg ( size_t  size)

Allocates memory block for a message.

sizesize of the message body in bytes.
pointer to the start of the message body of the newly allocated memory block, or NULL if the allocation failed.

§ ICall_createRemoteTasks()

void ICall_createRemoteTasks ( void  )

Create remote tasks.

One remote task shall be created per external image.
This function must be called after calling ICall_init .

The external image information must be stored either in a custom icall_addrs.h header file in an include path when ICALL_FEATURE_SEPARATE_IMGINFO compile flag is not defined, or as a set of external constants.

If ICALL_FEATURE_SEPARATE_IMGINFO compile flag is not defined, the following macros must be defined in the ICallAddrs.h file: ICALL_STACK0_ADDR, ICALL_ADDR_MAPS, ICALL_TASK_PRIORITIES and ICALL_TASK_STACK_SIZES.

If ICALL_FEATURE_SEPARATE_IMGINFO compile flag is defined, the following constants have to be linked into an image that include ICall module: ICall_imgEntries, ICall_imgTaskPriorities, ICall_imgTaskStackSizes and ICall_numImages.

§ ICall_createRemoteTasksAtRuntime()

void ICall_createRemoteTasksAtRuntime ( ICall_RemoteTask_t *  remoteTaskTable,
uint8_t  nb_elems 

Create remote tasks with parameters define at runtime.

One remote task shall be created per external image.
This function must be called after calling ICall_init .

The external image information is pass as a parameter

remoteTaskTabletable containing the information of all remote task to create
nb_elemsnumber of elements in the table.

§ ICall_createSemaphore()

ICall_Semaphore ICall_createSemaphore ( uint_fast8_t  mode,
int  initcount 

Creates a semaphore.

modeSemaphore mode
initcountinitial count value
created semaphore when successful
NULL when creation failed

§ ICall_createTask()

ICall_Errno ICall_createTask ( void(*)(size_t arg)  entryfn,
uint_fast8_t  priority,
uint_fast16_t  stacksize,
size_t  arg 

Creates a new RTOS task.

entryfntask entry function.
prioritytask priority as understood by the underlying RTOS
stacksizestack size as understood by the underlying RTOS
argargument to pass to the task entry function
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when creation failed

§ icall_directAPI()

uint32_t icall_directAPI ( uint8_t  service,
icall_lite_id_t  id,

generic variadic function to translate API id to a functional call in the stack context,

Maximum number of supported parameters is define in the stack build, can be 4, 8 or 12 parameters (uint32_t).

serviceservice the API belongs to
idId of the stack API to call.
...: all parameters corresponding to the stack API to call.
register r0 will be populated with any return value fill by the Stack API.

§ ICall_disableInt()

ICall_Errno ICall_disableInt ( int  intnum)

Disables interrupt.

intnuminterrupt number

§ ICall_disableMInt()

ICall_Errno ICall_disableMInt ( void  )

Disables master interrupt and context switching.


§ ICall_enableInt()

ICall_Errno ICall_enableInt ( int  intnum)

Enables interrupt.

intnuminterrupt number

§ ICall_enableMInt()

ICall_Errno ICall_enableMInt ( void  )

Enables master interrupt and context switching.


§ ICall_enrollService()

ICall_Errno ICall_enrollService ( ICall_ServiceEnum  service,
ICall_ServiceFunc  fn,
ICall_EntityID entity,
ICall_SyncHandle msgSyncHdl 

Registers a service entity.

serviceservice id of the enrolling service
fnhandler function which handles function calls to the service.
entitypointer to a variable to store the assigned entity id
msgSyncHdlpointer to a variable to store the synchronous object handle associated with the calling thread.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful.
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when service id is already registered by another entity.
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when maximum number of services are already registered.

§ ICall_entityId2ServiceId()

ICall_Errno ICall_entityId2ServiceId ( ICall_EntityID  entityId,
ICall_ServiceEnum servId 

Transforms and entityId into a serviceId. Note that this function is useful in case an application waits for messages from both a server and another application, in which case, the application can only use ICall_fetchMsg , not ICall_fetchServiceMsg because the latter will return ICALL_ERRNO_CORRUPT_MSG when a message sent by the other application is about to be fetched.
This function, then, is useful to retrieve service id matching the source entity id in case the source entity id is not that of the other application.

entityIdentity id
servIdpointer to a variable to store the resultant service id
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS if the transformation was successful.
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_SERVICE if no matching service is found for the entity id.

§ ICall_fetchMsg()

ICall_Errno ICall_fetchMsg ( ICall_EntityID src,
ICall_EntityID dest,
void **  msg 

Retrieves a message, queued to receive queue of the calling thread.

srcpointer to a variable to store the sender entity id of the received message.
destpointer to a variable to store the destination entity id of the received message.
msgpointer to a pointer variable to store the starting address of a received message body.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when a message was successfully retrieved.
ICALL_ERRNO_NOMSG when no message was queued to the receive queue at the moment.
ICALL_ERRNO_UNKNOWN_THREAD when the calling thread does not have a received queue associated with it. This happens when neither ICall_enrollService nor ICall_registerApp was ever called from the calling thread.

§ ICall_fetchServiceMsg()

ICall_Errno ICall_fetchServiceMsg ( ICall_ServiceEnum src,
ICall_EntityID dest,
void **  msg 

Retrieves a message received at the message queue associated with the calling thread.

Note that this function should be used by an application which does not expect any message from non-server entity.

srcpointer to a variable to store the service id of the registered server which sent the retrieved message
destpointer to a variable to store the entity id of the destination of the message.
msgpointer to a pointer variable to store the starting address of the message body being retrieved.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when the operation was successful and a message was retrieved.
ICALL_ERRNO_NOMSG when there is no queued message at the moment.
ICALL_ERRNO_CORRUPT_MSG when a message queued in front of the thread's receive queue was not sent by a server. Note that in this case, the message is not retrieved but thrown away.
ICALL_ERRNO_UNKNOWN_THREAD when this function is called from a thread which has not registered an entity, either through ICall_enrollService or through ICall_registerApp .

§ ICall_free()

void ICall_free ( void *  msg)

Frees an allocated memory block.

msgpointer to a memory block to free.

§ ICall_freeMsg()

void ICall_freeMsg ( void *  msg)

Frees the memory block allocated for a message.

msgpointer to the start of the message body which was returned from ICall_allocMsg .

§ ICall_getEntityId()

ICall_EntityID ICall_getEntityId ( void  )

Retrieves an entity ID of (arbitrary) one of the entities registered from the calling thread.

Note that, if multiple entities were registered from the same thread, this function shall arbitrarily pick one of the entities.

A valid entity ID or ICALL_INVALID_ENTITY_ID when no entity was registered from the calling thread.

§ ICall_getHeapMgrGetMetrics()

void ICall_getHeapMgrGetMetrics ( uint32_t *  pBlkMax,
uint32_t *  pBlkCnt,
uint32_t *  pBlkFree,
uint32_t *  pMemAlo,
uint32_t *  pMemMax,
uint32_t *  pMemUB 

the function retrieve information about the osal heap. Note :ICall_getHeapMgrGetMetrics will not work when using heapMem and HeapTrack

pBlkMaxpointer to a variable to store max cnt of all blocks ever seen at once
pBlkCntpointer to a variable to store current cnt of all blocks
pBlkFreepointer to a variable to store current cnt of free blocks
pMemAlopointer to a variable to store current total memory allocated
pMemMaxpointer to a variable to store max total memory ever allocated at once
pMemUBpointer to a variable to store the upper bound of memory usage

§ ICall_getHeapStats()

void ICall_getHeapStats ( ICall_heapStats_t *  stats)

Get Statistic on Heap.

statspointer to a heapStats_t structure.

§ ICall_getLocalMsgEntityId()

uint_fast8_t ICall_getLocalMsgEntityId ( ICall_ServiceEnum  service,
ICall_EntityID  entity 

Retrieves an internal ID understood only by a service entity, corresponding to an ICall entity ID.

This function is used when a message body includes a field indicating a software entity and the destination of the message has its own internal message routing mechanism with its own entity enumeration system.

serviceService enumeration value for the service. Currently ICALL_SERVICE_CLASS_BLE_MSG is supported.
entityICall entity ID.
Stack specific 8 bit ID or 0xFF when failed.

§ ICall_getMaxMSecs()

uint_fast32_t ICall_getMaxMSecs ( void  )

Gets the maximum timeout period supported by ICall_setTimerMSecs function.

maximum timeout period in milliseconds

§ ICall_getTickPeriod()

uint_fast32_t ICall_getTickPeriod ( void  )

Gets the tick period.

tick period in microseconds.

§ ICall_getTicks()

uint_fast32_t ICall_getTicks ( void  )

Gets the current tick counter value.

current tick counter value

§ ICall_init()

void ICall_init ( void  )

Initializes the dispatcher implementation.

This shall be only called from an image which included dispatcher implementation.

§ ICall_malloc()

void* ICall_malloc ( uint_least16_t  size)

Allocates a memory block.

sizesize of the block in bytes.
address of the allocated memory block or NULL if allocation fails.

§ ICall_mallocLimited()

void* ICall_mallocLimited ( uint_least16_t  size)

Allocates a memory block, but check first if enough memory will be left after the allocation.

sizesize of the block in bytes.
address of the allocated memory block or NULL if allocation fails.

§ ICall_postSemaphore()

ICall_Errno ICall_postSemaphore ( ICall_Semaphore  sem)

Post on a semaphore.

ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when the operation was successful

§ ICall_pwrConfigACAction()

ICall_Errno ICall_pwrConfigACAction ( ICall_PwrBitmap_t  bitmap)

Configures power constraint/dependency set/release actions upon activity counter change.

When activity counter value drops to zero, all constraints and dependencies configured by this function shall be released.
When activity counter value increments to one, all constraints and dependencies configured by this function shall be set.

bitmapa bitmap of constraint or dependency flags.
The flag definition is specific to each platform. For instance, see ICallCC26xxDefs.h.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when an invalid flag in the bitmap is detected.

§ ICall_pwrDispense()

ICall_Errno ICall_pwrDispense ( ICall_PwrBitmap_t  bitmap)

Releases power constraints and dependencies.

bitmapa bitmap of constraint or dependency flags.
The flag definition is specific to each platform. For instance, see ICallCC26xxDefs.h.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when an invalid flag in the bitmap is detected.

§ ICall_pwrGetTransitionState()

uint_fast8_t ICall_pwrGetTransitionState ( void  )

Retrieves power transition state.

Implementation specific transition state when successful
Zero when the function is not implemented.

§ ICall_pwrGetXOSCStartupTime()

uint32_t ICall_pwrGetXOSCStartupTime ( uint_fast32_t  timeUntilWakeupInMs)

Gets the estimated crystal oscillator startup time.

timeUntilWakeupInMstime until wakeup in milliseconds
estimated crystal oscillator startup time

§ ICall_pwrIsStableXOSCHF()

bool ICall_pwrIsStableXOSCHF ( void  )

Checks whether HF XOSC is stable. This function must be called after HF XOSC is turned on (through power dependency).

TRUE when HF XOSC is stable.
FALSE when HF XOSC is not stable.

§ ICall_pwrRegisterNotify()

ICall_Errno ICall_pwrRegisterNotify ( ICall_PwrNotifyFn  fn,
ICall_PwrNotifyData obj 

Registers a power state transition notify function.

The registered notify function shall be called when the power state changes.

fnnotify function pointer
objpointer to data object to be passed to notify function.
This pointer must not be NULL and can point to an aggregate type containing the ICall_PwrNotifyData. The object must not be released.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when registration failed

§ ICall_pwrRequire()

ICall_Errno ICall_pwrRequire ( ICall_PwrBitmap_t  bitmap)

Sets power constraints and dependencies.

bitmapa bitmap of constraint or dependency flags.
The flag definition is specific to each platform. For instance, see ICallCC26xxDefs.h.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when an invalid flag in the bitmap is detected.

§ ICall_pwrSwitchXOSCHF()

ICall_Errno ICall_pwrSwitchXOSCHF ( void  )

Switch clock source to HF XOSC. This function must be called after HF XOSC is stable.


§ ICall_pwrUpdActivityCounter()

bool ICall_pwrUpdActivityCounter ( bool  incFlag)

Increments or decrements power activity counter.

When power activity counter is greater than zero, the device shall stay in the active power state. The caller has to make sure that it decrements the counter as many times as it has incremented the counter when there is no activity that requires the active power state. It is recommended that each client increments the counter by just one, but it is not mandated to be so.

incFlagTRUE to indicate incrementing the counter.
FALSE to indicate decrementing the counter.
TRUE if power is required.
FALSE if power is not required.

§ ICall_registerApp()

ICall_Errno ICall_registerApp ( ICall_EntityID entity,
ICall_SyncHandle msgSyncHdl 

Registers an application.

This function must be called from the thread from which ICall_wait function will be called.
entitypointer to a variable to store entity id assigned to the application.
msgSyncHdlpointer to a variable to store the synchronous object handle associated with the calling thread.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful.
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when ran out of resource.

§ ICall_registerISR()

ICall_Errno ICall_registerISR ( int  intnum,
void(*)(void)  isrfunc 

Registers an interrupt service routine.

intnuminterrupt number
isrfuncpointer to the interrupt service function
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful.
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when the registration failed due to lack of resources.

§ ICall_searchServiceEntity()

ICall_EntityID ICall_searchServiceEntity ( ICall_ServiceEnum  service)

Search for a service entity entry.

serviceservice id
entity id of the service
ICALL_INVALID_ENTITY_ID when none found.

§ ICall_send()

ICall_Errno ICall_send ( ICall_EntityID  src,
ICall_EntityID  dest,
ICall_MSGFormat  format,
void *  msg 

Sends a message to an entity.

srcentity id of the sender
destentity id of the destination of the message.
formatmessage format. See ICall_sendServiceMsg .
msgpointer to the message body.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful.
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when either src or dest is not a valid entity id or when dest is an entity id of an entity that does not receive a message (e.g., ICall primitive service entity).

§ ICall_sendServiceComplete()

ICall_Errno ICall_sendServiceComplete ( ICall_EntityID  src,
ICall_EntityID  dest,
ICall_MSGFormat  format,
void *  msg 

function to indicate that servicing an direct API call is done

srcentity id of the sender
destentity id of the destination of the message.
formatmessage format. See ICall_sendServiceMsg().
msgpointer to the message body.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful.
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when either src or dest is not a valid entity id or when dest is an entity id of an entity that does not receive a message (e.g., ICall primitive service entity).

§ ICall_sendServiceMsg()

ICall_Errno ICall_sendServiceMsg ( ICall_EntityID  src,
ICall_ServiceEnum  dest,
ICall_MSGFormat  format,
void *  msg 

Sends a message to a registered server.

srcEntity id of the sender of the message
destService id
formatMessage format: ICALL_MSG_FORMAT_KEEP, ICALL_MSG_FORMAT_1ST_CHAR_TASK_ID or ICALL_MSG_FORMAT_3RD_CHAR_TASK_ID. Message format indicates whether and which field of the message must be transformed into a implementation specific sender identity for an external image.
When a service message interface is defined, it may contain a field that is not understood by the client but only understood by the system on the server's side. The format provides an information to the messaging system on such a server so that it can generically tag necessary information to the message.
msgpointer to the message body to send.
Note that if message is successfully sent, the caller should not reference the message any longer.
However, if the function fails, the caller still owns the reference to the message. That is, caller may attempt another send, or may free the memory block, etc.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_SERVICE when the 'dest' is unregistered service.
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when the 'src' is an out of range entity id or when 'dest' is is a service that does not receive a message (such as ICall primitive service).
Note that as far as 'src' is within the range, this function won't notice the 'src' entity id as invalid.

§ ICall_setTimer()

ICall_Errno ICall_setTimer ( uint_fast32_t  ticks,
ICall_TimerCback  cback,
void *  arg,
ICall_TimerID id 

Set up or restart a timer. Note that the timer setup initially by this function may be restarted using ICall_setTimerMSecs function as well.

tickstimeout period in ticks after which the callback function shall be called.
cbackcallback function pointer
argargument to pass to the callback function
idpointer to the timer ID. If a new timer must be set up, the value of the timer ID must be set to ICALL_INVALID_TIMER_ID when making this call and when the function returns successfully, the variable will be assigned a new timer ID value. The value other than ICALL_INVALID_TIMER_ID shall be regarded as a request to restart the earlier set timer.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when ran out of resource. Check ICall heap size and OS heap size if this happens.


§ ICall_setTimerMSecs()

ICall_Errno ICall_setTimerMSecs ( uint_fast32_t  msecs,
ICall_TimerCback  cback,
void *  arg,
ICall_TimerID id 

Set up or restart a timer. Note that the timer setup initially by this function may be restarted using ICall_setTimer function as well.

msecstimeout period in milliseconds after which callback function shall be called.
cbackcallback function pointer
argargument to pass to the callback function
idpointer to the timer ID. If a new timer must be set up, the value of the timer ID must be set to ICALL_INVALID_TIMER_ID when making this call and when the function returns successfully, the variable will be assigned a new timer ID value. The value other than ICALL_INVALID_TIMER_ID shall be regarded as a request to restart the earlier set timer.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when successful
ICALL_ERRNO_INVALID_PARAMETER when msecs is greater than maximum value supported
ICALL_ERRNO_NO_RESOURCE when ran out of resource. Check ICall heap size and OS heap size if this happens.


§ ICall_signal()

ICall_Errno ICall_signal ( ICall_SyncHandle  msgSyncHdl)

Signals a semaphore.

msgSyncHdlhandle of a synchronous object to signal

§ ICall_stopTimer()

void ICall_stopTimer ( ICall_TimerID  id)

Stops a timer.

idtimer ID.

§ ICall_threadServes()

uint_fast8_t ICall_threadServes ( ICall_ServiceEnum  service)

Checks whether the calling thread provides the designated service.

serviceService enumeration value for the service.
Non-zero if the current thread provides the designated service.
Zero, otherwise.

§ ICall_wait()

ICall_Errno ICall_wait ( uint_fast32_t  milliseconds)

Waits for a signal to the semaphore associated with the calling thread.

Note that the semaphore associated with a thread is signaled when a message is queued to the message receive queue of the thread or when ICall_signal function is called onto the semaphore.

millisecondstimeout period in milliseconds.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when the semaphore is signaled.
ICALL_ERRNO_TIMEOUT when designated timeout period has passed since the call of the function without the semaphore being signaled.

§ ICall_waitMatch()

ICall_Errno ICall_waitMatch ( uint_least32_t  milliseconds,
ICall_MsgMatchFn  matchFn,
ICall_ServiceEnum src,
ICall_EntityID dest,
void **  msg 

Waits for and retrieves a message received at the message queue associated with the calling thread, which matches a certain condition.

millisecondstimeout period in milliseconds.
matchFnpointer to a function that would return TRUE when the message matches its condition.
srcpointer to a variable to store the service id of the registered server which sent the retrieved message, or NULL if not interested in storing service id.
destpointer to a variable to store the entity id of the destination of the message, of NULL if not interested in storing the destination entity id.
msgpointer to a pointer variable to store the starting address of the message body being retrieved. The pointer must not be NULL.
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when the operation was successful and a message was retrieved.
ICALL_ERRNO_TIMEOUT when designated timeout period has passed since the call of the function without the semaphore being signaled.
ICALL_ERRNO_UNKNOWN_THREAD when this function is called from a thread which has not registered an entity, either through ICall_enrollService or through ICall_registerApp .

§ ICall_waitSemaphore()

ICall_Errno ICall_waitSemaphore ( ICall_Semaphore  sem,
uint_fast32_t  milliseconds 

Waits on a semaphore.

millisecondstimeout in milliseconds or ICALL_TIMEOUT_FOREVER to wait forever
ICALL_ERRNO_SUCCESS when the operation was successful and semaphore was acquired.
ICALL_ERRNO_TIMEOUT when designated timeout period has passed since the call of the function without the semaphore being signaled.
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