TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth API Documentation
Macros | Typedefs
bcomdef.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Type definitions and macros for BLE stack.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define B_ADDR_LEN   6
 Default Public and Random Address Length.
#define B_APP_DEFAULT_PASSCODE   123456
 BLE Default Passcode.
#define B_CHANNEL_MAP_LEN   5
 BLE Channel Map length.
#define B_EVENT_MASK_LEN   8
 BLE Event mask length.
 BLE Feature Supported length.
#define B_LOCAL_NAME_LEN   248
 BLE Local Name length.
#define B_MAX_ADV_LEN   31
 BLE Maximum Advertising Packet Length.
#define B_RANDOM_NUM_SIZE   8
 BLE Random Number Size.
 BLE Privacy Resolving List Size For Peer Keys.
#define BLE_LRU_BOND_LIST   0x05
 The Device's order of bond indexes in least recently used order.
#define BLE_NVID_CSRK   0x03
 The Device's CSRK.
#define BLE_NVID_CUST_END   0x8F
 End of the Customer's NV IDs.
#define BLE_NVID_CUST_START   0x80
 Start of the Customer's NV IDs.
#define BLE_NVID_GAP_BOND_END   0x5f
 End of the GAP Bond Manager's NV IDs Range.
#define BLE_NVID_GAP_BOND_START   0x20
 Start of the GAP Bond Manager's NV IDs.
#define BLE_NVID_GATT_CFG_END   0x79
 End of the GATT Configuration NV IDs.
#define BLE_NVID_GATT_CFG_START   0x70
 Start of the GATT Configuration NV IDs.
#define BLE_NVID_IRK   0x02
 The Device's IRK.
 The Device's Sign Counter.
#define bleAlreadyInRequestedMode   0x11
 Already performing that task.
#define bleGAPBondRejected   0x32
 The bound information was rejected.
#define bleGAPBufferInUse   0x33
 The buffer is in use elsewhere.
#define bleGAPConnNotAcceptable   0x31
 The connection was not accepted.
#define bleGAPFilteredOut   0x35
 The received PDU was filtered out.
#define bleGAPNotFound   0x34
 No handle / buffer found.
#define bleGAPUserCanceled   0x30
 The user canceled the task.
#define bleIncorrectMode   0x12
 Not setup properly to perform that task.
#define bleInsufficientAuthen   0x41
 The attribute has insufficient authentication.
#define bleInsufficientEncrypt   0x42
 The attribute has insufficient encryption.
#define bleInsufficientKeySize   0x43
 The attribute has insufficient encryption key size.
#define bleInvalidMtuSize   0x1B
 MTU size is out of range.
#define bleInvalidPDU   0x40
 The attribute PDU is invalid.
#define bleInvalidRange   0x18
 A parameter is out of range.
#define bleInvalidTaskID   INVALID_TASK
 Task ID isn't setup properly.
#define bleLinkEncrypted   0x19
 The link is already encrypted.
#define bleMemAllocError   0x13
 Memory allocation error occurred.
#define bleNoResources   0x15
 There are no resource available.
#define bleNotConnected   0x14
 Can't perform function when not in a connection.
#define bleNotReady   0x10
 Not ready to perform task.
#define blePending   0x16
#define bleProcedureComplete   0x1A
 The Procedure is completed.
#define bleTimeout   0x17
 Timed out performing function.
#define DISPATCH_CMD_EVENT   0x82
 Dispatch Command Event message.
 The device level sign counter changed.
#define GAP_MSG_EVENT   0xD0
 Incoming GAP message.
#define GATT_MSG_EVENT   0xB0
 Incoming GATT message.
#define GATT_SERV_MSG_EVENT   0xB1
 Incoming GATT Serv App message.
#define HCI_DATA_EVENT   0x90
 HCI Data Event message.
#define HCI_EXT_CMD_EVENT   0x93
 HCI Extended Command Event message.
#define HCI_GAP_EVENT_EVENT   0x91
 GAP Event message.
 GAP Meta Event message.
#define HCI_SMP_EVENT_EVENT   0x92
 SMP Event message.
 SMP Meta Event message.
#define ICALL_CMD_EVENT   0x81
 ICall Command Event message.
#define ICALL_EVENT_EVENT   0x80
 ICall Event message.
#define INVALID_TASK_ID   0xFF
 Task ID isn't setup properly.
#define KEYLEN   16
 Default key length.
#define L2CAP_DATA_EVENT   0xA0
 Incoming data on a channel.
#define L2CAP_SIGNAL_EVENT   0xA2
 Incoming Signaling message.
#define SM_MSG_EVENT   0xC2
 Incoming SM message.
#define SM_NEW_RAND_KEY_EVENT   0xC1
 New Rand Key Event message.
#define TI_BASE_UUID_128(uuid)
 TI Base 128-bit UUID: F000XXXX-0451-4000-B000-000000000000. More...


typedef Status_t bStatus_t
 BLE Generic Status return.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TI_BASE_UUID_128 (   uuid)
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB0, \
0x00, 0x40, 0x51, 0x04, LO_UINT16( uuid ), HI_UINT16( uuid ), 0x00, 0xF0

TI Base 128-bit UUID: F000XXXX-0451-4000-B000-000000000000.

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