
Interfaces and modules for UIA Events

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/uia/events/package.xdc
package [1, 0, 0, 2] {
    interface IUIACtx;
    interface IUIAEvent;
    // Interface to identify UIA events to host-side tooling
    module DvtTypes;
    // Constants and types used by DVT meta data
    module UIAAppCtx;
    // UIA Application Context Instrumentation
    module UIABenchmark;
    // UIA Benchmark Events
    module UIAChanCtx;
    // UIA Channel Context Instrumentation
    module UIAErr;
    // UIA Standard Error Events
    module UIAEvt;
    // UIA Standard Events
    module UIAFrameCtx;
    // UIA Frame Context Instrumentation
    module UIAHWICtx;
    // UIA Hardware Interrupt Context Instrumentation
    module UIAMessage;
    // UIA Message Events
    module UIAProfile;
    // UIA Profile Events
    module UIARoundtrip;
    // UIA Roundtrip Events
    module UIASWICtx;
    // UIA Software Interrupt Context Instrumentation
    module UIASnapshot;
    // UIA Snapshot Events
    module UIAStatistic;
    // UIA Statistics Events
    module UIASync;
    // UIA Synchronization Events
    module UIAThreadCtx;
    // UIA Thread Context Instrumentation
    module UIAUserCtx;
    // UIA User Context Instrumentation
generated on Sat, 17 Nov 2018 00:29:10 GMT