Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_NoRTOS_ConfigNoRTOS framework global configuration
 CADC_ConfigADC driver's custom configuration structure
 CADC_FxnTableThe definition of an ADC function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation
 CADC_ParamsADC Parameters used with ADC_open()
 CADCBuf_ConfigADC driver's custom configuration structure
 CADCBuf_ConversionDefines a conversion to be used with ADCBuf_convert()
 CADCBuf_FxnTableThe definition of an ADCBuf function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific ADC driver implementation
 CADCBuf_ParamsADCBuf parameters used with ADCBuf_open()
 CADCBufCC26X2_AdcChannelLutEntryTable entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal
 CADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrsADCBufCC26X2 Hardware Attributes
 CADCBufCC26X2_ObjectADCBufCC26X2 Object
 CADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtensionCC26X2 specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params
 CADCBufCC26XX_AdcChannelLutEntryTable entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal
 CADCBufCC26XX_HWAttrsADCBufCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CADCBufCC26XX_ObjectADCBufCC26XX Object
 CADCBufCC26XX_ParamsExtensionCC26XX specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params
 CADCCC26XX_HWAttrsADCCC26XX Hardware attributes These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions
 CADCCC26XX_ObjectADCCC26XX Object
 CAESCBC_ConfigAESCBC Global configuration
 CAESCBC_OperationStruct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting a message
 CAESCBC_ParamsCBC Parameters
 CAESCBCCC26XX_HWAttrsAESCBCCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CAESCCM_ConfigAESCCM Global configuration
 CAESCCM_OperationStruct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and authenticating/verifying a message
 CAESCCM_ParamsCCM Parameters
 CAESCCMCC26XX_HWAttrsAESCCMCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CAESCTR_ConfigAESCTR Global configuration
 CAESCTR_OperationStruct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting a message
 CAESCTR_ParamsCTR Parameters
 CAESCTRCC26XX_HWAttrsAESCTRCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CAESCTRDRBG_ConfigAESCTRDRBG Global configuration
 CAESECB_ConfigAESECB Global configuration
 CAESECB_OperationStruct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and a message
 CAESECB_ParamsECB Parameters
 CAESECBCC26XX_HWAttrsAESECBCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CAESGCM_ConfigAESGCM Global configuration
 CAESGCM_OperationStruct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and authenticating/verifying a message
 CAESGCM_ParamsGCM Parameters
 CAESGCMCC26XX_HWAttrsAESGCMCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CCryptoCC26XX_AESCBC_TransactionCryptoCC26XX AES-CBC Transaction
 CCryptoCC26XX_AESCCM_TransactionCryptoCC26XX AES-CCM Transaction
 CCryptoCC26XX_AESECB_TransactionCryptoCC26XX AES-ECB Transaction
 CCryptoCC26XX_ConfigCryptoCC26XX Global Configuration
 CCryptoCC26XX_HWAttrsCryptoCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CCryptoCC26XX_ObjectCryptoCC26XX Object
 CCryptoCC26XX_ParamsCryptoCC26XX Parameters
 CCryptoCC26XX_TransactionCryptoCC26XX Transaction
 CCryptoKey_CryptoKey datastructure
 CCryptoKey_KeyBlob_Keyblob CryptoKey datastructure
 CCryptoKey_KeyStore_Key store CryptoKey datastructure
 CCryptoKey_Plaintext_Plaintext CryptoKey datastructure
 CDisplay_ConfigDisplay Global configuration
 CDisplay_FxnTableThe definition of a Display function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Display driver implementation
 CDisplay_ParamsDisplay Parameters
 CDisplayHost_HWAttrsDisplayHost Attributes
 CDisplayHost_ObjectDisplayHost Object
 CDisplaySharpColor_tForeground and background color struct, compatible with GrLib
 CDisplayUart_HWAttrsDisplayUart Attributes
 CDisplayUart_ObjectDisplayUart Object
 CECCParams_CurveParams_A structure containing the parameters of an elliptic curve in short Weierstrass form
 CECDH_ConfigECC Global configuration
 CECDH_OperationUnion containing pointers to all supported operation structs
 CECDH_OperationComputeSharedSecretStruct containing the parameters required to compute the shared secret
 CECDH_OperationGeneratePublicKeyStruct containing the parameters required to generate a public key
 CECDH_ParamsECC Parameters
 CECDHCC26X2_HWAttrs_ECDHCC26X2 Hardware Attributes
 CECDHCC26X2_Object_ECDHCC26X2 Object
 CECDSA_ConfigECDSA Global configuration
 CECDSA_OperationUnion containing pointers to all supported operation structs
 CECDSA_OperationSignStruct containing the parameters required for signing a message
 CECDSA_OperationVerifyStruct containing the parameters required for verifying a message
 CECDSA_ParamsECDSA Parameters
 CECDSACC26X2_HWAttrs_ECDSACC26X2 Hardware Attributes
 CECDSACC26X2_Object_ECDSACC26X2 Object
 CECJPAKE_ConfigECJPAKE Global configuration
 CECJPAKE_OperationUnion containing pointers to all supported operation structs
 CECJPAKE_OperationComputeSharedSecretStruct containing the parameters required to compute the shared secret
 CECJPAKE_OperationGenerateZKPStruct containing the parameters required to generate a ZKP
 CECJPAKE_OperationRoundOneGenerateKeysStruct containing the parameters required to generate the first round of keys
 CECJPAKE_OperationRoundTwoGenerateKeysStruct containing the parameters required to generate the second round keys
 CECJPAKE_OperationVerifyZKPStruct containing the parameters required to verify a ZKP
 CECJPAKE_ParamsECJPAKE Parameters
 CECJPAKECC26X2_HWAttrs_ECJPAKECC26X2 Hardware Attributes
 CGPIOCC26XX_ConfigGPIO device specific driver configuration structure
 CGPTimerCC26XX_ConfigGPTimer Global configuration
 CGPTimerCC26XX_HWAttrsGPTimer26XX Hardware attributes
 CGPTimerCC26XX_ObjectGPTimer26XX Object
 CGPTimerCC26XX_ParamsGPTimerCC26XX Parameters
 CI2C_Config_I2C driver's custom configuration structure
 CI2C_FxnTable_The definition of an I2C function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific I2C driver implementation
 CI2C_ParamsI2C parameters used with I2C_open()
 CI2C_TransactionDefines a transaction to be used with I2C_transfer()
 CI2CCC26XX_HWAttrsV1I2CCC26XX Hardware attributes
 CI2CCC26XX_I2CPinCfgI2CCC26XX Pin Configuration
 CI2S_Config_I2S Global configuration
 CI2S_Params_Basic I2S Parameters
 CI2S_Transaction_I2S transaction descriptor
 CI2SCC26XX_HWAttrs_I2S Hardware attributes
 CLCD_BufferLCD_Buffer used to store data to be printed on the LCD display
 CLCD_CommandFormat of LCD commands used by the LCD controller
 CLCD_ConfigThe LCD_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the LCD driver implementation
 CLCD_HWAttrsLCD Hardware attributes
 CLCD_ObjectLCD Object
 CLCD_ParamsLCD Parameters are used to with the LCD_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using LCD_Params_init()
 CNVS_AttrsNVS attributes
 CNVS_Config_NVS Global configuration
 CNVS_FxnTableThe definition of an NVS function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific NVS driver implementation
 CNVS_ParamsNVS Parameters
 CNVSCC26XX_HWAttrsNVSCC26XX hardware attributes
 CNVSRAM_HWAttrsNVSRAM Hardware Attributes
 CNVSSPI25X_HWAttrsNVSSPI25X attributes
 CPDMCC26XX_BufferRequestA PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_requestBuffer()
 CPDMCC26XX_ConfigThe PDMCC26XX_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the PDMCC26XX driver implementation
 CPDMCC26XX_HWAttrsPDMCC26XX Hardware attributes
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioClockConfigPDMCC26XX_I2S Audio Clock configuration
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioFormatConfigPDMCC26XX_I2S Hardware configuration
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioPinConfigPDMCC26XX_I2S Audio Pin configuration
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferReleaseA PDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRelease data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_I2S_releaseBuffer()
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRequestA PDMCC26XX_I2S_BufferRequest data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_I2S_requestBuffer()
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_ConfigThe PDMCC26XX_I2S_Config structure contains a set of pointers used to characterize the PDMCC26XX_I2S driver implementation
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_HWAttrsPDMCC26XX_I2S Hardware attributes
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_ObjectPDMCC26XX_I2S Object
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_ParamsPDMCC26XX I2S Parameters are used when calling PDMCC26XX_I2S_open()
 CPDMCC26XX_I2S_StreamNotificationA PDMCC26XX_I2S_StreamNotification data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_I2S_CallbackFxn(). Provides notification about available buffers and potential errors
 CPDMCC26XX_metaDataMetadata associated with an array of PCM data
 CPDMCC26XX_ObjectPDMCC26XX Object
 CPDMCC26XX_ParamsPDMCC26XX Parameters are used to with the PDMCC26XX_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using PDMCC26XX_Params_init()
 CPDMCC26XX_pcmBufferPCM buffer pointed to in a PDMCC26XX_BufferRequest
 CPDMCC26XX_StreamNotificationA PDMCC26XX_StreamNotification data structure is used with PDMCC26XX_CallbackFxn(). Provides notification about available buffers and potential errors
 CPIN_State_sUnderlying data structure for type PIN_State
 CPINCC26XX_HWAttrsPINCC26XX Hardware attributes
 CPower_NotifyObjPower notify object structure
 CPowerCC26X2_ConfigGlobal configuration structure
 CPowerCC26XX_ConfigGlobal configuration structure
 CPWM_Config_PWM Global configuration
 CPWM_FxnTable_The definition of a PWM function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific PWM driver implementation
 CPWM_ParamsPWM Parameters
 CPWMTimerCC26XX_HwAttrsPWMTimer26XX Hardware attributes
 CPWMTimerCC26XX_ObjectPWMTimer26XX Object
 CRF_AccessParamsRF request access parameter struct
 CRF_InfoValStores output parameters for RF_getInfo()
 CRF_ModeSpecifies a RF core firmware configuration
 CRF_ObjectStores the client's internal configuration and states
 CRF_ParamsRF driver configuration parameters
 CRF_RadioSetupA unified type for radio setup commands of different PHYs
 CRF_RatConfigCaptureRF_ratCapture parameter structure
 CRF_RatConfigCompareRF_ratCompare parameter structure
 CRF_RatConfigOutputRAT related IO parameter structure
 CRF_ScheduleMapRF schedule map structure
 CRF_ScheduleMapElementRF schedule map entry structure
 CRF_TxPowerTable_EntryTX power configuration entry in a TX power table
 CRF_TxPowerTable_ValuePA configuration value for a certain power level
 CRFCC26XX_HWAttrsV2RF Hardware attributes
 CRFCC26XX_SchedulerPolicyRF scheduler policy
 CSD_Config_SD Global configuration
 CSD_FxnTable_The definition of a SD function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SD driver implementation
 CSD_Params_SD Parameters
 CSDFatFS_Config_SDFatFS Global configuration
 CSDFatFS_Object_SDFatFS Object The application must not access any member variables of this structure!
 CSDSPI_HWAttrsSDSPI Hardware attributes
 CSDSPI_Object_SDSPI Object
 CSHA2_ConfigSHA2 Global configuration
 CSHA2_ParamsSHA2 Parameters
 CSHA2CC26X2_HWAttrsHardware-specific configuration attributes
 CSPI_Config_SPI Global configuration
 CSPI_FxnTableThe definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific SPI driver implementation
 CSPI_ParamsSPI Parameters
 CSPI_TransactionA SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat frames are sent and received from the buffers pointed to txBuf and rxBuf. The arg variable is an user-definable argument which gets passed to the SPI_CallbackFxn when the SPI driver is in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK
 CSPICC26X2DMA_HWAttrsSPICC26X2DMA Hardware attributes
 CSPICC26XXDMA_HWAttrsV1SPICC26XXDMA Hardware attributes
 CTRNG_ConfigTRNG Global configuration
 CTRNG_ParamsTRNG Parameters
 CTRNGCC26XX_HWAttrsTRNGCC26XX Hardware Attributes
 CUART_Config_UART Global configuration
 CUART_FxnTable_The definition of a UART function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific UART driver implementation
 CUART_Params_UART Parameters
 CUARTCC26X0_HWAttrsUARTCC26X0 Hardware attributes
 CUARTCC26X0_ObjectUARTCC26X0 Object
 CUARTCC26X2_HWAttrsUARTCC26X2 Hardware attributes
 CUARTCC26X2_ObjectUARTCC26X2 Object
 CUARTCC26XX_HWAttrsV2UARTCC26XX Hardware attributes
 CUDMACC26XX_ConfigUDMACC26XX Global configuration
 CUDMACC26XX_HWAttrsUDMACC26XX hardware attributes
 CUDMACC26XX_ObjectUDMACC26XX object
 CWatchdog_Config_Watchdog Global configuration
 CWatchdog_FxnTable_The definition of a Watchdog function table that contains the required set of functions to control a specific Watchdog driver implementation
 CWatchdog_Params_Watchdog Parameters
 CWatchdogCC26XX_HWAttrsWatchdog hardware attributes for CC26XX
 CWatchdogCC26XX_ObjectWatchdog Object for CC26XX
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