
Table of Contents


New Features


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-4505 [BASIC BLE] [Profiles] Included Glucose Profile support in Basic BLE Profiles on CC13X4
BLE_AGAMA-4129 [BASIC BLE] [Profiles] Included Health Thermometer Profile support in Basic BLE Profiles on CC13X4

Proprietary RF

ID Summary
PROPRF-1228 Improvements targeting SysConfig migration

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-4408 Add a Set PIB attribute support for PTA statistics pib
TI154STACK-4397 [SPS] 15.4 stack with PHY-Plugin supports other customer PHYS
TI154STACK-4388 TI154Stack to support sending PTA Counters through Co-Processor Interface


ID Summary
WISUN-954 Enable ARIB regulatory compliance for JP/EU PHYs

TI Wireless Solar Management System

ID Summary
WISUN-971 Add Wireless Solar Management System examples

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-2063 Improvements targeting SysConfig migration


ID Summary
DMM-1383 Improvements targeting SysConfig migration
ID Summary
SCCM-375 Updated the mcuboot readme file

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-6194 Add I2S SysConfig support for “not in use” GPIO state and deprecate controllerTargetSelection
TIDRIVERS-6178 Add volatile key KeyStore support to ECJPAKE drivers
TIDRIVERS-6134 Include FreeRTOS kernel source files in Core SDK
TIDRIVERS-6099 Add MessageQueueP DPL module
TIDRIVERS-6075 Remove unused Power function prototypes
TIDRIVERS-5998 Update Power driver APIs to use uint32_t for resource IDs instead of uint_fast16_t
TIDRIVERS-5993 Port SimpleLink KeyStore to mbedTLS 3.4.0
TIDRIVERS-5964 Migrate to TF-M v1.8 including Key Store
TIDRIVERS-5935 Add CANFD driver support for CC26x1 and CC26x2
TIDRIVERS-5913 Add Power_getConstraintCount
TIDRIVERS-5342 Add ECJPAKE driver to TFM v1.8
FREERTOS-12 Allow configuration of FreeRTOS source location
FREERTOS-10 Add support for custom tickrate in FreeRTOS Sysconfig Module
FREERTOS-6 FreeRTOS GCC standard library re-entrancy support causes task control block size of 340 bytes

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFCORE-1031 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 10 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M and Coded - Characterized
RFCORE-1032 cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 10 dBm: IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Characterized
RFCORE-1011 cc13x4: PA Table Update - Increased Sub-1GHz Granularity
RFCORE-1033 CC1354R: Settings Release - 5 dBm: ZigBee Frontend ID - Characterized


Fixed Issues


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-4839 Critical Section order not optimal in ICall_leaveCSImpl & ICall_enterCSImpl functions
BLE_AGAMA-4785 In rare occasions, DUT does not respond to LLCP Encryption Request
BLE_AGAMA-4724 Extended disconnect/reconnect test sometimes leads to exception in Multirole with one peripheral and two centrals
BLE_AGAMA-4723 Stack generates unexpected RPA
BLE_AGAMA-4710 [Multi-Connection] CC1354P10-1 Fails to save 16th bond as peripheral and 15th bond as central
BLE_AGAMA-4585 Connection handle and timestamp for GAP_CB_PHY_UPDATE may be incorrect when multiple connections are maintained
BLE_AGAMA-4580 Connection Event Report reports incorrect channel
BLE_AGAMA-4573 [CC2642] Peripheral fails to respond to CON_IND when using GAP_ADV_WL_POLICY_WL_ALL_REQ and connected to Central using RPA with Random ID
BLE_AGAMA-4559 Under certain conditions, incorrect channel is calculated for connection event as peripheral
BLE_AGAMA-4480 [Basic Example] Basic Broadcaster Doesn't Advertise
BLE_AGAMA-4425 BLE Stack does not dequeue ATT msg during fuzzing test
BLE_AGAMA-4250 The rtls_coordinator mixes up scanned extended advertisements' device address
BLE_AGAMA-3838 host_test may raise a UTIL_SystemErrorEvent with status INVALID_INTERRUPT_ID when UART data overflow
BLE_AGAMA-3169 Connecting twice to the same device causing wrong count of connections and a memory leakage

Proprietary RF

ID Summary
None None

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-4409 CC1354P10RGZ device migration
TI154STACK-4407 Error at run time with BIOS Assertions enabled
TI154STACK-4401 Background RX command not re-issued after coex settings updated in PIB


ID Summary
WISUN-984 Fix incorrect PySpinel RSSI calculation
WISUN-979 Enable CC1352P10_1 to CC1354P10RGZ device migration
WISUN-973 PAN ID sysconfig setting on Router node should be greyed out and set to 0xFFFF

TI Wireless Solar Management System

ID Summary
None None

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
None None
ID Summary
SCCM-407 Build error for iar projects
SCCM-404 Corrected the path to cui.h in cui.c to fix a build issue
SCCM-401 Fixed: Hash is incorrectly calculated for very small images
SCCM-395 Fixed: Incorrect CRC calculation when the image is located at a non-0x0 position

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-6320 Pregenerated FreeRTOSConfig.h not included in release
TIDRIVERS-6062 Add a critical section for Linked-List manipulation to avoid conflicts
TIDRIVERS-5969 GPIO_resetConfig permanently clears IO callbacks set through SysConfig
TIDRIVERS-5968 The ChipSelect signal gets asserted after SPI_open( ) is called on CC13X4/CC26X4 devices
LPRFXXWARE-904 Fix CPUdelay() compilation issue when TICLANG Link-Time Optimization (LTO) is enabled

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
None None


Known Issues


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-4855 [Multi Connect] CC2651P3 Central fails to connect to more than 5 testers with privacy enable
BLE_AGAMA-4846 [Data Stream][Display] display_printf() is fail when try to print data larger then threshold of 300-500 bytes
BLE_AGAMA-4837 [IOP][Android 14][One Plus 11] With privacy enabled, reconnection fails after after Pairing & Bonding
BLE_AGAMA-4830 [SWAT] Scanner failes after receiving an incorrect event type
BLE_AGAMA-4484 multi_role FreeRTOS support removed from CC13XX / CC26XX
BLE_AGAMA-4354 Under some conditions, CREATE_SYNC or AOA_ENABLE are not sent by RTLS Manager
BLE_AGAMA-4324 [Build] -Path Too Long-Error[Ms003] In simple_peripheral_oad_offchip_src_iar
BLE_AGAMA-4029 Updating BLE Scan Response Data Prevents BLE ADV from being sent when using >1 Advertisement set.
BLE_AGAMA-4009 [RTLS] - RTLS tests with multiple responders stopped after several start/stop AOA commands
BLE_AGAMA-3896 [RTLS] In robustness test with multiple responders, Passive sometimes does not respond to AOA start or stop commands
BLE_AGAMA-3774 Under certain conditions the CC2652R1 failed to synchronize to periodic advertising
BLE_AGAMA-3752 [CC2651] Host_test memory limitation using CCS+TI-CLANG
BLE_AGAMA-3540 [RTLS Agent] RTLS Agent sometimes shows exception when there are huge amount of data to be processed in the PC
BLE_AGAMA-3486 Device asserts upon connection when HeapMem and HeapTrack is used
BLE_AGAMA-3427 System goes to halAssertHandlerExt when more than LL_MAX_NUM_CTRL_PROC_PKTS are queued
BLE_AGAMA-3381 Simple Peripheral example application spinlocks while pairing, when compiled with IAR in Debug configuration
BLE_AGAMA-3107 [CLAOA] parsing errors when trying to parse CL_AOA_RESULT_RAW events when using periodic interval smaller than 300ms
BLE_AGAMA-3077 [RTLS] CTE reception on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements
BLE_AGAMA-3076 [RTLS] CTEs sent on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements
BLE_AGAMA-2266 Central not able to find peer device advertising Extended ADV with aux offset bigger than 16.3ms
BLE_AGAMA-2033 [RTLS] Passive Application is not functioning well in Debug configuration. WA: Change the optimization in Debug configuration to High (as in Release)
BLE_AGAMA-1675 IOP: Device fails to pair with Meizu Pro 7
BLE_AGAMA-139 When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection
BLE_AGAMA-80 The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases.

Proprietary RF

ID Summary
None None

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
None None

TI Wireless Solar Management System

ID Summary
None None

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
None None
ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-4844 Implement restrictions in errata note IOC_01 in SysConfig
TIDRIVERS-4127 ADCBuf causes jitter when switching clock sources
SYSBIOS-642 Seconds_getTime() for MSP432P always returns ‘0’ in nanoseconds field
SYSBIOS-446 Reported CPU load is not 100% when a task is in “while 1 {}” loop
SYSBIOS-98 Load module won't work correctly if the TI-RTOS Power module is enabled for CC3200 or MSP432
FREERTOS-8 Tasks view in ROV for FreeRTOS does not show if a task is blocked on a semaphore or mutex

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
None None