BLE5-Stack 2.01.01 (SDK 3.40) to BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 (SDK 4.10)

This section will describe a way to migrate a project from BLE5-Stack 2.01.01 to a BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 project.

The best way to migrate is to open a new project from the new SDK and transfer your changes and application code over to the new example.

Porting Simple Peripheral

For this migration guide, Simple Peripheral from BLE5-Stack 2.01.01 will be ported over to BLE5-Stack 2.01.02. The recommended approach is to start with a BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 project that contains the same base functionality as the porting target project and merge in any custom functionality.

  1. Choose a BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 example project that contains your target project’s base functionality.

  2. Transfer all modified application files from BLE5-Stack 2.01.01 into the BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 example project.

    In this example, the following files from BLE5-Stack 2.01.01 were moved into Simple Peripheral BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 example:

    • simple_peripheral.c

    • simple_peripheral.h

  3. Add the pointer &pRandomAddress as argument in the last parameter in GAP_DeviceInit call. This is needed to correctly set a random static address if configured.

    Listing 227. Modified GAP_DeviceInit call
      GAP_DeviceInit(GAP_PROFILE_PERIPHERAL, selfEntity, addrMode, &pRandomAddress);
  4. Add the following code section in simple_peripheral.c at the end of SimplePeripheral_processGapMessage before the default: case:

    Listing 228. Added section to handle HCI Events for rejection of peer device Connection parameter update request.
     1  #if defined ( NOTIFY_PARAM_UPDATE_RJCT )
     3      {
     4        linkDBInfo_t linkInfo;
     5        gapLinkUpdateEvent_t *pPkt = (gapLinkUpdateEvent_t *)pMsg;
     7        // Get the address from the connection handle
     8        linkDB_GetInfo(pPkt->connectionHandle, &linkInfo);
    10        // Display the address of the connection update failure
    11        Display_printf(dispHandle, SP_ROW_STATUS_2, 0,
    12                       "Peer Device's Update Request Rejected 0x%x: %s", pPkt->opcode,
    13                       Util_convertBdAddr2Str(linkInfo.addr));
    15        break;
    16      }
    17  #endif
  5. Modify main.c in the BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 example if additional tasks were added in the BLE5-Stack 2.01.01 project.

  6. Move any profiles and services that the application is using to the BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 project.

  7. Transfer the Sysconfig settings either visually through the GUI or open both the old and the new project .syscfg files and copy-paste the desired settings.

  8. If necessary, update the project to use the newer TI-RTOS drivers that are supplied with the SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK.

  9. Refer to the Core SDK release notes for additional information and the TI-RTOS examples included with SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK.

    For additional information on how BLE5-Stack 2.01.02 uses TI-RTOS see TI-RTOS7 (RTOS Kernel) Overview.

    For any utilized TI Drivers, review TI-RTOS Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide and TI Drivers API Reference.

RTLS Examples

Please refer to the RTLS Toolbox chapter for up-to-date status and information about the RTLS offering. In this section a few application code related changes are listed for your information, but there are more code changes than listed.

  • Time-of-Flight (TOF) removed from RTLS Toolbox.

  • Extensive code changes to RTLSCtrl which also includes removal of ToF functionality. Please manually compare files from old and new SDK for more details.

  • Host Test Example:

    • Added handling for channel map changes (HCI_BLE_CHANNEL_MAP_UPDATE_EVENT).

    • Added compilation options for Constant Tone Extension (RTLS_CTE_TEST).

  • RTLS API rtls_ctrl_api.h changes

    • RTLSCtrl_sendDebugEvent renamed to RTLSCtrl_sendDebugEvt.

    • RTLSCtrl_processDataSent renamed to RTLSCtrl_dataSentEvt.

    • RTLSCtrl_processRtlsPacket renamed to RTLSCtrl_rtlsPacketEvt.

    • RTLSCtrl_syncEventNotify renamed to RTLSCtrl_syncNotifyEvt.

  • Updates to rtls_master.c

    • Added handling for RM_EVT_CONN_EVT that will call new function RTLSMaster_processConnEvt().

    • Functionality from RTLSMaster_connEvtCB is moved to RTLSMaster_processConnEvt.

    • Added handling for HCI_BLE_CHANNEL_MAP_UPDATE_EVENT.

    • Updated handling for GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT.

    • Testing of dynamic change of the channel map added (RTLS_TEST_CHAN_MAP_DYNAMIC_CHANGE).

    • DEFAULT_MAX_SCAN_RES changed from 8 to 16.

  • Updates to rtls_slave

    • Minor changes to RTLSPassive_cmStartReq.

    • AssertHandler added to ubStack_taskFxn.

    • Small code updates in micro_ble_cm.c and micro_ble_cm.h

  • Updates to rtls_passive

    • Only changes related to RTLS API name changes.

  • Changes in AoA Driver:


    • RF_PriorityCoexDefault added to AOA_rfEnableRam.


    • The AoA_IQSample_t struct split into two structs. AoA_IQSample_Ext_t and AoA_IQSample_t. This affect code and functions that use it (ex. AOA_getPairAngles).

    • Changes in AOA_getPairAngles parameter.

    • Changes in AOA_postProcess parameter.

    • Minor updates in AOA_getRfIqSamples.

Specific guidelines when using SysConfig and CC1352P

In SysConfig, when using CC1352P, the correct RF front end must be selected to meet the design’s needs. In the RF Design and RF Stack modules, select the correct option for “Based On RF Design” inside the RF Design and the stack modules of SysConfig (only the stack modules used by the project needs attention).


Figure 284. Select the correct option for “Based On RF Design” inside the RF Design and the stack modules of SysConfig [here an example for the RF Design module]