
Project Setup using the System Configuration Tool (SysConfig)

The purpose of SysConfig is to provide an easy to use interface for configuring drivers, RF stacks, and more. The .syscfg file provided with each example project has been configured and tested for that project. Changes to the .syscfg file may alter the behavior of the example away from default. Some parameters configured in SysConfig may require the use of specific APIs or additional modifications in the application source code. More information can be found in SysConfig by hovering over a configurable and clicking the question mark (?) next to it's name.

Example Summary

The Packet TX example illustrates how to do simple packet transmission using the RF driver. This example is meant to be used with the Packet RX example or SmartRF Studio. For every packet transmitted, CONFIG_PIN_GLED is toggled. The frequency and other RF settings can be modified using SmartRF Studio.

Peripherals Exercised

Resources & Jumper Settings

If you're using an IDE (such as CCS or IAR), please refer to Board.html in your project directory for resources used and board-specific jumper settings. Otherwise, you can find Board.html in the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/source/ti/boards/<BOARD>.

Board Specific Settings

  1. The default frequency is:
    • 433.92 MHz for the CC1350-LAUNCHXL-433 and the CC1352P-4-LAUNCHXL
    • 2440 MHz on the CC2640R2-LAUNCHXL and the CC26X2R1-LAUNCHXL
    • 868.0 MHz for other launchpads In order to change frequency, modify the ti_radio_config.c file. This can be done using the code export feature in Smart RF Studio, or directly in the file
  2. On the CC1352P1 the high PA is enabled (high output power) for all Sub-1 GHz modes by default.
  3. On the CC1352P-2 and CC1352P-4 the high PA operation for Sub-1 GHz modes is not supported
  4. The CC2640R2 is setup to run all proprietary physical modes at a center frequency of 2440 MHz, at a data rate of 250 Kbps

Example Usage

Run the example. On another board, run the Packet RX example. CONFIG_PIN_GLED is toggled when data is transmitted.

When running the secure non-secure configuration (tfm_rfPacketTx), follow the steps below.

  1. Load the secure image tfm_s.axf located in <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/tfm_s/build/cc26x4/production_full/Release/outputs/CC26X4/
  2. Load the non-secure image by adding symbols for tfm_rfPacketTx.out
  3. Run the example

Application Design Details

This examples consists of a single task and the exported SmartRF Studio radio settings.

When the task is executed it:

  1. Configures the radio for Proprietary mode
  2. Gets access to the radio via the RF drivers RF_open
  3. Sets up the radio using CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP command
  4. Set the output power to 14 dBm (requires that CCFG_FORCE_VDDR_HH = 1 in ccfg.c), this requirement holds for CC13x2P boards when using the default PA
  5. Sets the frequency using CMD_FS command
  6. Create packet (with increasing sequence number and random content)
  7. Transmit packet using CMD_PROP_TX command with blocking RF driver call
  8. Toggle CONFIG_PIN_GLED to indicate packet transmitted
  9. Power down the radio using the yield function
  10. Set the main core to sleep for the duration of PACKET_INTERVAL ms
  11. Transmit packets forever by repeating step 6-10