TI Sidewalk Stack 7.10.02.xx Release Notes

Table of Contents


Amazon Sidewalk is a secure and reliable community network that covers in-home, in-building, entire neighborhood and even entire city use cases using Amazon Sidewalk bridges, such as compatible Amazon Echo and Ring devices, to provide cloud connectivity for IoT devices. Amazon Sidewalk enables low-bandwidth and long-range connectivity at home and beyond using Bluetooth® Low Energy for short-distance communication and Sub-1 GHz 915 MHz frequencies to cover longer distances. Amazon Sidewalk leverages small portions of internet bandwidth from millions of participating Sidewalk bridges to provide widespread wireless connectivity.

The TI Amazon Sidewalk toolkit provides the fastest option to get started developing Amazon Sidewalk-enabled devices. The toolkit includes the TI tools necessary for the development (hardware, software and documentation) as well as a direct link to the Amazon Web Services IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalk.

TI’s SimpleLink™ CC1352P7, CC2652R7 wireless MCUs support the following Amazon Sidewalk protocols:

Key Features


Installation and Usage

What’s New

ID Summary
None None

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
None None

Known Issues

ID Summary
None None

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The frequency tolerance of the crystals on TI LaunchPads are not Wi-SUN compliant at extreme temperatures. For end products requiring very high or very low temperatures, make sure to use a crystal that ensures accuracy within the Wi-SUN specification.

Operating System Support

Please refer to the SDK release notes.


The TI Amazon Sidewalk took was built and tested on both Windows 10 and Linux host platforms using the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), toolchains, and components. For supported tool and component version numbers, see the top level SDK release notes.

Note: Earlier IDE/toolchain versions are not supported and compatibility with newer versions of supported IDEs is not assured.

Device Support

Development Board Support


TODO: Validation information here, still need Amazon info.


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates