Kernel Configuration

TI-RTOS7 applications use the SysConfig Tool to configure the kernel. When building the project, SysConfig will automatically generate the ti_sysbios_config.c and ti_sysbios_config.h files as explained in the TI-RTOS7 Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide.


Figure 14. SysConfig TI-RTOS7 Kernel Configuration

Some of the options that can be configured are:

  • Boot options

  • Number of Hwi, Swi, and Task priorities

  • Exception and Error handling

  • The duration of a System tick (the most fundamental unit of time in the TI-RTOS7 kernel).

  • Defining the application’s entry point and interrupt vector

  • TI-RTOS7 heaps and stacks

  • Including pre-compiled kernel and TI-RTOS7 driver libraries

  • System providers (for System_printf())

For additional documentation in regards to the list described above, see the TI-RTOS7 Kernel (SYS/BIOS) User’s Guide.