Flash Layout for On-Chip OAD

This section will describe the method for placing images in internal flash when using on-chip OAD.

Constraints and Requirements for On-chip OAD (stack library)

The following points must be considered for On-chip OAD applications:

  • The user application must be sufficiently small in order to fit into the flash layout system described below

  • User app functionality is lost while performing OAD (Persistent app is running)

Internal Flash Memory Layout

The internal flash of the device contains the active user application, the user application’s stack, the persistent application, the persistent application’s stack, and the secure bootloader. Each application’s role is defined below.


As we have assumed the stack-library approach, the stack images referenced below are a part of each application image (i.e. the user and persistent apps have their own dedicated stack)

Application Name


MCUBoot bootloader

  • Search for the proper image in FLASH

  • Ensure validity and security of image before running

  • Jump to the valid and newest image

Persistent application

  • Providing lightweight application that implements the OAD profile

Stack (2)

  • BLE protocol stack implementation

User application

  • User application

  • Must implement OAD reset service


The user application pictured above is responsible for the following:

  • Implementing the protocol stack definition of the OAD reset service

  • Implementing customer defined behavior

The persistent application pictured above is responsible for the following:

  • Implementing the protocol stack definition of the OAD service

  • It is permanently resident on the device


Based on different devices, the address of each component listed above might vary. The address used in the persistent application linker file should match the settings in the flash_map_backend.h file.

Listing 220. Flash addresses for various components
#define MCUBOOT_BASE    0x0000000
#define PERSISTENT_BASE 0x0006000
#define APP_BASE        0x0030000
#define NVS_BASE        (FLASH_SIZE - NVS_SIZE)
#define NVS_SIZE        0x4000
#define MCU_HDR_SIZE    0x100
#define MCUBOOT_SIZE    0x6000