TI Bluetooth Mesh and the Zephyr Project

Here we will go over a high level overview of how Bluetooth Mesh builds on top of TI BLE5-Stack, including a stack architecture diagram to show how the Zephyr Project’s Bluetooth Mesh stack is used in parallel with our current TI BLE5-Stack.


Figure 149. TI Bluetooth Mesh and Zephyr Stack Architecture

As shown above in Figure 149., TI’s Bluetooth Mesh implementation ports over the Zephyr Mesh Stack while still leveraging our existing TI BLE5-Stack for use on embedded devices. For this reason, we only use Zephyr’s mesh stack functionality and not the BLE stack layers (i.e. Host/Controller). The porting layer serves as a translator that allows us to use both the Zephyr mesh stack along with the TI BLE5-Stack. Put simply, this layer converts Zephyr mesh specific API calls to the relevant TI BLE5-Stack API call.

Figure 150. shows an example of how the porting layer translates Zephyr mesh API’s to the appropriate TI BLE5-Stack APIs.


Figure 150. TI Bluetooth Mesh and Zephyr Stack Porting Layer Example

For more information on the Zephyr Mesh solution, see the Zephyr Project web page. The Zephyr Mesh implementation is documented here: Zephyr Mesh Documentation.