Thermostat Example Application

Table of Contents


This document discusses how to use the Thermostat Example Application and the different parts that compose it. Thermostat Example Application is a standalone CoAP server example running on Thread.

Some of the areas explored are:

Hardware Prerequisites

Software Prerequisites

Functional Description

Software Overview

This section describes software components and the corresponding source file.

Application Files

Example Application

This application provides an example implementation of a thermostat using the Thread wireless protocol and CoAP as the application layer protocol. The thermostat application is configured as a Full Thread Device (FTD) which supports CoAP commands to control the temperature and setpoint. These are integers in the range of [10 .. 99].

Configuration With SysConfig

SysConfig is a GUI configuration tool that allows for TI driver and stack configurations. In order to configure projects using SysConfig, use the SysConfig-enabled version of the Thread examples located in <SDK_ROOT>/examples.

To configure using SysConfig, import the SysConfig-enabled project into CCS. Double click the *.syscfg file from the CCS project explorer, where * is the name of the example project. The SysConfig GUI window will appear, where Thread stack and TI driver configurations can be adjusted. These settings will be reflected in the generated files tiop_config.[ch].

The example project comes with working default settings for SysConfig. It is not recommended to change the default driver settings, as any changes may impact the functionality of the example. The Thread stack settings may be changed as required for your use case.

One important note about TI-OpenThread SysConfig is how SysConfig settings and non-volatile storage settings are applied. If the LaunchPad non-volatile holds a valid Thread dataset, SysConfig settings will not be applied on boot. SysConfig settings are only applied when non-volatile storage does not hold a valid Thread dataset. To guarantee SysConfig settings are applied, perform a factory reset of the non-volatile storage, as described below.


This section describes how to set up and run the Thermostat Example Application.



There are 2 ways that this application will display information to the user which can be used simultaneously and are described below:

  1. Serial terminal: The thermostat events will be displayed through UART to a serial terminal emulator. To enable the serial terminal in CCS press `Ctrl

    • Shift + Alt + T, selectSerial TerminalunderChoose terminal, select 115200for Baud Rate and clickOK`. PuTTY may also be used as the serial terminal emulator. The serial interface implements a Common User Interface (CUI). More details are provided in the "Example Applications" section in the Thread docs of the SDK. Application-specific portions of CUI are described below.
  2. Sharp128 LCD boosterpack: There is no extra configuration needed to use the LCD boosterpack other than plugging it to the LaunchPad running the example application.

Setting up the Thread Network

This section describes how to set up a Thread network. The application supports the ability to be commissioned into a Thread network. Commissioning may be bypassed by setting the TIOP_CONFIG_SET_NW_ID parameter to 1 in tiop_config.h and setting the network ID parameters there. This can also be done through SysConfig in the TI-OpenThread stack module, under the Network ID submodule. By setting the PAN ID to a valid, non-broadcast ID (not 0xFFFF), the device can be pre-commissioned to an existing network. The Temperature Sensor example has the ability to report to the Thermostat, consult its README for details on this functionality.

  1. Set up a LaunchPad as a CLI FTD device by following the README files in the respective application folder.

  2. Load and run the Thermostat example on a second LaunchPad.

  3. The Thermostat will print out the device's EUI64 and the application's PSKd (pre-shared key device identifier) in CUI. If the device has already been commissioned, skip to step 8.

    Device Info: [EUI64] 0x00124b000f6e6113  [PSKD] THERMSTAT1
  4. Start a commissioner on the CLI FTD by issuing the following command: commissioner start. It will display Done if it succeeds in becoming the active commissioner.

  5. Add Thermostat LaunchPad device as a joiner device by providing the EUI64 and pskd (from step 3) as credentials to the commissioner: commissioner joiner add 00124b000f6e6113 THERMSTAT1. It will display Done if it is successful in adding the joiner entry.

  6. Now on the Thermostat LaunchPad, press BTN-2 to start the joining process. The display will show Joining Nwk ....

  7. Once the joining process has successfully completed, the display will show Nwk Joined. If the LCD is used, it will then switch to the thermostat image. The green LED should turn on on the LaunchPad once it has joined the network.

  8. Next we need to get the IPv6 address of the thermostat LaunchPad. On the CLI, use the command ping ff03::1 to send an ICMP echo request to the realm-local all nodes multicast address. All devices on the Thread network will respond with an ICMP echo response. You will see in the terminal a response like the one below.

    8 bytes from fd00:db7:0:0:0:ff:fe00:b401: icmp_seq=1 hlim=64 time=11ms

Interfacing with the Thermostat Example Application

The thermostat application hosts a simple CoAP server with two registered resources for the current temperature and setpoint. These resources support CoAP GET and POST commands. Any device with scope of the thermostat's IPv6 address can send commands to the thermostat application.

Thermostat Attribute URI:

Open up the serial terminal to the cli_ftd application and also to the thermostat application.

Starting the CoAP client

In the CLI FTD serial terminal, execute coap start at the prompt to start the CoAP service. It will display the following message if it successful in starting the CoAP service. Coap service started: Done

Getting status from the Thermostat

To get the thermostat's current temperature, execute the following command into the CLI FTD terminal.

coap get fd00:db7:0:0:0:ff:fe00:b401 thermostat/temperature

NOTE: The IPv6 address will be different for your setup

The thermostat should respond, and the cli_ftd will print a message like the following.

Received coap response with payload: 3638

Converting the payload from hex to ascii we get 68 which is the default temperature in degrees Fahrnenheit.

The above process can be repeated with the endpoint thermostat/setpoint in place of thermostat/temperature to get the current setpoint.

Controlling the Thermostat

The thermostat temperature can be changed by sending the appropriate payload in a CoAP confirmable (con) POST command message, to the IPv6 address of the thermostat and the resource URI attribute.

Use the following command in the CLI FTD terminal to set the thermostat's temperature to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

coap post fd00:db7:0:0:0:ff:fe00:b401 thermostat/temperature con 90

NOTE: The IPv6 address will be different for your setup.

The initial command will result in the message Sending coap request: Done. The thermostat will respond, and the CLI FTD will print the following message.

Received coap response with payload: 3930

If the POST was successful, then the door lock will indicate this on the LCD or UART terminal. If a LCD boosterpack is used, the thermostat will change the image displayed. If a UART terminal is used, the thermostat will print its updated state.

   APP Info: [Temperature] 90 [Set Point] 34

The above process can be repeated with the endpoint thermostat/setpoint to change the current setpoint of the thermostat.

Application-specific CUI

The application-specific action for the Thermostat example is SET POINT:


<    SET POINT   >

This action will adjust the set point to the specified value. To use, hit the "Enter" key, then set the desired value using the number keys. Hit the "Enter" key again to apply your changes.