BLE5-Stack User’s Guide¶
Table of contents
- Disclaimer
- Introduction to the SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK
- TI BLE5-Stack Quick Start
- The CC13xx or CC26xx SDK Platform
- TI-RTOS7 (RTOS Kernel) Overview
- FreeRTOS (RTOS Kernel) Overview
- BLE5-Stack
- Overview
- Generic Access Profile (GAP)
- Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
- GAP GATT Service (GGS)
- Generic Attribute Profile Service (GATT Service)
- GATTServApp Module
- GAP Bond Manager and LE Secure Connections
- Privacy
- Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer Protocol (L2CAP)
- Link Layer (LL)
- Channel Selection Algorithm #2
- Host Controller Interface (HCI)
- Physical Layer (PHY)
- Stack Configurations
- Developing a Bluetooth LE Application
- Coexistence
- RTLS Toolbox
- Bluetooth Mesh
- Micro BLE Stack
- Sensor Controller
- Debugging
- External Resources
- Debug Interfaces
- Breakpoints
- Watching Variables and Registers
- Memory Watchpoints
- TI-RTOS Object Viewer
- Using the Memory Browser
- Connect the debugger to a running target
- Optimizations
- Deciphering CPU Exceptions
- Application exits prematurely
- XDC Runtime Errors
- Debugging Memory Problems
- Check System Flash and RAM Usage With Map File
- Debugging Common Heap Issues
- ICall Abort
- HAL Assert Handling
- HCI Hardware Errors
- Debugging RF Output
- Packet Sniffer
- Debugging guide for serial interfaces
- Memory Overview
- Network Processor Interface (NPI)
- TI Over-the-Air Download (OAD)
- MCUBoot Over-the-Air Download (OAD)
- Security Features of CC13x4 and CC26x4 Devices
- System Configuration Tool (SysConfig)
- EnergyTrace User Guide
- Porting Guide and Migration Guides
- API References
- Terms and Definitions