Table of Contents
New Features
ID | Summary |
BLE_AGAMA-3808 | Add TI-RTOS7 Support to RSIP & PSIP examples |
BLE_AGAMA-3807 | [SIPA] Add examples support for CC2651R3SIPA device |
BLE_AGAMA-3803 | Add additional example support for RSIP & PSIP |
BLE_AGAMA-3142 | Allow users to receive the connection event counter and timestamp |
ID | Summary |
EZLINKPROP-1119 | Prop RF Examples for LP_CC2651R3SIPA |
EZLINKPROP-1106 | Prop RF test mode (rfDiagnostics) example for TIRTOS7, TICLANG |
ID | Summary |
None | None |
TI 15.4-Stack
ID | Summary |
TI154STACK-4049 | Add support for CC2651R3SIPA device |
TI154STACK-4012 | Add support for 920-927 MHz ARIB PHY |
ID | Summary |
WISUN-499 | Add TIRTOS7 support for CC13x2x7 devices |
WISUN-476 | Implement NCP command to read RSSI details of neighbor nodes |
TI Z-Stack
ID | Summary |
ZIGBEE-1777 | Add CC2651R3SIPA Support |
ID | Summary |
None | None |
TI-RTOS and Drivers
ID | Summary |
TIDRIVERS-5345 | Move GPIO_INVALID_INDEX validation into the driver |
TIDRIVERS-5124 | Add support for little endian Curve25519 keys in ECDH driver |
TIDRIVERS-5116 | Implement new RNG driver |
LPRFXXWARE-619 | Add support for CC13x2x7/CC26x2x7 HW revision B (1.1) |
Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)
ID | Summary |
RFCORE-869 | CC2651RSIPA: Settings Release, PA Table Update - 5 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M, Coded and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Release Candidate |
RFCORE-866 | cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 20 dBm: IEEE 802.15.4 TX (ZigBee) - Functional Candidate |
RFCORE-783 | cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5 dBm: 50 kbps GFSK-h=1.0 RX/TX - Functional Candidate |
RFCORE-780 | cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5 dBm: BLE 1M RX/TX - Functional Candidate |
RFCORE-781 | cc13x4_cc26x4: Settings Release - 5 dBm: IEEE 802.15.4 RX/TX (ZigBee) - Functional Candidate |
RFCORE-864 | CC2651RSIPA: PA Table Update - Functional Candidate |
RFCORE-865 | CC2652PSIP: Settings Release, PA Table Update - 10 dBm: BLE 1M, 2M and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) - Release Candidate |
RFCORE-863 | cc13x4_cc26x4: PA Table Update - Improved Performance |
SRFSTUDIO-3196 | CC2642R-Q1: Add support for CC2642R1FRTC |
SRFSTUDIO-3215 | CC2651R3SIPA: Add support for CC2651R3SIPA |
Fixed Issues
ID | Summary |
BLE_AGAMA-3801 | Abnormal RSSI when pairing is ongoing |
BLE_AGAMA-3707 | Incorrect deallocation of HCI_CTRL_TO_HOST_EVENT |
BLE_AGAMA-3677 | advData is not limited to 255 bytes on Extended Scannable/Connectable advertising |
BLE_AGAMA-3675 | Incorrect state reported by function: “linkDB_Up” |
BLE_AGAMA-3655 | Incorrect EntrySection when using cc13x2_cc26x2_app.cmd inside project |
BLE_AGAMA-3231 | HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd only works if adv sets are destroyed/not yet created |
BLE_AGAMA-3193 | [OAD] In all the OAD examples, the OAD doesn't work for BAW/704k device when working with TI's SimpleLink Starter Mobile Application |
BLE_AGAMA-2245 | [Simple Peripheral] Number of connections shows zero after a connection if the previous connections were unsuccessful |
BLE_AGAMA-1970 | [LPSTK][Multi-Sensor] Some of the Multi Sensor services fail to initiate or open when loading up |
BLE_AGAMA-1416 | OAD offchip examples needs additional reset to load Factory Image |
ID | Summary |
None | None |
ID | Summary |
TIOP-1191 | only allow maximum power to 2dBM in some channels in RSIP |
TI 15.4-Stack
ID | Summary |
TI154STACK-4058 | Fixed issue in which SM examples accepted packets with invalid frame counter values when secure commissioning enabled |
TI154STACK-4053 | Limit maximum TX power on 2.480 GHz to 2 dBm on RSIP module |
TI154STACK-4027 | Fixed issue in which RSSI value in dataCnfCB was always zero in FH mode |
TI154STACK-3903 | Reduced beacon interval offset in beacon mode |
ID | Summary |
WISUN-507 | Fixed issue in which operating mode ID not updated with Region for EU 50kbps PHY |
TI Z-Stack
ID | Summary |
ZIGBEE-1779 | “TxPower” API should set maximum power to 2dBM in some channels in RSIP |
ZIGBEE-1741 | Interpan messages crash stack because of network task idle state |
ID | Summary |
None | None |
TI-RTOS and Drivers
ID | Summary |
TIDRIVERS-5343 | Improper casting of initialization vector pointer in AES GCM driver |
TIDRIVERS-5266 | Some includes are missing from the QueueP.h file |
TIDRIVERS-5237 | PowerCC26X2_calibrateRCOSC.c does not implement TDC 4-phase handshake correctly |
TIDRIVERS-5207 | LP_CC2652RSIP example projects target wrong device in CCS |
TIDRIVERS-5206 | CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL example projects target wrong device in CCS |
TIDRIVERS-5171 | Default FreeRTOS CCS project has optimisation disabled |
TIDRIVERS-5122 | Implicit invocation of intrinsics without including header |
TIDRIVERS-5047 | UART2_close can cause hanging power constraints if used once a write operation concludes but before the End of Transmision interrupt occurs |
TIDRIVERS-5046 | UART2_close can leave UART hardware instance UART_FR_BUSY bit set |
TIDRIVERS-5044 | Abnormally high power consumption from DAC after disabling and closing |
LPRFXXWARE-611 | CPUDelay() doesn't compile for TICLANG |
Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)
ID | Summary |
RFCORE-856 | cc13x2_cc26x2: Settings Release - PROP Sub1Ghz “1M, 350 kHz deviation, …” - Fix TX intFreq |
RFCORE-855 | cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7: Settings Release - PROP Sub1Ghz “1M, 350 kHz deviation, …” - Fix TX intFreq |
RFCORE-836 | CC1311x3: Removed Unsupported Settings - OOK, WMBUS and WB-DSSS |
Known Issues
ID | Summary |
BLE_AGAMA-3752 | [CC2651] Host_test memory limitation using CCS+TI-CLANG |
BLE_AGAMA-3747 | [MESH][AE][eRPC] ~100% missing packets more than 3 hops while GATT Bearer is enabled |
BLE_AGAMA-3606 | [Mesh][Stability] Messages might stop after ~3 hours in a network with more than ~20 nodes |
BLE_AGAMA-3597 | [Mesh] LPN might fail to maintain friendship with ble.scanLatency < 10, when Display module is enabled |
BLE_AGAMA-3556 | [Mesh][IOP] LPN fails to configure after provisioning over PB-GATT with BlueZ |
BLE_AGAMA-3543 | [Build] Simple Mesh and Peripheral OAD onchip example fail to compile with GATT Bearer for CCS/TICLANG due to memory limitation |
BLE_AGAMA-3540 | [RTLS Agent] RTLS Agent sometimes shows exception when there are huge amount of data to be processed in the PC |
BLE_AGAMA-3486 | Device asserts upon connection when HeapMem and HeapTrack is used |
BLE_AGAMA-3391 | [Mesh][eRPC] Limitation - Mesh node with eRPC unable to transmit messages > 221B |
BLE_AGAMA-3388 | [Mesh] Relay fails to transmit segmented message without re-transmission (relay re-transmit = 0) |
BLE_AGAMA-3383 | Mesh stack delay work API is limited to a maximum delay of uint32 maximum value (42,949,672 milliseconds) |
BLE_AGAMA-3381 | Simple Peripheral example application spinlocks while pairing, when compiled with IAR in Debug configuration |
BLE_AGAMA-3258 | [Build] Agama Lite examples fail to build for Debug configuration, due to insufficient RAM |
BLE_AGAMA-3169 | Connecting twice to the same device causing wrong count of connections and a memory leakage |
BLE_AGAMA-3107 | [CLAOA] parsing errors when trying to parse CL_AOA_RESULT_RAW events when using periodic interval smaller than 300ms |
BLE_AGAMA-3077 | [RTLS] CTE reception on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements |
BLE_AGAMA-3076 | [RTLS] CTEs sent on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements |
BLE_AGAMA-3024 | [MESH] [IOP] Mesh DUT is not publishing its mesh supported roles (Unable to config Mesh node) with iPhone |
BLE_AGAMA-2917 | [Build] Persistent Application failed to compile in debug configuration due to memory limitation with all platforms |
BLE_AGAMA-2845 | [CLAOA] Scanner shows only one IQ report when advertiser sends multiple CTE in one periodic train with 2M PHY |
BLE_AGAMA-2266 | Central not able to find peer device advertising Extended ADV with aux offset bigger than 16.3ms |
BLE_AGAMA-2033 | [RTLS] Passive Application is not functioning well in Debug configuration. WA: Change the optimization in Debug configuration to High (as in Release) |
BLE_AGAMA-2010 | [Multi-Sensor] Updating Report Interval Have no effect |
BLE_AGAMA-1675 | IOP: Device fails to pair with Meizu Pro 7 |
BLE_AGAMA-1435 | [Multi-Sensor] Accelerometer Service Disappears After First Connection |
BLE_AGAMA-546 | Central applications do not receive timeout when connection fails |
BLE_AGAMA-139 | When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection |
BLE_AGAMA-80 | The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases. |
ID | Summary |
None | None |
ID | Summary |
TIOP-954 | Thermostat attempts to promote to leader and form separate partition during reliability test |
TIOP-953 | IAR OAD image does not reboot upon a successful OAD transfer |
TI 15.4-Stack
ID | Summary |
None | None |
ID | Summary |
WISUN-502 | Wi-SUN CC13x2 TIRTOS-6 projects do not build in CCS Cloud. Use standalone CCS as a work-around |
WISUN-492 | Wi-SUN: Border Router (BR) with FreeRTOS OS is limited to network size of 50 nodes for optimal performance. Note: TIRTOS based BR can scale up to network size of 100 nodes. |
TI Z-Stack
ID | Summary |
ZIGBEE-1617 | Z-Stack sleepy ZED unexpectedly active when using large poll period values |
ID | Summary |
None | None |
TI-RTOS and Drivers
ID | Summary |
TIRTOS-2164 | Simultaneous TI-RTOS 6 and TI-RTOS 7 support causes CCS XDS include path warning for TI-RTOS 6 |
TIDRIVERS-5507 | Some Core SDK libraries cannot be rebuilt |
TIDRIVERS-5310 | spiPollingTransfer at high clock frequency might cause RX FIFO overflow and lose data in master mode |
TIDRIVERS-4844 | Implement restrictions in errata note IOC_01 in SysConfig |
TIDRIVERS-4127 | ADCBuf causes jitter when switching clock sources |
TIDRIVERS-1642 | NVSSPI25x driver does not work when using internal SPI CS |
Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)
ID | Summary |
None | None |