TI Thread-Stack Quick Start

The TI-OpenThread Stack examples contain the code to run OpenThread within the SimpleLink Ecosystem.

This section describes how to import and build an existing example project from the SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK. This section references the cli_ftd example project specifically. All TI-OpenThread Stack example projects have a similar structure.

The TI-OpenThread Stack component of the SimpleLink CC13xx/CC26xx SDK provides TI-RTOS examples for two toolchains and two major device types. The project’s name will contain either ccs or gcc if they support the TI-CGT or GCC toolchain respectively. The project’s name may contain mtd or ftd if it is showcasing Thread MTD or FTD functionality. Consult the SimpleLink TI-OpenThread Stack User’s Guide for an explanation of MTD and FTD. If an example’s name does not contain this information, consult the example’s README for that information.

Every TI-OpenThread Stack example contains a README.html that details the example application design details and how each example works. The README.html can be viewed in Resource explorer or in CCS.

Using TI-OpenThread Stack Projects with CCS

Importing a TI-OpenThread Stack example project into CCS will also import the necessary library projects for that device configuration. These library projects are marked as dependent projects to the example application project and will be built when the example is built. For more details and how to change configurations, look at the SimpleLink TI-OpenThread Stack User’s Guide.

Importing TI-OpenThread Stack Examples with CCS

  1. Open CCS to an empty workspace.
  2. Open the Import Project dialog by selecting ProjectsImport CCS Projects..., or by right clicking the Project Explorer pane and selecting ImportCCS Projects.
  3. Click the Browse... button and navigate to <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/examples.
  4. In the Discovered projects pane select the TI-OpenThread Stack example project you would like to use, cli_ftd_CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos_ccs is selected for this guide.
  5. Click Finish to import the cli_ftd example application and associated library builds.

Build and Download TI-OpenThread Stack Examples with CCS

  1. Connect your CC13xx or CC26xx to your computer with the provided Micro USB cable.

  2. Click the debug icon on the CCS toolbar or select RunDebug.


    This process may take a few minutes for the dependent libraries to be built and linked into one image.

  3. The XDS110 debug probe may require a firmware update. If one is requested, follow the dialog’s prompts and watch the console output for a completion message.

  4. Once the debug session has started, click the resume button in CCS or click RunResume.

  5. The red LED on the CC13xx or CC26xx should be blinking, go to Running the TI-OpenThread Stack CLI FTD Project for more information on how to interact with the cli_ftd project.

Running the TI-OpenThread Stack CLI FTD Project

Two TI-RTOS tasks are setup by the CLI FTD example. One task runs the functionality of the TI-OpenThread Stack. The other task sets up the cli module in OpenThread, then blinks the red LED.

The red LED can be used as a physical indication of whether or not the kernel has stopped.

To interact with the command line interface, connect a terminal emulator to the associated COM port or tty. If you running Windows, open Device Manager and look for Ports (COM & LPT)XDS110 Class Application/User UART (COM**); this is the USB-to-UART back channel offered by the XDS110 debug probe. If you are running MacOS or Linux, look for the device /dev/ttyACM*; there may be multiple endpoints offered by the same XDS110 debug probe, the lower number is usually the USB-to-UART back channel.

After finding the port number for the CC13xx or CC26xx’s UART back channel use a terminal emulator to open a session, we will use CCS but any terminal editor (like PuTTY or Tera Term) would work. Press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + t to bring up the New Terminal dialog. Select Serial Terminal with the Port you found earlier, 115200 as the Baud, 8 Data Bits, None Parity, 1 Stop Bit, and None Flow Control.

Once the terminal is setup, select the terminal window and press enter a few times. This will cause the CC13xx or CC26xx to prompt you with a >. Type help and press enter to see a list of available commands. You can use the scan command to see other networks around you, this may look like below. More likely than not, you don’t have any networks within range that will respond to a beacon request so the response area will be empty.

> scan
| J | Network Name     | Extended PAN     | PAN  | MAC Address      | Ch | dBm | LQI |
> | 0 | TI-OpenThread    | dead00beef00cafe | face | 0123456789abcdef | 22 | -58 |  49 |



The CLI is relativly basic, if a prompt is not visible try pressing enter a few times.

Learning more about the TI-OpenThread Stack

Consult the SimpleLink TI-OpenThread Stack User’s Guide for information on the TI-OpenThread Stack.

Read the OpenThread documentation at openthread.io.

Developing TI-OpenThread Stack projects

Use the Thermostat, Temperature Sensor, Shade, and Doorlock examples as bases for new CoAP based projects.

Enhancing the TI-OpenThread Stack examples

Find in-depth guides such as integrating the TI-OpenThread Stack NCP example with BeagleBone Black in the SimpleLink Academy.

Getting TI-OpenThread Stack Help

Posting on e2e.ti.com is the fastest way to get an answer to your TI-OpenThread Stack questions.

If your question is generic to OpenThread, you may also find it useful to post an issue on github.com/openthread.