TI BLE5-Stack Release Notes

Table of Contents


The BLE5-Stack is a set of sample applications, tools, APIs and protocol stack libraries that enable engineers to develop Bluetooth ® 5 standalone or network processor LE applications on the SimpleLink™ CC13xx and CC26xx family of wireless MCUs.

This Bluetooth 5 (BLE5-Stack) release includes qualification for Bluetooth 5.2 in addition to support for the existing core specifications (4.0, 4.1, 4.2) in addition to core specification 5.0 and 5.1 LE features such as: Direction Finding (AoA - Connected and Connectionless CTE), High Speed Mode (2 Mbps PHY), Long Range (LE Coded 125kbps and 500kbps PHYs), Advertisement Extensions (AE), Periodic Advertisements, Privacy 1.2.1 and Channel Selection Algorithm #2.

As with all Bluetooth core specifications that support the Low Energy (LE) feature, devices implementing the LE feature of Bluetooth 5 are backward compatible with Bluetooth 4.2, 4.1 and 4.0 LE capable devices.

BLE5-Stack has been Bluetooth 5.2 qualified and is available for production use.

Key features of BLE5-Stack

Additional information about TI’s Bluetooth Low Energy solutions can be found at www.ti.com/ble

BLE5-Stack Documentation

The SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx Software Development Kit (SDK) allows easier product development by combining TI-RTOS and the BLE protocol stack in one unified SDK. All BLE5-Stack sample applications are based off the TI-RTOS Kernel. Key documents needed for BLE application development include:

Installation and Usage

What’s New

ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-3497 [704] Add host_test example for all 704 kB devices (CC13x2x7, CC26x2x7)
BLE_AGAMA-3495 [PSIP] Add same BLE Examples to CC2652PSIP as RSIP (CC2652RSIP)
BLE_AGAMA-3494 [RSIP] Add Project Zero example for RSIP (CC2652RSIP)
BLE_AGAMA-3491 Add host_test project for CC2651P3
BLE_AGAMA-3456 [RTLS] Add Connection Monitor Example
BLE_AGAMA-3454 Add new API to Set Channel Map Per Connection
BLE_AGAMA-3453 Add new API to Update/Configure Default Channel Map
BLE_AGAMA-3423 [Mesh] Add Extended Advertise Support
BLE_AGAMA-3379 [RTLS] RTLS Responder example supports BLE multi role
BLE_AGAMA-3369 [RTLS] RTLS Coordinator example supports BLE multi role
BLE_AGAMA-3255 Add project_zero example for CC2651P3

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-3560 [Mesh] Mesh friend role with AE support get stuck after provisioning complete
BLE_AGAMA-3489 Receiving CONN_IND while using adv filter list leads to watchdog reset
BLE_AGAMA-3487 DEFAULT_SCAN_TYPE is not used in the simple_central/multi-role project.
BLE_AGAMA-3480 Gapbondmgr null pointer access
BLE_AGAMA-3477 Collision detected between ENC_REQ and PHY_REQ
BLE_AGAMA-3460 Memory leak in simple_mesh_node
BLE_AGAMA-3287 Some example projects hang during pairing with TICLANG due to issue in crypto driver
BLE_AGAMA-3247 [MESH] Input OOB doesn't function properly
BLE_AGAMA-3017 [MESH] LPN/Friend is disconnecting and reconnecting after Network run for more than 1 hour
BLE_AGAMA-2851 [multi_role] multi_role example does not use the scan parameters set in SysConfig
BLE_AGAMA-1652 [RTLS] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the passive node sometimes fails to track some of the connections.

Known Issues and Limitations

ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-3634 [Mesh][AE][Stability] Mesh nodes with AE fail to send/receive messages after certain amount of messages are being transferred in the network
BLE_AGAMA-3613 [MESH] [AE] Low reliability in multi-hop scenarios vs. Legacy Adv.
BLE_AGAMA-3606 [Mesh][Stability] Messages might stop after ~3 hours in a network with more than ~20 nodes
BLE_AGAMA-3597 [Mesh] LPN might fail to maintain friendship with ble.scanLatency < 10, when Display module is enabled
BLE_AGAMA-3581 [Mesh][eRPC] (CC2652R7) Mesh LPN using eRPC is stuck after mesh init and static provisioning
BLE_AGAMA-3556 [Mesh][IOP] LPN fails to configure after provisioning over PB-GATT with BlueZ
BLE_AGAMA-3543 [Build] Simple Mesh and Peripheral OAD onchip example fail to compile with GATT Bearer for CCS due to memory limitation
BLE_AGAMA-3540 [RTLS Agent] RTLS Agent sometimes shows exception when there are huge amount of data to be processed in the PC
BLE_AGAMA-3533 [Mesh] Input/output OOB string value fails for PB-ADV (Input/Output OOB number value is working)
BLE_AGAMA-3391 [Mesh][eRPC] Limitation - Mesh node with eRPC unable to transmit messages > 221B
BLE_AGAMA-3390 [Mesh][eRPC] Callback server raise the wrong model index number when running 2 vendor model on the same element
BLE_AGAMA-3388 [Mesh] Relay fails to transmit segmented message without re-transmission (relay re-transmit = 0)
BLE_AGAMA-3383 Mesh stack delay work API is limited to a maximum delay of uint32 maximum value (42,949,672 milliseconds)
BLE_AGAMA-3381 Simple Peripheral example application spinlocks while pairing, when compiled with IAR in Debug configuration
BLE_AGAMA-3258 [Build] Agama Lite examples fail to build for Debug configuration, due to insufficient RAM
BLE_AGAMA-3193 [OAD] In all the OAD examples, the OAD doesn't work for BAW/704k device when working with TI's SimpleLink Starter Mobile Application
BLE_AGAMA-3169 Connecting twice to the same device causing wrong count of connections and a memory leakage
BLE_AGAMA-3107 [CLAOA] parsing errors when trying to parse CL_AOA_RESULT_RAW events when using periodic interval smaller than 300ms
BLE_AGAMA-3077 [RTLS] CTE reception on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements
BLE_AGAMA-3076 [RTLS] CTEs sent on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements
BLE_AGAMA-3024 [MESH] [IOP] Mesh DUT is not publishing its mesh supported roles (Unable to config Mesh node) with iPhone
BLE_AGAMA-2917 [Build] Persistent Application failed to compile in debug configuration due to memory limitation with all platforms
BLE_AGAMA-2845 [CLAOA] Scanner shows only one IQ report when advertiser sends multiple CTE in one periodic train with 2M PHY
BLE_AGAMA-2266 Central not able to find peer device advertising Extended ADV with aux offset bigger than 16.3ms
BLE_AGAMA-2245 [Simple Peripheral] Number of connections shows zero after a connection if the previous connections were unsuccessful
BLE_AGAMA-2033 [RTLS] Passive Application is not functioning well in Debug configuration. WA: Change the optimization in Debug configuration to High (as in Release)
BLE_AGAMA-2010 [Multi-Sensor] Updating Report Interval Have no effect
BLE_AGAMA-1970 [Multi-Sensor] Some of the Multi Sensor services fail to initiate or open when loading up
BLE_AGAMA-1675 IOP: Device fails to pair with Meizu Pro 7
BLE_AGAMA-1435 [Multi-Sensor] Accelerometer Service Disappears After First Connection
BLE_AGAMA-1416 OAD offchip examples needs additional reset to load Factory Image
BLE_AGAMA-546 Central applications do not receive timeout when connection fails
BLE_AGAMA-139 When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection
BLE_AGAMA-80 The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases.

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The BLE5-Stack only supports SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx devices with silicon revision E. No support for previous silicon revisions or LaunchPad™ development kits using earlier silicon revisions. If you’re unsure of the revision number of your device, please see the Package Symbolization and Revision Identification section of the Errata Note.

As a supplier of Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) solutions with a focus on interoperability and broad market adoption, we recommend to transition from proprietary Real Time Localization Toolbox (RTLS) software examples to the new RTLS software examples based on the Bluetooth 5.1 specification. These examples are included in this software development kit. For further information please contact your local TI sales representative.

Please note that Angle of arrival (AoA) has not yet gone through PHY qualification.


The Bluetooth low energy software stack (BLE-Stack) for CC13xx_CC26xx BLE-enabled wireless MCUs uses Bluetooth Qualified Components, which allow customers to substantially reduce the testing required to meet Bluetooth end product listing (EPL) qualification requirements while providing flexibility to the device configuration. Bluetooth SIG rules specify that Qualified Components have a validity period of three (3) years at which time they may not be available for new End Product Listings (EPLs). For information on the applicable QDID’s for this release, please refer to the application report SWRA601 - How to Qualify Your Bluetooth Low Energy Product.

Operating System Support

Please refer to the SDK release notes.


The BLE5-Stack sample applications were built & tested with the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and listed in the top-level SDK release notes.

Note: Earlier IDE/toolchain versions are not supported and compatibility with newer versions of supported IDEs is not assured.

Device Support

This release supports development of single-mode Bluetooth LE applications on 2.4 GHz and multi-band wireless MCUs listed in the top-level SDK release

Development Board Support

This release supports development of single-mode Bluetooth LE on 2.4 GHz and multi-band wireless MCU development kits listed in the top-level SDK release notes


The BLE5-Stack sample applications were built & tested with versions of the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and tool chains listed in the top-level SDK release notes:


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

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