TI Wi-SUN FAN 1.0 Stack Release Notes

Table of Contents


Wi-SUN is an open, standards-based IPv6 Sub-1GHz mesh networking protocol designed for robust self-healing and secure large-scale networks with thousands of nodes. The network typically consists of line powered routers and gateways or border routers.

The TI Wi-SUN FAN 1.0 Stack is a set of sample applications, tools, APIs and protocol stack libraries that enable engineers to develop Wi-SUN FAN 1.0 standalone or network processor applications on the SimpleLink™ CC13x2 family of wireless MCUs.

As part of the network processor offering, TI provides a python framework and an example host application. This can be found on TI Wi-SUN FAN Spinel CLI Reference on github.

In TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack, the 6LoWPAN, RPL, IPv6, ICMPv6 and UDP layers have been adapted from open source components. Additional information about TI’s Wi-SUN FAN solutions can be found at www.ti.com/wi-sun.


The SimpleLink CC13x2 and CC26x2 Software Development Kit (SDK) allows easier product development by combining TI-RTOS and the TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack in one unified SDK. All Wi-SUN sample applications are based off the TI-RTOS Kernel. Key documents needed for application development include:

Installation and Usage

What’s New

Known Issues

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The frequency tolerance of the crystals on TI LaunchPads are not Wi-SUN compliant at extreme temperatures. For end products requiring very high or very low temperatures, make sure to use a crystal that ensures accuracy within the Wi-SUN specification.

Operating System Support

Please refer to the SDK release notes.


The TI Wi-SUN FAN sample applications were built & tested with the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and listed in the top-level SDK release notes.

Note: Earlier IDE/toolchain versions are not supported and compatibility with newer versions of supported IDEs is not assured.

The TI Wi-SUN FAN sample applications NWP mode were tested with the TI Wi-SUN FAN Spinel CLI Reference with release date April 7th 2021.

Device Support

Development Board Support


The TI Wi-SUN FAN sample applications were built & tested with versions of the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and tool chains listed in the top-level SDK release notes:


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates