TI-OpenThread 1.08.03 to 1.08.04

For the 5.20 SDK, the openthread libraries (e.g. libopenthread*) have been unified across the CC13x2/CC26x2 platform. Recall that in previous SDKs, the libraries had different configurations for a specific board (e.g. libopenthread_mtd_CC1352P_2, libopenthread_mtd_CC26X2R1).


Figure 117. Separate Libs Per Board

The examples would use the lib* projects corresponding to the matching board. Now, Thread examples will use the same libraries. One benefit of this is that, if you have two instances of the same Thread example (e.g. doorlock) in a workspace, and each instance was using a different board (e.g. CC26x2R1 and CC1352R1), then there will now be one, shared MTD library, libopenthread_mtd_cc13x2_cc26x2 vs two, libopenthread_mtd_CC26X2R1 and libopenthread_mtd_CC1352R1. More generally, Thread examples in a workspace will now share libraries across different Thread-enabled SimpleLink devices when possible.


Figure 118. Unified Libs For All Boards

For migrating your Thread project to use the unified libraries:

  1. Import the respective libraries necessary for your project. These can be found in C:\ti\<5.20 SDK>\source\ti\thread\cc13x2_26x2. As an example, the following libraries were imported for cli_ftd:


    Figure 119. Unified Libs

  2. Update the library paths that your project points to. Right-click the project → Properties → Build → Dependencies.

    Remove the previous libraries:


    Figure 120. Old Libraries

    Add the unified libraries:


    Figure 121. New Libraries

    Make sure that the order is the same as before. This is to account for include paths to the referenced projects.


    Figure 122. Order the Reference Projects

  3. Change the name of config files, since these now match the unified naming convention. If you made any configuration changes to these files, you should now apply those changes to the new config files.


    Figure 123. New Config File Names

  4. Re-build your Thread project. This will prompt CCS to build the new libraries.