
Table of Contents


New Features


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-3307 [MESH] - Add eRPC functionality to IAR examples
BLE_AGAMA-3300 Add new APIs to GAP bond manager to access bonding records
BLE_AGAMA-3266 Removed AoA angle calculation support from RTLS examples
BLE_AGAMA-3256 [MESH] - Update mesh stack to latest (zephyr 2.5.0)
BLE_AGAMA-3242 [704] Add MR & SP OAD Examples to Agama 704
BLE_AGAMA-3232 Add support for multiple new connections and connection parameter updates to Connection Monitor
BLE_AGAMA-3218 [MESH] Latency & Power Consumption improvements in BLE scheduler
BLE_AGAMA-3198 Support RF command preemption for secondary tasks based on priority
BLE_AGAMA-3113 Modify all RTLS example projects to adhere to the new BT SIG terminology for inclusion
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-1012 Proprietary RF Example Support for CC13x1 and CC26x1 Platforms


ID Summary
TIOP-1064 Deprecate the board specific library projects

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3893 Add 15.4 support for 2-wire Coex feature
TI154STACK-3789 Add support for CC2651P3 boards

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-1335 Add configuration flag for non-silent ZR rejoins
ZIGBEE-1333 Enable 2-wire IEEE/Wi-Fi Coex
ZIGBEE-1057 Add support for LP_CC2651P3 platform


ID Summary
DMM-1148 Add Zigbee + BLE examples for LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-4 boards
DMM-1141 Create DMM 15.4 OAD examples for the CC26x2P7 and CC13x2P7
DMM-1113 Create DMM Zigbee OAD examples for the CC2652R7 and CC1352P7

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIRTOS-2064 Add RPC framework to enable 2-chip solutions
TIRTOS-2057 Enable Support for CC26x1/CC13x1
TIDRIVERS-4917 Implement CryptoUtil function to zero a buffer
TIDRIVERS-4811 Implement CC26x2 and CC26x1 DAC driver
TIDRIVERS-4775 Refactor Timer Code Size
TIDRIVERS-4688 Remove legacy driver, display, and dpl libraries
TIDRIVERS-4002 Create AESCTRDRBG API without CryptoKey use
TIDRIVERS-4001 Create TRNG API without CryptoKey use

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-528 [IEEE Coexistence] Add support for configuring IEEE 802.15.4/WiFi coexistence
RFDRIVER-433 Add library naming format to match other SDK components
RFCORE-763 cc13x2x7_cc26x2x7 - WiSUN. 300 kbps, h=0.5 (mode 5). RC settings release
RFCORE-775 cc13x1_cc26x1 - BLE5 1M, 2M and Coded - 5dBm - RC settings release
RFCORE-773 cc13x1_cc26x1 - IEEE 15.4 (ZigBee) 2.4GHz 250Kbps - 5dBm - RC settings release
RFCORE-455 [IEEE Coexistence] RF patch support for 802.15.4 coexistence
RFCORE-749 [IEEE Coexistence] Assert REQUEST signal on preamble detection during RX and keep REQUEST on expected RX ACK
SRFSTUDIO-3053 SYSCFG: Option Application Override File/Macro will create an offset symbol in exported code
SRFSTUDIO-3042 SYSCFG: Implement support for IEEE 802.15.4+ WiFi coexistence
SRFSTUDIO-3062 Wi-SUN mode #5 PHY support
SRFSTUDIO-3046 SYSCFG: Add SmartRF Studio version number to RadioConfig header file.


Fixed Issues


ID Summary
BLE_AGAMA-3393 Impersonation the Passkey Entry Protocol – do not except the same x coordinate of the public key during pairing
BLE_AGAMA-3384 DH key check is using local current RPA instead of the RPA used while connection established
BLE_AGAMA-3297 Disconnect from Android devices with HCI error 8C (Inadequate packet length)
BLE_AGAMA-3254 Memory leak while scan disabled in Multi Role application
BLE_AGAMA-3214 Out of the box ble5stack examples fail to sustain a connection with blestack peripherals
BLE_AGAMA-3213 Duplicate Filter - SCAN_PARAM_FLT_DUP is not working as expected
BLE_AGAMA-3199 UTIL_NVWrite always returns Invalid Parameter
BLE_AGAMA-3154 [RTLS] The channels reported by master and passive are different
BLE_AGAMA-3135 GAPBONDMGR osal_snv_write return value is not used
BLE_AGAMA-3071 [RTLS / CM] rtls_passive hop sequence may be wrong
BLE_AGAMA-3030 [SysConfig] Host test SysConfig does not save properly when choosing Custom Board option
BLE_AGAMA-2068 Unsuccessful connection with Motorola Moto G 6
ID Summary
EZLINKPROP-1033 Clock_start() with a 0 timeout in oadBlockReqClkSet() may cause undefined behavior


ID Summary
None None

TI 15.4-Stack

ID Summary
WISUN-303 Fix MAC assert on high PA TX power levels on CC1352P7_1
TI154STACK-3900 Fixed issue in which sub-G, off chip OAD sensor on CC1352P7 cannot join network
TI154STACK-3892 Fix MAC assert on high PA TX power levels on CC1352P7_1
TI154STACK-3848 Fixed issue in which coordinator with enDataAckPending set receives successful DataCnf status when sensor disconnected
TI154STACK-3829 Fixed issue in which FH sensor can spend up to 20 mins rejoining collector after orphaning

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-1470 NVS Internal SysConfig settings of CC2652R7 and CC1352P7 projects are incorrect
ZIGBEE-1449 When TC settings do not mandate TCLK update, TC does not process APS packets w/ well-known TCLK encryption for remote multi-hop devices
ZIGBEE-1424 CCS workspace “Application” directory not included in compiler search paths
ZIGBEE-1391 Simple Descriptor Response processing does not free allocated input/output cluster lists
ZIGBEE-1343 sampleapp project generates build errors when replacing the default SysConfig Application Name of reporting Device Type
ZIGBEE-1315 OSAL Event ID space overlap when using MT-enabled application
ZIGBEE-1310 Router should not relay its own broadcast directly after reboot
ZIGBEE-1308 Thermostat application crashed when CUI_DISABLE is defined
ZIGBEE-1307 Unsolicited TCLK update requests can cause device startup failure on reset
ZIGBEE-1298 ZDO Mgmt Leave Request sends Success status for non-existent device table entry
ZIGBEE-1286 MAC PIB values incorrectly reinitialized during network commissioning
ZIGBEE-1214 SysConfig Zigbee Application Builder generates optional cluster attributes in the wrong order
ZIGBEE-1203 DevForceNetworkSettingsReq should have logicalChannel parameter
ZIGBEE-1199 Inter-PAN communication may set MAC PIB channel erroneously if NIB channel is not initialized


ID Summary
None None

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-4957 CC13X2X7 and CC26X2X7 GCC linker files place CCFG incorrectly
TIDRIVERS-4927 Missing HwiP.h include in CryptoResourceCC26XX.h
TIDRIVERS-4908 GCC linker files place CCFG at incorrect address
TIDRIVERS-4893 Can't set Temperature interrupt priority
TIDRIVERS-4874 spiffsinternal CC13X2X6 example uses incorrect logical block size
TIDRIVERS-4871 GCC and IAR CC26x2x7 linker files do not have LOG_DATA specifiers
TIDRIVERS-4855 CC26XX and CC13XX ticlang SPIFFS library missing
TIDRIVERS-4841 Enabling RF Temperature Compensation in CCFG should include temperature driver
TIDRIVERS-4840 FreeRTOS SwiP DPL interferes with SensorController operation
TIDRIVERS-4829 CC26X2 UART2: Calling UART2_writeCancel following a successful write will cause the next write to fail.
TIDRIVERS-4828 CC26X2 UART2: Calling close in near proximity of a blocking write could cause hanging power constraints
TIDRIVERS-4819 UART2_read() setting state with interrupts enabled
TIDRIVERS-4801 SPI MOSI line may periodically tri-state between transmissions at higher temperatures
TIDRIVERS-4800 CC2652RB wrong board name in ti/boards
TIDRIVERS-4799 CC13X2_CC26X2 NoRTOS startup file uses incorrect vector table size
TIDRIVERS-4787 PINCC26XX shall not update PORTID bits when updating IOCFG register
TIDRIVERS-4779 Curve25519: MSB of generator point must be masked
TIDRIVERS-4770 UARTCC26X0, UARTCC26X2 callback before read timeout
TIDRIVERS-4238 Device Configuration module does not give warning if TCXO is selcted and no TCXO startup function is defined in power driver

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-553 SYSCFG: Coex cannot be configured with antenna switch on P devices
RFDRIVER-546 RFLib library build uses wrong CPU option for IAR for CC13x1/26x1
RFDRIVER-552 RFDriver does not handle overlapping IEEE foreground commands when a background operation is in progress
RFDRIVER-501 Removed spinlocks when using RF temperature compensation on certain devices


Known Issues


ID Summary
SLMAPP-121 [OAD] The OAD doesn't work for Agama 704k device when working with TI's SimpleLink Starter Mobile Application
BLE_AGAMA-3388 [Mesh] Relay fails to transmit segmented message without re-transmission (relay re-transmit = 0)
BLE_AGAMA-3383 Mesh stack delay work API is limited to a maximum delay of uint32 maximum value (42,949,672 milliseconds)
BLE_AGAMA-3381 Simple Peripheral example application spinlocks while pairing, when compiled with IAR in Debug configuration
BLE_AGAMA-3287 Some example projects hang during pairing with TICLANG due to issue in crypto driver
BLE_AGAMA-3258 [Build] Agama Lite IAR examples fail to build for Debug configuration, due to insufficient RAM
BLE_AGAMA-3247 [MESH] Input OOB doesn't function properly
BLE_AGAMA-3193 [OAD] In all the OAD examples, the OAD doesn't work for BAW/704k device when working with TI's SimpleLink Starter Mobile Application
BLE_AGAMA-3169 Connecting twice to the same device causing wrong count of connections and a memory leakage
BLE_AGAMA-3107 [CLAOA] parsing errors when trying to parse CL_AOA_RESULT_RAW events when using periodic interval smaller than 300ms
BLE_AGAMA-3077 [RTLS] CTE reception on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements
BLE_AGAMA-3076 [RTLS] CTEs sent on the 2M PHY do not meet spec requirements
BLE_AGAMA-3017 [MESH] LPN/Friend is disconnecting and reconnecting sporadically while transferring data
BLE_AGAMA-2917 [Build] Persistent Application failed to compile in debug configuration due to memory limitation with all platforms
BLE_AGAMA-2845 [CLAOA] Scanner shows only one IQ report when advertiser sends multiple CTE in one periodic train with 2M PHY
BLE_AGAMA-2266 Central not able to find peer device advertising Extended ADV with aux offset bigger than 16.3ms
BLE_AGAMA-2245 [Simple Peripheral] Number of connections shows zero after a connection if the previous connections were unsuccessful
BLE_AGAMA-2033 [RTLS] Passive Application is not functioning well in Debug configuration. WA: Change the optimization in Debug configuration to High (as in Release)
BLE_AGAMA-2010 [Multi-Sensor] Updating Report Interval Have no effect
BLE_AGAMA-1970 [Multi-Sensor] Some of the Multi Sensor services fail to initiate or open when loading up
BLE_AGAMA-1675 IOP: Device fails to pair with Meizu Pro 7
BLE_AGAMA-1652 [RTLS] AoA multiple connection: When>4 slaves are connected, the passive node sometimes fails to track some of the connections.
BLE_AGAMA-1435 [Multi-Sensor] Accelerometer Service Disappears After First Connection
BLE_AGAMA-1416 OAD offchip examples needs additional reset to load Factory Image
BLE_AGAMA-546 Central applications do not receive timeout when connection fails
BLE_AGAMA-139 When using multi-role, the random address will display in the serial terminal, instead of the “Work With” selection
BLE_AGAMA-80 The NVS Driver is now used for bond storage. It is not possible to retain OSAL_SNV contents when upgrading from earlier BLE5 1.1.x releases.
ID Summary
None None


ID Summary
TIOP-1009 Non-Con coap responseMessage is not freed by Thermostat
TIOP-954 Thermostat attempts to promote to leader and form separate partition during reliability test
TIOP-953 IAR OAD image does not reboot upon a successful OAD transfer

TI 15.4 Stack

ID Summary
TI154STACK-3822 Device fails during high traffic loads caused by OsalPort timers not being cleaned
TI154STACK-3736 In OAD projects CCFG settings must be configured in BIM project as SysConfig Device Configuration settings are not used

TI Z-Stack

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-1299 End Devices performing TC Rejoin broadcast Device Annce without first receiving Transport Key


ID Summary
DMM-1146 Assert could be observed over weeks of operation especially with continuous BLE connection & disconnection

TI-RTOS and Drivers

ID Summary
TIDRIVERS-4844 Implement restrictions in errata note IOC_01 in SysConfig
TIDRIVERS-4127 ADCBuf causes jitter when switching clock sources
TIDRIVERS-1642 NVSSPI25x driver does not work when using internal SPI CS

Radio Software Bundle (RFLib)

ID Summary
RFDRIVER-554 SYSCFG: Antenna switch is not selected by default for P boards, resulting in 20dBm attenuation
RFDRIVER-518 RF powerup duration optimization doesn't occur if chain contains CMD_FS at head
RFDRIVER-557 RF Driver does not read available RAT channels from RFCore