TI DMM 3.10.00 Release Notes

Table of Contents


The Dynamic Multi-protocol Manager (DMM) is a software layer that enables a single radio to run multiple wireless protocols concurrently by switching between protocol stacks in real time. DMM allows the developer to manage both protocol stacks effectively and minimize latency.

By using the concurrent multi-protocol application, developers can define system states, determine task priority, and manage multiple wireless stacks concurrently. During execution, the DMM Policy Scheduler allocates radio time for each protocol determined by the priority set in the policy table and the current application states.

While some solutions rely on fixed priority or time-slotted implementations, TI offers a Policy Scheduler solution that is highly customizable and allows priorities to be set dynamically by different application states.

Key features

Additional information about TI’s SimpleLinkTM Multi-Standard wireless MCUs can be found at www.ti.com.

Dynamic Multi-Protocol Manager Documentation

The SimpleLink CC13x2 and CC26x2 Software Development Kit (SDK) allows easier product development by combining TI-RTOS, the DMM and the RF protocol stacks in one unified SDK. All DMM sample applications are based off the TI-RTOS Kernel. Key documents needed for DMM application development include:

Installation and Usage

Note: FEATURE_FREQ_HOP_MODE has been added as a pre-defined symbol to the DMM 15.4 Collector & Sensor Sub-1 GHz examples for the CC1352 devices. This symbol is added to keep the capability of the Frequency Hopping mode, which is still required to be turned on through SysConfig. It is recommended that developers do not remove or modify this symbol.

What’s New

ID Summary
DMM-1101 Add support for select DMM board migration paths in DMM SysConfig
DMM-1096 Add DMM TI 15.4 examples (collector/sensor) that support the CC2652R7 and CC1352P7
DMM-1095 Add DMM Zigbee examples (ZED/ZR/ZC) that support the CC2652R7 and CC1352P7
DMM-1061 Add an option in DMM SysConfig to define stack activities for custom stacks

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
DMM-1092 DMM syscfg module errors if module is removed and added back due to stale reference

Known Issues

ID Summary
None None

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Due to changes in the DMM policy table structure, migrating from an SDK version that pre-dates simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_3_ 10_00_xx requires updating pre-existing application policy tables.

Operating System Support


The DMM sample applications were built and tested with the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and listed in the top-level SDK release notes.

Note: Earlier IDE/toolchain versions are not supported and compatibility with newer versions of supported IDEs is not assured.

Device Support

This release supports the wireless MCUs listed in the top-level SDK release notes.

Development Board Support

This release supports application development on the LaunchPads listed in the top-level SDK release notes.


The DMM sample applications were built & tested with versions of the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and tool chains listed in the top-level SDK release notes:

This release is for development purposes only.


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates