Defining Application Behavior

The Sample Applications will often contain simple TI-RTOS tasks with a barebones messaging system between tasks. For more information on how the application tasks works in general, review Introduction.

Directed Advertisements as GATT Server

In BLE5-Stack, Privacy is always enabled. Most of the privacy features are handled by the GAP bond manager in the stack. To conserve flash memory, by default, the GAP bond manager does not enable GATT client features. The implication of these disabled GATT client features is that the GAP bond manager will not query the Central Address Resolution characteristic of the remote device.

In order to perform a directed advertisement when the initiator’s address is set to Private Resolvable Address, the peripheral device must read the Central Address Resolution characteristic of its remote device to make sure address resolution is supported. Failure to do so before sending directed advertisements violates the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 5.1.

By default, sample applications such as simple_peripheral does not define GATT_NO_CLIENT but initializes the GATT Client as shown below:

 * Initialize GATT Client, used by GAPBondMgr to look for RPAO
 * characteristic for network privacy

Compiler Options


Some projects use SysConfig to generate the BLE5-Stack .opt files. See Checking if SysConfig is used for BLE to see how to check if the project is SysConfig enabled for BLE. The below text only applies to projects where SysConfig doesn’t configure the BLE5-Stack. For info on SysConfig see BLE5-Stack SysConfig Features.

For BLE5-Stack projects, compiler options are defined via .opt files that are included in the IDE’s TOOLS\defines folder. Each project’s build configuration will include its very own .opt file.

The predefined symbols in the .opt files are prefixed with a -D, which is standard commandline prefix notation across all the supported toolchains. Of the predefined symbols in the .opt files, some of them are configurable and some are not. See Bluetooth Low Energy Application Configuration Parameters and Bluetooth Low Energy Stack Configuration Parameters for reference as to which options are configurable.

The convention to disable a symbol in the .opt files is to put an ‘x’ in front of the name. For example, to disable power management, change -DPOWER_SAVING to -DxPOWER_SAVING. It is also possible to disable a symbol by commenting it out via ‘C - style’ syntax (e.g. /* -DPOWER_SAVING */)


Changes in an .opt file may not be detected by the compiler/toolchain. It is best to rebuild the entire project when a define is changed.

Linker Options

Linker symbols may need to be set or adjusted at the project level in order to control the memory layout of the generated image. The following procedure describes how to access and modify linker symbols.


  1. Open Project Properties
  2. Navigate to Build -> ARM Linker -> Command File Preprocessing
  3. Use the buttons highlighted in Figure 105. to add, delete, or edit a linker symbol.

Figure 105. CCS Linker Symbols


  1. Open the Project’s Options and select the Linker Category.
  2. Open the Config tab.
  3. View the Configuration File symbol definitions box (see Figure 106.).
  4. Add or edit the preprocessor symbols.

Figure 106. IAR Defined Symbols Box

Creating Additional ICall Enabled Tasks

The objective of this section is to familiarize the programmer with the process of adding an RTOS task that can communicate with the BLE5-Stack. Tasks call functions within the BLE5-Stack must follow a few additional steps to register with ICall. These details are covered below:

1. Follow all the steps detailed in Tasks to create a TI-RTOS task.

  1. Modify the task’s init function to register with ICall (explained in ICall Initialization and Registration)
Listing 94. ICall Registration for custom task
// ******************************************************************
// ******************************************************************
// Register the current thread as an ICall dispatcher application
// so that the application can send and receive messages.
ICall_registerApp(&selfEntity, &syncEvent);
  1. Modify the task’s main function to pend on syncEvent (explained in ICall Thread Synchronization)
Listing 95. ICall Wait
static void NotificationTask_taskFxn(UArg a0, UArg a1)
  // Initialize application

  // Application main loop
  for (;;)
      // Waits for an event to be posted associated with the calling thread.
      // Note that an event associated with a thread is posted when a
      // message is queued to the message receive queue of the thread
      events = Event_pend(syncEvent, Event_Id_NONE, SP_ALL_EVENTS, ICALL_TIMEOUT_FOREVER);

  // ...
  1. Modify number of ICall enabled tasks:
  • Increase the following preprocessor defines:
  1. Modify number of ICall entities:
  • Increase the following preprocessor defines:

See Compiler Options for steps on how to change symbols. These symbols can be modified using SysConfig (BLE > Advanced Settings > ICALL)

For further description of the above preprocessor defines, please see Table 16.

Production and Direct Test Mode (PTM, DTM)

This page will describe Production Test Mode (PTM) which allows a CC13x2 or CC26x2 BLE application in a “single-chip” configuration to temporarily expose the host control interface (HCI) test commands over the serial interface when triggered externally to do so (e.g. holding a GPIO pin low during power up). This test mode allows the device to be connected to a Bluetooth RF Tester in order to run Direct Test Mode (DTM) commands on a production line using the final release firmware, while leaving the UART GPIO pins available for the application to use at all other times. Note that this page only considers UART, and not SPI, as the transport protocol since it uses the least amount of GPIO’s and throughput is not a factor for DTM.


Note: DTM defines two interface methods for controlling the LE PHY: HCI and 2-wire UART. The TI Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack only supports the HCI method for DTM and PTM.

Direct Test Mode (DTM)

DTM is a standard method for testing BLE devices using the DTM HCI commands. A number of wireless test equipment manufactures, including Anritsu (MT8852B), Keysight and Rhode and Schwarz, make BLE Testers that use this mode. It is very useful to use these testers during development or on the production line in order to verify the RF performance of a BLE system. Complementary to these testers, it is also possible to create your own PC application that sends these DTM commands over the serial link. DTM is very well described in the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 5.1 Volume 6 Part F. All DTM commands as well as TI Vendor Specific modem test commands are accessible in embedded (single-device) application via API calls as well as over HCI in the Host_Test sample application. Refer to the TI Vendor Specific HCI guide in the documents folder of the SimpleLink CC13x2 / 26x2 SDK.

Production Test Mode (PTM)

One problem with DTM is that it relies on a certain stack configuration (network processor with HCI exposed over UART) in order to work with the testers, though many end-applications don’t use this configuration. This would require the customer, during production, to flash the wireless MCU with a network processor image (e.g., host_test) before testing, and then re-flash with the final product image. To circumvent this, the TI BLE-Stack has implemented a feature called Production Test Mode (PTM), which allows for an embedded software application to support direct test mode without exposing the HCI to the UART pins under normal operation. Note that the pins used for PTM can also be used for an application UART interface. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the other device that is connected to the UART interface does not run at the same time that DTM is being exercised. If the device powers up and goes into PTM mode (by a GPIO being held high or low or some other stimulus), the UART will then be used for DTM commands. If the device powers up normally and does not go into PTM mode, then the UART can be initialized by the application and used to communicate with the other device. DTM commands can also be called by the embedded BLE application.

To add PTM to the simple_peripheral project follow the steps below:

  1. Open the SysConfig file (double-click on the simple_peripheral.sysconfig file)
  2. Open the BLE tab and enter Advanced Settings
  3. Check the PTM box

This is the only configuration required to enable PTM as checking the PTM box automatically increases the Max Number of ICall Enabled tasks to 4. If you want to enable the NPI packet flow control, this can be done in the NPI panel. The default settings when enabling PTM is shown in the figure below.


Figure 107. Default settings when enabling PTM.


When adding PTM mode to the application, it is recommended to change the NPI task to use Task_create(...) as opposed to construct. In this way, the RAM needed by the NPI runtime task stack is consuming RAM that is not used in the application’s default behavior.

In order to determine if a command is accessible via PTM mode, users should refer to the translation tables created in icall_hci_tl.c under the define PTM_MODE.

Optimizing Bluetooth Low Energy Stack Memory Usage

Configuration of the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack is essential for maximizing the amount of RAM and flash memory available for the application. Refer to Stack Configurations to configure parameters that impact runtime RAM usage, such as the maximum allowable size and number of PDUs. The TI Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack is implemented to use a small RAM footprint, and allow the application to control the behavior of the stack by using the runtime ICall heap. For example, an application that only sends one GATT notification per connection event must store only one PDU in the heap, whereas as an application that must send multiple notifications must enqueue multiple PDUs in the heap.

To increase the available flash memory allocated to the application project, minimize the flash usage of the protocol stack by including only Bluetooth Low Energy features required to implement the defined role of the device. The available protocol stack configurable features are described in Stack Configurations. Adding additional features to the protocol stack has the net effect of reducing the amount of flash memory to the application.

Flash optimization

The following tips may be useful for reducing the footprint of the BLE5-Stack. In general, there is a feature vs. flash footprint trade-off. Each of the improvements below offer a cost in terms of feature removal.

  • Verify that your application uses the optimize for flash size compiler optimization settings (default for TI projects).
  • Use only one page of SNV.
  • Remove or exclude debug DISPLAY, Two button menu or other unused drivers from your project.
  • Use the stack library options defined in build_config.opt to pull in the smallest part possible of the library for the given use case. In general, this means a library that implements only one role (e.g. peripheral) with no additional features enabled (i.e. L2CAP CoC). See Stack Configurations.
  • Remove HAL Asserts by removing the EXT_HAL_ASSERT define

RAM optimization

The following tips may be useful for reducing the RAM footprint of the BLE5-Stack. It is important to remember that often removing RAM results in reduced throughput or features, the tradeoffs listed below should be evaluated carefully.

  • If using L2CAP CoC, reference RAM Considerations for defines that may configure L2CAP CoC functionality and their RAM implications

  • Set MAX_NUM_PDU and MAX_PDU_SIZE to reduce the amount of packets that can be queued up by the stack at a time. This will reduce heap consumption.

  • Disable LE Secure Connections pairing if not needed. See LE Secure Connections on how to do this. This will save ECCROMCC26XX_NIST_P256_WORKZONE_LEN_IN_BYTES during pairing. Removing LESC also removes the requirement of having MAX_PDU_SIZE set to 69, this can be overriden in ble_user_config.h to as low as 27.

  • The LE Data Length Extension feature will default to an RX size of 251. If the peer device also supports DLE and a connMaxRxOctets value is negotiated > 27 (default) then the controller will allocate connMaxRxOctets*4. 4 is the number of receive buffers in the controller and is a fixed parameter of the stack. However, connMaxRxOctets can be limited by either disabling Data Length Extension or limiting the max of TX and RX octets. Trimming the values of TX and RX is covered in RAM Considerations when using DLE.

  • Carefully set MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS. This define has a large affect on the amount of dynamic memory used by the stack. Below is a list of structures that the stack will alloc on initialization based on number of Connections. Each structure is multiplied by MAX_NUM_BLE_CONNS. This is not an exhaustive list A rule of thumb is that the stack will allocate the sizes of the structures above on initialization, and around ~(1070 + connMaxRxOctets*4) per connection on connect.

    • sizeof(linkDBItem_t) : Link data base entry for each connection
    • sizeof( l2capChannel_t ) : At least one signaling channel for each connection
    • sizeof(prepareWrites_t) : Structure to hold prepare write table
    • GATT_MAX_NUM_PREPARE_WRITES * sizeof( attPrepareWriteReq_t ) : Prepare write queue.
    • sizeof(llConnState_t): Structure to hold connection information
    • 2*sizeof(dataQ_t) : Each connection’s RX and TX data queue
  • Check for heap failures by checking heapmgrMemFail from Debugging Common Heap Issues. If heap failures are occurring, attempt to tune stack build configuration using the features and defines above. See Stack Configurations for options that can be configured in the stack.

  • If heap failures still occur after optimizing the BLE-Stack build, the size of the heap can be increased by reducing the size of static allocation. Static allocation (.bss, .data) includes globally defined buffers, runtime task stacks, and other structures that are instantiated without the use of malloc.

    • Trim task stack sizes by inspecting them using Task –> Detailed view in TI-RTOS Object Viewer. If there is unused space their size can be decreased.
    • The system stack can be reduced in a similar way, its usage is shown under HWI –> Module view in ROV. Changing the system stack size is covered in System Stack.


The above RAM estimations may vary by release, and are not an exhaustive list. It is intended as a way to allow the developer to profile the RAM requirements based on the desired settings. The best way to estimate RAM usage is to measure it in the field using the techniques covered in Debugging Common Heap Issues

See Check System Flash and RAM Usage With Map File for the procedure to check the size of the configured protocol stack.

Decrease flash consumption of the examples project

The guidelines provided here are based on the simple_peripheral example but can be adapted to any example.

Remove the two buttons menu and display

By removing the two_btn_menu and the display from your project, you can significantly increase the remaining memory available on the device. The guidelines are provided for the simple_peripheral project but this is possible for all examples that use TBM and display.

Here are the guidelines:

  1. Import the simple_peripheral project

  2. Change the IO Capabilities (used for pairing/bonding) of your device. Using SysConfig, go to BLE > Bond Manager > IO Capabilities. Change IO Capabilities in No Display or Input Device


    Figure 108. Change the IO capabilities of your device

  3. Modify main.c, simple_peripheral.c and simple_peripheral.h in order to not use the tbm (two buttons menu) and the display:

    • main.c
      • remove the #include of Display.h
      • remove the (extern) declaration of dispHandle
      • modify the AssertHandler() function in order to only spinlock
    • simple_peripheral.c
      • remove the #include of Display.h, board_key.h, two_btn_menu.h, simple_peripheral_menu.h
      • remove the declaration of dispHandle and all the code using it (especially the calls to Display_printf(), Display_clearLine() and Display_clearLines())
      • remove the functions SimplePeripheral_keyChangeHandler(), SimplePeripheral_handleKeys() and SimplePeripheral_menuSwitchCb(). Remove their call too.
      • remove all the calls to tbm_initTwoBtnMenu(), tbm_setItemStatus(), tbm_goTo()
    • simple_peripheral.h
      • remove the declaration of the functions SimplePeripheral_doSelectConn(), SimplePeripheral_doAutoConnect() and SimplePeripheral_doSetConnPhy()

    Here are the diff files (based on SDK 4.10):

    • main.c
    • simple_peripheral.c
    • simple_peripheral.h
  4. [Optional] The following files can be removed from the Application folder:

    • board_key.c
    • board_key.h
    • simple_peripheral_menu.c
    • simple_peripheral_menu.h
    • two_btn_menu.c
    • two_btn_menu.h
  5. Test your code. It should still compile and work smoothly! It means you can still advertise, join a connection, pair with another device, etc…

Remove the #2 (long range) advertisement

By removing the secondary advertisement (sometimes called “long range” advertisement) from the simple_peripheral example you can significantly save power. The power consumption due to the secondary advertisement (generally long range advertisement) can represent up to 80% of the power consumption of the advertisement period. In addition, this helps you to save memory.

Here are the guidelines:

  1. Import the simple_peripheral project

  2. Using SysConfig, reduce the number of Advertisement Set to only 1 (this must be done in BLE > Broadcaster Configuration). This will raise a warning saying we need to update the application code… this is what we are going to do now :)


    Figure 109. Change the number of advertisement sets of your device

    Note: It is perfectly normal and expected if the compilation of your project fails after this step… be patient and go to the next steps.

  3. Modify simple_peripheral.c to remove the code related to the #2 advertisement.

    • remove the declaration of the variable advHandleLongRange
    • remove all the code referencing the variable advHandleLongRange
    • remove all the code referencing the table advData2

    Here is simple_peripheral.c diff file (based on SDK 4.10):

  4. Build and test your project… You might have a warning due to SysConfig (this warning only appears if SysConfig is run, i.e. if you modify the content of the SysConfig file or if you “Rebuild” the project). Apart from that, no warning or error should be raised at build time and the project should still work smoothly! It means you can still advertise (legacy advertisement only), join a connection, pair with another device, etc…

Remove the auto-PHY update

The auto-PHY update is a feature provided by the application and consisting in dynamically change the PHY used by the BLE stack to handle a connection. The PHY is selected based on the RSSI measured. The better the RSSI, the faster the PHY selected is (e.g. if the RSSI is -25, then the 2M PHY will be selected, if the RSSI is -65 then the S8 PHY will be selected). This functionality is available in the simple_peripheral project and has to be activated using the two buttons menu. Other projects provide this functionality too.

This modification should free up some FLASH and some CPU time. The amount of stack required by the example should be decreased too. The goal is to remove the code responsible for the auto-PHY update. As the auto-PHY update is based on RSSI, we are also going to remove the code responsible to read the RSSI of the connection.

Here are the guidelines:

  1. Import the simple_peripheral project

  2. Modify simple_peripheral.c and simple_peripheral_menu.c:

    • In simple_peripheral.c:
      • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_processCmdCompleteEvt and its calls
      • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_initPHYRSSIArray() and its calls
      • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_startAutoPhyChange() and its calls.
      • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_stopAutoPhyChange() and its calls
      • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_updatePHYStat() and its calls
      • Modify the function SimplePeripheral_doSetConnPhy() in order to remove the support of the AUTO_PHY_UPDATE
      • Remove the callback function SimplePeripheral_connEvtCB()
      • Remove the RSSI thresholds defined (this does not save any FLASH or RAM but it these defines are useless now). Same remark for SP_MAX_RSSI_STORE_DEPTH, SP_RSSI_TRACK_CHNLS. You can also remove all the define related to auto-phy update: SP_PHY_NONE, SP_INVALID_HANDLE and AUTO_PHY_UPDATE
      • Modify the spConnRec_t structure. We don’t need any more the RSSI related elements (rssiArr, rssiCntr, rssiAvg) and the PHY change related (currPhy, rqPhy, phyCngRq, phyRqFailCnt, isAutoPHYEnable). Remove all the code referring to these elements.
    • In simple_peripheral_menu.c:
    • In the “ConnPhy” menu, remove the MENU_ITEM_ACTION associated with the auto-PHY update.
    • In the corresponding MENU_OBJ, modify the number of available items.

    Here are the diff files (based on SDK 4.10):

    • simple_peripheral.c
    • simple_peripheral_menu.c
  3. Test your code. It should still compile and work smoothly! It means you can still advertise, join a connection, pair with another device, change the Phy, etc…

Remove the connection parameters update

Once a connection has been formed, one of the two devices might want to modify the connection parameters (connection interval, slave latency, connection timeout). This can be done using a connection parameters update request.

By default, some of the examples provided (e.g. simple_peripheral) send a connection parameters update request right after being connected. By default, the examples are also able to accept a connection update. Let’s see how to not send connection update request and to deny the incoming connection updates. Note that you can choose to apply only one of the two modifications or both of them. The goal is to save flash space and CPU time.

  1. Import the simple_peripheral project

  2. Modify the code to deny all the connection parameters update requests

    • Using SysConfig, set “Parameter Updates Request Decision” to “Deny All”. This must be done in BLE > Peripheral Configuration


      Figure 110. Deny all the connection parameters update requests

      Note: If your project is not using SysConfig, you have to modify the call to GAP_SetParamValue(GAP_PARAM_LINK_UPDATE_DECISION, paramUpdateDecision) to ensure that the second parameter (i.e. paramUpdateDecision) is set to GAP_UPDATE_REQ_DENY_ALL

    • In simple_peripheral.c, remove all the code executed when a GAP_UPDATE_LINK_PARAM_REQ_EVENT is received. A GAP_UPDATE_LINK_PARAM_REQ_EVENT is triggered at the reception of a connection parameters update requests.

      Here is simple_peripheral.c diff file (based on SDK 4.10):

  1. Modify simple_peripheral.c in order to remove the code related to connection update:

    • Remove the treatment of the GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT (this event is posted when a connection updated has been attempted)

    • Remove the SimplePeripheral_processParamUpdate() function

    • Remove the treatments of SP_SEND_PARAM_UPDATE_EVT

    • In SimplePeripheral_addConn(), remove the code corresponding to connection parameters update.

    • Modify the spConnRec_t structure to remove the elements pParamUpdateEventData and pUpdateClock. Remove the code using those elements too

    • Remove the list paramUpdateList (and the code referring to).

    • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_clearPendingParamUpdate()

      Here is simple_peripheral.c diff file (based on SDK 4.10):

  2. Test your code. It should still compile and work smoothly! It means you can still advertise, join a connection, pair with another device, change the Phy, etc…

Remove the pairing capabilities

Pairing is the process of generating and exchanging keys (not to be confused with forming or establishing a BLE connection between two devices). The pairing capability is included in many examples provided in your SDK.

As bonding consists in storing the keys generated during the pairing process in nonvolatile memory to use for the next encryption sequence, this functionality will be removed too.

This modification should free up some FLASH and some CPU time.

  1. Import the simple_peripheral project

  2. Using SysConfig, disable pairing and bonding capabilities. This must be done in BLE > Bond Manager


    Figure 111. Disable pairing and bonding capabilities

  3. In simple_peripheral.c, remove the code related to pairing and bonding.

    • Remove the callback-functions SimplePeripheral_passcodeCb() and SimplePeripheral_pairStateCb()

    • Remove the structure SimplePeripheral_BondMgrCBs.

    • Remove the call to the function GAPBondMgr_Register()

    • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_processPairState() and its calls.

    • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_processPasscode() and its calls.

      Here is simple_peripheral.c diff file (based on SDK 4.10):

  4. Rebuild your project.

  5. The Flash consumption can be even more decreased by not linking and/or compiling any of the code related to pairing and/or pairing. To do so, the pre-defined symbol GAP_BOND_MGR must not be declared.

    If your project is using SysConfig: By default GAP_BOND_MGR is declared in the file ti_build_config.opt (in the folder Debug/syscfg of your project). The file ti_build_config.opt cannot be directly altered as it is generated by SysConfig.

    • Disable SysConfig and remove the declaration of the symbol GAP_BOND_MGR in the file ti_build_config.opt.


    • Change the way SysConfig is generating the ti_build_config.opt file. SysConfig is using a template that can be modified. The template to be considered is in the SDK in source\ti\ble5stack\.meta\templates\build_config.opt.xdt. Remove the declaration of the symbol GAP_BOND_MGR in the file build_config.opt.xdt.

    If you project is not using SysConfig: In general GAP_BOND_MGR is declared in the file build_config.opt. Remove the declaration of the symbol in the appropriate file.

  6. Rebuild and test your code. It should still build and work smoothly! It means you can still advertise, join a connection, change the Phy, etc…

Remove the Resolvable Private Address (RPA) functionality

(Random) Resolvable Private Address or RPA is a functionality helping to preserve privacy. It consists in changing the device address over time. The address can be matched, or resolved, to an Identity Address for tracking by trusted peers.

This functionality is provided in several examples and can be removed in order to save memory and CPU time.

  1. Import the simple_peripheral project

  2. Using SysConfig, go to BLE > General Configuration > Address Mode and verify you are not using an RPA. Chose, for example “Random Static Address”. Specify the random static address you want.


    Figure 112. Select a non-RPA address mode

  3. In simple_peripheral.c, remove the code related to RPA.

    • Remove the function SimplePeripheral_updateRPA() and all its calls

    • Remove the global variable argRpaRead and all the code using it

    • Remove the clock structure clkRpaRead and all the code using it

    • Remove the code handling the SP_READ_RPA_EVT events

    • Remove the global variable rpa[] (and all the code using it if some is remaining)

      Here is simple_peripheral.c diff file (based on SDK 4.10):

  4. Test your code. It should still compile and work smoothly! It means you can still advertise, join a connection, pair with another device, change the Phy, etc…

Optimize TI drivers for your project

In order to have easy-to-use and portable code, the TI drivers handle a lot of different configurations. Most of the time, a specific application does not require all those configurations. By optimizing the TI drivers for your own application you can save RAM, FLASH and processor time.

A good example of this is the Power driver (but you can analyze any TI driver in order to optimize it using a similar process). The Power driver is a pretty complex driver. A lot of different combinations of crystals can be used and it handles all of them.

Let’s see how to optimize the Power driver:

  1. Force CCS or IAR to not use the compiled sources for the Power driver.

    • [CCS] Right click on your project and click “Add Files…” Add the files PowerCC26X2.c and PowerCC26X2.h to your project. (The TI drivers files are stored in <Your SDK>/source/ti/drivers)

      It is recommended to select Copy Files and not Link to files.

      Verify if the linker is considering the files you added by checking the “MODULE SUMMARY” section of the .map file. You should find a line presenting the memory consumed by PowerCC26X2.obj.

    • [IAR] Right click on your project, then chose “Add” and “Add Files…”. Add the files PowerCC26X2.c and PowerCC26X2.h to your project. (The TI drivers files are stored in <Your SDK>/source/ti/drivers)

  1. Review the configuration of your project (for the Power driver, the crystal configuration is the most important). To do so, use SysConfig and/or consult the file ti_devices_config.c. If SysConfig is not used, consult the file ccfg.c.

  1. Optimize the code! The goal here is to find the variables that are not seen as constant by the code optimizer but that are constant in practice.

    a- Expressions returning always the same value for a given configuration:

    • CCFGRead_DIS_GPRAM()
    • CCFGRead_XOSC_FREQ()
    • OSCClockSourceGet(OSC_SRC_CLK_LF)
    • OSCClockSourceGet(OSC_SRC_CLK_HF)

    Those expressions can be replaced by their constant value. This will allow the code optimizer to generate a simpler code.

    b- Variable that won’t be used (or that will always the same value).

    • Function pointer never set (i.e. always pointing on NULL). In this case no need to test if the function is not NULL, just remove the corresponding code. A good example of this case in the Power driver is PowerCC26X2_config.enableTCXOFxn. By it points on NULL and it is wasting time and FLASH to test this at each execution.
    • Variable with a constant value set only once at driver opening. (The Power driver does not contain any example of this case.)
  2. That’s it! Once again, these guidelines can be adapted to all the drivers used. It is important to test properly your code once optimized to be sure that no unexpected behavior occurs.

Defining Bluetooth Low Energy Behavior

This step involves using Bluetooth Low Energy protocol stack APIs to define the system behavior and adding profiles, defining the GATT database, configuring the security model, and so forth. Use the concepts explained in BLE5-Stack as well as the Bluetooth Low Energy API reference in BLE Stack API Reference.