Instance: ADI3
Component: ADI
Base address: 0x40086200

Analog Digital Interface
This is a generic module for handling register information between digital and analog domain.
To see the actual contents connected on the analog side, please see:

TOP:ADI3 Register Summary

Register Name


Register Width (Bits)

Register Reset

Address Offset

Physical Address




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0000

0x4008 6200




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0004

0x4008 6204




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0008

0x4008 6208




0x0000 0000

0x0000 000C

0x4008 620C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0010

0x4008 6210




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0014

0x4008 6214




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0018

0x4008 6218




0x0000 0000

0x0000 001C

0x4008 621C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0020

0x4008 6220




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0024

0x4008 6224




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0028

0x4008 6228




0x0000 0000

0x0000 002C

0x4008 622C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0030

0x4008 6230




0x0000 0004

0x0000 0038

0x4008 6238




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0040

0x4008 6240




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0044

0x4008 6244




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0048

0x4008 6248




0x0000 0000

0x0000 004C

0x4008 624C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0050

0x4008 6250




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0054

0x4008 6254




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0058

0x4008 6258




0x0000 0000

0x0000 005C

0x4008 625C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0060

0x4008 6260




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0064

0x4008 6264




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0068

0x4008 6268




0x0000 0000

0x0000 006C

0x4008 626C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0070

0x4008 6270




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0074

0x4008 6274




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0078

0x4008 6278




0x0000 0000

0x0000 007C

0x4008 627C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0080

0x4008 6280




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0084

0x4008 6284




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0088

0x4008 6288




0x0000 0000

0x0000 008C

0x4008 628C




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0090

0x4008 6290




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0094

0x4008 6294




0x0000 0000

0x0000 0098

0x4008 6298




0x0000 0000

0x0000 009C

0x4008 629C

TOP:ADI3 Register Descriptions


Address Offset 0x0000 0000
Physical Address 0x4008 6200 Instance 0x4008 6200
Description Direct Access for ADI Byte Offsets 0 to 3
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 B3 Direct access to ADI register 3 RW 0x00
23:16 B2 Direct access to ADI register 2 RW 0x00
15:8 B1 Direct access to ADI register 1 RW 0x00
7:0 B0 Direct access to ADI register 0 RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0004
Physical Address 0x4008 6204 Instance 0x4008 6204
Description Direct Access for ADI Byte Offsets 4 to 7
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 B3 Direct access to ADI register 7 RW 0x00
23:16 B2 Direct access to ADI register 6 RW 0x00
15:8 B1 Direct access to ADI register 5 RW 0x00
7:0 B0 Direct access to ADI register 4 RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0008
Physical Address 0x4008 6208 Instance 0x4008 6208
Description Direct Access for ADI Byte Offsets 8 to 11
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 B3 Direct access to ADI register 11 RW 0x00
23:16 B2 Direct access to ADI register 10 RW 0x00
15:8 B1 Direct access to ADI register 9 RW 0x00
7:0 B0 Direct access to ADI register 8 RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 000C
Physical Address 0x4008 620C Instance 0x4008 620C
Description Direct Access for ADI Byte Offsets 12 to 15
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 B3 Direct access to ADI register 15 RW 0x00
23:16 B2 Direct access to ADI register 14 RW 0x00
15:8 B1 Direct access to ADI register 13 RW 0x00
7:0 B0 Direct access to ADI register 12 RW 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0010
Physical Address 0x4008 6210 Instance 0x4008 6210
Description Set for ADI Byte Offsets 0 to 3
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 3. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 2. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 1. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 0. Read returns 0. WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0014
Physical Address 0x4008 6214 Instance 0x4008 6214
Description Set for ADI Byte Offsets 4 to 7
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 7. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 6. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 5. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 4. Read returns 0. WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0018
Physical Address 0x4008 6218 Instance 0x4008 6218
Description Set for ADI Byte Offsets 8 to 11
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 11. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 10. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 9. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 8. Read returns 0. WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 001C
Physical Address 0x4008 621C Instance 0x4008 621C
Description Set for ADI Byte Offsets 12 to 15
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 15. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 14. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 13. Read returns 0. WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will set the corresponding bit in ADI register 12. Read returns 0. WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0020
Physical Address 0x4008 6220 Instance 0x4008 6220
Description Clear for ADI Byte Offsets 0 to 3
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 3 WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 2 WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 1 WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 0 WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0024
Physical Address 0x4008 6224 Instance 0x4008 6224
Description Clear for ADI Byte Offsets 4 to 7
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 7 WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 6 WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 5 WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 4 WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0028
Physical Address 0x4008 6228 Instance 0x4008 6228
Description Clear for ADI Byte Offsets 8 to 11
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 11 WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 10 WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 9 WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 8 WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 002C
Physical Address 0x4008 622C Instance 0x4008 622C
Description Clear for ADI Byte Offsets 12 to 15
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 S3 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 15 WO 0x00
23:16 S2 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 14 WO 0x00
15:8 S1 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 13 WO 0x00
7:0 S0 A high bit value will clear the corresponding bit in ADI register 12 WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0030
Physical Address 0x4008 6230 Instance 0x4008 6230
Description Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:2 RESERVED2 Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RO 0b00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
1 REQ Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RW 0
0 ACK Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RO 0


Address Offset 0x0000 0038
Physical Address 0x4008 6238 Instance 0x4008 6238
Description Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API.
Type RW
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:8 RESERVED8 Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RO 0x00 0000
7 LOCK Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RW 0
6:3 RESERVED3 Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RO 0x0
2 RESERVED2 Software should not rely on the value of a reserved. Writing any other value than the reset value may result in undefined behavior. RW 1
1:0 CLK_DIV Internal. Only to be used through TI provided API. RW 0b00


Address Offset 0x0000 0040
Physical Address 0x4008 6240 Instance 0x4008 6240
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 0 and 1
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 1 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 1, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 1 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 1, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 0 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 0, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 0 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 0, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0044
Physical Address 0x4008 6244 Instance 0x4008 6244
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 2 and 3
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 3 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 3, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 3 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 3, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 2 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 2, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 2 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 2, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0048
Physical Address 0x4008 6248 Instance 0x4008 6248
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 4 and 5
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 5 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 5, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 5 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 5, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 4 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 4, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 4 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 4, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 004C
Physical Address 0x4008 624C Instance 0x4008 624C
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 6 and 7
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 7 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 7, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 7 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 7, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 6 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 6, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 6 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 6, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0050
Physical Address 0x4008 6250 Instance 0x4008 6250
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 8 and 9
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 9 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 9, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 9 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 9, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 8 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 8, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 8 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 8, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0054
Physical Address 0x4008 6254 Instance 0x4008 6254
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 10 and 11
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 11 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 11, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 11 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 11, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 10 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 10, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 10 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 10, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0058
Physical Address 0x4008 6258 Instance 0x4008 6258
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 12 and 13
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 13 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 13, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 13 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 13, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 12 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 12, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 12 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 12, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 005C
Physical Address 0x4008 625C Instance 0x4008 625C
Description Masked Access (4m/4d), Byte Offsets 14 and 15
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:28 M1H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 15 WO 0x0
27:24 D1H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 15, only bits selected by mask M1H will be affected by access WO 0x0
23:20 M1L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 15 WO 0x0
19:16 D1L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 15, only bits selected by mask M1L will be affected by access WO 0x0
15:12 M0H Mask for bits [7:4] in ADI register 14 WO 0x0
11:8 D0H Data for bits [7:4] in ADI register 14, only bits selected by mask M0H will be affected by access WO 0x0
7:4 M0L Mask for bits [3:0] in ADI register 14 WO 0x0
3:0 D0L Data for bits [3:0] in ADI register 14, only bits selected by mask M0L will be affected by access WO 0x0


Address Offset 0x0000 0060
Physical Address 0x4008 6260 Instance 0x4008 6260
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 0 and 1
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 1 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 1, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 0 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 0, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0064
Physical Address 0x4008 6264 Instance 0x4008 6264
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 2 and 3
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 3 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 3, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 2 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 2, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0068
Physical Address 0x4008 6268 Instance 0x4008 6268
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 4 and 5
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 5 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 5, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 4 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 4, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 006C
Physical Address 0x4008 626C Instance 0x4008 626C
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 6 and 7
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 7 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 7, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 6 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 6, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0070
Physical Address 0x4008 6270 Instance 0x4008 6270
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 8 and 9
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 9 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 9, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 8 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 8, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0074
Physical Address 0x4008 6274 Instance 0x4008 6274
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 10 and 11
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 11 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 11, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 10 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 10, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0078
Physical Address 0x4008 6278 Instance 0x4008 6278
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 12 and 13
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 13 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 13, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 12 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 12, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 007C
Physical Address 0x4008 627C Instance 0x4008 627C
Description Masked Access (8m/8d), Byte Offsets 14 and 15
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:24 M1 Mask for adi register 15 WO 0x00
23:16 D1 Data for ADI register 15, only bits selected by mask M1 will be affected by access WO 0x00
15:8 M0 Mask for adi register 14 WO 0x00
7:0 D0 Data for ADI register 14, only bits selected by mask M0 will be affected by access WO 0x00


Address Offset 0x0000 0080
Physical Address 0x4008 6280 Instance 0x4008 6280
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 0 and 1
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 0 and 1 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 0 and 1, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0084
Physical Address 0x4008 6284 Instance 0x4008 6284
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 2 and 3
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 2 and 3 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 2 and 3, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0088
Physical Address 0x4008 6288 Instance 0x4008 6288
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 4 and 5
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 4 and 5 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 4 and 5, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 008C
Physical Address 0x4008 628C Instance 0x4008 628C
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 6 and 7
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 6 and 7 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 6 and 7, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0090
Physical Address 0x4008 6290 Instance 0x4008 6290
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 8 and 9
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 8 and 9 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 8 and 9, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0094
Physical Address 0x4008 6294 Instance 0x4008 6294
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 10 and 11
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 10 and 11 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 10 and 11, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 0098
Physical Address 0x4008 6298 Instance 0x4008 6298
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 12 and 13
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 12 and 13 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 12 and 13, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000


Address Offset 0x0000 009C
Physical Address 0x4008 629C Instance 0x4008 629C
Description Masked Access (16m/16d), Byte Offsets 14 and 15
Type WO
Bits Field Name Description Type Reset
31:16 M Mask for ADI register 14 and 15 WO 0x0000
15:0 D Data for ADI register at offsets 14 and 15, only bits selected by mask M will be affected by access WO 0x0000