Packet Sniffer

Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer

Install the Required Software

Required Hardware

One of the following boards should be used:

Hardware Setup

  • Connect the CC2531EMK/CC2650LP/CC2652LP to the computer with Ubiqua installed.
  • If necessary, program your relevant sniffer hardware.
    • For CC2531EMK, use the hex image sniffer_fw_cc2531.hex at C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments \SmartRF Tools\Packet Sniffer\bin\general\firmware and Flash Programmer.
    • To use the CC2531EMK, the Cebal driver must be installed. If you have installed Flash Programmer, the Cebal driver should already be installed. However, if the driver is not installed, Ubiqua provides the necessary files for installing the Cebal driver. The installation files are found under C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubilogix\Drivers\TI\, with cebal2.* files for 32-bit Windows and cebal2_x64.* files for 64-bit Windows. Depending on which Windows version you are using, refer to a corresponding guide for how to install Windows drivers.
    • For CC2650/CC2652/CC1352LP, use sniffer_fw.hex at C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2\sniffer_fw\bin\{your_device} and UniFlash.

Running the Packet Sniffer

  1. Connect your sniffing hardware to your PC.

  2. Start Ubiqua.

  3. Select Menu → Device → Add Device, and the Add Device window will appear.

    ubiqua add device

    Figure 122. ubiqua add device

  4. In the Available Devices column click the Local Devices expander, and select your hardware, either the CC2531EMK or the Application COM Port of the CC2650/CC2652/CC1352 LaunchPad.

  5. For the CC2531EMK, follow the prompts to add the device. For the CC2650/CC2652/CC1352LP, refer to the settings below:

    ubiqua select device

    Figure 123. Ubiqua select device

  6. Right click on your device in the Device Manager window, and select the Protocol Stack option.

  7. Click on the Zigbee checkbox.

    ubiqua select Zigbee protocol option

    Figure 124. Ubiqua select Zigbee protocol option

  8. Choose the Channel

    • In Z-Stack, the channel is set by DEFAULT_CHANLIST in ti_zstack_config.h. For details, see Configuring Channel.

    From Ubiqua, select Menu → Device Channel, and choose the matching channel:

    ubiqua select channel

    Figure 125. Ubiqua channel selection

  9. Enter the Default TC Link Key

    • In order to decrypt Zigbee traffic, you will need to enter the default Trust Center Link Key into the Ubiqua keychain.

    From Ubiqua, select Tools → Options → Security → Add → Application or Trust Center Link Key

    Enter the following key:


    ubiqua tc link key entry
  10. Start Capture

    From Ubiqua, Select Menu → Device → Start Device

    ubiqua start

    Figure 126. Starting capture

  11. If required, Select: Menu → View → Traffic View (or other selections) to view activity.


Install the Required Software

Required Hardware

One of the following boards should be used:

Hardware Setup

  • Connect the CC2650/CC2652/CC1352LP to the computer with Ubiqua installed and determine the correct COM Port for your LaunchPad. It will be the “XDS110 Class Application/User UART” port for your device, you can determine this in Windows by going to Device Manager > Ports
  • If necessary, program your relevant sniffer hardware.
    • For CC2650/CC2652/CC1352LP, use sniffer_fw.hex at C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments \SmartRF Tools\SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2\sniffer_fw\bin\{your_device} and UniFlash.

Running the Packet Sniffer

  1. Connect your sniffing hardware to your PC.

  2. Start SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 Sniffer Agent and select Device Configuration

    sniffer agent config
  3. Select your IEEE channel to sniff

    sniffer agent channel config
  4. If your Sniffer Agent looks like this, you are ready to set up Wireshark:

    sniffer agent waiting for connection
  5. Add the TI 15.4 Wireshark Dissector to Wireshark (assuming x64 installation)

    Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\ SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2\wireshark\plugins\2.4.x\ and copy ti802154ge-x64-2x.dll and tirpi-x64-2x.dll to C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\2.4.3\

  6. Open Wireshark go to Edit > Preferences > Protocols > Zigbee add the Zigbee TC Link Key


    wireshark tc link key
  7. Close Wireshark and create a new Desktop shortcut for Wireshark and add the following to the path: -i\\.\pipe\tiwspc_data -k

    This will set up the Pipe that sends data from Sniffer Agent into Wireshark

    wireshark shortcut config
  8. Open Wireshark with the new shortcut and you will see Wireshark sniffing Zigbee data.