TI Z-Stack 3.4.0 Release Notes

Table of Contents


Z-Stack 3.x is a component of the SimpleLink™ CC13x2 / CC26x2 Software Development Kit. This component enables development of Zigbee® 3.0 specification based products. Z-Stack is TI’s complete solution for developing certified Zigbee 3.0 solution on CC13x2 and CC26x2 platforms. Z-Stack contained in this release is based on Zigbee 3.0 specification with the added benefit of running on top of TI-RTOS.

Key features of Z-Stack 3.4.0 :

Additional information about TI’s Zigbee solution can be found at www.ti.com/zigbee

Z-Stack Documentation

The SimpleLink CC13x2 and CC26x2 Software Development Kit(SDK) allows easier product development by combining TI-RTOS and the Zigbee protocol stack in one unified SDK. All Z-Stack sample applications are based off the TI-RTOS Kernel. Key documents needed for Zigbee application development include:

Installation and Usage

What’s New

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-452 End Device poll rate management module
ZIGBEE-133 Add Secure BIM/Secure Boot support for Zigbee OTA Client Projects
ZIGBEE-63 Change event_loop functions to use uint32_t event bitmask

Fixed Issues

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-454 Warning device warning timeout expiration does not update warning LED state
ZIGBEE-428 Device locks up if BTN-2 is held too long during start-up
ZIGBEE-407 Touchlink ZR Initiator ZED Target: No Device Information Response sent from ZR
ZIGBEE-406 Touchlink ZED Initiator ZR Target: Rejoin Poll Rate used for ZED polling
ZIGBEE-405 Touchlink ZR Initiator ZR Target: Identify Query Response never sent
ZIGBEE-403 Unreferenced initiatorReJoinNwk function for ZED Touchlink Initiator
ZIGBEE-402 Green Power Proxy not tunneling GPDFs under certain conditions
ZIGBEE-401 ZNP (syscfg) configures ZNP ZEDs as non-sleepy by default
ZIGBEE-384 Issue with reporting multiple attributes at once with BDB Reporting
ZIGBEE-352 Thermostat LED behavior does not match README
ZIGBEE-349 Default temp value of gpd_temperaturesensor should match zc/zr/zed_temperaturesensor
ZIGBEE-348 OTA client unable to return to factory new image on external flash
ZIGBEE-324 doorlock/doorlockcontroller PIN is not reset when device is factory new reset
ZIGBEE-318 IEEE address is restored from NV even if device was factory reset
ZIGBEE-317 UTIL_GET_NV_INFO does not display PAN ID from NV correctly
ZIGBEE-310 Sample application Serial UI and HW Buttons should share BDB commissioning modes mask
ZIGBEE-244 Commissioning GPD causes NV failure for GPS when ZCL_GROUPS is enabled
ZIGBEE-242 Allow NV_RESTORE to be disabled OOB in gpd_sw (required for batteryless mode)
ZIGBEE-195 Broadcast MAC Data Req on CH 11 after failure to associate
ZIGBEE-155 ZED may attempt polling more than MAX_POLL_FAILURE_RETRIES under certain conditions

Known Issues

ID Summary
ZIGBEE-453 Green Power Device: ApiMac_mcpsDataReq_t txOptions.usePowerAndChannel setting is ineffective

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

The Z-Stack 3.4.0 only supports Revision E SimpleLink CC13x2 and CC26x2 devices. No support for previous silicon revisions or LaunchPad™ development kits using earlier silicon revisions. If you’re unsure of the revision number of your device, please see the Package Symbolization and Revision Identification section of the Errata Note.

Operating System Support


The Z-Stack sample applications were built & tested with the Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and listed in the top-level SDK release notes.

Note: Earlier IDE/toolchain versions are not supported and compatibility with newer versions of supported IDEs is not assured.

Device Support

Development Board Support


The Z-Stack sample applications were built & tested with versions of the following Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and tool chains listed in the top-level SDK release notes:

This release is for evaluation and development purposes only. End products being developed with this protocol stack version will require a future update prior to obtaining Zigbee and/or regulatory certification.


This product follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where:

Technical Support and Product Updates