rfPacketErrorRate Example

Packet Error Rate Example Application

The Packet Error Rate (PER) example showcases different RF transfer modes of the CC13xx and CC2640R2. It combines tasks, events and several peripherals to a platform- independent application and runs on all CC13xx and CC2640R2 launchpads as well as the CC1310EM/SmartRF06.

Test cases are provided for the following RF modes:

Note that

Peripherals Exercised

This example uses the following CC13xx peripherals:

Peripheral Identifier CC13xxEM/SmartRF06 CC13xx Launchpad CC1310-CC1390 Launchpad
Select button Board_PIN_BUTTON0 UP BTN-1 BTN-1
Navigate button Board_PIN_BUTTON1 DOWN BTN-2 BTN-2
Display LCD Dogm1286 Display Booster Pack Display Booster Pack
CC1190 Control Board_HGM DIO28
signals Board_LNA_EN DIO29
Board_PA_EN DIO30

Resources & Jumper Settings

If you’re using an IDE (such as CCS or IAR), please refer to Board.html in your project directory for resources used and board-specific jumper settings. Otherwise, you can find Board.html in the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/source/ti/boards/<BOARD>.

Board Specific Settings

  1. On the CC1352P1 the high PA is enabled (high output power) for all Sub-1 GHz modes by default. The user must set USE_SUB1_HIGH_PA_SETTING to 0 in smartrf_settings.h and smartrf_settings_predefined.h, and rebuild the example, to disable the high PA and use the default PA
  2. On the CC1352P-2 the high PA is enabled for all BLE modes by default. The user must set USE_BLE_HIGH_PA_SETTING to 0 in smartrf_settings_ble.h, and rebuild the example, to disable the high PA and use the default PA
  3. On the CC1352P-4 the default PA is used for all Sub-1 GHz physical modes by default. The user must set USE_SUB1_HIGH_PA_SETTING to 1 in the smartrf_settings.h and smartrf_settings_predefined.h, and rebuild the example, to enable the high PA (high output power) CAUTION
    • This will change the center frequency for 2-GFSK to 490 MHz
    • The center frequency for SimpleLink long range (SLR) stays at 433.92 MHz, but the high output power violates the maximum power output requirement for this band
  4. The CC2640R2 is setup to run all proprietary physical modes at a center frequency of 2440 MHz, at a data rate of either 250 Kbps or 100 Kbps

Example Usage

This example requires two boards, each running the PER Test application. However, the packet format is identical to the default one in SmartRF Studio, so that any compatible hardware can be used as well.

  1. Connect a display to the board or alternatively, use the UART and hook it to a VT100-compatible terminal emulator at 115200 Baud. Use PuTTY or TeraTerm on Microsoft Windows. On Linux, use the terminal emulator that is shipped with your distribution. After a splash screen, you will see the main menu (the range extender option (CC1190) is only shown for CC1310 LAUNCHLX):

    Main Menu
    >Test: Rx
     Mode: 2-GFSK
     Freq: 868.0
     Pkts: 10
     Interval: --
     Length: --
     CC1190: Disable
  2. Navigate through the rows with BTN-2/DOWN, modify a value or start the selected test with BTN-1/UP. Note that it is the user’s responsibility to enable CC1190 from the menu when running CC1310-CC1190 LAUNCHXL.

  3. Use a second board with the PER test application as test companion for transmissions. Once started, the current progress is shown with these menus (TX mode on the left side, RX on the right):

    Sending...      |  Receiving...
    2-GFSK  868.0   |  HS Mode 868.0
                    |  Pkts ok   : 39
    Pkts sent: 47   |  RSSI [dBm]: -74
    Pwr[dBm] : 10   |  PER  [%]  : 17.01
    DR[bps]  : 50000|  TP[bps]: 20867
    Interval : 60 ms|
                    |  Push a button
                    |  to abort.

The receiver prints the amount of successfully received packets (Pkts ok), the Signal strength of the current packet (RSSI), the observed packet error rate (PER) in percent, and the observed throughput in bits per second. Please note that the PER is n/a when sending more packets than configured in the receiver.

  1. You can always abort a running test case by pushing any button and go back to the main menu.

Application Design Details

The PER test application contains of one main task and an event handler to synchronize the task with buttons. After setting up all resources, the menu task is started and runs in an endless loop. It shows the menu and invokes test cases in either rx.c or tx.c.


Version 1.1

Version 1.0

Version 2.0

Version 2.1

Version 2.2

Version 2.3

Version 2.4

Version 2.40.01