rfEasyLinkTx Example

Example Summary

Example includes the EasyLink API and uses it to configure the RF driver to transmit packets. This project should be run in conjunction with the rfEasyLinkRx project.

For more information on the EasyLink API and usage refer to https://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/SimpleLink-EasyLink

Peripherals Exercised

Resources & Jumper Settings

If you’re using an IDE (such as CCS or IAR), please refer to Board.html in your project directory for resources used and board-specific jumper settings. Otherwise, you can find Board.html in the directory <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/source/ti/boards/<BOARD>.

Board Specific Settings

  1. The EasyLink examples use the custom physical mode by default, which sets the center frequency to:
    • 433.92 MHz for the CC1350-LAUNCHXL-433
    • 433.92 MHz for the CC1352P-4-LAUNCHXL
    • 2440 MHz on the CC2640R2-LAUNXHL
    • 868.0 MHz for other launchpads In order to change frequency, modify the smartrf_settings.c file. This can be done using the code export feature in Smart RF Studio, or directly in the file
  2. On the CC1352P1 the high PA is enabled (high output power) for all Sub-1 GHz modes by default. The user must set USE_SUB1_HIGH_PA_SETTING to 0 in smartrf_settings.h and smartrf_settings_predefined.h, and rebuild the example, to disable the high PA and use the default PA
  3. On the CC1352P-2 the high PA operation for Sub-1 GHz modes is not supported
  4. On the CC1352P-4 the default PA is used for all Sub-1 GHz physical modes by default. The user must set USE_SUB1_HIGH_PA_SETTING to 1 in the smartrf_settings.h and smartrf_settings_predefined.h, and rebuild the example, to enable the high PA (high output power) CAUTION
    • This will change the center frequency for 2-GFSK to 490 MHz
    • The center frequency for SimpleLink long range (SLR) stays at 433.92 MHz, but the high output power violates the maximum power output requirement for this band
  5. The CC2640R2 is setup to run all proprietary physical modes at a center frequency of 2440 MHz, at a data rate of 250 Kbps

Example Usage

Run the example. Board_PIN_LED1 will toggle every 100 ms indicating a packet has been transmitted. This will happen 10 times. The 11th transmission will then be aborted, toggling Board_PIN_LED2. This cycle will continue.

Before running this application you should first start the rfEasyLinkRx on a second board to see that the transmitted packets are received.

On the CC1352P-4, if the High PA is enabled, i.e. high output power, the user may choose to set the output power, using the EasyLink_setRfPower(), to 20 dBm instead of the default 12 dBm.

Application Design Details

This example shows how to use the EasyLink API to access the RF driver, set the frequency and transmit packets. The RFEASYLINKTX_ASYNC define is used to select between the Blocking or Async TX API.

The rfEasyLinkTx example will transmit a packet every 10 ms for 10 packets, if RFEASYLINKTX_ASYNC is defined (as it is by default) then the 11th TX will be scheduled, but will be aborted. This is to show an example of aborting a TX. LED2 will toggle when a TX abort happens. Board_PIN_LED1 and Board_PIN_LED2 indicates an error (not expected to happen). The TX/abort cycle will repeat indefinitely.

A single task, “rfEasyLinkTxFnx”, configures the RF driver through the EasyLink API and transmits messages.


The EasyLink API should be used in application code. The EasyLink API is intended to abstract the RF Driver in order to give a simple API for customers to use as is or extend to suit their application[Use Cases] (@ref USE_CASES).

General Behavior

Before using the EasyLink API:

The following is true for receive operation:

The following apply for transmit operation:

Error Handling

The EasyLink API will return EasyLink_Status containing success or error code. The EasyLink_Status codes are:

Power Management

The power management framework will try to put the device into the most power efficient mode whenever possible. Please see the technical reference manual for further details on each power mode.

The EasyLink Layer uses the power management offered by the RF driver Refer to the RF Driver documentation for more details.

No-RTOS Implementation

The No-RTOS implementation uses usleep() to implement the timeout feature for the asynchronous case.

Supported Functions

| Generic API function          | Description                                        |
| EasyLink_init()               | Init's and opens the RF driver and configures the  |
|                               | specified settings based on EasyLink_Params struct |
| EasyLink_transmit()           | Blocking Transmit                                  |
| EasyLink_transmitAsync()      | Non-blocking Transmit                              |
| EasyLink_transmitCcaAsync()   | Non-blocking Transmit with Clear Channel Assessment|
| EasyLink_receive()            | Blocking Receive                                   |
| EasyLink_receiveAsync()       | Nonblocking Receive                                |
| EasyLink_abort()              | Aborts a non blocking call                         |
| EasyLink_enableRxAddrFilter() | Enables/Disables RX filtering on the Addr          |
| EasyLink_getIeeeAddr()        | Gets the IEEE Address                              |
| EasyLink_setFrequency()       | Sets the frequency                                 |
| EasyLink_getFrequency()       | Gets the frequency                                 |
| EasyLink_setRfPower()         | Sets the Tx Power                                  |
| EasyLink_getRfPower()         | Gets the Tx Power                                  |
| EasyLink_getRssi()            | Gets the RSSI                                      |
| EasyLink_getAbsTime()         | Gets the absolute time in RAT ticks                |
| EasyLink_setCtrl()            | Set RF parameters, test modes or EasyLink options  |
| EasyLink_getCtrl()            | Get RF parameters or EasyLink options              |
| EasyLink_getIeeeAddr()        | Gets the IEEE address                              |

Frame Structure

The EasyLink implements a basic header for transmitting and receiving data. This header supports addressing for a star or point-to-point network with acknowledgments.

Packet structure:

|           |                   |                         |
| 1B Length | 1-64b Dst Address |         Payload         |

Note for IAR users: When using the CC1310DK, the TI XDS110v3 USB Emulator must be selected. For the CC1310_LAUNCHXL, select TI XDS110 Emulator. In both cases, select the cJTAG interface.