SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plugin Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents


This guide is intended to assist users in the initial setup and demonstration of running their first sample application. The guide explains how to get started with the SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plugin.


The user is expected to have the following:



Check the release notes for supported versions of all software.

Out of Box Experience

To get started with the CC31xx and learn more about your device, check out the CC3120 Out of Box Experience or the CC3135 Out of Box Experience on the SimpleLink Academy training platform!

Updating Servicepack / System files on the CC31xx

It is recommended to update the servicepack to the latest available. The servicepack can be found in the SDK at the following path - <SDK_INSTALL_DIR>/tools/cc31xx_tools/servicepack-<device>

Uniflash ImageCreator and Programming Tool

Download and install Uniflash

Uniflash ImageCreator User Guide: SWRU469

QuickStart for CCS IDE ( CCS or GCC Projects )

Download and Installation

Download Code Composer Studio

During the installation, select following options:

Add CCS Support for FreeRTOS

Products Settings Verification

Execute your First Application

This section will show how to import/build/load an example

TI Resource Explorer

A quick and easy way to start working with the SDK is to use the TI Resource Explorer on

Import via CCS IDE

Application Example Guide

QuickStart for IAR IDE

Download and Installation

Configuring the environmental variables

Before starting to work with any of the projects in the SDK, you need to load a set of environment variables that will be set to your current workspace (Custom argvars)

Download and install XDS Emulation Software Package

Download the latest XDS software Emulation package from here: Make sure IAR\CCS are closed during installation process.

Execute your First Application

This section will show how to import/build/load an example.

Build your Kernel

For this release of the SDK, the RTOS (FreeRTOS/TIRTOS) configurations may not be pre-built. You will need to build the desired configurations.

Update your installation Paths

Build your Kernel Configuration

Build your Core Libraries

Importing your first project

This section will show how to import, build and load an example

Directly accessing workspace from example folder

All Code Examples that are shipped with the SDK come with an IAR workspace. Double-Clicking the specific workspace allows you to open the project on disk and build it.

Browse the example list

Make/Build the Example Project Make [(Project->Make) Shortcut F7]. For RTOS based Projects - Note that the RTOS(kernel) build is a dependent project which is automatically pre-built before the example project builds.
For noRTOS Projects - There is not RTOS(kernel) build dependent project imported into the workspace

Run a debug session

Quick Start for Makefile Users

The kernel projects, core libs and SDK examples ship makefiles in addition to IDE specific projects.

Update your installation paths

Build Kernel configuration

Build Core Libraries

Build the project

Quick Start for Linux Users

When using Linux machine the installation steps for the SDK and IDE’s are the same as in windows.

Updating Installation Paths

The imports.mak file is provided in the top-level directory of the SDK installation.

This file specifies where XDCTools, FreeRTOS, host MCU SDKs, and all compiler tools are installed. The user can update the search paths defined in this file to point to the correct installation directories on the user’s machine.

Building Kernel Configuration

Building the Kernel can be done in different options according to the requirements.
The User’s Guide provides details about the various RTOS configuration options. Here is a quick summary in this section

Building Core Libraries

The SDK includes Host Driver, OTA, and Nework Services libraries that can be compiled after source changes.