This is a patch release of the Image and Video Processing Library
(IMGLIB) for C64x+/C66x processors.
IMGLIB contains optimized general-purpose image/video processing routines that
are used in computationally-intensive real-time applications. These C-callable
routines operate considerably faster than equivalent code written in ANSI C language.
The deliverables in this release include a Windows or Linux installation
executable for either the C64x+ or C66x processors. Each executable installs a
component package repository, a documentation directory, an Eclipse plugin
directory and an expanded component directory structure with component libraries,
header files and test examples.
NOTE: This release of IMGLIB provides a subset of the kernels in the
IMGLIB 2.x baseline
and consists of the following categories:
Boundary and Perimeter
Dilation and Erosion
Edge Detection
Image Thresholding
Median Filtering
Categories missing from the release 2.x baseline will be considered for inclusion
in upcoming releases of the 3.x baseline.
Software Defects
A list of tracked software defects can be found here.
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IMGLIB Product Downloads
C64x+ and C66x Image/Video Processing Library (IMGLIB) Downloads