Release Notes

Also refer to individual module pages for more details on each feature, unsupported features, important usage guidelines.
The examples will show usage of SW modules and APIs on a specific CPU instance and OS combination.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work in both FreeRTOS and NORTOS environment.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work on any of the CPU present on the SOC.
Unless noted otherwise, the SW modules would work on all supported EVMs

New in this Release

Feature Module
UART, EDMA, HWA, Drivers
QSPI, SFlash, MCAN, LIN, MCSPI, I2C, ESM, Watchdog Drivers
Radar Power Management Framework (Power) Drivers
Motion and Presence detection (Power Management framework integrated) Examples
Motion and Presence detection (CLI command for boot calibration) Examples
Motion and Presence detection (SensorStop) Examples
Motion and Presence detection (CLI command for BoundaryBox Config) Examples
Python based visualizer (Motion Detection binary logic) Tools

Device and Validation Information

SOC Supported CPUs EVM Host PC
xWRL6432 M4F xWRL6432 EVM (referred to as xwrL64xx-evm in code) Windows 10 64b or Ubuntu 18.04 64b

Tools, Compiler and Other Open Source SW Module Information

Tools / SW module Supported CPUs Version
Code Composer Studio M4F 12.4.0 or Later
SysConfig M4F 1.17.0 or Later
FreeRTOS Kernel M4F 10.4.3
mmwave DFP M4F 3_0_8_6

Key Features

OS Kernel

OS Supported CPUs SysConfig Support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
FreeRTOS Kernel M4F NA Task, Task notification, interrupts, semaphores, mutexs, timers, event groups. ROV views in CCS IDE, Task load measurement using FreeRTOS run time statistics APIs. -
FreeRTOS POSIX M4F NA pthread, mqueue, semaphore, clock -
NO RTOS M4F NA See Driver Porting Layer (DPL) below -

Driver Porting Layer (DPL)

Module Supported CPUs SysConfig Support OS support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
Clock M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Tick timer at user specified resolution, timeouts and delays -
CycleCounter M4F NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Measure CPU cycles using CPU specific internal counters -
Debug M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Logging and assert to any combo of: UART, CCS, shared memory -
Heap M4F NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Create arbitrary heaps in user defined memory segments -
Hwi M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Interrupt register, enable/disable/restore -
MPU M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Setup MPU and control access to address space -
Semaphore M4F NA FreeRTOS, NORTOS Binary, Counting Semaphore, recursive mutexs with timeout -
Task M4F NA FreeRTOS Create, delete tasks -
Timer M4F YES FreeRTOS, NORTOS Configure arbitrary timers -
Event M4F YES FreeRTOS Setting, getting, clearing, and waiting of Event bits -

SOC Device Drivers

Peripheral Supported CPUs SysConfig Support Key features tested Key features not tested / NOT supported
EDMA M4F YES Basic memory copy, DMA/QDMA channels, Interrupt/Polled, Manual/Event trigger, Chaining -
ESM M4F YES Group and Error number selection, Tested ESM notifier with watchdog module -
GPIO M4F YES Basic input/output, GPIO as interrupt -
HWA M4F YES FFT, CFAR and compression/decompression, Interrupt/Polled, Manual/DMA trigger -
I2C M4F YES Controller mode, basic read/write, polling and interrupt mode Target mode not supported.
MCAN M4F YES RX, TX, interrupt and polling mode -
MCSPI M4F YES Controller/Target mode, basic read/write, polling, interrupt and DMA mode -
Pinmux M4F YES Tested with multiple peripheral pinmuxes -
QSPI M4F YES Read direct, Write indirect, Read/Write commands -
SOC M4F YES Lock/unlock MMRs, get CPU clock, CPU name, clock enable, set frequency -
UART M4F YES Basic read/write, polling, interrupt mode, CPU/DMA mode -
WATCHDOG M4F YES Window size and Expiry time selections, Reset mode, Digital windowed -
POWER M4F YES Device LPDS Entry and Exit using sleep counter/SYNCIN IO. Device Idle3 entry and exist using frame timer -
LIN M4F YES LIN Internal loopback, LIN external DIG/ANA loopback LIN PHY Verification, Only Polling mode supported

Board Device Drivers

Peripheral Supported CPUs SysConfig Support Key features tested Key features not tested
Flash M4F YES QSPI based flash (Macronix part MX25V1635F) All vendor flash types not tested
LED M4F YES GPIO based LED control -

Known Issues

ID Head Line Module Applicable Releases Applicable Devices Workaround
MMWLPSDK-244 HWA decompression output minor deviations HWA driver xWRL6432 None
MMWLPSDK-243 Limited configuration support. Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 None
MMWLPSDK-229 In low Power mode when the configuration is such that there is no enough time to entry-exit deep sleep, demo is halted. Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 Change the configuration providing sufficient time for deep sleep entry-exist (i.e. increase frame periodicity)
MMWLPSDK-238 Debug multicore (APPIMAGE) demo application image doesn't boot. Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 Load empty APPIMAGE and boot in functional mode and then load debug demo application.
MMWLPSDK-173 Memory Usage fault due to unaligned memory access with Demo and RPMF examples. Motion and Presence detection OOB demo and Power Example xWRL6432 Disable trapping unaligned accesses by writing zero to "UNALIGN_TRP" field of Configuration and Control Register (CCR).
MMWLPSDK-164 Garbage to UART on Demo application startup with TeraTerm. Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 Reconnect TeraTerm after loading Demo application.
MMWLPSDK-174 Timer configuration (APSS_RTI) does not enable source clock. RTI Driver xWRL6432 Enable RTI clock field in "APP_RCM:IPCFGCLKGATE0" register and configure clocksource in "APP_RCM:APP_RTI_CLKCTL" register.


Head Line Module Reported in Release Applicable Devices Workaround
All the TLV's cannot be enabled at same time due to limitation of UART baudrate Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 Enable only required TLV's
On-board INA sensor's cannot be used for power measurement Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 None
SensorStop not supported in low Power configuration. Motion and Presence detection OOB demo xWRL6432 None.

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

When migrating from Processor/Older SDK RTOS, see Migration Guides for more details

This section lists changes which could affect user applications developed using older SDK versions. Read this carefully to see if you need to do any changes in your existing application when migrating to this SDK version relative to previous SDK version. Also refer to older SDK version release notes to see changes in earlier SDKs.

Compiler Options

Module Affected API Change Additional Remarks
Release Build - The release build with ti-arm-clang compiler has been done with Os optimization level. It is recommended that user rebuilds the existing libraries and applications with 'Os' option. This can be done by updating CFLAGS_release in library/example makefiles.