
mmWaveLink Monitor Module is responsible for providing APIs for FECSS analog monitor.The Monitor Module mainly supports below SET/GET APIs to FECSS, these monitors can aid in functional safety qualification.

  • APLL & SYNTH Monitors
  • RX and TX loopback Monitors
  • TX Power Monitor
  • TX Ballbreak Monitor
  • RX Saturation Live monitor
  • Synth Frequency Live Monitor
  • Internal Signal DCBIST Monitors
  • Rx Saturation Live Monitors and Synth Frequency Monitors

Steps to run Monitors

  • Add below commands to cfg where we need monitors. Eg.
    enableRFmons 0x0000000606060607
    monPllCtrlVolt 0x03 0.2 1 0.1 1.45
    monTxRxLbCfg 3 58.0 2.2 -26 -26 -3 3 -20 20 -3 3 -30 30 -3 3 -30 30
    monTxnPowCfg 0 60.0 2.2
    monTxnPowCfg 1 60.0 2.2
    monTxnBBPowCfg 0 60.0 2.2 -6 3
    monTxnBBPowCfg 1 60.0 2.2 -6 3
    monTxnDcSigCfg 0 60.0 2.2 0x3
    monTxnDcSigCfg 1 60.0 2.2 0x3
    monRxHpfDcSigCfg 60.0 0 1.5 4.5
    monPmClkDcCfg 60.0 0xfffff

  • To enable monitors in MMWAVE Demo and Motion & Presence Detection Demo enable the ENABLE_MONITORS Macro.
  • gMmwMssMCB.rfMonRes has status of various monitors where 1 indicates PASS and 0 indicates FAIL.

Steps to run Live Monitors

  • Live Monitors can be enabled through the sensorStart command.
    • sensorStart 0 0 < live monitors to be enabled > 0
  • Live monitors to be enabled:
    • Bit[0] - Synth Frequency Monitor
    • Bit[1] - Rx Saturation Live Monitor Eg.
      To enable both Synth Frequency Monitor and Rx Saturation Live Monitor the following command can be used:
      sensorStart 0 0 3 0

  • gMmwMssMCB.rfMonRes has status of various live monitors where 1 indicates PASS and 0 indicates FAIL.

Configuration (.cfg) File Format (CLI INTERFACE)

Each line in the .cfg file describes a command with parameters. The various commands and their arguments are described in the table below (arguments are in sequence)

Monitor parameters

Commands Parameters Notes
enableRFmons rfMonEnbl List of RF monitors to be enabled
Bit[0] PLL_CTRL_VOLT monitor On/Off control
Bit[1] TX0_RX_LB monitor On/Off control
Bit[2] TX1_RX_LB monitor On/Off control
Bit[9] TX0_POWER monitor On/Off control
Bit[10] TX1_POWER monitor On/Off control
Bit[17] TX0_BB monitor On/Off control
Bit[18] TX1_BB monitor On/Off control
Bit[25] TX0_INTRNAL_DC_SIG monitor On/Off control
Bit[26] TX1_INTRNAL_DC_SIG monitor On/Off control
Bit[33] RX_HPF_INTRNAL_DC_SIG monitor On/Off control
Bit[34] PM_CLK_INTRNAL_DC_SIG monitor On/Off control
Bit[33] RX_HPF_INTRNAL_DC_SIG monitor On/Off control
Bit[34] PM_CLK_INTRNAL_DC_SIG monitor On/Off control
Bit[35] DFE_BIST_FFT_CHECK monitor On/Off control
Bit[36] STATIC_REG_READBACK monitor On/Off control
monPllCtrlVolt monPllVolEnaMask Bit[0] APLL_CTRL_VOLT_MON_EN
APLLVSpecMin Spec Values for APLL CTRL Voltage
SynthMinVSpecMin Spec Values for SYNTH MIN CTRL Voltage
SynthMaxVSpecMax Spec Values for SYNTH MAX CTRL Voltage
monTxRxLbCfg lbmonenbl Storing which all Tx Instances to be enabled
Bit[0] Tx0
Bit[1] Tx1
rfFreqGhz Monitor RF start Frequency
rffreqSlopeMhz Monitor RF Frequency Slope
RxGainSpecMin Spec Values for Rx gain. Spec Rx gain = Prog Rx gain - 12
lbNoiseSpecMax Spec Values for Loopback Noise
lbBPMNoiseSpecMax Spec Values for Loopback BPM Noise
lbBPMGainErrSpecMin Spec Values for BPM Gain error
lbBPMPhaseErrSpecMin Spec Values for BPM phase error
RxlbGainMisVarSpecMin Spec Values for RX LoopBack Gain Mismatch Variation
RxlbPhaseMisVarSpecMin Spec Values for RX LoopBack Phase Mismatch Variation
TxlbGainMisVarSpecMin Spec Values for TX LoopBack Gain Mismatch Variation
TxlbPhaseMisVarSpecMin Spec Values for TX LoopBack Phase Mismatch Variation
monTxnPowCfg txinst Tx Instances to be enabled
rfFreqGhz Monitor RF start Frequency
rffreqSlopeMhz Monitor RF Frequency Slope
TxPowSpecMin 5 - Tx Backoff
monTxnBBPowCfg txinst Tx Instances to be enabled
rfFreqGhz Monitor RF start Frequency
rffreqSlopeMhz Monitor RF Frequency Slope
TxBBRetLossSpec Spec Values for absolute Return Loss
TxBBRetLossVarSpec Spec Values for change in return loss from factory
monTxnDcSigCfg txinst Tx Instances to be enabled
rfFreqGhz Monitor RF start Frequency
rffreqSlopeMhz Monitor RF Frequency Slope
TxDCSigResSpec Spec Values for status of DC Signal Monitor
0x3 - All Pass
monRxHpfDcSigCfg rfFreqGhz Monitor RF start Frequency
rxHpfSel Chirp HPF corner frequency
RxHPFAttnSpecMin Spec Values for Attenuation
monPmClkDcCfg monPmClkDcStFreqGhz Monitor RF start Frequency
PMClkDCSigStatSpec Spec Values for status of PM CLK DC Monitor
0xFFFFF - All Pass