Gesture Recognition Demo

The gesture recognition demo shows some of the capabilities of the xWRLx432 SOC using the drivers in the MMWAVE-L-SDK (Software Development Kit). It allows user to specify the chirping profile, displays the presence detected/gesture detected and other information (like extracted features, processing time etc) in real-time. The demo comes with one default configuration (gesture_recognition.cfg which includes some tunable parameters for presence also). The configuration in gesture_recognition.cfg leverages gesture signal processing chain to demonstrate the sensors ability to detect presence followed by gesture based on mode switch. The gesture demo supports the presence + gesture mode of operation. It initially starts functioning in presence mode (with low power) and switches to gesture mode when a person approaches the radar and vice-versa if the gesture is not performed for sometime (user programmable).

The following documents provide more information on the gesture demo.
[1] describes system execution flow, memory usage, task organization, memory and benchmark results of gesture recognition demo.
[2] contains a high level description of the Signal Processing chain and has useful information on tuning the demo performance for different usecases.

Refer GestureRecognitionDemo_documentation.pdf document for implementation and tuning guide details of Demo application.

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS m4fss0-0 freertos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board xWRL6432-evm
Example folder examples/mmw_demo/gesture_recognition

Using SDK with SysConfig

A GUI tool SysConfig is used to configure different modules and peripherals of the example. Using this tool, users can select and customize different modules and peripherals. The SysConfig tool will generate the code for initializing and configuring these modules. This configuration is saved to a file called example.syscfg for every example. To know more about how to use SDK with SysConfig, Visit this page

Using SDK with SysConfig

Steps to Run the Example

Configuration (.cfg) File Format (CLI INTERFACE)

Converting configuration from older SDK release to current SDK release:
As new versions of SDK releases are available, there are usually changes to the configuration commands that are supported in the new release. Now, users may have some hand crafted config file which worked perfectly well on older SDK release version but will not work as is with the new SDK release. Check users guide for details.
Example configuration files are available at '${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/mmw_demo/gesture_recognition/profiles/{board}' and '${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/examples/mmw_demo/gesture_recognition/profiles/xwrL14xx-evm'. All the CLI commands should be between 'sensorStop' and 'sensorStart'

Each line in the .cfg file describes a command with parameters. The various commands and their arguments are described in the table below (arguments are in sequence)

Sensor front-end parameters

Commands Parameters Notes
sensorStop FrameStopMode Indicates the frame stop mode. This command stops the sensor from transmitting further frames.
Important Note: This command is not supported when lowPowerCfg is 1
channelCfg RxChCtrlBitMask RX antennas 1 and 2, mask = 0x011b = 3
RX antennas 1 and 3, mask = 0x101b = 5
RX antennas 2 and 3, mask = 0x110b = 6
RX antennas 1, 2 & 3, mask = 0x111b = 7
TxChCtrlBitMask TX antennas 1 and 2, mask = 0x011b = 3
TX antenna 1, mask = 0x001b = 1
TX antenna 2, mask = 0x010b = 2
MiscCtrl Not supported on the current version of the SDK.
chirpComnCfg DigOutputSampRate Digital output Sampling rate for chirp ADC samples. Digital sampling rate is given by 100MHz/ DigOutputSampRate. The valid sampling rate can be configured as per below.
8 - 12.5 MHz
9 - 11.11 MHz
10 - 10 MHz
12 - 8.333 MHz
16 - 6.25 MHz
20 - 5 MHz
25 - 4 MHz
32 - 3.125 MHz
40 - 2.5 MHz
50 - 2 MHz
64 - 1.5625 MHz
80 - 1.25 MHz
100 - 1 MHz
DigOutputBitsSel Digital output sample bits select, this field governs which bits of the FECSS DFE's internal 16 bit signed data path are sent as output.
0 - Digital sample output is 12 MSB bits of DFE after rounding 4 LSBs
1 - Digital sample output is 12 bits after rounding 3 LSBs & clipping 1 MSB
2 - Digital sample output is 12 bits after rounding 2 LSBs & clipping 2 MSB
3 - Digital sample output is 12 bits after rounding 1 LSBs & clipping 3 MSB
4 - Digital sample output is 12 LSB bits after clipping 4 MSB
5 - Digital sample output is 16 bits
DfeFirSel The final stage FIR filter's characteristics can be selected as below.
0 - Long Filter (90% visibility): This provides visibility to a larger range of IF frequencies: 0 to 0.45 x Sampling Rate. Beyond that, the filter response starts drooping & enters filter transition band.
1 - Short Filter (80% visibility): This provides faster settled outputs but the IF frequency range visible is 0 to 0.40 x Sampling Rate. Beyond that, the filter response starts drooping & enters filter transition band.
NumOfAdcSamples No. of ADC samples. Current SDK works for values with powers of 2.
Valid Range: 2 to 2048
(Limited support in current OOB)
ChirpTxMimoPatSel BPM is not supported in current gesture Demo.
0 - TX BPM MIMO pattern disabled
1 - TDMA_2TX pattern
4 - BPM_2TX pattern
ChirpRampEndTime Chirp Profile Ramp end Time. This is a common ramp end time value for all chirps in a frame.
ChirpRxHpfSel Chirp Profile HPF corner frequency. This is a common HPF corner frequency value for all chirps in a frame.
0 - 175kHz HPF corner frequency
1 - 350kHz HPF corner frequency
2 - 700kHz HPF corner frequency
3 - 1400kHz HPF corner frequency
chirpTimingCfg ChirpIdleTime Chirp Profile Idle Time. This is a common idle time value for all chirps in a frame.
Unit: 1us.
ChirpAdcSkipSamples Chirp Profile ADC start skip samples. This is a common adc start time value for all chirps in a frame
Valid range: 0 to 63
ChirpTxStartTime Chirp Profile TX start Time. This is a common TX start time value for all chirps in a frame.This field indicates the TX start time in the chirp cycle with respect to the knee of the ramp.
Unit: In usec
ChirpRfFreqSlope Chirp Profile RF Frequency Slope. This is a common RF frequency slope value for all chirps in a frame.This field indicates the required FMCW slope of the chirp.
Unit: MHz/us
Valid range:- 399MHz/us to +399MHz/us.
ChirpRfFreqStart Chirp Profile RF start Frequency. This is a common RF start frequency value for all chirps in a frame. This field indicates the required start frequency of the chirp.
Unit: GHz
Valid range:58GHz to 62.5GHz for ES1.0 xWRL6432 devices, 76GHz to 81GHz for xWRL1432 devices.
frameCfg NumOfChirpsInBurst Number of Chirps in a Burst. This field indicates the number of chirps to be generated per burst.
Valid range: 1 to 65535 chirps .
(Limited support in current OOB)
NumOfChirpsAccum Number of accumulation per chirp. This field indicates the Number of chirps to be accumulated before sending the ADC data out in DFE, this can be used to increase the SNR without increasing the number of chirps to process in the DSP/HW accelerator.
Valid range: : 0 to 64 chirps.
(Limited support in current OOB)
BurstPeriodicity Burst periodicity in μs. This field indicates the period of the burst.
(Limited support in current OOB)
NumOfBurstsInFrame Number of bursts per frame.
Valid range:1 to 4096
(Limited support in current OOB)
FramePeriodicity Frame Periodicity. This field indicates the period of the frame, 32bit counter.This field indicates the frame periodicity, the time gap between successive frame starts.
Unit: ms
Valid range:100 to 4294967295 (Limited support in current OOB)
NumOfFrames Number of frames.
Valid range: 0 to 65535, 0 means infinite
lowPowerCfg Enable/Diable Configuration to enable/disable the power management framework.
0 - Disabled
1 - Enabled
factoryCalibcfg Save enable When this option is enabled application will boot-up normally and configure the FECSS to perform all applicable factory calibrations during FECSS initialization. Once the calibrations are performed, application will retrieve the calibration data from FECSS and save it to FLASH. User need to specify valid <flash offset> value. <restore enable> option should be set to 0.
Note The factory calibration should be done at room temp (25 °C +/- 15 °C)
0 - Save Disabled
1 - Save Enabled
restore enable When Restore enabled option is set, application will check the FLASH for a valid calibration data section. If present, it will restore the data from FLASH and provide it to FECSS while configuring it to skip any real-time factory calibrations and use provided calibration data. User need to specify valid <flash offset> value which was used during saving of calibration data. <save enable> option should be set to 0. <rxGain> and <backoff0> arguments will be ignored when restore option is enabled.
0 - Restored Disabled
1 - Restore Enabled
rxGain Recommended value is 30db to 40db.
Units: db.
backoff0 TX channel power calibration. Valid Range: 0db to 26db.
Units: db.
flash offset Address offset in the flash to be used while saving or restoring calibration data. Make sure the address doesn't overlap the location in FLASH where application images are stored and has enough space for saving factory Calibration data. This field is don't care if both save and restore are disabled.Flash address range is 0x0 to 0x1FFFFF (16Mb) Actual Factory calibration data is of size 128 bytes. It is recommended to use last sector of flash memory starting with address 0x1FF000.
Note Note The flash offset should be greater than 1MB (0x100000h) for EVM. This check is only to make sure Appimage and ATE calibration data is not corrupted.
baudRate baudRateVal The sensor starts with 1250000 baud rate by default in gesture demo.
sensorStart 'FrameTrigMode' Frame Trigger Mode.
0 - Frame SW immediate trigger Mode (SW_TRIG).
1 - Frame SW timer based trigger Mode (SW_TIMER_TRIG).
2 - Frame HW trigger low power Mode (HW_LOW_PWR_TRIG).
3 - Frame HW trigger low jitter Mode (HW_LOW_JIT_TRIG).
4 - CW CZ Trigger Mode (CW_CZ_TRIG).
5 - Chirp Timer Override Trigger Mode (CT_OVRD_TRIG).
(Currently SDK supports only SW_TRIG mode(0))
'ChirpStartSigLbE' Chirp Timer (CT) start signal loopback enable control.
(Currently SDK supports only Loopback Disable mode(0))
'FrameLivMonEn' Frame Live monitors enable control.
0 - Live monitor Disabled
1 - Live monitor Enabled
(Currently SDK supports only Live monitor Disabled(0))
'FrameTrigTimerVal' Frame Trigger Timer Value. 32bit counter value.
(Currently SDK demo is tested only with value 0)

Signal Processing layer parameters

Commands Parameters Notes
sigProcChainCfg2 azimuthFftSize Azimuth FFT size. Suggested to set as power of 2
(Currently gesture demo is tested only with values upto 32)
elevationFftSize Elevation FFT size. Suggested to set as power of 2
(Currently gesture demo is tested only with values upto 32)
motDetMode Mode selection. 1 - Major motion detection only (Current gesture demo supports only Major mode of operation)
minDist Minimum distance from the radar from which gesture will be detected
(Current gesture demo has this value to be 0.25m)
maxDist Maximum distance from the radar from which gesture will be detected
(Current gesture demo has this value to be 1.66m)
maxNumPoints Maximum number of points for which angle calculation has to be calculated
(Current gesture demo has this value to be 25, the demo is tested for values upto 50 only)

Presence Detect configuration parameters

Commands Parameters Notes
presenceDetectCfg presenceDetectEnable to enable or disable the presence mode (0-gesture mode, 1-presence + gesture mode (switch from presence->gesture and vice-versa), 2-presence mode only to test/set the threshold value)
thresholdPresenceDetect threshold value in presence mode above which the switch will happen to gesture mode (chosen empirically after setting in presence test mode)
burstPeriodicity burst periodicity (in uS) between 2-bursts to be used in presence mode.

Flow Diagram in Low Power Configuration (lowPowerCfg = 1)

Below is the high level flow diagram of gesture recognition demo in Low Power Mode: