Getting Started

It is strongly recommended to begin development by following the steps in the order listed below,
The steps in this user guide show screen shots and descriptions based on Windows. However the steps in Linux would remain the same, unless mentioned otherwise.
${SDK_INSTALL_PATH} refers to the path where the SDK is installed. Recommend to install in C:/ti in Windows, and ${HOME}/ti in Linux. To install to other locations, refer Installing SDK at non-default location
{some text} refers to a variable string that should be replaced by user and {some text} should not be typed verbatim on the command prompt.
In Windows, use the cmd.exe as command prompt and in Linux, use the bash shell as the command prompt.


Getting Started Goals

On successful completion of below steps, you would have achieved the following

  • All tools needed for development are installed
  • EVM setup needed for development is verified
  • CCS IDE setup needed for development is verified
  • One SDK example has been built using makefile as well as CCS project
  • One SDK example has been loaded and run on the EVM
  • Output console logs on CCS and UART are working as expected
  • One SDK example has been flashed to the EVM flash and the application booted from the flash without CCS.

Getting Started Steps

Getting started with ATE Calibration

This is a one time activity to perform ATE Calibration and store calibration data at Flash offset of 0x80000.

User Requirements:

  • Multicore image (calibration_example.release.appimage): This meta image can be found at the path ${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/tools/Ate_Calibration. This image is a combination of below listed images:
    • Calibration application: M4 application which runs ATE calibration sequence and flashes Calibration data to Flash offset of 0x80000 and transmits data over UART interface.
    • RFS Firmware: RFS firmware for XWRL64XX device shared in DFP package (mmwave_dfp_xx_xx_xx_RC\rfsfirmware\xWRL6432\mmwave_rfs_rprc.bin).
    • RFS ATECal image: ATE Cal image for XWRL64XX device shared in DFP package (mmwave_dfp_xx_xx_xx_xx_RC\rfevalfirmware\rfsatecal\xWRL6432\mmwave_rfs_atecal_rprc.bin)
  • Flashing procedure: Python based tool to flash muticore image. Visualizer Tool for more details about the flashing procedure.
  • readComPort.py: Python script to capture Calibration data received on UART interface. Update the COM port in the script before using.


  • Step 1: Power on XWRL64XX EVM in Device Management Mode as per the SOP settings in SOP Mode Configuration
  • Step 2: Flash the Multicore Image using Flash tool.

Multicore Image Flashing
  • Step 3: Boot XWRL64XX EVM in Application Mode / Functional mode. Update COM port number in readComPort.py and run the python script to capture ATE calibration data received over UART interface. Below is a sample ATE calibration data captured on UART interface.

Caliberaton data received over UART

Next Steps

Now you can explore the SDK by running more examples (see Examples and Demos) and browsing through various developer notes (see Developer Guides), to understand the SDK better and develop your own applications with the SDK.