Visualizer Tool


This section describes the procedure for configuring mmWave sensors and visualizing point cloud objects generated by the motion and presence detection demo application. The exe for the visualizer is located at $SDK_INSTALL_FOLDER/tools/visualizer folder

Description of Each Tab of the Visualizer

Flash Page

You can Flash the appimage generated by the SDK using this feature. This step is not required for every run. Only when you have made some change in the device code, the newly generated appimage needs to be flashed.

Visualizer Flash Page

On the right-hand side is the image of the EVM for both flashing and functional mode. Configure the switch settings in Flashing mode for below steps.

  1. COM Port - If the device was connected to the system before the visualizer window is opened, you will see the COM port field already filled. Otherwise, you can click on 'Auto Detect'. The software will detect the connected COM ports and display them.
Please note that the COM port numbers on your setup maybe different from the one shown above. Please use the correct COM port number from your setup for following steps
  1. Select the Baud Rate - Currently 11500 Hz and 1250000 Hz are being supported. You may select from the dropdown. The default Baud rate configured is 115200.
The Baud Rate configured in the appimage should match the Baud Rate selected
  1. Upload the appimage - Click on 'Browse' to select the appimage file to Flash on the device.
  2. Click the Flash button to start Flashing

Upon clicking 'Flash', The console will show the relevant information

Console flashing in progress

Console Flashing error
In case of any error shown in the console, reconnect the device, check the switch settings and try again

If Flashing is successful, a popup is displayed

Flashing Success

Upon reaching this step, the device is ready to be used in the Functional mode.

Device Configuration Page

Make sure that the EVM is in Functional mode (as per the image on the Flash Page) before proceeding ahead

This page of the visualizer enables the user to send the cfg file (which contains the CLI commands) to the device.

Device Configuration Page

1. Sending Standard Configurations

  • For uploading the standard configurations (either motion or presence) select from the "Profile Configurations" dropdown and click "Send Config to Device". This button will become active only when a configuration is selected.
  • For saving the standard configurations (either motion or presence) to the system click "Save Config to Device". This button will become active only when a configuration is selected.

2. Custom Configurations If a modified cfg file has to be sent to the device, click on "Browse" button under Add Cfg and upload the file.

3. Custom Configurations - Modifying parameters from the visualizer (Not enabled currently)

Once the device start receiving the configs, the respective commands will be visible in the console of the page, followed by a 'Done'

Device Configuration Console

If all the configs are sent successfully, the Version section of the page will display device-related information

Version Section upon successful upload

Motion Detection Page

This page contains the Motionction plot, and the boundary box values provided by the CLI commands are also displayed.

Presence Detect Plot

The region provided by the user is divided into 4 Zones. The zone in which presence (motion) is detected, that zone will turn green. A Large red dot represents the centroid of a cluster, and the smaller white dots are the pointcloud. Both of them can be shown/hidden using the checkboxes in the right hand side. The right hand side also displays the Frame Number, and the boundary coordinates of the region (as provided by the user in the mpdBoundaryBox command)

Plots page

Four crucial plots, namely 3-D Scatter, RangeProfile, X-Y Scatter, and Y-Z scatter are shown on this page, along with Frame Number

Plots page

The plots will be Red in colour for presence detection, and Green in colour for motion detection. Sensor position is represented by a black 'x' in the 3-D Scatter plot

Error Handling in Visualizer

The Visualizer captures a number of errors that can be encountered during the run, and outputs them to the user. 1. No Device Connected - If the system is unable to detect the device, a pop-up is displayed when Auto-Detect COM is clicked


2. ATE Calibration Unavailable - If the latest ATE calibration appimage is not flashed on the device, this pop-up is displayed


3. Device Disconnected - If the device gets unplugged from the system during the run, the following pop-up is displayed


4. No Data Detected - If all the CLI commands are sent successfully to the device, but still no data is being recieved from the device. Or when device is reset, or sensorStop is issued.


5. Cfg Parsing errors - The configurations file (.cfg) contains many parameters, and there are restrictions regarding the combination of parameter values that can be used. If the cfg contains some parameters that are invalid, the visualizer detects them and outputs the relevant error to the user An example is shown below
