2.3. Migration Guide

2.3.1. Overview

This page covers migration information for applications built on top of the Processor SDK RTOS.

2.3.2. Processor SDK 09.xx Releases Processor SDK 09.02

2.3.3. CCS Version

Migration: CCS version migrated to v12.5

Impact Scope: SDK example build.

Additional Details: Some of the older versions of the tools not supported as part of CCS v12.5 but required for AM57x SDK build need to be imported manually into the CCS while building the examples.

2.3.4. Processor SDK 08.xx Releases Processor SDK 08.01

2.3.5. SDK Naming

Migration: Some of the components in the SDK has undergone naming changes in this release for using more inclusive terminology. While there is no change in the top-level folder or module name for any of the SDK components, there are changes to API, data structure, example file/folder names in multiple components as per the industry standard guidelines for moving towards more inclusive terminology.

This change will have impact on some of the APIs and data structures used by applications and needs change in application software to move to the latest SDK release. Please refer ‘Additional Details’ section below for the details of the naming changes which helps application software migration to this SDK release.

Impact Scope: Applicable for the applications using APIs, data structure and macros with naming change listed in Additional Details section.

Additional Details: Below table provides list of APIs, data structures and macros that are exposed to the applications and their names are changed in this release.



Old Name

New Name


I2C_Transaction structure member



I2C_Transaction structure member



I2C_HwAttrs structure member










EMAC_PORT_CB_V1_tag structure member




Mcasp_AudioDevData structure member




pciePlconfAxiSlvErrRespReg structure member


































































CSL_emifDdrPhyParam structure member
















2.3.6. Processor SDK 06.xx Releases Processor SDK 06.03

2.3.7. Building PDK components from GIT repositories

Migration: Change in git repository for PDK components.

Impact Scope: Applicable for most drivers packaged in the PDK when used in development environment

Additional Details: Prior to this release, libraries/applications of drivers included in pdk (pdk_xx/packages/ti) had their own git respositories which could be cloned and used for development or picking up bugfixes which are not yet released through a processor sdk release. From this release onwards, most of the drivers in the PDK are moved to the new pdk.git repository(https://git.ti.com/cgit/processor-sdk/pdk) and its components (drivers) moved in to their respective locations inside the pdk_<soc>_<ver> of the Processor SDK installation. For example the i2c driver has been moved from https://git.ti.com/cgit/keystone-rtos/i2c-lld to https://git.ti.com/cgit/processor-sdk/pdk/tree/packages/ti/drv/i2c. Consequently, the latest updates on a PDK driver should be fetched from the new pdk.git repo (https://git.ti.com/cgit/processor-sdk/pdk) as the older repos are rendered obselete.

2.3.8. Building of libraries of individual PDK components

Migration: Building individual drivers’ librabries/apps of PDK from PDK’s top level makefile is not supported

Impact Scope: Applicable for PDK top level makefile

Additional Details: Prior to this release, libraries/applications of drivers included in pdk (pdk_xx/packages/ti) could be built from the top level makefile (pdk_xx/packages/makefile) using commands like “make uart_lib/uart_apps”. This is no longer supported. Instead, the libraries and applications could either be built using “make all” from the top level makefile or issuing “make libs/apps” from within the module’s directory. Processor SDK 06.01

2.3.9. NIMU

Migration: Udma init sequence call has been moved from NIMU library to NIMU example for AM65xx

Impact Scope: Applicable for all NIMU applications using NIMU tranport library for AM65xx

Additional Details: Applications will need to implement the following function to provide UDMA drive handle which will be called by the NIMU driver at startup

Udma_DrvHandle nimu_app_get_udma_handle(void) Processor SDK 06.00 PRUSS

Migration: Calls that passed PRUICCSS_INSTANCE_MAX as a parameter to PRUSS driver API calls will now pass PRUICCSS_INSTANCE_THREE instead.

Impact Scope: Applicable for all AM65xx applications using PRUSS driver for ICSSG use case.

Additional Details: The following new enumeration, PRUICCSS_INSTANCE_THREE, for PRU-ICSS instance 3 has been added to PRUICSS_MaxInstances enumeration list as PRUICCSS_INSTANCE_MAX is not longer valid when making PRUSS driver API calls. Board Library

Migration: MMU configuration is needed to enable NBO CFG registers access on A53 core.

Impact Scope: Applicable for all AM65xx RTOS applications calling Board_init() with BOARD_INIT_ICSS_ETH_PHY flag.

Additional Details: Board library is setting NAVSS THREADMAP register to give higher priority for MSMC access from ICSSG which requires access to NBO CFG registers.

2.3.10. Processor SDK 05.xx Releases Processor SDK 05.03 EMAC

Migration-1: ICSS-G EMAC firmware binary directory location update for future extension.

Impact Scope: Applicable for all applications using EMAC driver with ICSS-G dual EMAC firmware.

Additional Details: Applications will need to update the include path to location of firmware header files for ICSSG use case:

  • Prevous location: ti/drv/emac/firmeare/icss_eth/src/dm

  • New location: ti/drv/emac/firmware/icss_dualmac/bin

Migration-2: Release introduces support for additional firmware specific configuration files. Added for future extension to support multiple firmwares using same EMAC driver.

Impact Scope: Applicable for all applications using EMAC driver with ICSS-G dual EMAC firmware.

Additional Details: Firmware configuration has been moved to firmware specific configuration files, emac_fw_config_dual_mac.h and emac_fw_config_dual_mac.c. Previously the firmware configuration was specified in the test application. It is not expected that applicatons will need to modify these files as the are closely tied to the firmware.

  • Previous location: firmware specific configuration was specified in the text application (ti/drv/emac/test/EmacLoopbackTest/test_utils_k3.c)

  • New location: ti/drv/emac/firmware/icss_dualmac/config/

Applications will need to update their makefiles to include c source file emac_fw_config_dual_mac.c.

At time of emac_open() API call, applications need to udpate configuruation parameters to pass get firmware configuration pointer :

EMAC_HwAttrs_V5 emac_cfg;
EMAC_socGetInitCfg(0, &emac_cfg);
emac_cfg.portCfg[port_num].getFwCfg = &emacGetDualMacFwConfig;
EMAC_socSetInitCfg(0, &emac_cfg); CSL

Migration: API changes on CSL-FL of AM65xx on ecc aggregator, vim, esm modules

Impact Scope: Limited to the case if application is using the CSL-FL APIs

Additional Details: The CSL-FL for ECC aggregator, ESM and VIM are modified to return API functionality success/failures and additional arguments are added as and when needed (especially during the cases where the return was the value instead of API success/failure). Applications that use these CSL-FL calls are impacted and are needed to align to new calling conventions. If applicable application modification required to align to updated APIs, refer doxygen API documentation for API details. DSP- TI CGT Compiler

Migration: In DSP TI CGT compiler version 8.3.2 the rts library boot object file name is changed from boot.obj to boot.c.obj.

Impact Scope: Limited only to DSP applications that explicitly uses rts library object files in linker command file.

Additional Details: The DSP application which is using linker command file of CSL module should change boot object name from boot.obj file to boot.c.obj. If the user is using cpp version of boot object file then it should be mentioned as boot.cpp.obj. In general it can be also be used as boot.*.obj. This can be referred from the following linker command file in the PDK package <PDK>/packages/ti/csl/example/lnk_dsp.cmd Processor SDK 05.02 SBL

Migration: Image integration and memory map changes.

Additional Details: Release supports optimized boot times for booting MCU1_0 core from OSPI flash. To reduce the size of the SBL, the system firmware image, which was earlier embedded in the SBL, is now a separate binary. The system firmware image can be found at <PDK>/packages/ti/drv/sciclient/soc/V0/sysfw.bin

For MMC/SD boot, if the steps followed in Windows SD Card Creation Guide or Linux SD Card Creation Guide are used, no additional steps are need. If the SD card is being created manually, then the sysfw.bin file also needs to be copied into the root directory of the MMC SD card, along with tiboot3.bin and app.

For OSPI boot, the flash offsets have changed. sysfw.bin needs to be programmed into OSPI flash at offset 0x40000 (new for this release), along with sbl_ospi_img_mcu1_0_release.tiimage at offset 0x0 (no change from previous release) and the app at offset 0xA0000 (was 0x80000 previous release). For details please refer Programming the OSPI flash

Applications that the SBL loads must co-exist with the SBL’s memory usage.In the application’s linker command file, care must be taken to not use the first 0x100 bytes of MCU1_0’s ATCM memory and SBL reserved memory from 0x41C00100 to 0x41C28000. If the applications violate the SBL memory usage, then apps that were working with the last release might not work any more, as the memory constraints are tighter. For details, refer the SBL Memory Utilization PDK

Migration: AM65xx PDK component dependency on sciclient module.

Impact Scope: Applications will need to link to sciclient module library. No migration impact if application is already linking the library.

Additional Details: All application using PDK components on AM65xx platform will need to link sciclient library as components internally will be using sciclient API for PLL and interrupt configuration. In this release, requirement for application will be more mandated as more components are using common infrastructure.

DMSC firmware should be loaded onto Cortex-M4 core using SBL or CCS GEL script before calling the Board Init API with ‘BOARD_INIT_PLL’ flag. Board

Migration: New APIs for EEPROM Board ID Information

Impact Scope: Applications using Board ID info APIs on AM65xx platform. No migration impact for existing applications and boards using version 1 API.

Additional Details: TI Board ID information format has been updated to new version on AM65xx. New board library APIs Board_getIDInfo_v2() and Board_writeIDInfo_v2() are added to support new Board ID information format. Old Board ID info APIs are still avaialble to retain the backward build compatibility but returns error when used on AM65xx platform. FATFS

Migration: FATFS module in this release includes multipartition support and capability of detecting single vs multiple partitions run time.

Impact Scope: Limited to the case if user had used MS-DOS Floppy disk format for formatting the SD/eMMC memory. No impact if the SD/eMMC is formatted using the steps provided by Windows SD Card Creation Guide/Linux SD Card Creation Guide.

Additional Details: Partition entry information may be wrongly detected for the storage media formated to MS-DOS Floppy disk format. FATFS APIs fail to access the disk in this case.

Workaround: Format the storage media using the steps provided by Windows SD Card Creation Guide/Linux SD Card Creation Guide in case this issue is observed. Processor SDK 05.01 Build

Migration: Applicable for applications migrating from SOCs supporting EDMA LLD to AM65x with updated DMA infrastructure. Additional UDMA driver support is available in package to support enhanced DMA infrastrcuture for AM65x Drivers for AM65x SOC is extended to support UDMA LLD abstracting changes needed by application. Limited change will be required for application using drivers included in Processor SDK.

Additional Details: Modifications needed at application will be limited to initialization of UDMA driver using Udma_init() API in addition to linking UDMA driver library. Driver Test code could be used as reference Additional migration details for all cases are covered in /ti/drv/udma/docs folder inside PDK package. DMA

Migration: For all drivers using DMA mode EDMA driver is updated to UDMA driver.

Additional Details: Application will need to initialize UDMA driver and SCIClient interface using Udma_init() and Sciclient_init() API. Test code could be used as reference. Networking

Migration: Applicable for applications using NDK and Posix port of SysBIOS.

Additional Details: Release introduces NS (Network Services Component) as independent portable networking API abstracting different network stacks. Detailed migration details is available at NDK 2.x to 3.x Migration Guide Processor SDK 05.00 Build

Migration: TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH macro value changed to SDK_INSTALL_PATH. No migration impact if tools and SDK are installed in same location.

Additional Details: TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH macro value is set to SDK_INSTALL_PATH by default. For accessing the tools from a different path, modify TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH in packages/ti/build/Rules.make file or can be overriden from the build console as shown below.


set TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH=<Path for the tools root folder>


TOOLS_INSTALL_PATH=<Path for the tools root folder> Build Setup

Migration: There is no migration need for components used within processor SDK. Application Software outside processor SDK may require a change if there is a dependency to internal Processor SDK environment variables. See more details below.

Additional Details: Rules.make file is used instead of pdksetupenv to setup the build environment variables. Components inside processor SDK are updated to align with this change. Any applications making use of pdksetupenv from processor SDK to setup the build environment variables should include below line in the application makefile.

include $(RULES_MAKE)

2.3.11. Processor SDK 04.xx Releases Processor SDK 04.03 OSAL

Migration: No impact expected if Semaphore allocation and HwIP registration from OSAL is not invoked by application.

Additional Details: OSAL module is fine tuned for optimized number of semaphores required internally within drivers. Module provides additional API to application for additional semaphore allocation if required.Application can configure for either default internal static allocation or it can select external memory block that can be provided to create these objects. Note that this decision to go with external memory block or internal memory block need to be done during init configuration of application (near to main) just after Board_init() is called. Below sample code sets SemaphoreP/HwiP to be used from external memory block:

/* Get the Hw Attrs */
osal_ret = Osal_getHwAttrs(&hwAttrs);
if (osal_ret != osal_OK)
    return (false);

/* This API should set to use external memory block */
hwAttrs.extSemaphorePBlock.base = (uintptr_t) &semPMemBlock[0];
hwAttrs.extSemaphorePBlock.size = SEMP_BLOCK_SIZE;
hwAttrs.extHwiPBlock.size       = HWIP_BLOCK_SIZE;
hwAttrs.extHwiPBlock.base       = (uintptr_t) &hwiPMemBlock[0];
osal_ret = Osal_setHwAttrs(ctrlBitMap, &hwAttrs); Board

Migration: Section details applicable only to applications based on DRA7xx SoCs.

Additional Details: DRA7xx board libraries have refactored pad configuration sequence by removing manual pinmux entries and replacing them with a full IODELAY reconfiguration procedure. This was done in order to simplify transition from a standalone application development in CCS to booting the whole device via SBL, ensuring that pad configuration is 100% consistent between the two application loading methods.

The IODELAY and pin control data structures are maintained in each of evmDRA72x and evmDRA75x board library source directories. These structures are also included in the SBL compilation and used in the SBL’s IODELAY reconfiguration. Therefore, changes can be made in one location but reused by both Board and SBL components just through recompilation.

Note that DRA78x does not require IODELAY reconfiguration and pinmux setup is always contained entirely in the application. Hence, there are no corresponding changes to this library.

All of this is done in a transparent manner, so there is no API change and will not affect existing applications. However, there are considerations with respect to memory placement and potential conflicts between the board library and SBL code. These restrictions have always existed but are now more clearly defined and documented. Please refer to Board Support for more details. I2C

Migration: No migration required for existing user application.

Additional Details: PRUICSS based I2C Firmware have been introduced in this release. This new features increases the number of I2C interface available in the SOC. I2C LLD now depends on PRUSS LLD for compilation of this new feature. All of this is done in a transparent manner, so there is no API change and will not affect existing applications. However, for using the I2C FW feature refer I2C FW for additional details. Processor SDK 04.02 GCC Toolchain Migration to 6-2017-q1

Migration: Limited to TI-RTOS based application on ARM Cortex-A cores.

Additional Details: Processor SDK RTOS components includes updates to be compatible with GCC tool chain. This includes updates to SysBIOS, compiler and linker options. Following migration changes required for applications:

  • Compiler options: Add nano libs to Include path

    • Example: gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q1-update/arm-none-eabi/include/newlib-nano

  • Linker Options: Replace fpu lib paths with hard lib and enable nano specs

    • Example: "<SYS/BIOS Root>/packages/gnu/targets/arm/libs/install-native/arm-none-eabi/lib/fpu"

      with "<SYS/BIOS Root>/packages/gnu/targets/arm/libs/install-native/arm-none-eabi/lib/hard --specs=nano.specs”

Additional References:

  • PDK Project Creation Scipt: <pdk_soc_x_x_x/packages/pdkProjectCreate.[bat/sh]>

Note: For baremetal applications, stack section needs to be aligned to 8 bytes. Updated GCC toolchain is more stringent on memory alignment requirement. Misalignment can result in unexpected run time failures. EMAC Library

Migration: Limited to C6657, OMAPL137/C6747 and OMAPL138/C6748 SoCs.

Additional Details: Interrupt setup and ISR functions are implemented in the driver. Interrupt handling in applications need to be removed to use the latest driver version. Use EMAC_socGetInitCfg() and EMAC_socSetInitCfg() functions to change the default interrupt mapping in HW attributes if required.


EMAC_HwAttrs_V0             emac_hwattr;  /* Local instance for HW attributes */

EMAC_socGetInitCfg(port_num, &emac_hwattr);  /* Get default SOC HW attributes */
emac_hwattr.txIntrNum = <Int Num>  /* Change default interrupt mapping Optional: if needed */
EMAC_socSetInitCfg(port_num, &emac_hwattr); /* Change the default HW attributes */
open_cfg.hwAttrs = &emac_hwattr;  /* Assign HW attributes to configuration parameters */
emac_open(port_num, &open_cfg); Processor SDK 04.01 Common CSL Library

Migration: Limited to Bare metal Application and Keystone SoCs such as K2HK/K2LE/K2G. No change required for other SoCs such as AM571x/AM572x/C6678/C6657.

Additional Details: Default start address for the vectors modified to beginning of MSMCSRAM (0x0C000000) compared to previous release end of the MSMC. This matches to both secured and non secured devices Application is required to reserve (0x0C000000 to 0x0C000040) size 0x40 bytes.

Bare metal Application needs to reserve this location for vectors when using CSL startup library. There is still option for overriding default configuration by defining vector_base to desired start address: Example: if the vector location desired is say 0xC0E0000, then add below line in the application’s linker command file:

__vector_base__= 0xC0E0000;

No change needed for application using default configuration matching CSL. ICSS_EMAC Library

Migration: Optional. No migration required for applications using default icss_dualemac and icss_switch firmware.

The location of icss_emacFwConfig.c/.h has moved from ti/drv/icss_emac/firmware/<SOC_TYPE> directory to ti/drv/icss_emac/firmware/icss_dualemac/config/ directory. If applications are compiled with icss_emacFwConfig.c, please update your build/make infrastructure. Processor SDK 04.00 MCSDK 1.1 to Processor SDK Migration for OMAPL13x/C674x devices

This release includes additional support for OMAPL13x/C674x architecture/SOCs. For more information on migrating aplications from MCSDK(OMAPL13x) to Processor SDK, see this migration page. ICSS_EMAC Library

Migration: Required. Application will need to link to firmware binaries.

ICSS EMAC driver component includes source code support for Dual-emac firmware with support for rebuilding. Firmware is no longer supported as header format *.h in order to align to PRUSS compiler.

  • In order to include new binary application will need to link the PRUSS firmware binary as demonstrated through *project.txt. Note: firmware binary to be linked will be dependent on the SOC as shown below

Example: AM572x have support for both version so include both version of binaries and linker *.cmd files.

  • Default linker command file is available in PDK software which can be linked by application based on cores where application is running. For A8, A9, A15 cores below linker command can be linked in makefile or CCS project. Refer the ICSS-EMAC Unittest for additional details.

  • For c66 and m4 cores

-Wl,-T,${PDK_INSTALL_PATH}/ti/build/pruss/lnk_c66_m4_<REVISION>.cmd Board Library

Migration: Optional. No migration impact in case of applications using custom board library which is not following similar approach as default board library for Ethernet PHY configurations.

Updated Board library for OMAPL137 in this release includes additional Ethernet PHY initialization support for reference EVM during init and hence requiring dependency on I2C LLD. This is applicable to applications using default OMAPL137 board library similar to other PDK/Processor SDK applications in the release. For all those cases linking to additional I2C LLD library will be required.

Examples for including I2C LLD library for:

  • Baremetal Applications

Include the I2C LLD library from below mentioned path in makefile or linker command file:

  • ARM Core - <PDK_INSTALL_DIR>/packages/ti/drv/i2c/lib/omapl137/arm9/release/ti.drv.i2c.ae9

  • DSP Core - <PDK_INSTALL_DIR>/packages/ti/drv/i2c/lib/omapl137/c674/release/ti.drv.i2c.ae674

  • SYS/BIOS RTOS Applications

Include the I2C LLD library in SYS/BIOS config file using xdc load package module:

var devType = "omapl137"
var I2c     = xdc.loadPackage('ti.drv.i2c');
I2c.Settings.socType = devType; McASP Library

Migration: Optional. No migration impact for applications initializing the structure using memset and default configuration: ``Mcasp_WordBitsSelect_LSB()``.

McASP driver includes additional configuration field in Mcasp_ChanParams->wordBitsSelect to enable newly introduced mode Mcasp_WordBitsSelect_MSB. Configuration needs to be initialized by application.

2.3.12. Processor SDK 03.xx Releases Processor SDK 03.03 Processor SDK 03.02 PDK I2C LLD

To support I2C slave mode, added I2C_transactionInit() API. Applications need to call I2C_transactionInit() API before calling I2C_transfer() API.


I2C_Transaction   transaction;
transaction.masterMode   = false;
transaction.writeCount = wrLen;
transaction.readCount  = rdLen;
transaction.timeout    = timeout;
I2C_transfer(i2c, &transaction); PDK MCASP LLD

The call back function’s behavior has changed. The MCASP driver no longer modifies the cArg parameter of the registered call back function to indicate the transaction type(TX or RX). The cArg paramter will be unchanged and passed back to the application. Please refer to the examples, which have been updated to reflect this change. PDK MMCSD LLD

No update required for use of default SOC dependent library.This is applicable for applications which choose to include the soc/MMCSDDMA_soc.c. The soc/MMCSDDMA_soc.c file has now been removed as a part of combining the DMA and Non-DMA source code of the MMCSD library. Applications may include soc/MMCSD_soc.c file instead. PDK USB LLD

  • Cache is now supported. Buffers that are passed to low level USB bulk API’s need to be cache-size aligned. These include buffers passed to: USBHMSCBlockWrite(), USBHMSCBlockRead(), USBHostRead(), USBHostWrite(), or usbSetupEpReq(), etc.

  • DMA is enabled by default on AM335x. Remove DMA_MODE flag in build/makefile.mk to go back to FIFO mode. PDK ICSS EMAC LLD

Support has been added to all allow the icss-emac LLD to be configured with custom firmware memory map parameters which fall into the following 2 categories:

  • Static configuration: Tied directly to the firmware. For example, location and size of statistics, port status and conrol address offsets.

  • Dynamic configuration: Tuneable parameters based on application. For example, sizes of TX/RX queues, port specific buffer/buffer descriptor offsets.

A complete list of these parameters can be found in ti/drv/icss_emac/icss_emacDrv.h. Refer to ICSS_EmacFwStaticMmap and ICSS_EmacFwDynamicMmap structures.

Firmare binaries which reside in ti/drv/icss_emac/firmware/<SOC> directory should be accompanied by a icss_emacFwConfig.c file. For existing firmware binaries in this release, there is an equivelent icss_emacFwConfig.c file already present. This file basically defines the 2 stuctures mentioned above. This file needs to be compiled in as part of the user application. User application can then use the following 2 newly introduced API’s to “get” and “set” firmware memory map configuration parameters with the LLD and firmware.

  • icss_emacGetFwMMapInitConfig(): Allows for retrieval of default firmware memory map configuration. User application may call this if they wish to update dynamic firmware memory map configuration paremeters. Static configuration parameters MUST not be updated.

  • icss_emacSetFwMMapInitConfig(): Allows for static and dynamic firmware memory map configuration parameters to be configured into the the LLD and firmware.

Note that these API’s need to be called prior to calling ICSS_EmacInit() which is LLD’s initialization function.

Backward compatibility is also supported. If user application does not wish to update any configuration parameters, LLD will operate of default configuration parameters as specified in respective icss_emacFwConfig.c file which is being delivered as part of this release. TI-RTOS

The updated version of TI-RTOS (SYS/BIOS) includes a check to ensure the proper run-time library is linked. If you face a compilation issue, see this note on RTOS FAQ for more information. Processor SDK 03.01 PDK CSL

  • csl_a15init module is renamed to csl_init to support portability. The impact of this change is limited to bare metal application using PDK makefile infrastructure. As part of migration, the module name need to be updated.

  • csl_a15Aux.h is removed as it is duplicate of csl_a15.h. The impact of this change is limited to applications that include csl_a15Aux.h. As part of migration, the modification required is to include csl_a15.h instead. PDK SA LLD (K2x, C66x)

Added a feature to select Air Cipher Engine over the default Encryption engine for algorithms such as AES_CTR part of Sa_DataModeConfigParams_t API. There is no migration impact if application is initializing the structure to zero using memset. Processor SDK 03.00

This release is a maintenance update with new features and bug fixes. The major number in the version changed to stay aligned with the Linux package that moved to 2016 LTS. Device Drivers

  • Locations of precompiled libraries have moved for the following PDK components: CSL, PDK Examples, GPIO, GPMC, I2C, ICSS-EMAC, McASP, McSPI, MMC-SD, PCIe, PRUSS, QSPI, UART, USB, VPS, PDK Utils, FATFS, BOARD, OSAL, NIMU, NIMU_ICSS. The overall change is to rename armv7 to a15/a8/a9 as appropriate for the device. All cores have moved the libraries compiled with optimization to release, while a debug folder is available (but not prebuilt) for libraries with -g.

    • No changes are needed for applications configured with a XDC/BIOS *.cfg with dependancies specified through xdc.useModule or xdc.loadPackage because updated library paths are autogenerated.

    • For other applications which explicitly set libraries and/or library include paths via -l, -I, or -L flags passed to the linker, the library paths need to be updated. For example, for GPIO on A15, the path changes from ti/drv/gpio/lib/am572x/armv7 to ti/drv/gpio/lib/am572x/a15/release.

  • The drivers GPIO, I2C, SPI and UART now use CSL-FL. Applications using these drivers need to add include and library dependencies by adding xdc.useModule for CSL-FL for XDC/BIOS based applications, or by adding -I/-l/-L paths to the compilation/linker flags for the application. For XDC, here is a sample code for adding CSL-FL:

/*use CSL package*/
var socType = "am571x";
var Csl     = xdc.loadPackage('ti.csl');

Csl.Settings.deviceType = socType;
  • The driver I2C has an API change for I2C_transfer, a new timeout field is added to I2C_Transaction structure, and the return value type of this API is changed from bool to int16_t. In the test/example application, timeout value need to be initialized before calling this API:


int16_t status;

i2cTransaction.slaveAddress = I2C_EEPROM_ADDR;
i2cTransaction.writeBuf = (uint8_t *)&txBuf[0];
i2cTransaction.writeCount = I2C_EEPROM_TEST_LENGTH + I2C_EEPROM_ADDR_SIZE;
i2cTransaction.readBuf = NULL;
i2cTransaction.readCount = 0;
i2cTransaction.timeout   = I2C_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT;

status = I2C_transfer(handle, &i2cTransaction);

2.3.13. Processor SDK 02.xx Releases Processor SDK 02.00.02

This release primarily adds support for K2G device. There is no migration impact to customers using devices supported in the previous release (AM3, AM4, AM5, C665x, C667x, K2E, K2H, K2K, K2L). Processor SDK 02.00.01

This release primarily adds support for devices from the KeyStone architecture: C665x, C557x, K2E, K2H, K2K, and K2L. There is no migration impact to customers using devices supported in the previous release (AM3, AM4, AM5).

For information on migrating from BIOS-MCSDK (C66x) or MCSDK (K2x) to Processor SDK, see this migration page. Processor SDK 02.00.00

This is the initial Processor SDK RTOS release from Texas Instruments unifying platform software across multiple SOC’s.

The strategy for forward/backwards compatibility is as follows:

  • Device Drivers

    • All new development efforts should use Device Drivers because:

      • Device Drivers will maintain common APIs for all supported SoCs

      • Customer applications can be easily ported to new and additional SoCs hence providing scalable software platform

      • All new features and development will occur only in the Device Drivers.

  • StarterWare is included for AM335x and AM437x for backwards compatibility with Industrial SDK

    • This will be maintenance only (bugs will be fixed, no new features)

For applications that already depend on StarterWare from Industrial SDK on AM335x/AM437x, those APIs remain in Processor SDK in:

  • AM335x SOC: pdk_am335x_1_0_0/ti/starterware

  • AM437x SOC: pdk_am437x_1_0_0/ti/starterware