1.3. Directory Structure OverviewΒΆ

The Processor SDK for Linux contains the following top-level directories and files

These directories contain the code and tools used to develop for Processor SDK devices.

  • bin - Contains the helper scripts for configuring the host system and target device. Most of these scripts are used by the setup.sh script.
  • board-support - Contains the SDK components that need to be modified when porting to a custom platform. This includes the kernel and boot loaders as well as any out of tree drivers.
  • manifest - Contains software manifest files
  • licenses - Contains software licenses
  • example-applications - Contains the sources for the TI provided example applications seen during the out-of-box demonstration.
  • filesystem - Contains the reference file systems. These include the smaller base file system as well as the full-featured SDK file system.
  • external-toolchain-dir - Contains cross-compile toolchain
  • linux-devkit - Contains the tools and libraries to speed development for the target device.
  • Makefile - Provides build targets for many of the SDK components from the top-level of the SDK.
  • makerules - Make rules for all the topLevel Makefile build targets
  • Rules.make - Sets default values used by the top-level Makefile as well as sub-component Makefiles.
  • setup.sh - Configures the users host system as well as the target system for development.