1.2. Building the SDK

1.2.1. Build PC setup

Please refer to the following pages from Android documentation to setup your environment for Android build:

Getting the repo tool

You will need the repo tool to retrieve repositories. To install it, please refer to this webpage : https://source.android.com/setup/develop#installing-repo

Getting toolchain for u-boot builds

Links to download toolchains for building u-boot are mentioned in the SDK download page.

Install OPTEE-OS build dependencies

Check OPTEE-OS docs to know list of dependencies needed to be installed : https://optee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/building/prerequisites.html

1.2.2. Downloading sources

Create a folder for downloading all sources

$ mkdir ~/09_02_00 && cd $_
$ export YOUR_PATH=$PWD Bootloader components

$ mkdir ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/ && cd $_
$ git clone -b git://git.ti.com/atf/arm-trusted-firmware.git
$ git clone -b git://git.ti.com/optee/ti-optee-os.git
$ git clone -b git://git.ti.com/ti-u-boot/ti-u-boot.git
$ git clone -b git://git.ti.com/processor-firmware/ti-linux-firmware.git Kernel

Fetch the code using repo:

$ mkdir ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-kernel-aosp/ && cd $_
$ repo init -u git://git.ti.com/android/manifest.git -b android14-release -m releases/RLS_09_02_Kernel.xml
$ repo sync


To save some disk space, pass the --depth=1 option to repo init:

$ repo init -u git://git.ti.com/android/manifest.git -b android14-release -m releases/RLS_09_02_Kernel.xml --depth=1 Android file system

Fetch the code using repo:

$ mkdir ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-aosp-14 && cd $_
$ repo init -u git://git.ti.com/android/manifest.git -b android14-release -m releases/RLS_09_02.xml
$ repo sync

1.2.3. Build Instructions


The bootloader and kernel builds below are optional if they are used as-is from TI release. Prebuilt copies of these binaries are already part of Android file system sources in device/ti/am62x-kernel and vendor/ti/am62x/bootloader folder. Bootloader components

  1. Build ATF:

    $ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/arm-trusted-firmware
    $ make E=0 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- ARCH=aarch64 PLAT=k3 TARGET_BOARD=lite SPD=opteed CFLAGS+="-DK3_PM_SYSTEM_SUSPEND=1"
  2. Build OPTEE-OS:

    $ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/optee_os
    $ make PLATFORM=k3 CFG_ARM64_core=y CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- CROSS_COMPILE64=aarch64-none-linux-gnu-
  3. Build tiboot3.bin:

$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/ti-u-boot/
$ make ARCH=arm am62x_evm_r5_defconfig
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- \
  1. Build tispl.bin and u-boot.img:

$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/ti-u-boot/
$ make ARCH=arm am62x_evm_a53_defconfig
$ make ARCH=arm am62x_android_a53.config
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- \
       BL31=${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/arm-trusted-firmware/build/k3/lite/release/bl31.bin \
       TEE=${YOUR_PATH}/ti-bootloader-aosp/optee_os/out/arm-plat-k3/core/tee-pager_v2.bin \
  1. Copy the tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin and u-boot.img generated in steps 3 and 4 to ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-aosp-14/vendor/ti/am62x/bootloader. If not copied, the prebuilt bootloader binaries already present in vendor/ti/am62x/bootloader will get used by flashall.sh flashing script.


To build bootloaders for AM62x LP board please do same step with this defconfig:

  • For step 3, use am62x_lpsk_r5_defconfig

  • For step 4, use am62x_lpsk_a53_defconfig with same fragment


To build bootloaders for the Beagle Play, follow same steps but change the defconfigs:

  • For step 3, use am62x_evm_r5_defconfig with am625_beagleplay_r5.config and am625_beagleplay_android_r5.config

  • For step 4, use am62x_evm_a53_defconfig with am625_beagleplay_a53.config, am62x_android_a53.config and am625_beagleplay_android_a53.config Kernel Building everything from scratch

The kernel is compatible with all AM62x boards, such as the SK EVM and the Beagle Play.

$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-kernel-aosp/
$ export DIST_DIR=${YOUR_PATH}/ti-aosp-14/device/ti/am62x-kernel/kernel/6.1
$ tools/bazel run //common:ti_dist -- --dist_dir=$DIST_DIR


Android uses Kleaf, a Bazel-based build system to build the kernel. AOSP documentation can be found here and Kleaf documentation here Rebuilding faster

$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-kernel-aosp/
$ export DIST_DIR=${YOUR_PATH}/ti-aosp-14/device/ti/am62x-kernel/kernel/6.1
$ tools/bazel run --config=fast //common:ti_dist -- --dist_dir=$DIST_DIR Defconfig/menuconfig changes

The usual (make menuconfig) is done via bazel command :

$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-kernel-aosp/
$ tools/bazel run //common:ti_config -- menuconfig


Users must have built the android kernel image prior to building the Android file system. Otherwise pre-built kernel images present in device/ti/am62x-kernel will be used to create boot.img Android File System

$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-aosp-14
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch <BUILD_TARGET>
$ m

Where BUILD_TARGET is listed in the table below :

Android Build type

Build target

AM62X-SK Tablet userdebug


AM62X-SK Tablet user


AM62X-SK Car userdebug


AM62X-SK Car user


The recommended BUILD_TARGET to use is am62x-userdebug.


By default with user images AVB feature is enabled. For userdebug images, if you want to enable AVB feature you need to build with TARGET_AVB_ENABLE=true build args:

After building all components, refer to instruction in next section for flashing the images to EVM

The android images generated for the AM62X-SK EVM are compatible with the Beagle Play board. For flashing the Beagle Play, see the dedicated application note.