AM263x Motor Control SDK  09.02.00
Datalog Test

Simple data logging test incorporating datalog library with user configurable as follows:

Parameters Values
Number of data log channels 4
Buffer size 400
Data type 32bit floating point
Trigger typ Auto trigger
Trigger Value 5.0
Prescalar/size 1

This example verifies data logging capability and showcase datalog API usage. In this one float variable(i) will be incremented with "1" in every loop starting with "0" and with trigger value as "5". When *iptr[0] value will be monitered at auto trigger type and if it crosses trigger value, data logging is initiated and values provided to *iptr[] will be logged for every prescalar loop.

In datalog_input.h, user can use following defines as per data type:

Data type Defines
32 bit signed integer u_int32_t
32 bit unsigned integer u_uint32_t
64 bit signed integer u_int64_t
64 bit floating point u_float64_t
32 bit floating point u_float32_t
16 bit signed integer u_int16_t
16 bit unsigned integer u_uint16_t
8 bit signed integer u_int8_t
8 bit unsigned integer u_uint8_t

Files and directory structure

Folder/Files Description
main.c Main function for datalog library testing
datalog_test.c Contains all initialization of test strctures and variables with datalog functionality
datalog.c datalog library source file
datalog.h datalog library header file at "${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/utilities/datalog/include"
datalog_input.h User configurable datalog header file need to be changed at "${SDK_INSTALL_PATH}/source/utilities/datalog/include"
datalog.syscfg syscfg file for application

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
r5fss0-0 freertos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Boards am263x-cc
Example folder examples/utilities/datalog

Steps to Run the Example

Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run and datalog output observed in datalogBuff[][]:

Datalog Buffer values in expression window of CCS
- Datalog initiated with manual trigger!!
- Data-log buffers are updated !!
- Test passed !!