AM263x MCU+ SDK  09.00.00
ADC High Priority SOC


This example showcases the feature "High Priority SOC configuration"

Conversions timing diagram

High Priority SOC Configuration :

  • When the SOC are configured in high priority (SOC0 through SOCx) the other SOC are configured in the Round Robin mode.
  • The high priority SOC, when triggered, pre-empts the Round Robin Priority.
  • If two or more High Priority SOC are triggered at same time, the SOC with lower number precedences.


  • Triggers from EPWM0 are configured through Syscfg.
  • the counter is configured in Stop and Freeze mode.
  • the example has to change the Counter mode to get the counter running and EPWM0 can generate triggers to ADC.
  • NOTE
    • PPB Delay Time Stamp cannot be used if the SOC trigger is software. hence, the example uses EPWM0 to trigger SOC conversions.
    • This example intends to showcase the Priority modes in the SOC. the input channels can be configured through Syscfg as per need.
  • ADC0 (done through Syscfg)
    • SOC 0-3 are in Round Robin (no high priority selected)
    • all SOC are triggered by EPWM0SOCA signal.
    • Conversion sequence : SOC 0 --> SOC 1 --> SOC 2 --> SOC 3
  • ADC1 (done through Syscfg)
    • SOC 0-3 are in Round Robin (no high priority selected)
    • SOC 1,2 are triggered by EPWM0SOCA signal.
    • SOC 0,3 are triggered by EPWM0SOCB signal.
    • Conversion sequence : SOC 1 --> SOC 2 --> SOC 3 --> SOC 0
  • ADC2 (done through Syscfg)
    • SOC 0-3 are in High Priority (SOC 4-15 are in low priority mode by default)
    • all SOC are triggered by EPWM0SOCA signal.
    • Conversion sequence : SOC 0 --> SOC 1 --> SOC 2 --> SOC 3
  • ADC3 (done through Syscfg)
    • SOC 0-3 are in High Priority (SOC 4-15 are in low priority mode by default)
    • SOC 1,2 are triggered by EPWM0SOCA signal.
    • SOC 0,3 are triggered by EPWM0SOCB signal.
    • Conversion sequence : SOC 1 --> SOC 2 --> SOC 0 --> SOC 3
  • ADC4 (done through Syscfg)
    • SOC 0 are in High Priority (SOC 1-15 are in low priority mode by default)
    • SOC 0-3 are triggered by EPWM0SOCA signal.
    • Conversion sequence : SOC 0 --> SOC 1 --> SOC 2 --> SOC 3
  • ADC4 (reset and done through the code for reference. Can also be set from syscfg)
    • SOC 0 are in High Priority (SOC 1-15 are in low priority mode by default)
    • SOC 1,2 are triggered by EPWM0SOCA signal.
    • SOC 0,3 are triggered by EPWM0SOCB signal.
    • Conversion sequence : SOC 1 --> SOC 2 --> SOC 0 --> SOC 3

PPB Configurations :

  • (done through Syscfg for ADC 0-3. done through Code below for ADC 4 for reference)
  • All PPBx in ADCy are configured for respective SOCx for delay in trigger to signal capture.

The example does the below

  • Configures SOC0,1,2 of ADC0, as high priority SOCs, to be triggered by EPWM0.
  • Configures ADC interrupt 0 to be generated at end of conversion of SOC12.
  • ADC0 Interrupt ISR is used to read results of ADC0 from SOC0,SOC1 and average of SOC12 through SOC15.

Watch Variables

  • The watch variables gAdc0PpbDelay, gAdc1PpbDelay, gAdc2PpbDelay, gAdc3PpbDelay, gAdc4PpbDelay, gAdc4PpbDelay_case2 storing ADC conversion delays can be used to view the respective delays for the SOCs configured.

External Connections

  • For this example demonstration, SOCs in respective ADCs are configured for Channel 0 (arbitrarily, any channel can be selected).

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am263x-cc, am263x-lp
Example folder examples/drivers/adc/adc_high_priority_soc/

Steps to Run the Example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)
  • (optional) Establish connections as mentioned in External Connections section.
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run
  • Using the watch variables, view the ADC conversion results.
  • View the ADC conversion results in UART console logs

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

ADC High Priority SOC Test Started ...
ADC0: All SOC in round robin. All SOC triggered by EPWM0SOCA
Expected: delay(SOC0)<delay(SOC1)<delay(SOC2)<delay(SOC3)
delay(SOC0) delay(SOC1) delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)
2 59 116 173
2 59 116 173
ADC1: All SOC in round robin. SOC1,2 triggered by EPWM0SOCA.SOC0,3 triggered by EPWM0SOCB
Expected: delay(SOC1)<delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)<delay(SOC0)
delay(SOC0) delay(SOC1) delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)
59 2 59 2
59 2 59 2
ADC2: All SOC in high Priority. All SOC triggered by EPWM0SOCA
Expected: delay(SOC0)<delay(SOC1)<delay(SOC2)<delay(SOC3)
delay(SOC0) delay(SOC1) delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)
2 59 116 173
2 59 116 173
ADC3: All SOC in High Priority. SOC1,2 triggered by EPWM0SOCA.SOC0,3 triggered by EPWM0SOCB
Expected: delay(SOC1)<delay(SOC2) delay(SOC0)<delay(SOC3)
delay(SOC0) delay(SOC1) delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)
2 2 59 59
2 2 59 59
ADC4: SOC0 in high Priority. All SOC triggered by EPWM0SOCA
Expected: delay(SOC0)<delay(SOC1)<delay(SOC2)<delay(SOC3)
delay(SOC0) delay(SOC1) delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)
2 59 116 173
2 59 116 173
ADC4: SOC0 in round robin. SOC1,2 triggered by EPWM0SOCA.SOC0,3 triggered by EPWM0SOCB
Expected: delay(SOC0) should be between 0-1 conversions
delay(SOC1) : 0 conversions, SOC2 : 2 Conversions, SOC3: 2 conversions
delay(SOC0) delay(SOC1) delay(SOC2) delay(SOC3)
2 2 59 59
2 2 59 59
ADC High Priority Test Passed!!
All tests have passed!!